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Full Figured 9

Page 18

by Carl Weber

  Before she knew it, Tami felt like he’d used every bit of strength he had within to jerk her body forward and whisper his wife’s name in her ear once more. The force of the rough series of movements made her explode and climax, as well as Vance. Tori’s older sister could feel the warm stream of nut shoot up in her.

  Now out of breath, Tami didn’t say a word. Vance let go of her hips and exhaled. Climbing off of him, Tami reached down, picking up her robe. Tiptoeing back to the other side of the den, the morally corrupt female left out the door just as quietly as she’d entered, acting as if she’d done no wrong.


  Morning came and as always after you do dirt, you have to take the walk of shame. Tami, although deliberate in everything she’d initiated and participated in the night before, was no great exception to the rule. She was more than happy to jump Vance’s bones, but to come face to face with him was an altogether different thing. Climbing out of the bed, she threw on her robe and took a deep breath. Thinking she was hearing voices coming from downstairs, she knew it would only be a matter of time before the entire house was up and moving about. No sooner than Tami opened her bedroom door to attempt to go to the bathroom, she was strangely met by Courtney, Vance’s frat brother, coming out.

  “Hey, girl, good morning,” he spoke in his deep tone, trying to be extra seductive.

  “Oh my God, Courtney? What in the hell?” She was bewildered by him being the first person she saw at this time of the day. She thought maybe she was dreaming or seeing things. Wiping the sleep out of the corners of each eye, she looked toward the hall window, seeing if the sun was even fully up yet. “What are you doing here? And damn, what time is it?”

  Courtney smiled, hoping to get a small glimpse of what she was working with underneath her robe. “It’s time to give a brother a chance to take you out. You down with that or what? I got an extra pair of handcuffs out in my car. I mean, if you down for that type of freaky behavior.”

  “Oh my God, give that shit a rest already,” she protested, trying to hold her pee. “You doing too much for me. Now, like I just asked, why are you here so damn early? What’s going on? And where’s Vance?”

  Courtney sensed Tami was still not in the mood to entertain going out with him, so he let it go for the time being. He always thought she was cute, but slowly sweating her was playing itself out quick. “Look, girl, I’m just here to pick up my boy and his stuff. Ain’t nobody trying to marry your pretty self. I was just trying to go out and have a few laughs.”

  “Pick your boy up?” Tami was confused, still holding her urine. “What you mean pick him up? I’m confused.”

  “Yeah, I guess he’s on some old grownup bullshit thinking he can take care of himself. He texted me this morning saying he needed a ride out to his condo, so here the hell I am. I don’t know how he gonna get around way out there, but so be it. His wish is my command.”

  Tami couldn’t take it anymore. She was two seconds away from urinating on herself. Wasting no more time, she darted into the bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, she grew more confused over what Courtney had just said.

  What the heck is really going on? Vance is leaving? Naw, it must be a mistake. He can’t take care of himself. He needs me. I hope it’s not because of what we did last night. I mean, he acted like he was with it. Oh my God, I can’t believe he’s leaving. Just like that.

  Barely wiping herself, Tami forgot to even flush the toilet before running back out into the hallway that was now luckily empty. Going to the edge of the stairs, she stood there motionless. Eavesdropping on what was being said, she hung on every single word. Her mother, of course, was totally against her new son-in-law leaving the convenience of being in the household. Telling him that Tori would want him to stay as long as he was still healing, she meant it. Mrs. Lewis also expressed how much comfort it brought to her as well to have him so close. Vance was humble, just saying he didn’t want to overstay his welcome.

  Mr. Lewis made his opinion known as well, explaining that he wanted him to stay, especially since he was spending so much time traveling lately, but he definitely understood a man wanting to have his privacy and be the king of his own castle.

  “Son, I want you to know that this is always your home. You’re always welcome here at any time. And if you get out there and change your mind, you just give me a call and I’ll come and pick you up personally. The day you married my princess was the day you became a real man in my eyes. We family.”

