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Full Figured 9

Page 17

by Carl Weber

  “Here comes her husband right now! You can tell him the update on my daughter.” Mrs. Lewis raised her arm, bringing the doctor’s attention to an oncoming Vance. “He will want you to explain it to him just as you did to me.”

  After hearing that, in most cases, a lot of coma-induced patients open their eyes from time to time, there was a major setback in the joy Vance had been feeling since his mother-in-law gave him the update. The only good thing he felt they’d told him was that there was indeed some activity going on in her brain. Tori had several small blood clots the doctors were extremely concerned about, but they assured Vance at this point they were stable. They told Vance, his mother-in-law, and a secretly elated Tami that even though Tori was moving definitely in the right direction, she was not out of the woods.

  Vance felt defeated and it showed. Still showing signs of the various medications in his blood system, he slumped over toward the side of his wheelchair. Being comforted by Mrs. Lewis, he wanted to cry. Making his way to his wife’s bedside, he reached over, touching her hand. Although the hospital climate was not cold, her tiny hand felt cool to the touch, reminding him of the way his deceased mother’s hand felt over ten years ago. Vance finally broke all the way down.

  Alarmed by the loud sounds of his sobs, Mrs. Lewis rushed to his side, wrapping her arms around him. Tami, on the other hand, was disgusted.

  After what we did last night and every other damn night, he in there crying his head off like a damn fool! I swear I wish this little bitch would just die already and get the fuck out of our way! I hate feeling like I wanna slap the hell outta Vance’s dumb ass! I swear I do. Listen to this fool in there acting like Tori the last woman on earth, and my mother fake ass in there facilitating that bullshit. She don’t never put her arms around me when that rotten-ass husband of hers gets to going on me! After all these years, she still just acts like she’s so scared of him leaving her.

  Not in the mood to be a part of her mother and Vance’s pity party, Tami walked away from the doorway of her sister’s room. Caught up in her own selfish emotions, she was staring straight ahead. Making it only a few yards down, she was shaken out of her heated trance by the piercing sounds and alerts being announced over the intercom system. With all the available doctors and nurses rushing to lend assistance to the emergency at hand, it seemed like chaos.

  Tami wanted to feel sorry for whoever was in room 219 who was in such dire straits, but her own problems trumped that waste of concern for a stranger. Instead, she saw an opportunity to take advantage of the pandemonium. Taking notice that a nurse had temporarily left the medicine cart unattended, Tami seized the moment to empty as many of the three, four, five, and in some cases six different-colored pills from the small white paper cups as she could into her purse. Satisfied she’d stolen what she’d need to get Vance back all the way ripe for her sexual desires, she pushed the elevator button.

  Fuck my damn fake mother not giving a shit about me, Vance’s pussy-whipped dumb self, and Tori’s half-dead ass. I’m going to get me something to eat, count these pills up I just got, and let them all three do what they do!

  The ride home was more silent than coming. Vance was still teary-eyed after crying at Tori’s bedside all afternoon. Hoping to get better news, he was obviously hurt. He’d barely eaten breakfast, not had lunch, and was running out of gas. Still having to take his prescribed meds, Vance was feeling the true side effects, and needless to say it was nothing nice. Leaning his head over on the car window, he didn’t mutter a single solitary word the entire ride.

  Tami was still pissed, having seen him behave the way he did about his wife, her sister. She knew in the back of her mind that was a normal reaction that most men would have after hearing bad news about their spouse, but so what? She didn’t want to have a ringside seat to what she felt was the ultimate betrayal to the seemingly mutual sexual encounter they’d had the night before.

  But, no, she was somewhat thankful. Vance’s action earlier was her third wake-up call. First there was the doctor informing Vance that his leg was healing faster than expected. Then Vance was making constant comments about wanting to leave her parents’ house and return to his own condo; and now this bullshit, lastly, the display of weakness he’d just shown at the hospital for a female Tami knew was not worthy of his devotion. No, she knew what she had to do. She had a plan the night before, but Vance doing what he’d done threw her off. Tonight Tami swore to herself she’d be more focused. Tonight she’d win.


