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Resolution (Saviour)

Page 7

by Lesley Jones

  “Yeah you can Stell, but I will be calling Zac and Coop and letting them know you’re doing it. Just so you know.”

  She knocks back her drink and flits off to the ladies just as Jemma comes back, looking as though she’s already swaying. God what is it with everyone tonight, all pissed after only a few drinks.

  “We gonna go dance somewhere? Girl in the toilets just said there's a good band on next door.”

  I look at Jemma, confused. “Jem, how'd you get pissed so quick? Come and sit down love before you fall down.”

  She giggles as she slides in beside me, “I had a couple of vodkas with Max before I came out. Fuck, I didn't realise I was so pissed. Come on, let’s go dance.”

  “Okay, let me nip to the loo and find Stella, then we'll go.”

  “We'll meet you outside Loz. Think she needs some air.”

  I nod at Jo as her and Sam help Jemma to her feet. As I head for the ladies I see Stella up ahead. With Jarrod standing far too close to her.

  “Hey Stell, we're going next door for a dance, the girls are waiting outside, come on.”

  “Hey Lauren, this is my friend, Jarrod. He was just…”

  “Stell... Go and wait outside with the rest, I'll meet you out there when I've been to the loo.”

  I don't want to stand and talk to Jarrod. I need a wee badly. Then I need to get Stella away from the dickhead and out of here. Not that next door will be much better, it will be an older crowd, who will just love the look of sweet little Stella. I contemplate all of this as I hover over the toilet seat and have a much needed wee. And decide that I will stop drinking tonight. Seeing as everyone else is determined to get shit faced. Just for a change, I will be the designated sober person; I'm not really enjoying my drink anyway. I feel quite sick in fact, I think its nerves. Thinking about what tomorrow will bring my belly does back flips, all teenage girl with a crush stylie. I'm gonna rip his clothes off and fuck him senseless for the rest of the weekend. I actually shudder and squeeze my legs together as I think this. I smile at myself in the mirror as I wash my hands, touch up my lippy, smooth down my hair and leave the loos, trying to touch as little as possible on my way out. Yuk. I hate pub toilets. When I get outside everyone is waiting, including Jarrod.

  “Say goodbye to your little friend Stell... We're off.”

  “Noooo Lauren, Jarrod's coming with us.”

  Like fuck he is. I look across to Sam and shake my head. Hoping for some support.

  “Come on Stell. Get his number and see him another time, this is a girls night remember?”

  “Ohhhh but I…”

  I really can't be arsed with this. Drunk people are annoying when you’re sober. Ha, who knew?

  “Stell, we're going, say goodbye, get his number or not, I don't care. He's a fucking idiot anyway.”

  Jarrod turns and glares at me, “Oh I know you, it’s Lauren, Lauren East. You. Ha, I know what you've done. I know your boys and I know your husband. Your house is up for sale with us, because you, you fucking slut, left him for some kid, for some young bloke. Yeah, I fucking know all about you, you fucking whore.”

  He's right in my face now. His revolting breath on me. My house is up for sale?

  “Hey mate. That's my sister in law. Don't you fucking dare talk to her like that!”

  Stella pulls him away from me before I get a chance to say anything. He looks from me to her and says: “Sorry baby, just kidding. You go with the girls, I'll come next door and find you later and get your number.”

  Stella goes all puppy dog eyed and nods her okay to him and we leave for the bar next door. Finally, I think to myself. Next time I see Ryder I will ask him to knock that little prick out. Not gonna win mother of the year award for encouraging my son to fight. But hey, I think that ship sailed long ago.

  We walk into the spit and saw dust joint next door and the band are already in full swing and the dance floor is packed. I look around at the tattoos and missing teeth. And that's just the women. This nights just getting better and better. Jo is straight to the bar and ordering a round of shots for everyone. I decline and ask for lemonade. Why does everyone look at me with amazement at that request?

  “What? I feel a bit sick. I want to be on top form tomorrow when I go and see Gabe and throw him around the bedroom,” I say with a smile.

  My stomach lurching at the thought.

  “Eeeewwwwwww Lauren! TMI, TMI. That's my brother you're talking about.”

  “Fuck off Stella, I've seen you in action tonight. Don't try and come the sweet and innocent with me now.”