  As Courtney returned from taking the last duffle bag of Vance’s belongings out to his car, Mrs. Lewis yelled up the stairs to her eldest daughter. “Tami, come down here!”

  Acting as if she hadn’t heard her, Tami leaned back into the shadows. Almost stumbling into a small bookshelf, she caught her balance. Hitting her small toe, Tami kept her composure and sucked it up. She didn’t yell or make a sound. She didn’t want to be discovered lurking around like she had something to hide. After her mother called her name once more, Tami knew she had to answer before her mom, her stepfather, or, worse than that, Courtney came up the stairs to see where she was.

  “Yes, Mom, I heard you. I was in the bathroom,” Tami lied, yelling back down. “What is it?”

  “Well, come down here and bring Vance’s house keys and say good-bye.”

  “Huh? Oh, okay then, give me a minute. I have to get dressed.”

  “You don’t have to get dressed to give this man his keys and say good-bye. Now, come on down, silly. Vance is family. He doesn’t care what you look like.”

  Returning to her bedroom, Tami was panicked. The room felt like it was spinning. Her heart started to race. She couldn’t believe he was leaving. They’d just had such great sex; now he was out, just like that. No warning or anything.

  Racking her brain, she couldn’t remember exactly how she’d left the condo when last out there. Did she leave the bed unmade? Did she leave some opened mail on the table after reading it? Was a pair of Vance’s boxers she was smelling still near the bathtub? How would she keep him overmedicated and keep having her way with him? Tami’s mind was in a tailspin. She had to think quickly. She had to find a way to stall.

  “Tami, please hurry up with those keys. Vance has to stop by the hospital first and talk to some of Tori’s doctors about some possible new treatments.” Mrs. Lewis’s voice seemed to get louder and more serious, especially when her youngest child was involved.

  Yes, that’s it!

  “Mom, I can’t find where I put them at right now. It’s been so long since I’ve been out there. Just have Vance go ahead down to the hospital and I will meet him down there with the keys. That way he won’t be held up. Is that okay?”

  “I bet if it was some cookies, candy, or a cheeseburger she’d know where to find them at real quick,” Tami’s stepfather cruelly spoke, trying to be funny; but no one laughed.

  Not even bothering to go down the stairs and say her farewells to their houseguest, Tami rushed to get dressed. There was no time to waste. Things had spiraled out of control fast. She had to drive way out to the condo, clean up any traces of her weird obsession with Vance, and drive back to the hospital before he finished up his meeting.

  Throwing on an old pair of track pants and a soiled T-shirt, she ran out the door. She was on a mission and her not being labeled as crazy and the family whore depended on her completing that mission. Roaring out of the driveway, she prayed every mile of the way.

  Relieved she’d made it out to the condo in record time, Tami stuck the key in the door and went to work. Not expecting Vance or anyone else for that matter to come to the place anytime soon, she grabbed two plastic bags. Stuffing in the bag all of Vance’s T-shirts and underwear she’d been lounging in while she was over there, she ran out to the car, tossing the bag in her trunk. Tami was glad she’d dodged the bullet of him and Courtney coming in to find the inexplicable and out-of-place items. She wiped the sweat from her head.

  Taking all the mail, open or not, she placed it in her pu
rse. Next the out-of-sorts Tami bolted into the bedroom to make up the bed she’d masturbated in and to pick up all of her sister’s lingerie she’d thrown all across the room. After spending a good forty-five minutes or so making sure the condo was in the exact same condition it was in when she’d first entered it to get Vance’s requested items, Tami was ready to say farewell to her private getaway.

  Taking one of Vance’s plain white T-shirts out of the closet, Tami took off the already dirty and now sweaty one she was wearing and threw it in her purse on top of the mail. Pulling his down over her head made her feel like she was wearing his letterman jacket and was still “his girl.”

