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Her New Boss: A Hotwife Novel

Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  The twitching continued and he pressed against me one last time, his cock buried against my ass as his load exploded in his boxers and all over my hand. Feeling that magnificent cock attached to this wonderful man blowing its load in my hand, knowing that at any moment one of the distracted worker drones could turn around and see us, the magical feeling his thick fingers created pressing against my panties, it was all too much for me.

  I squeezed again on his cock, feeling his seed running down my hand while my other hand moved up to grip his where he was still grasping my tits. I clenched my jaw shut as a shudder started between my legs that spread out along the lines of warmth coursing through my body. Another shudder hit me and Ryan held me against those rock hard abs and pecs as the pleasure ran from between my legs to the tops of my head where I saw stars and felt like I might pass out at any moment, then down to the tips of my toes which were curling against my shoes with such intensity that it would have hurt like a bitch if my mind wasn't so preoccupied with the indescribable pleasure of being near him.

  I bit down on my lip so hard that I worried I might be bleeding from the effort of stifling any moans.

  The intensity subsided and my breathing started to slow in time with Ryan standing behind me. Reluctantly I released the hand grasping my tits. But it seemed Ryan wasn't done. He continued tracing circles first around one sensitive nipple and then tracing a line down my cleavage to the other nipple.

  Men. They get what they want and still it's not enough to satisfy.

  I moved my hand out of his pants and realized we had a little problem. My hand was still covered in his seed and there was no hiding the look or smell of that. In fact I worried it wouldn't be long before everyone in the elevator realized exactly what was going on.

  "Take it in your mouth," that husky voice whispered in my ear.

  I turned and looked up at him. Was he crazy? That wasn't even something I did with Derek all that often and now he expected me to just eat his sperm without having the fun of sucking his cock?

  But those eyes. Something in them said that he wasn't asking me to do this. Oh no.

  He expected it.

  What was it he said? "I always get what I want." Now why did remembering that send another jolt shooting through my body? I just came damn it. I wasn’t supposed to be feeling that way just yet.

  Then again, what could it hurt? Other than bringing back that guilt I thought I’d banished because I was swallowing another man’s load when I didn’t even do this for my husband. I suppose that was bad, but I was too worked up to care.

  I looked down. Most of his sperm had already wiped off on his boxers, but there was still a string of it on my finger. Making sure to maintain eye contact I brought my finger up and put it in my mouth as though I was sucking a cock, and I wanted no doubt in his mind as to exactly whose cock I was imagining my lips wrapping around. His spunk tasted salty but not unpleasant. And I found myself wondering what the big deal was all this time. I opened my mouth so he could see my tongue swirling around my finger as I pressed it in and out of my mouth and was rewarded by feeling something stirring against my ass again down below.

  Finally, I took the plunge and swallowed. Ryan gasped and held me against him as I swallowed. He leaned down and I felt the tickle of his stubble brushing against me as his lips brushed my forehead.

  It's funny. Here I was standing in an elevator where I just jacked off my boss who brought me to one of the most intense climaxes I’d felt in awhile, and yet none of that came close to knocking me off my feet the way that simple brush of his lips against my forehead did. It was almost as intense as the feeling I got when I was with Derek. Maybe more intense if I was willing to listen to the guilty voice in the back of my head that was singing the praises of Ryan.

  The elevator dinged and pulled my attention away from the world of lust I’d been trapped in. Looking up I panicked as I realized we were finally getting close to the observation deck.

  "Shit," I whispered.

  Ryan pulled his hand out of my blouse, trailing his fingers along the still stiff flesh of my nipples leaving me with an aching feeling. I hurriedly did up the buttons on my blouse and tried to fix my hair as best as I could given the circumstances. I felt and heard a slight shuffling behind as Ryan did the same with his pants. Then I heard the distinct clank of a belt buckle.

  What did I say? Belt buckles. They always gave you away. I glanced around the elevator to see if anyone noticed, but no one was looking in our direction.

  The door opened onto the observation lounge and people filed out. I stood there longer than usual to give Ryan time to finish with any cleanup. It wouldn't do for us to go this long without getting caught and then I take a step forward and leave him standing there with his cock out for everyone on the observation deck to see.

  Not that I would've minded seeing that cock now that I'd given up all pretense of being a good faithful wife. I'd felt him against my ass, been dry humped in the gym, and I just jerked him off, but I still hadn't actually seen that magnificent monster to compare it to Derek up close and personal.

  Ryan tapped my hip and I took that to be the all clear signal. I stepped forward and my breath nearly caught as I met the gaze of a little old lady standing on the other end of the elevator clutching some cheesy romance novel to her chest. She glanced between Ryan and me with a grin on her face and a twinkle in her eye. She winked on her way out and I felt very close to dying from embarrassment for the first time since getting out of middle school.

  I brushed my skirt once we were out of the elevator and tried to make myself look at least a little like I hadn't just had a sleazy sexual liaison with my rich boss on the elevator while going to lunch.

  "I need to go to the bathroom for a moment," Ryan said.

