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Charlotte Mastered [Internet Bonds Series Book 3]

Page 15

by Christy Poff

  * * * *

  Simon's drive to see Charlotte pushed him to want to get out of ICU and to his wife. Hours apart seemed like an eternity to him. He needed her in every imaginable way, and refused to let something like surgery keep him from her any longer than necessary.

  Twelve hours later, a team wheeled him from ICU into a private suite. He looked to his side while his IV's and monitors were moved, seeing enough room for a second bed.

  "Please, can you bring my wife in here with me? I need to see her."

  "I'm not sure what the doctor wants to do. It's up to him."

  Simon clenched his fist, his need overwhelming him. He tried to take some deep, calming breaths but it hurt from the surgery. He pushed anyway to try to help his body slow down and regain its normalcy. Who am I trying to kid? I need her...

  "Do you know where she is?"

  "No, sir, but I can check for you."

  "Thanks,” he said, then apologized for the way he acted.

  "It's all right, Mr. Anderson. You two have a unique love for each other, one that I don't see too often anymore."

  "She's my life,” he said simply.

  "I'll go find out.” The nurse finished notating his chart, then left the suite. Simon lay back and tried to relax but found he hated being alone. Since she had come into his life, he couldn't remember what solitude felt like, though most of his life had been alone by choice. Charlotte had given him something he hadn't believed existed for him. She gave his life meaning when she gave him her ultimate gift.

  The day she gave him complete, unquestioned trust to dominate her life had been the day she became his Dominant. Though she looked to him to tell her what to do, she made him her slave, because to control her was also an order to obey her every wish. Complicated, he and Charlotte understood their relationship completely and refused to explain it to anyone.

  He closed his eyes and saw her in various places, various positions, and doing the one thing she loved to do the most and did the best. Simon pictured her sucking his cock and taking him. The mere image in his mind caused his cock to swell, begging for her lips and tongue to release his life into her mouth. At least Grimes hadn't destroyed that...

  The door opened and he moved his leg to hide his erection. He didn't need any of the staff discussing it. Moving felt better anyway.

  "Mr. Anderson, your wife has been taken to obstetrics to check on her pregnancy."

  "Thank you,” he said, tension taking over. Please, God, take care of the baby.

  Simon had a damned good idea of what her reaction would be if she learned their baby hadn't survived. He needed to be there for her to comfort her and reassure her.

  Time dragged on, Simon's torment with it.

  * * * *

  Trevor got word about Simon's condition. As soon as they put him into the V.I.P. suite, Trevor ran upstairs to see him. Blair had already gone to see Charlotte and went with her to obstetrics to check on the baby. The elevator took too long, so Trevor took the stairs, two at a time.

  When he got to the room, a nurse was closing the door and returning to the desk.

  "Can I see him yet?"

  "And you are?” she asked.

  "Trevor Hammond, his brother-in-law."

  "Sure, go ahead. I'm warning you, he's fidgety. That wife of his must be something."

  "She is. Trust me."

  Trevor thanked her, then went to the door and knocked.


  "You want a visitor?"

  "Trev, come on in."

  Trevor went in and shook Simon's hand when he got to the side of the bed. Simon looked better than he imagined—a huge relief.

  "How do you feel?"

  "Right now, okay, but I want my wife. They don't tell you much in this place."

  "Charlotte is being checked out to see how the baby is. Blair went with her."

  "Blair's here? By the way, where is here?"

  "You're at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. They flew you both here and got you into Shock Trauma. From what I understand, it's Maryland State Police SOP."

  "Interesting. Tell me what happened."

  "Near as we can tell, Grimes shot you and you fell in front of Charlotte. He shot her in the shoulder next and she fell over you. Thank God you had cut the one set of ropes, or she would have been dead for sure. Grimes yanked her out of the way, shot you again, then evidently threw her back on top of you, or else he dropped her when he got shot in the back by SWAT."


