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Imperfect: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 5)

Page 14

by April Wilson

  On Wednesday, Chloe invites me out to lunch. We end up going to Big Star on Damon Avenue for their renowned taco sampler platters and margaritas. As we’re heading back from the restaurant, we’re greeted with the sight of Jamie and Gus waiting outside the front of my shop.

  “Hey, handsome,” Chloe says to Jamie when we reach my shop.

  My heart is in my throat. I haven’t seen Jamie since Monday night… the night of Beth’s and Sam’s accident, the night he told me he wanted to kiss me… again. We ended that evening on a sour note, and I haven’t seen him since. I’ve been afraid he was avoiding me.

  “Chloe, hi,” he says, coming away from the wall. He almost seems nervous. “Molly’s door is locked. Do you know where she is?”

  “I sure do,” Chloe says, tossing me an evil grin.

  “I’m right here, Jamie,” I say before she can mess with him even more. “We’re just coming back from lunch.”

  He turns to me and reaches for my hand. “Beth’s coming over tomorrow for lunch. I was wondering if I could bring her by your studio afterward. She asked if she could see you.”

  Chloe gives me an aw-shucks-isn’t-he-cute look, and I scowl at her. “Sure. I’d love to see her again. How’s she doing?”

  “She’s fine. And Sam’s out of danger. He’s going to be okay.”

  Chloe lays her hand on my back and nudges me in Jamie’s direction with all the subtly of a linebacker. “Well, if you two kids will excuse me, I have some skin to ink.”

  She gives me one last push for good measure, and I lose my balance and stumble forward.

  Jamie catches me. “Whoa. You okay?”

  “Later, Molls!” Chloe calls as she strolls away. “Later, James!”

  “Later, Chloe,” he says, shaking his head at me. “Can we come in?” he asks me, as I unlock my door.


  He follows me into the shop. I flip the door sign back to OPEN.

  “There’s something I want to ask you,” he says, following me over to the sales counter.


  “Shane and Beth’s wedding is this Saturday afternoon, at their home in Kenilworth. It’s a relatively small affair – just family and close friends. I was wondering… if you’d like to go with me. It’s sort of a weekend house-party thing. We’d arrive Saturday morning, stay overnight, then come home Sunday afternoon.”

  He’s inviting me to his brother’s wedding? Wow. I’m not sure what to say.

  “We’d just be going as friends,” he adds, when I’m slow to answer.

  I laugh. He reads me so well. “I’m honored that you would ask me.”

  “Don’t be honored, just say yes. Please.”

  The idea of attending a wedding at that beautiful home is tempting. But even more so, I’m drawn to the idea of spending an entire day – no, an entire weekend – with Jamie. As long as he knows we’re just going as friends… I guess it wouldn’t hurt. “Yes, I’d love to go with you, Jamie. As your friend.”

  “Right,” he says, not hesitating for a moment. “As friends.”

  Chapter 24


  The next day, I’m in the studio working on Jamie’s painting when I hear the back door open behind me. I realize instantly that I must have forgotten to lock it this morning after I carried a bag of trash out to the dumpster in the alley. I make it a point to always keep the back door locked.

  I turn to see who’s there, but my response dies in my throat when I see Todd standing just inside the open door.

  “You shouldn’t be here, Todd,” I say, trying to maintain a steady voice. My heart starts pounding. I don’t think he’d hurt me, but he scares the hell out of me lately. When I look into his eyes, it’s a stranger staring back at me.

  “Who the hell is the guy, Molly?” he says, closing the door. “The blind guy. Who the fuck is he?”

  “You need to leave,” I say in a shaky voice. I point toward the back door, desperate for him to leave. Jamie and Beth are due to arrive any minute now, and I need to get Todd out of here before they do. “Just go right back out the way you came.”

  He reaches behind himself to turn the lock. “We need to talk.”

  “No, we don’t. You need to leave. In case you’ve forgotten, I have a restraining order against you. That means you can’t be here. If I call the police – ”

  He gives me a look of disappointment. “Molly, come on. Is that any way to talk to your husband?”