  "I bet you do, I said. I grinned as I looked him up and down with what I hoped was some of the same predatory and appreciative gusto he'd given me lately.

  Ryan leaned in to whisper. "You need to go to the bathroom too."

  "What? Why?"

  He leaned in even closer until his lips were practically brushing my ear.

  "Because you're going to take those panties off, put them in your purse, and give them to me."

  I wheeled around but Ryan was gone. The door to the men's room swung shut with just the faintest glimpse of a magnificent ass in a perfectly tailored pair of pants that was only slightly ruined because of the odd way he was walking, presumably to keep from creating a stain that’d soak through those expensive pants.

  I looked over to the massive window that ran across the observation lounge and then back to the women's room. I could ignore him. I could go have a seat in my soaked panties thank you very much and wait until he came out. We'd have that work lunch that would probably be about anything but work at this point.

  Who the hell was I kidding?

  Maybe it was that I was so turned on from our little elevator tryst. Maybe it was the way he knew how to play my body like it was a familiar instrument. Maybe it was because he was just so damn hot and confident.

  Probably it was a little bit of all of the above. Either way, I turned and headed for the women's room.

  12: Setting Boundaries

  My phone buzzed as I was making my way out of the Thomas building. I sighed. Sometimes I wondered why I did all of this organizing for the charity stuff on top of the art exhibit I was putting together, but the Midnight Marathon only came once a year so whatever.

  I pulled the phone out expecting them to call me back in for another organizing meeting. If Caitlin thought she was going to foist one more thing off on me because she was busy with school then she had another thing coming. Maybe if she spent more time studying at night instead of going out getting busy with whatever the hell night life was more important than the charity…

  The text wasn’t from Caitlin. It was from Kristi and it immediately got my cock’s attention. I glanced around to make sure nobody was looking, though it was ridiculous to think anyone would be loo
king at my phone screen, and I ducked back into the building and found a nice private spot behind a column.

  “You won’t believe what just happened in the elevator,” her text read.

  I tried to keep myself under control. I tried to ignore my pulse quickening, my breathing picking up. I tried to ignore the way my chest tightened as I thought of all the things that could’ve happened in the elevator but it was impossible. I was too keyed up with everything that was swirling around me all at once.

  “Oh? What happened? Were you a bad girl?”

  “I was a very bad girl. Too much to tell you about over text though.”

  “Then I can’t wait for you to get home tonight babe,” I texted back.

  I paused for a moment. I don’t know why, but for some reason I thought there was more she wasn’t telling me. I decided to play a hunch.

  “So what are you doing now?”

  “I’m having lunch with him at the restaurant at the top of our building,” I said.

  Interesting. So she was being mostly honest with me, but only when I prompted her. I glanced out to the street. Kristi’s building was only a few blocks away. I could make it down there and up to that restaurant in ten minutes. Heck, I was even dressed for it for a change.

  “Oh really? I’m just down the street from your building you know…”

  I felt my breath picking up as I sent that. What I was trying to do had to be ridiculously transparent to her. The meaning was clear enough. I wanted to stop by and get a good look at this guy. More than anything I wanted a face to go with the naughty things Kristi kept telling me about.

  “I’m not sure how he’d react to you stopping by,” she texted. “I still haven’t exactly told him about our arrangement.”

  “Sounds like it would be a good time to go ahead and tell him,” I texted back.

  “So are you planning on stopping by for a surprise visit?”

  I thought about that for a moment. Was I? No. I guess I wasn’t stopping by. She seemed reluctant to have me meet this guy this early in the game and I was still going to respect that if for no other reason than I didn’t want to ruin this after it had been controlling me for so long. I’d give her space for now, but that didn’t mean I had to be completely passive.

  “No,” I texted back. I do want you to go over some ground rules with this guy if I’m not going to be stopping by in person though.”

  Her response was immediate. I figured that was a good thing. “Okay. What did you have in mind?”

  “It’s simple enough. He has three rules he has to follow if we’re going to do this.”

  “Anything,” she texted back.

  My thumbs started moving at a brisk pace. I didn’t even have to think about this. These were rules I’d come up with long before I revealed this fantasy to Kristi. They were the rules I was comfortable with. As long as he followed these I felt reasonably okay about diving headfirst into a fantasy that had the potential to completely destroy my marriage.

  “First he has to be safe. Use protection.”

  “That sounds perfectly reasonable,” she texted back.

  “Second, he never does anything that makes you uncomfortable. You say no and that means no.”

  “Also a good rule,” she texted back.

  “Third, I want to watch you guys at least once. Hearing about your adventures is fun, but I need to see this happen.”

  “That might be a little more difficult, but probably doable.”

  “It’s doable or it’s off,” I sent back.

  She must’ve been really worked up at the idea of getting with this guy because the response came back almost immediately. “Done.”

  “Fourth. He needs to recognize that he is not stealing you away from me. Our relationship is primary, and if he tries to make a serious play for you then I will make him regret it.”

  “Oh? Threatening my boss?”

  “Not threatening. Just a statement of fact.”