  Tami helped Vance out of the car and into the house. After getting him situated in the den, she went upstairs to gather her thoughts. Lying down across the bed, before she knew it, she fell asleep and started to dream.

  “Okay, birthday girl, please go upstairs and tell your little sister that dinner is ready,” Mrs. Lewis said while removing the last piece of chicken from the fiery hot grease. “Your father will be home soon, so we can eat then cut the cake he’s bringing you.”

  Tami turned up her nose. “You mean Tori’s father, don’t you?”

  “Listen, baby, please don’t start that again; especially today of all days. You need to enjoy your birthday and not act so mean-spirited all the time.”

  “Mommy, you know he doesn’t like me, and sometimes you act like you don’t either.” Tami pouted, feeling as if every word she spoke was gospel.

  “Baby doll, don’t say that.” Mrs. Lewis turned to face her eldest. Wiping her hands on her apron, she reassured Tami that she was indeed loved by not only her, but Tori and her husband as well. “We all love you. We’re a family. That’s why Mommy cooked you this good birthday meal.”

  “Then why does Daddy treat me so mean? It’s not fair. I always get in trouble even when it’s Tori’s fault.” Tami’s pudgy face was full of resentment as her empty stomach growled.

  Having answered enough questions, Mrs. Lewis finally commanded an inquisitive Tami to go and do as she was told. Once upstairs, Tami looked in her little sister’s room, but she was nowhere to be found. Knowing Tori would sometimes go into her bedroom and mess with her toys and stuffed animals, Tami rolled her eyes as she marched down the hallway. Poking her head inside the room in hopes of catching her sibling in the act, Tami once again came up empty. Tori was not in there either. Frustrated, she started calling out her sister’s name. Tami hated that she was such a busy body and prayed she’d hadn’t gotten into anything.

  Finally hearing noise coming from their parents’ room, Tami hoped for the best but prepared herself for the worst. Of course, with her luck, Tami found Tori sitting at the small desk in the corner of the room. With an ink pen in hand, Tori was creating one of her refrigerator -ready masterpieces. Using her father’s important papers as her canvas, she happily drew away.

  Tami was speechless. Grabbing the pen out of her hand, she tossed it to the side. Staring first at the documents that were ruined then at Tori’s face that had just as much ink on it as did the papers, Tami frowned.

  “Hurry up and come downstairs. Your father is pulling up in the driveway.”

  Hearing her mother’s voice even mention her stepfather caused Tami to panic. She knew he would be mad, but hopefully this time it’d be at his beloved Tori, who’d created such a mess and destroyed his work. Taking her little sister by the hand, Tami led her down the hallway. Reaching the top of the stairs, Tami heard the front door close. Seconds later, her mother was fussing about the cake being chocolate instead of yellow, which was Tami’s favorite as requested.

  “What damn difference does it make if it was every flavor in the world? You know like I know Tami will eat everything you put in front of her and anything she can put her hands on.”

  By the time the sisters got to the bottom step, Tami was damn near in tears having to yet again listen to her stepfather talk about her so cruelly, especially today of all days.

  “Mommy.” Tami led Tori into the kitchen where their parents were standing, still arguing. “You need to clean Tori’s face and ha
nds with something.”

  Immediately what should’ve been an evening filled with cake, ice cream, presents, and songs of “Happy Birthday” turned into another evening of verbal and mental abuse at the hands of both parents. Not only was Tami completely blamed for not watching her little sister, but she was sent upstairs to her room having none of the special dinner her mother had prepared in her honor. To add further insult, she didn’t even get a chance to see the cake, wrong flavor or not.

  Balled up in the bed, Tami sobbed, still overhearing her stepfather rage about how fat and lazy she was. Tori, who kickstarted all the chaos in the first place, not only got to eat Tami’s favorite chicken wings, but she got to cut her older sister’s birthday cake as well.

