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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

Page 8

by Lexi Archer

  He pulled my face up to meet his eyes again. "It is a fantasy. It's a fantasy that I very much want to make a reality. You couldn't have excited me more if you’d come home and told me you won the lottery!"

  I laughed. That was a regular joke between the two of us. Like he’d care if I won the lottery! That's just not who he was.

  "So you're not mad? You're not going to leave me?"

  "Mad? Why would I be mad at you about doing something I've been asking you to do, that I've jerked off thinking about you doing for a couple of years now? That makes no sense babe!"

  "I didn’t say it made sense,” I muttered. “I’m just still conflicted about this.”

  Derek pulled me close to him. "I imagine you have a lot of stuff you're working through right now. It's all stuff I worked through years ago when I first realized this. I'm just happy you're deciding to go along with it, even if it's just a little bit. I'll give you whatever time you need to work through this."

  "What I really need to work through this is some time alone with my new boss," I said.

  "Oh? So your crush is the new guy?"

  I bit back a curse as I realized I'd revealed the object of my affection, and then I immediately felt like an idiot because I was feeling like an idiot for revealing that it was my boss I was getting hot and bothered about. If we were going into this then we needed to go into it with both eyes open, and I figured an important part of that was making sure my husband knew everything. That I wasn’t holding anything back from him. This wouldn’t very successful at all if I was walking around trying to conceal things from him.

  I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Yes, the new guy is my new boss."

  "Let me guess, some hotshot fresh out of college who’s there to change the world?"

  I grinned. "Something like that. He's actually the owner's son."

  Derek arched an eyebrow at that. "Oh really? You managed to pull the muscular hot young son of the owner of a major company? Talk about having a type…"

  I smacked him playfully on the shoulder and leaned up to kiss him. "Shut up!" You know that starving artists are my type. That's how we met, after all."

  "I know, I know!" he said with a smile and a laugh of his own.

  "So what exactly happened today that has you feeling so guilty anyways?"

  I bit my lip. I felt a flush running through me as I thought about what I’d done in the gym today. I felt a flush down between my legs at the memory of Ryan’s body pressing against me. Particularly at the memory of his cock pressing against my ass. Damn that had been so hot!

  "We got a little naughty in the company gym," I said.

  Derek arched an eyebrow. "In the gym? Were there other people there?"

  I bit my lip and a blush crossed my face. And I was getting so hot as I thought back to the memories from the gym. As I thought back to how incredibly fucking hot the whole situation had been. "Maybe…"

  "Damn babe! You didn't just jump into this fantasy. You went straight into varsity level stuff."

  "I know. It was so wrong, but that's probably what made it such a turn on."

  Derek started rubbing his cock against me. Subtly at first, though it's not like there was much that was subtle about his dick. The thing was huge and it was amazing. Come to think of it Ryan’s cock felt almost as big as Derek’s. I'd be hard-pressed to determine who had the bigger one, though I was looking forward to figuring that out. I figured I'd have to do at least a little bit of testing.

  Testing that I was looking forward to now that I’d had this discussion with my husband.

  "So does he know you have a husband?"

  I blushed a final time, though this time I didn't look down. I figured I'd save him the trouble of putting his finger under my chin and lifting it up so that I was looking him in the eyes.

  "I'm sure he's seen pictures of you on my desk, but I haven't brought you up."

  "Well we’re going to have to fix that," Derek said. "You can have your fun, but I want to at least set some ground rules before things go too far."

  I looked up at him and blinked. Now that was interesting. Was he actually feeling threatened by this fantasy? No, he was a pretty confident guy. He knew we were secure in our relationship. He'd also been fantasizing about this long enough that he knew how it worked. He knew how it worked far better than I did, at least.

  Still, I couldn't help but enjoy the opportunity to give him a little bit of a hard time. Well, to give him a little bit of a hard time in more ways than one. He already had one hell of a hard time if the feeling down between his legs was any indication!

  "Why is that a bit of a jealousy I see Derek?"

  He grinned, an easy-going confident grin. "Nothing of the sort. I just want to make sure that lover boy knows what his place is. I wouldn't want him to embarrass himself by doing something silly like trying to steal you away from me."

  I leaned my head against his chest. "You know you're my one and only babe."

  "I know," he said.

  I moved my head up and locked eyes with him. "So I've been grinding up against you for awhile now and all you're doing is chitchatting. Are we going to fuck already or is that not enough of a hint for you?"

  Derek grinned, picked me up, and carried me into the house towards the bedroom. And suddenly all was right with the world. All the insecurities, all the worries I'd had while I was driving home, all of the conflicting emotions I'd been stewing in since this morning at the gym, were completely gone. And I was glad to see them go. Derek was my rock. Our relationship was the foundation of my world.

  Could I stray from that rock to do a little bit of island hopping? Maybe try out some of the local flavor and have a little fun? Sure.

  But with his strong arms wrapped around me I felt confident and secure that no matter what we did it wasn't going to change the fundamental strength of our relationship. It might be me, Derek, and Ryan on the side for a little while, but ultimately it was me and Derek.