  It scares me, how calmly he speaks, as if he’s the rational one and I’m off my rocker. “You are not my husband!” I hiss. “I mean it, Todd. Leave now, or I’m calling the police.”

  We both glance at my cell phone, which is lying on a table across the room. He glances at my phone, then back at me, as if he’s calculating how long it would take me to reach my phone and call for help.

  He shakes his head. “Don’t be so melodramatic. I just came to talk.”

  “We have nothing to talk about.”

  “Yes, we do. Like, how much longer are you going to continue punishing me? I told you, it’s over with Mindy. You’ve made your point, and now it’s time to come home.”

  Making a split-second decision, I make a move for my phone, fully intending to call 911, but Todd moves too, cutting me off. He spreads his arms, blocking my way, and then proceeds to drive me back until I’m pinned in the corner.

  “Stop it, Todd!”

  His expression hardens as I hit the wall. I’m trapped, and my heart’s pounding so hard my chest feels like it’s going to explode. I make another attempt to get around him, but he grabs me by the throat and slams me against the wall. The impact is so swift and sudden, I don’t have time to brace myself, and my head rocks back and smacks against the bricks.

  His long fingers tighten around my neck, cutting off my air. “Listen to me, and listen good,” he says through gritted teeth. “I’ve had enough of this! You – ”

  The front bell chimes, alerting us to the arrival of company. The knowledge that it’s probably Jamie and Beth makes me ill. I don’t want either of them mixed up in my problems.

  Todd watches the open doorway as Beth walks through. Her eyes widen at the sight of Todd clutching my throat, and she stops abruptly. Jamie’s right behind Beth, and with little warning, he walks into her, nearly knocking her over.

  Jamie grabs Beth’s shoulders to steady her. “What’s wrong?” he says.

  A young man I’ve never seen before pushes past both of them and comes to stand directly in front of Beth. He’s young, probably in his mid-twenties, with short black hair and obsidian eyes, his complexion a beautiful shade of café-au-lait. The instant his gaze lights on Todd’s hand around my throat, he reaches inside his jacket and withdraws a black handgun.

  He and Beth are both staring at Todd. All I can do is try to make eye contact with Beth, hoping she’ll get my message. Go back! Get out of here!

  “Molly?” Beth says in an even, measured voice. Her gaze darts back and forth between me and Todd. I know she’s trying to play it cool, but I can see the fear in her eyes.

  Todd releases my neck and exits through the back door, out into the alley. The dark-haired young man runs after him.

  Jamie steps in front of Beth. “Molly? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes,” I say, trying to remain calm. “It is now.”

  “A man had Molly pinned to the wall, his hand around her throat,” Beth says, her voice a little shaky now. “He ran out the back door, and Miguel went after him.”

  “Was it Todd?” Jamie says, facing my direction.

  “Yes.” I smile apologetically at Beth. “Todd’s my ex-husband. He… shouldn’t be in here. I have a restraining order against him.”

  “Are you all right?” Beth says, as she comes toward me. She reaches out and touches my arm hesitantly. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shake my head, gently feeling my neck, and wincing when I come across a tender spot where this thumb had pressed hard enough to likely leave a bruise. “I’m all rig
ht. He just scared me.” I glance at Jamie, who looks far from convinced. “I’m fine, really.”

  The back door opens and the dark-haired young man walks in. “He’s gone. I lost him.”

  Using his cane to navigate around my work tables, Jamie heads my way, his other hand outstretched. I meet him halfway, reaching for his hand. He props his cane against a table and places his hands on my face, his thumbs brushing across my eyebrows, then down my cheeks to my lips. His fingers slip gently down my throat to my shoulders, as if feeling for injuries. “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?” he asks me.

  “He startled me, that’s all. I was back here painting when he came in through the rear door and caught me off guard. I must have forgotten to lock the door this morning.”

  Jamie frowns. “I’m having a security system installed here today. I’ll take care of everything. It won’t cost you a penny.”