  Standing in the doorway of her sister’s bedroom, Tori repeatedly chanted what her father had just stated: “Fat girls like Tami don’t need cake anyway!”

  “Tami, please wake up.” Mrs. Lewis knocked at the closed door. “I forgot to stop by the store after I left the hospital. Your father will be home later this evening and there is none of his favorite soda left, so I need you to run and get him some. You know how he gets without his cola.”

  Tami was glad to be back to reality and out of the nightmare of her childhood. Over the years, things hadn’t changed much in the way her family treated her, but she found small ways to get revenge. Sure, she’d get out of her bed to go get soda for her disrespectful stepdad, but Tami would make sure to shake up each and every bottle so it’d explode.

  Fuck him. Tami thought about her dream as she left out the front door, jumping in her car. Him and Tori both.


  Tami’s stepfather had returned from his trip. He and his wife wasted no time going to be by Tori’s bedside. Mr. Lewis knew everything the doctors had said as far as his daughter’s condition. Even though some of it seemed somber, he never would give up hope that his little princess would somehow pull through.

  With them gone, Tami finally found the inner courage to go in the den and ask Vance what he wanted her to prepare for dinner. Without lifting his head, he replied that he was not hungry and wanted to just skip eating anything for the evening. Knowing that would not be a good idea, especially for what she had planned, Tami advised him differently.

  “Look, Vance, I know you don’t like what you heard today, but you have to eat to keep your strength up.”

  “Yeah, I know, but I just ain’t feeling any food right about now.” Vance glanced over at Tami, barely acknowledging her existence.

  “Well, I’m going to fix something anyway. You can’t take your medicine on an empty stomach.”

  Thirty minutes later, Tami brought the food tray into the dark den. Flipping on the light switch, she coaxed Vance to get up and try not to be so depressed. Adjusting the pillows behind his back, she assisted him in sitting upright. Placing the tray in front of him, Tami clicked on the television to try to take his mind off Tori. Still having said nothing about what had taken place the night before between them, Tami could only believe Vance had indeed been out of it, eyes wide open and all.

  Knowing that if all went as planned the two of them would go even further, the deranged, focused female left the room. Standing outside the doorway, she smiled, knowing her naïve brother-in-law was only a few short yards away, consuming a few of the pills she’d stolen off the nurse’s cart earlier.

  After doing a Google pill search, Tami happily discovered several of the tablets would cause extreme dizziness and hallucinations if not taken in proper intervals. It was also advised that they should not be consumed in conjunction with other medications without a doctor’s advice.

  Hearing the fork scrape the plate and the sound of the glass of juice being drunk, Tami grew more elated. She’d play Candy Crush another thirty or so minutes before going back into the den to hopefully gloat at her accomplishment of slowly poisoning her sister’s husband. Tami was doing the devil’s work and couldn’t care less as long as she got what she wanted, which was Vance.

  Submerging her thick body in the hot water, Tami welcomed the comforting warmth the tub was providing. Laying her head back, she immediately got caught up in thoughts of what her life would and could be like as soon as Tori was dead and Vance was all hers. Her life would be perfect. She could move out of her parents’ house and finally tell her cruel stepfather to kiss her ass in three places.

  Allowing her arms to relax down at her sides, a constantly conniving Tami made her fingertips move, causing small ripples in the water to shift the multitudes of bubbles. Her parents and Vance may have taken what the doctors said as a small setback in Tori’s recovery, but not Tami. She gladly accepted the update as what it was: a true gift and blessing.

  Tami had been teased her entire life for being overweight, especially by her bony sister, but like the saying goes, God don’t like ugly. Tori was the ugliest pretty girl Tami knew. However, tonight would be revenge for all the teasing and constant ridicule about her being fat. Feeling smug, Tami enjoyed the rest of her bath knowing what the rest of the evening held.