  "Dead the second he hit the floor. A lot of cases closed with his death."

  "I feel sorry for Barb."

  "I do and I don't. Her reaction was not that of the grieving widow. They say she cursed him while relief took over."

  "He had to be hell to live with."

  "I wonder why she stayed with him for so long."

  "He gave her everything a woman in her position would or could ask for. Only towards the end did he start to not care what she thought. He evidently didn't need her for an alibi anymore either."

  "The man needed help. We've been going back through some unsolved murders with his M.O. and it turns out he killed women in his home state, and wherever the convention went. He had been at this for at least twenty years that we know of."

  "How the hell did he get away with it for so damned long?"

  "Payoffs. Working for this man could end up putting a man in prison for life."

  "And what about them?"

  "The Justice Department is going to go over everything with all the cases and more than likely, with the new information and proof, a few guys will be out in the next few weeks."

  "They'll be bitter as hell."

  "I've already heard rumors they'll be taken care of. At least, most of them."

  "What do you mean?"

  "One or two of them got into his sessions with him and are more than likely guilty as charged and convicted."

  "Augie was into threesomes?"

  "Any way he could get it."

  Simon laughed. This news made him feel better about throwing him from the club in the first place, though the thought of it left a sour taste in his mouth.

  "Anyway, he's done and I have you to thank for it."


  "Yep, if it hadn't been for the meticulous records you keep at The President's Pub, he might still be out there and Charlotte might be..."

  "Don't even say it. I don't want to think about how I would have gotten her back."

  Trevor agreed and started to say something, when they heard a commotion in the hallway. They looked at each other and Simon smiled, his face lighting up.

  "I don't care what you have to say to this, I want to see him."


  "Sweetheart, you do your job, I'll do mine and take care of my husband."

  Simon and Trevor laughed because they knew exactly to whom she spoke. If the volunteer made it to nursing school in one piece, it would be great, though Trevor had his doubts.

  The door opened and Charlotte burst in. Her arm in a sling, she ran to him and grabbed his hand. Her face lit up at the sight of him, her love obvious.

  Trevor gave her a kiss and told them he'd see them later, then went out to meet his wife. He took her in his arms and held her.

  "I love you,” he said.

  "Let's go get a room."

  * * * *

  Charlotte, with Blair's support, went to find out about the baby. Glad to have her sister-in-law with her, it helped to have someone close in case the news was bad. The doctors did several tests, all coming back with the same answer. The baby hadn't been affected by the abduction. She hadn't lost it.

  "Will the baby be born with problems?” she asked.

  "At this point, it's too soon to tell but it doesn't look like it. The position you were held in actually helped protect your stomach. Were you drugged?"

  "I think so, but I'm not sure."

  "I have one more test I want to do and then you're on your way."

  Minutes later, Char
lotte and Blair listened to the strong heartbeat of the Andersons’ baby. Charlotte cried with relief as Blair squeezed her hand.

  "Congratulations, honey,” Blair said.

  Relieved, all Charlotte could do was cry tears of joy.

  Once Charlotte dressed, she found out her husband's room number and took off.

  "Mrs. Anderson, the..."

  "Take it to the V.I.P. suite,” Blair instructed. “Right now, she's got too much joy in her heart to be held in a chair."

  * * * *

  Charlotte virtually burst from the elevator. She went straight for the nurse's desk requesting to see her husband. The poor volunteer at the desk stammered under Charlotte's gaze as she checked the charts.

  "Ma'am, who are you? You can't go in there?"

  "I don't care what you have to say to this, I want to see him."


  "Sweetheart, you do your job, I'll do mine and take care of my husband."

  Ignoring the fact of the sling supporting her arm, Charlotte pushed open the door and went into her husband's room. She saw Trevor as she made her way straight to her husband's side. Taking Simon's hand in hers, her eyes sparkled with relief and joy. Simon gazed at her, his eyes speaking volumes.