  And now that I was secure in that knowledge I felt far more secure about pursuing this fantasy.

  11: Going Up

  That pursuit started a couple of days later, though Ryan was really the one doing the pursuing.

  The whole thing started off innocently enough, but isn't that how it always does? One minute I was entering some of Johnson's paperwork into the computer for the last time and the next moment Ryan was there next to me, appearing as though by magic and bringing his cute butt into my cubicle.

  He grinned down at me. I was immediately intrigued.

  "I’m hungry. Lunch?” He held up a small file under his elbow. "I even brought work stuff so we can charge it to the company!"

  Well now. I admired his underhanded ingenuity even as I stifled a giggle at the look of boyish hope on his face. I was intrigued as to exactly where this was going. I knew where I hoped it was going, especially after our fun in the gym. Though it’s not like there was any chance of something happening here in the office building. Pity.

  “Lunch sounds nice,” I said.

  Ryan threw his arms up in triumph and nearly sent the papers in the folders he was holding flying. "Wonderful!"

  "Did you have any place in mind? There's a good pizza place across the street, or we could always go to the food court in the basement."

  "I was actually thinking about going someplace at the opposite end of the building if you don't mind."

  My eyes widened. He could only be talking about the Skyline Room at the top of the tower. Skyline was one of those cheesy rotating restaurants that popped up in every city with a building taller than a few hundred feet. Only the menu at this particular restaurant was so pricey that I could easily spend a week's salary, that's after my raise mind you, on just the appetizers.

  I suddenly understood why he wanted to expense it.

  I followed Ryan out to the lobby elevators. The Skyline had its own set of special elevators, but you had to get to them by taking one of the regular elevators up to the building's observation
lounge situated on the top floor just below the restaurant. It was a weird design that completely confused me the only other time I'd been up there for some company celebration back when I started.

  The elevator was empty when we got in. I punched the button for the top floor and stood next to Ryan. I figured this could take awhile. I didn't normally go up top, but on the rare occasion I did head to the observation deck it felt like the elevator stopped on every other floor. Seeing as how our offices were only on two there were a lot of potential stops in between.

  And those potential stops became reality almost immediately. On the sixth floor some older guy piled in with a young lady that I desperately hoped for her sake was only a secretary, but I guessed there was something else going on from the way his hand hovered on her back just above her ass.

  One floor up and some guy in a business suit filed in. More and more people crammed in with each passing floor until the elevator was nearly full and we were pushed to the back.

  Of course. We were in the elevator at lunch. Even if most people in the building couldn't afford to eat at the Skyline, a lot of people liked to take their lunches up to the observation lounge and enjoy a view of the city while they ate leftovers.

  I was starting to get seriously worried about being crushed in the back of the elevator as the doors opened and yet another person climbed on. There was nothing for it but to squeeze against the back, only when I tried to do so a pair of powerful hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me to the side. My body molded against Ryan's powerful and muscular body in the corner of the elevator.

  I leaned back, turning my head so that my lips were even with his ear, and whispered. "What are you doing?"

  That husky voice, the one that sent electricity through my body and straight to my soul on the gym equipment, whispered into my ear and sent a wave of indescribable pleasure from my ears all the way to my toes and all locations in between, including my suddenly wet pussy. I squeezed my eyes shut and wondered how Derek would react when I told him about this.

  "Nothing you don't want, Kristi."

  I glanced around the elevator to make sure no one was paying attention, but everyone was off in their own world, so engrossed with the elevator floor, their phones, or some bit of work they took with them that no one was paying attention to us squeezed together in the back corner.

  Which was probably a very good thing considering Ryan's next move.

  One hand moved from my side and traced a line along my arms and then down my stomach. Meanwhile the other pressed against my stomach pulling me back against him until, oh God yes, there it was. I couldn't help myself. I pressed my ass back against his rigid cock enjoying the feeling of it pressing against me, and today there was no guilt. Not after Derek gave me the all clear.

  Ryan pressed his cock against me slowly. I had to bite my lip to keep from letting out a little squeal, but I pressed my ass back against him and gave a little wiggle. I was so preoccupied with what was happening between our legs that I almost didn't notice when the other hand reached its goal.

  Before I could smack him away his fingers undid a button on my blouse and his hand was inside cupping my breasts through my bra and running deliciously naughty circles around my nipple that strained for his touch. That strained for the touch of a man other than my husband. I arched my back without a thought for anyone else in the elevator even though it would just take one person looking back to create a scene the likes of which had never before happened in our company or our building.

  I leaned back against Ryan and turned to whisper in his ear again, but I couldn't resist darting my tongue out first and nibbling on that cute little ear just above his powerful jaw line. Then I kissed along the rippling muscles in his neck. I was rewarded with a strangled gasp that I very much hoped was an indication he was trying desperately to prevent a groan from escaping and give up the game.

  "What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

  "Say the word and I stop," he said.