  I shake my head. “Jamie, I can’t let you do that.”

  “Yes, you can,” he says, using a tone of voice I’ve never heard him use before. He takes hold of both my hands. “I’m not leaving you here without any kind of protection. End of story, so stop arguing with me.”

  I glance at Beth and roll my eyes. “Is he always this pushy?”

  Beth laughs. “If you think this is pushy, you should meet his brother Shane.”

  “You’re shaking,” Jamie says to me. “Close up for the day, and come back to the apartment building with us.”

  I nod. “I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  While I turn off the lights and lock up, Jamie makes a quick phone call.

  “I just spoke to my brother Jake,” he tells me. “He said he can have a team over here this afternoon to install a state-of-the-art security and surveillance system. No more surprise visitors, okay?”

  I share a look with Beth and resist rolling my eyes.

  She presses her lips together to keep from smiling. “Welcome to my world. The McIntyre men don’t mess around.”

  “I know you ladies are laughing at me,” Jamie says. “But I don’t care. Molly, your ex-husband violated a restraining order coming into your shop. You need to make a police report.”

  “Is he a threat?” Beth asks.

  I nod. “He’s grown more and more erratic over the past year, since our divorce.”

  “Why? What does he want?”

  “He wants me, but I refuse to go back to him.”

  Chapter 25


  We head back to our apartment building. Jamie links his arm through mine, but I’m not sure which of us is supporting the other. Beth and her bodyguard take up the rear. After all the commotion, Beth introduced me to Miguel Rodriguez, who’s filling in for Sam, who’s still in the hospital and won’t be returning to work any time soon. The handsome young Hispanic seems hyper-aware as he surveys the sidewalk. I imagine he’s watching for Todd.

  There’s an Uber car waiting for Beth and Miguel near the curb in front of our apartment building.

  Beth says her good-byes, hugging first Jamie and then me. “I’m so glad you’re all right,” she whispers in my ear. “If there’s anything I can help you with, just let me know, okay?”

  After Miguel and Beth drive away, Jamie and I head inside and climb the stairs to our floor.

  Jamie walks me to my door. “Can I come in?” he says. “We need to talk.”

  My pulse picks up. I’m still reeling from my run-in with Todd, and I’m not sure I can handle a serious conversation right now. “Okay.”

  I unlock my door with shaking hands and push it open. Fortunately, Charlie’s there waiting for me, purring and rubbing against my leg. That’s a good sign. It means I don’t have any unwanted visitors in my apartment. Jamie follows me inside.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” I ask him, mostly because I’m nervous and want to stall for time. I’m not sure what Jamie wants to discuss.

  “No, thanks.” He holds his free hand out toward me, palm up, and I lay my hand in his. Then he intertwines our fingers. “Are you sure you’re all right?”

  “I’m fine. He just scared me, that’s all.”

  Jamie makes a scoffing sound. “Molly, he had his hand around your throat. I was serious about filing a police report. He violated your restraining order, and you need to report him. You have three witnesses to back you up.”

  I know he’s right, but I dread getting the police involved. It’s just going to make things worse. “All right.”

  He smiles, then leans down and kisses my forehead. “Call the police. I’ll wait here with you.”

  The feel of his lips on my forehead sends a warm shiver down my spine. He has no idea of the effect he has on me. When I’m near him, my body comes alive. Dormant nerve endings awaken and beg for more contact.

  I look up into his handsome face, at those sensuous lips. His glasses make him sexy and mysterious, but they’re still a barrier between us. I feel like I can’t see the real Jamie – all of him. “Take your glasses off,” I whisper.

  For a moment, he looks indecisive, almost vulnerable. Then he removes his glasses and hooks them on the neck of his shirt. He blinks and smiles. “Better?”

  I return his smile, but of course he can’t see that. So I have to communicate through words, as I can’t rely on him reading my body language. I reach up and touch the side of his face. “When you wear your glasses, I feel like I can’t see you. It feels like there’s a barrier between us.”

  He closes his eyelids and I run the tip of my index finger gently across his right eyelid. “Your eyes are beautiful.”