  "I'll see you two later. Behave,” Trevor said with a laugh.

  "Never!” they said together.

  Trevor left and closed the door behind him. Charlotte went to the door and quietly locked it, then returned to his side.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Better now you're here with me. How about you? Did he hurt you?"

  "I'm fine and so is the baby. I just came from every test imaginable. I heard the little one's heart beat."

  "You did?” Simon asked, astonished.

  "Yes, it's strong like yours."

  Simon put his hand behind her neck and pulled her into a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss, neither wanted to break their contact. She drew back to gaze at him.

  "I knew you would come for me."

  "I had to. I can't live without you. These last several hours have been sheer hell."

  "How can I ease my master's pain?"

  "Ah, my lovely slave, I think you already know."

  "Yes, master,” she said, smiling as her good hand removed the covers and hospital gown in order to release his swollen cock for her attention. She moved to take the sling off but he stopped her. He took her free hand and held it. Charlotte understood his silent commands and licked the drop from his slit.

  Her tongue's easy touch on his slit caused his cock to swell more. She buried him deep into her mouth and began to take control of him. The taste of him in her mouth excited her more and she worked faster. His hand cupped her breast and squeezed it through the light robe she wore before making its way inside to where it waited for him, naked and perfect.

  "Take me, Charlotte, I need you to..."

  His low groan as he tried to hold his reaction caused her to smile and work on him harder. His hand went to the back of her head as he pressed her against him for the release waiting for her.

  "Are you wet, my Charlotte?” he asked. She nodded profusely as she sucked more. She wanted everything he had to give her, nothing less.

  His hand slipped under the robe and between her legs. He groaned as he felt her reaction. His fingers pressed against her clit and she whimpered, her need evident. He thrust two fingers within her wet, tight pussy and moved in and out of her.

  "Drown me, Charlotte, while you make me come. Take what my cock has to give you, woman."

  She nodded as she obeyed her master. The more he thrust into her, the more she tried to part her legs to give him more access to her hot pussy. She took his release as he exploded into her mouth, the heat warming her. She sucked him harder as they worked towards another climatic explosion.

  "Please, master, what can I do for you?"

  "You are doing it, my sweet, sweet Charlotte."

  Charlotte smiled as she moved to kiss him. Their tongues met, their kiss hot and feverish as he brought her to the edge again.

  "Please, master, may I..."

  "Yes, Charlotte, you may come and drown my hand again. I love you, mistress."

  As she screamed, his mouth covered hers and he drank her emotions as she shook, her body out-of-control and totally giving to him. She gasped as her hand grasped his hospital gown and clenched tight.


  "I know ... I know..."

  Chapter 11

  At eight and a half months pregnant, Charlotte Anderson had a beauty about her Simon found hard to describe. Her belly perfectly round, her breasts full—she had a radiance to her that Simon couldn't get enough of.

  She came into the bedroom naked and went to the window, where she stood in the warm sunlight. Her hair tumbled down her back as she stretched. When she relaxed, her hand went to her belly and she stood gently rubbing it, calming their active child.

  "Charlotte, are you all right?"

  "Never better, Simon,” she replied. She held her hand out to him and he joined her.

  Since her abduction, they hadn't spent much time at home in Washington. Once Frazier released them from the hospital, Simon took her to a mountain retreat he bought in Maine near Acadia National Park. The owner had been approached by developers and didn't want to see new homes built on land he felt should remain untouched. Simon heard of the deal at the club and checked into it.

  He surprised her with the deed to several thousand acres in her name. They sought refuge there for the next several months until Charlotte began to grow and her doctor wanted to see her more often.

  "I keep thinking of you in the early morning up in the mountains. Your beauty brightens anywhere you are."

  "It's only because of my master."

  "But for me to have the pleasure and privilege of basking in your naked body twenty-four/seven, I couldn't ask for anything more."

  "I love the freedom of it. When you want me, you don't have any impediments like I do, but then again, I love stripping you out of your designer clothes."