  I chuckled as I sent that. So matter of fact. I didn’t get into that alpha male bullshit too terribly often, but it really wasn’t alpha male bullshit so much as it was a simple statement of fact. If this guy made a play for my wife, if he tried to threaten our relationship, I’d very much make him live to regret it. Probably best to let him know at the outset that he was playing with fire.

  “That’s also fair. I’ll be sure to warn him. ;)”

  I let out a sigh of relief I didn’t realize I’d been holding in. “Good.”

  13: Lunch Date

  I breathed a sigh of relief that was immediately followed by a pang of guilt. Derek was the whole reason I was allowed to have this experience in the first place, hell he was the whole reason I even considered it at all, and I definitely shouldn’t have felt relief that he wasn’t going to be stopping by to see my new piece on the side.

  Of course that’s all Ryan was. The pang of guilt had nothing to do with any sort of feelings that might be developing for my cocky boss. He was still just my boss even if he was pretty. He definitely wasn’t relationship material, although I wondered from the way he looked at me if he wouldn’t try to make a play.

  No, the real reason I was nervous at the idea of Derek trying to meet up with my new boss was that I worried they’d butt heads. I worried that Ryan would say something that would set Derek off. Basically I was imagining two tomcats circling one another with their tails lashing and growling, neither one quite attacking but neither one particularly happy either.

  I looked up and saw Ryan walking towards me from across the lounge. He had that cocky confident grin on his face as he moved towards me. I looked down at my phone one last time.

  “He’s coming. Gotta go baby. Love you.”

  I slipped my phone into my purse as Ryan came up to me and tried to glance at the screen. I rolled my eyes. Of course he’d try and see exactly who I was talking to!

  “So who was that?”

  I rolled my eyes and grinned at him. He looked confused for a moment but I wasn’t going to tell him why I was grinning. How could I explain that I was thinking it would be just like his cocky asshole persona to need to know exactly who it was I was texting? I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate that. He probably wouldn’t understand why that was causing me to get more turned on than pissed off. With any other guy that sort of behavior would be a red flag, but with him, since the stakes were just sex and nothing else, it was just a turn on. It was all part of the game.

  “It was my husband,” I said.

  I figured if I was going to be completely honest with my husband then I should probably be completely honest with Ryan as well.

  “Oh really? Did you tell him all about what just happened in the elevator?”

  “Well I didn’t give him all the details, but I did tell him what happened,” I said.

  I had the satisfaction of watching that cocky smile slip from his face. It was a pretty face, a handsome face when he had that cocky look on it, but it was also nice to see that something could slip through the façade from time to time. It was particularly nice to know that I was the one that was the cause of him slipping up for a moment.

  Ryan’s eyes darted around the room as though he was worried my husband was going to materialize out of nothing and beat the crap out of him. I had to suppress a chuckle as I realized that something very close to the scenario he was imagining had very nearly actually happened! Minus the physical violence. Maybe.

  I took Ryan by the hand and pulled him toward the elevator leading up to the restaurant. “Don’t worry. He’s not going to show up and beat the crap out of you or anything.”

  At least I hoped he wasn’t. He was still downtown somewhere, after all, and he could change his mind despite what he texted me.

  “Why’d you tell your husband?”

  “I tell my husband everything. Besides, it turns him on thinking of me with another man.”

  Ryan stopped and blinked. “What?”

  I smiled, leaned up and patted Ryan on the cheek. “And he has a
few ground rules if we’re going to keep up with this. But we can go over that at lunch, right?”

  Ryan recovered a little bit. “Uh, sure. And don’t you have something for me?”

  I blushed. That was some recovery. My panties were burning in my pocket. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to give my underwear to a man who wasn’t my husband, and yet at the same time I felt so turned on thinking about just how naughty it was!

  “I might have something for you, but first lunch and the rules.”

  * * *

  “So for the first three months I butted heads with Johnson over all the automation stuff. I figured I had the backing of the company. I was just doing what they asked me to do when they hired me, but by the third month I started to realize that I’d been thrown to the wolves and they weren’t even going to throw me a pocket knife to defend myself,” I said.

  Ryan grinned. “That sounds like standard operating procedure. Don’t rock the boat if the money’s coming in.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, that’s the impression I got too. By month four I realized they weren’t looking for somebody to make changes. They were just telling me what I wanted to hear in the interview to get me hired. So I decided I’d suffer in silence. Month six is when I started looking for a new job.”

  Ryan arched an eyebrow as he took a bite of his steak. “So did you get any offers?”

  “I had a couple of feelers by the time you showed up. I figured it wouldn’t be long before I left the company even with Johnson leaving. I figured a company that screwed me over like that wasn’t a company I wanted to stay with long term.”

  We’d been sitting here chatting for nearly an hour and Ryan hadn’t brought up the ground rules. I was starting to think he was avoiding the subject. I was starting to wonder if our little flirtation was over after I mentioned my husband. Though I didn’t really think that was it. What young guy wouldn’t jump at the chance if a hot young woman dropped into his lap who asking for some no strings attached sex and a guarantee of no pesky attachments? I thought that’s what most guys considered the jackpot!


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