  After making sure the double lock was on, she jumped back in her vehicle, heading to the hospital. Once again breaking every law in the book, she swerved in and out of traffic, having no regard for the next person driving.

  With the situation at the condo handled, she could think more clearly. Now focused strictly on Vance, maybe she could get some answers from her brother-in-law and unknowing sex buddy about his impromptu departure.


  Driving up to valet, Tami anxiously awaited her turn in line. Tapping her fingers on the steering wheel, she fought like hell not to just jump out of her car where it was and leave it running. If someone stole it, oh well, she’d deal with that later. At least she’d get to Vance quicker.

  Finally next in line, she snatched her purse off the passenger seat and leaped out of the car before coming to a full stop. Practically knocking the attendant over, she ran to the revolving doors, almost getting the handle of her purse caught. Pushing the elevator button repeatedly, paranoid, she believed the gods had been working against her since this morning. Staring up at the small digital red numbers indicating the floor the elevator was on, she grew more impatient.

  When the doors finally opened, Tami rudely didn’t wait for anyone to get off; she just brushed past them, acting as if she were the only human being on earth. Completely self-absorbed in her own problems, she offered no “excuse me’s” or apologies to one person. Right about now, as far as Tami was concerned, no one mattered except for Vance.

  The elevator seemed to stop at every single floor, making her grow even more agitated. When a nurse held the door open for an elderly lady in a wheelchair, Tami wanted to explode, yet she knew she couldn’t.

  Stepping off on Tori’s floor, as fate would have it, she was once again met by Courtney. He was on his way down to the cafeteria to get himself a cup of coffee, because Vance was still in the meeting with several specialists.

  “Hey now, you wanna grab a cup with me or what? No pressure. Just a friendly cup.”

  “Naw, Courtney, I’m good.” She was strangely civil with the man she deemed as a pest. “I have some unfinished business to handle.”

  “All right then.” He smiled as one of the big-booty nurses’ aides who always gave Tami shade stepped on the elevator and grinned.

  Tami ignored the female’s hate and went on about her way. Feeling some sort of way, she decided to go have a long talk with her baby sister. The fact that it would be a one-sided conversation made little to no difference to Tami, who had been off her own meds for weeks. She had a gang of things she wanted to get off her chest, first one being the fact that Tori hadn’t wanted her sister to be in her wedding party. After all the bullshit and ridicule Tami had put up with from her throughout the years, she didn’t want her involved? Tami wanted to tell her that she wasn’t at all interested in being a part of that uppity circus anyway. She wanted to tell her to kiss her wide ass twice. She wanted to smack the cow shit outta her and make her apologize for all the wrong that was done to her. Tami wanted to spit in her face but feared someone might come in.

  Without any reservations, she boldly marched into Tori’s room. Met with multitudes of flowers, cards, and balloons, Tami grew sick to her stomach seeing the vast amount of affection received by the sister she knew to be a class A bitch.

  I swear to God I hate this tramp. Why can’t everybody see her for who in the hell she really is? Are they all blind?

  Standing over her bedside for the first time since the day of the wedding, she was alone with her sibling. Not knowing what to say now that they were face to face, Tami stared over at the blinking lights on the various monitors and the many tubes that were running seemingly out of every part of Tori’s body. Tami always hated her sister for being so small, but now, considering all the weight she’d lost being laid up in the hospital, some small part of her felt a bit of sympathy.

  Half of Tori’s hair had been shaved off. The skin that was ripped off of her jaw line after being thrown out the window of the vehicle had healed somewhat, but not with the same complexion as the rest of her still bruised face. A small part of her wanted to cry, but then of course her true feelings reared their ugly head.

  “So, Tori.” Tami quickly transformed back into being a woman on a mission for Satan himself. “I heard through the grapevine you never wanted me to be in your wedding, huh? Word has it you thought I was much too fat to rock your ugly-ass bridesmaid dress. Wow. Well, guess what. I didn’t want to be in that circus anyway. In between you and your friends prancing around and Vance and his frat brothers barking, I would’ve preferred staying home watching Real Housewives from Where the Hell Ever reruns. I should’ve knocked that nasty cake over and spit in the champagne fountain!”