  "Then strip away, mistress."

  "Yes, master,” she enthused as she undid the belt and slowly slid the zipper to his Prada trousers down. She let them drop and groaned at the black silk boxers he wore and the sight of his cock straining against the thin fabric. She began to unbutton his shirt, a slow, torturous seduction.

  "Rip it, Charlotte."

  She grinned as she obeyed him. Buttons flew as she ripped it from him and dropped the shirt at his feet. She followed the shirt but he stopped her, indicating the bed.

  "My wife will take me in comfort."

  "But how can I please my husband if I'm lying on the bed?"

  "You'll see."

  Simon led her to the bed and motioned for her to get on her hands and knees in the center of the huge mattress. He had it specially designed for their romps and Charlotte loved it. He joined her after he removed the boxers, his cock begging for her.

  "Take me, slave,” he commanded.

  "Yes, master,” she said as she hungrily took his cock in her mouth and went down on him after she teased the tip of it with her tongue.

  "Put your hands on my hips so I can see those tits of yours."

  Knowing he could see her in strategically placed mirrors, she did so without question and as she worked to take him, her breasts moved for him. He reached down and held them, teasing her hardened nipples. Between the pregnancy and the piercings, which she refused to remove until the last moment, her nipples enjoyed constant arousal.

  "Please, master, may I..."

  "Not yet, slave. I want to enjoy this a little longer,” he said as he played with her. He felt his explosion building and placed his hand on the back of her head while his other went to her pussy and rubbed her come from her clit to her anus. He knew she held it for him and he wanted her to do so for as long as she could.

  His instincts right, he felt her dig her nails into his hips as she fought to control her body. He filled her with a blast rocking b
oth of them. She cried out as the heat of his essence threatened to overwhelm her. She drew back long enough to take a breath and continue taking his seed. Once she had, she licked his cock and looked at him.

  "My master is..."

  "Yes, Charlotte, and I want you to do it again."

  She smiled as she took his swollen cock and sucked him once more. Her hand went to his balls surprising him. Furiously, she worked to please him.

  "Charlotte, harder,” he commanded as he pressed her head to him, his cock deep in her throat. Need took over as the realization she might not be able to do this for a while overwhelmed him. “Harder!"

  "Yes ... yes ... may I..."

  "I will tell you when."

  "Yes, master."

  As she sucked him, his need and desire took over. He eased her to the side, then onto her back as she continued taking him. His hand held her ass as he sunk three fingers into her welcoming pussy.

  "That's it, Charlotte. Harder, slave."

  "Please, I..."

  Simon felt his imminent release building. As she drew him to the edge, his tongue went to her pussy, lapping at her.

  "Come for me, Charlotte. I want to drown in you."

  Charlotte came as he exploded into her mouth and filled her once again. His hips bucked as he did, while he tongue-fucked his wife. The heat of her core threatened to ignite more fire within it. He needed her and at this moment, couldn't get enough of her. His cock fucking her glorious mouth, her hot breath on his shaft as her lips surrounded him drove him crazy with desire, Simon was hungry for more.

  "Simon, please, I want to be screwed three times at once—at least once more before we have the baby."

  "Are you sure?"

  "I'm begging my master to fuck me in my mouth, my pussy, and my ass. I need you, Simon."

  "How can I refuse you?"

  He slid over the satin sheets to the nightstand where he kept Charlotte's favorite toys. He pulled out her anal plug and a new one he had designed for her. She looked at him with a puzzled look.

  "This will fuck your glorious mouth while my cock sinks deep in your pussy. It will fill you, slave, so your wishes are fulfilled."

  "And how will it accomplish that?"

  "You'll find out."

  Simon inserted the anal plug and started the pulsating she longed for. As he increased the vibrations, she moaned. Next, he drove his cock deep into her, and she screamed his name, the sensation taking her to the edge, and he had yet to stroke her needy core.


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