  “I gotta stop taking all these damn pills,” Vance angrily mumbled as he raised the glass of juice to his lips. “I know I’m in pain and all, but it’s like I’m addicted to these bad boys or something. I feel like I’m straight turning into some sort of back alley junkie needing a fix. What I might need to do is get out this den and maybe back to my condo. Besides, I’m thinking things about Tami’s big ass that ain’t even funny or natural anymore to be thinking about your sister-in-law. I need to hurry up and call my boy Courtney and see what the hell he thinks.” Rubbing at the cast on his leg, he found some peace knowing that the doctor said the breaks in his bones were healing nicely and they might be able to make the white plaster tomb much smaller. If that was to happen, Vance knew that no matter if Courtney or anyone else advised against it, when it came down to it, he was going home.


  It was well after midnight and the entire Lewis household was asleep, except for Tami. Having bouts of insomnia and late-night binge eating since she was a young teenager, she reached over to her nightstand. Opening the lower drawer, she pulled out a small package of cookies and a honey bun. After devouring them, Tami got out of bed and went to the closet. Pulling down a shoebox off the top shelf, she walked it back over to her bed. Climbing back underneath the thin blanket, hell bent on satisfying the hungry monster that lived within, Tami eagerly removed the top. Excitedly she searched through the huge amount of candy that filled the box to the rim. Empty wrappers were discarded to the floor no sooner than she ripped them off the sugary treats.

  After some time, Tami finally had her need under control. Making her feel as if she were drunk, high, and hyped all at the same time, the sugar rush had her gone. It had her geeked to go downstairs and get it going with her man.

  He knows he wants all this right here.

  Tami stood at the door to the den, caressing her own breast. Licking her lips, she knew that she was seconds away from giving Vance the ultimate thrill of a lifetime. He would know what it felt like to have his manhood buried in her inners until he busted a nut. She’d ridden him the best she could considering the small twin-sized hospital bed and the size of their bodies, but this was going to be different. Tami had her mind made up that no matter what she was going to go all out. She was going to feel his hot sperm shoot up in her pussy even if he woke up out of his drugged trance and tried to protest. The awful sister had put in a lot of work trying to get Tori’s husband to love her like she loved him.

  Reaching her hand downward, Tami slowly turned the knob. Not caring if Vance was all the way asleep or not, she came inside the den, shutting the door behind her. As usual his back was to her. Taking a deep breath, she eased by the coffee table, going to the other side of the room. Now standing directly in front of a shirtless Vance, she heard the light sounds of him breathing. Baffled as to why he wasn’t snoring loud like he normally did, Tami waved her hand across his face. After double ch
ecking, she realized he was asleep.

  Dropping her white fluffy robe to the floor, she stood stark naked. Anxious to get what she came for, Tami placed one hand on Vance’s shoulder and the other on his hip. Using a small amount of strength, she pushed him all the way over on his back. Marveling at his muscles, she traced the outline with her fingers. Vance still had yet to wake up. Tami was elated knowing the combination of pills she’d crushed up in his food was working.

  Lifting one leg up, she placed her knee on the side of the mattress. Pressing the palm of her hand on the wall, the plus-size vixen raised the other leg, straddling Vance’s body. With barely enough room in the hospital-rented bed for him, Tami adjusted both knees the best she could.

  Leaning forward, she kissed him on his neck. The taste of his skin was always like vanilla ice cream. Licking it like a cone with double scoops, Tami used one hand to reach down in between his legs. Grabbing a hold of his fast-hardening manhood, she stroked it up and down, first fast then slow. Vance moaned out Tori’s name, throwing Tami off. Initially she got infuriated, but that still didn’t stop her from rocking her wide hips after sticking his pole inside of her. The more she slowly grinded, the more Vance called out his wife’s name.

  Before Tami knew what was happening, her brother-in-law had both his hands tightly gripping each butt cheek. As he applied pressure, Tami felt his pelvis rise, matching her movement for movement. Bringing her lips down to his, she became lost in emotion as Vance’s tongue darted in and out of his mouth and into hers. Tami welcomed every touch as did he. She wanted to scream out his name but didn’t want to risk waking her parents or startling Vance out of the zone he was so deep in.


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