  Before she could go on with her impromptu tirade, Tami was interrupted by a nurse wanting to check on the flow of Tori’s IV. After doing so, the nurse made mention to Tami that she and Tori had similar features and she could easily see that they were related. Tami knew that was a big huge lie and the nurse was just being pleasant or nosy. However, whatever her angle was, Tami wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries and brushed her off as soon as she could.

  “Well, have a nice day, miss. And please push the button at the side of the bed if you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your loved one.”

  Tami made sure the nurse was out of ear range. Peeking out into the hallway, she ducked back in the otherwise quiet hospital room and continued in on her sister. “Since we was little kids you been running around thinking you better than me. Well, guess what. You ain’t shit in my eyes and never have been. You might have Daddy, Vance, and everybody else you come in contact with fooled, but I know your snake ass for who you really are.”

  Tami viciously dug her nails deep in Tori’s forearm as she expressed her true feelings. Seething with years of built-up hatred, she fought the overwhelming urge to sock her comatose sibling dead in the face for all the wrongs she felt she’d committed against her throughout time.

  “I would like nothing more than to take that pillow from under your head and smother the life outta you, but I don’t have to punish you. God already did that for you being such a backstabbing bitch to me all the time. You and your friends always running around claiming that y’all stay winning. Well, guess what, Miss Perfect. Your winning streak is over. Your face is now as ugly as your personality, and as for taking Vance from me when I told you I liked him, well, I had that dick last night and every night since he came home from the hospital if I wanted it! So you tell me, Tori, who’s winning now? Oh, yeah, my bad. You can’t talk!” Tami was elated by her younger sister’s misfortune. “I’m the boss and you taking a loss. So there! How does it feel to be on the losing end of the stick, Ms. Thang?”

  Seconds later, Tami was joined in the room by Courtney and Vance. She wanted an opportunity to speak to Vance alone, but his best friend was making the feat damn near impossible. Every time she thought Courtney was going to leave to go get another cup of coffee or flirt with a nurse, he stayed posted. Seeing that her brother-in-law was completely focused on Tori and paying her absolutely no attention, Tami gave up. She finally gave the house keys to Courtney and said fuck it. Whatever was going to be would be. Her game plan had gone down without a hitch. Tami had gotten what she needed from Vance, so all was well on her end. At this point, it was a waiti
ng game. One that she had to play.


  Tami felt drunk with power having confessed everything she’d done to pay Tori back for a childhood that was tortured. The fact that her sister was unresponsive and in a coma did nothing to diminish the conquest that she felt she’d accomplished. To Tami it made no difference whatsoever; if Tori could hear it through whatever state of mind they had her doped up in, Tami had won. She’d snatched the victory trophy right from underneath Tori’s nose. For once it felt like heaven on earth to come up on the winning side of the coin. Sure, she was confused as to why Vance just up and suddenly gave her parents his notice and moved out, but so be it. Just like she thought as she left Vance at her sister’s bedside to probably start his crying, “I’m so sorry; it should be me lying in this bed” routine: Let him go ahead and act like a clown now while Tori is clinging to life. In the long run, Tami trusted God wasn’t gonna bless the recovery of a devil.

  Having made it home, Tami was still very much in the mood to call her family members to task for their actions of the past and their present behavior. When she was finished they’d be careful how they attempted to treat her in the future. She had enough of the backbiting and catering to Tori and her feelings. Tami was ready to step up and voice her opinion.

  Chalking her newfound inner courage up to having Vance’s sperm circulating through her bloodstream, Tami barged into the living room. Not caring that her stepfather was watching one of his favorite shows that he’d DVRed, the enraged and bitter Tami snatched the electrical plug out of the socket.


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