  His magnificent cock kept grinding against my ass sending fresh jolts of pleasure from the point of contact to the rest of my body. I felt a familiar tingle starting in my pussy and rising through my stomach. This was so wrong. This wasn’t my husband and yet that was a big part of the turn on. Getting caught could mean the end of my career and yet that was even more of a turn on. He pressed against me again and I found myself biting back my own moan.

  Fuck it. You only live once, right?

  I kept my head resting on the crook of his shoulder and neck and let him know just how I felt by pressing my lips against his neck and darting my tongue out again. Encouraged by my advances, his hand slipped inside the top of my bra and oh my God it felt exquisite the way those magic fingers danced around my tits.

  I figured if we were already past the point of no return I might as well get the full package, if you catch my meaning. Run one of those tests I was thinking of when I was with Derek to see how the two men in my life matched up.

  I moved my hand behind my back and ran it over that body I'd fantasized about for the past week. And let me tell you, those rock hard abs felt just as good as I'd imagined. What was left of my self-control, and that wasn't much, went into resisting the urge to turn around, rip open his shirt, and lick the sweat off of that gorgeous muscled body right there in the elevator and fuck what anybody said about it.

  But no, that would be too obvious. The thought of getting caught was almost as electrifying as that hard body and even harder cock pressed against me, but the rational part of my mind still had enough control to realize things would quickly go from a hot fiery fantasy to my career disappearing in a fireball if we actually got caught.

  Instead I decided to go right for the delicious source. Discreetly.

  I ran my fingers down his stomach and was rewarded by the sound of his breathing growing more ragged and erratic as I'm sure he struggled just as much as I was struggling to try and appear normal. The sound of that gasping barely controlled breathing filled my world and drowned out the sound of papers, games on phones, and the ding of the elevator as it continued to stop on every other floor.

  I reached his belt and fumbled. This was far from my first time undoing a man's belt, but it was the first time I'd ever tried to do the job backwards facing away and without making any noise. That's the thing about belt buckles, they're surprisingly loud and there's no mistaking that sound.

  So I went slowly, careful to keep one finger against the belt to keep it from ringing out and alerting everyone else in the elevator to what was happening. Oh God, we were surrounded by a bunch of random people who had no idea I was standing here with another man’s hand caressing my tits in the most magical way while my hand strained for a cock that didn’t belong to my husband but I had to have. The thought sent another thrill running through my body.

  The belt sprang open and I undid the button on his pants leaving just enough room for my hand and wrist to fit inside. This time he very nearly did let out a groan that he only managed to stifle by pressing his mouth into my hair. He was probably messing up my hair, but I was beyond caring.

  I moved my hand inside his boxers and was rewarded by the red hot flesh of that cock I needed so badly. I ran my finger over the head wondering at how it was so familiar and yet so different from Derek’s. I ran my thumb along some precum leaking out of his tip and spread it around the head. I ran my hand up and down the shaft, exploring the contours with the tip of my finger and marveling at how new and hot his cock felt.

  Now that I had him firmly in hand I had to admit I couldn’t tell who was the bigger of the two between Derek and Ryan. And did it really matter? Both of their cocks were huge and felt so delicious.

  Ryan continued groping my tits as he held our bodies together, my hand and his cock wedged in between my ass and his body. I desperately wanted to feel his hands on my bare tits, and happily at that moment he realized I was wearing a front clasping bra. His finger and thumb gave a little twist and my bra fell open exposing my t
its and nipples to his hands. And, I suppose, to anyone who might turn around and get a look at me and my blouse.

  But amazingly no one turned around. The preoccupations of the modern world won out and hid what we were doing right in plain sight.

  It was my turn to suppress a surprised moan when the hand on my stomach moved down to rest in between my legs. He pressed in through the material of my skirt and my panties, but didn't make any move to get under my skirt. I suppose that was too obvious even though a large part of me was disappointed he didn't try, but the feel of his muscular arm wrapped around me and the feel of those strong fingers that moved in a totally unfamiliar way compared to what I was used to from four years of marriage was intoxicating regardless.

  I wrapped my fist around his cock and moved in a slow up-and-down motion. Not that I wanted to go slow, but it was as fast as I dared without making enough noise to be noticeable to everyone. I figured most everybody in the elevator was familiar enough with the sound of a hand job, giving or receiving, that I should exercise caution.

  His breathing grew deeper along with my own. I bit my lip to hold back a squeal of delight as his finger ran up and down the length of my pussy in time with my movement up and down the length of his shaft.

  I felt a warmth growing that started between my legs and moved through my stomach. A flush ran up my neck and I looked up at him in surprise. The feeling was all too familiar, but was he really good enough to get me off just standing with our clothes almost completely on?

  No, Kristi. Don't over think it. Just enjoy the ride.

  Ryan's thrusting against my hand and ass grew more insistent and I felt a familiar twitching start in his cock. It left no doubt in my mind that he was as close as I was.

  That warmth spread to my face. My mouth parted in a silent scream and at that point anyone who looked back would have no doubt what was going on based on my expression. Even if they didn't notice his hand running along my skirt or the groping bulge inside my blouse.


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