  He chuckles. “They’re artificial.”

  “Yes, but you told me they look just like the eyes you were born with, and they’re beautiful. You don’t need to hide them.”

  He opens his eyes and blinks. “How about a compromise? I’ll take them off when it’s just the two of us. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I’m touched that he’s willing to do that much for me.

  He pulls his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me. “It’s time to call the police.”

  * * *

  A half hour later, the intercom in my apartment buzzes, announcing the arrival of visitors downstairs. When I confirm their identity using the live video feed into my apartment – courtesy of the building’s newly updated security system – I buzz them into the building. A few minutes later, there’s a brisk knock on my apartment door. A quick glance through the peep hole reveals two uniformed officers, both young women, standing at the door.

  “Thanks for coming,” I say, after opening my door and inviting them in.

  After introductions are made, I take a seat on the sofa beside Jamie. One of the officers sits in an armchair, and the other insists on standing. I notice Jamie had slipped on his glasses when I answered the door. When Officer O’Grady, a petite brunette, asks me what the problem is, I tell her. Jamie reaches for my hand, linking our fingers in silent support.

  My voice shakes as I describe what happened today in the studio… how Todd came in through an unlocked back door, how he threatened me and cornered me, his fingers squeezing my throat and cutting off my air supply for a few seconds. I don’t know what might have happened if Jamie and Beth and Miguel hadn’t appeared when they did.

  Officer Sherman, a tall woman with French-braided ash blonde hair, takes detailed notes as Officer O’Grady follows up with additional questions.

  “There were witnesses?” she says.

  “Yes,” Jamie says. “There were three of us who walked in on Ferguson’s assault on Molly. I was there, plus two others. I know the other two will be happy to provide statements.”

  Officer Sherman takes down contact information for Jamie, Beth, and Miguel.

  “So, what happens next?” I ask when they say they have all the information they need.

  “Mr. Ferguson will be arrested and charged with violating the restraining order,” the officer says. “He’ll likely face additional charges pertaining to assault, depending on
what the D.A. finds.”

  The entire interview is over in less than an hour, and I get up to walk the two officers to the door.

  “Thank you,” I say, letting them out.

  After locking up, I head back to the sofa and drop down beside Jamie.

  He squeezes my hand. “You’re shaking.”

  My nerves are overwrought, and I feel sick. “I’m worried about how Todd will react when they arrest him. He’s going to be furious.” He was furious when I got the restraining order – I can’t even imagine how he’ll react when he’s arrested.

  “Todd is responsible for his actions, Molly, not you. He should have considered the consequences before he put his hands on you today. Do you have an attorney?”

  “Yes. I had to get one to obtain the restraining order.”

  “Shane has a really good attorney, Troy Spencer. I could talk to Troy about your situation, see what can be done.”

  “I would appreciate that.” My gaze drops to Jamie’s fingers, which are linked with mine. His fingers are much longer than mine. Like everything about him, they’re so masculine. Mine are smaller and pale in comparison, my skin soft. Male and female, ying and yang.

  My eye is drawn to the veins on the back of his hand, along with a few freckles. I swallow, imagining those hands on my body, touching me, exploring.

  Sitting with him like this, I feel safe for the first time since Todd barged into my studio earlier. Right here, shut away from the rest of the world, nothing can touch me.

  I stroke the back of Jamie’s hand with mine, following the path of a vein as it meanders the length of his hand. The contrast between his body and mine fascinates me.

  “Molly?” His voice is low and a little rough.

  I try to speak, but I can’t manage a coherent thought right now. “Hmm?”

  He still has his glasses on, and I wish he’d take them off so I could see all of him. He must be reading my mind because he removes them abruptly and lays them on the coffee table. He closes his eyelids, though, reminding me that I’m not the only one with insecurities.

  Shifting to face me, he skims a hand up my arm, following the line of my shoulder to my face. His fingers slip behind to the nape of my neck and burrow into my hair. He leans closer, pressing his forehead to mine, and simply holds that position.


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