  “Yeah well I don't want to hear about what you're gonna do to my brother.”

  “Tough,” I reply. “Don't listen then, and stay away from Jarrod White. The blokes a complete loser, your brothers would kill me and Sam if they knew we let you hook up with a prick like that. He's a spoilt little rich kid whose been in trouble most of his life.”

  She says nothing in return, just pouts. I know I sound mean, but the bloke really is bad news.

  We find a table as Jo looks around and shakes her head, turns to me and says, “There's no one in here under thirty five. How am I supposed to pull?”

  “You’re not,” I reply.

  “I need you focused on fighting off the weirdo’s she's gonna attract.”

  I nod my head towards Stella, who is gyrating around a wooden pole. We all look in her direction and laugh.

  “Come on let's dance,” Jemma shouts.

  We drag Stella from her pole and strut our stuff on the dance floor. We are approached by men of all ages. Some we have a little dance and a bit of banter with others we turn our back on and ignore. Despite my reservations and lack of alcohol, I'm really enjoying myself. I am back with my girls, on a loud night out. Just what I needed. And tomorrow I will be back with Gabe. And I can't wait. I get the queasy feeling in my stomach again and step out to the garden of the bar for some air.

  I decide to text Gabe. What's the point in making him suffer any longer? I might as well let him know I want to see him tomorrow.

  I miss u baby

  My reply comes just a few seconds later

  Fuck Lauren, I miss u too. Plz come home, now! I'll come and get you

  Without hesitating I reply.

  Ok I'm at Beaches with the girls

  Wot the fuck r u doing in beaches?

  Dancing mostly

  U took Stell into Beaches

  Beaches was the safest option... She's a fuckin liability your sister

  Plz don't tell me things like that Lauren. I'm on my way. I Luv u. Will u marry me? x

  I head back inside with the biggest grin on my face. Shit Jarrod is here. On the dance floor, with his tongue rammed down Stella's throat. Great!

  “Sam! Could you not have stopped this?”

  “She tried Loz. Stella told her to mind her own business,” Jemma informs me.

  Sam shrugs, “Let her get on with it Lauren, I'm sick of telling her.”

  I leave them to it for a few minutes but when they fail to come up for air, I start to panic, Gabe will be here soon and I can’t just leave Stella with someone like Jarrod. I look around.

  “Where's Jo?” I ask.

  “Over there talking to those blokes,” Jem indicates with a nod toward Jo standing in the corner talking to two blokes who must be in their twenties.

  Well if Jo's on the prowl, Sam and Jemma are half cut and not interested and Lu has gone home. That leaves me trying to pry Stella out of Jarrod's clutches before her brother gets here. This should be interesting. I walk over to where they are dancing/dry humping on the dance floor.


  I tap her on the shoulder. “Stella.... Come on, we're going.”

  “Fuck off Lauren,” comes the reply from Jarrod.

  “Fuck you White. Her brother will be here in ten minutes. He will rip your head off and shit in your neck if he sees what you're doing to his little sister, now fuck off while you still have chan...”

  His hand is around
my throat before I finish speaking. He uses so much force, my feet lift off the ground, for a few seconds all I can hear is my blood rushing through my ears. Then I hear Stella shout my name and try to pull Jarrod's arm away. The noise from the bar hits me and people seem to move forward in slow motion. Then I am flying backwards. Jo and Jemma have hold of me and I gasp for breath. I feel sick and dizzy as adrenalin pumps through me. My legs buckle slightly. Then anger takes over. That mouthy little prick. I will fucking kill him! I try to pull free from the girls but as I look up I see him. Gabriel is on Jarrod's chest. Punching the shit out of him. Zac appears from nowhere and tries pulling Gabe off. Then the bouncer joins him. Both shouting his name and telling him to stop. I look around at my girls.

  “Let me go, I need to stop this!” I shout.

  They do exactly as I request.

  I take a step forward and shout, “Gabriel... Stop... Now.”

  His fist is in the air ready to land another blow.

  “For fucks sake Gabe, you'll kill him. He's not worth doing time for.”

  Gabe turns his head and his eyes meet mine. They scare the shit out of me. They aren't the beautiful blue that I have missed so badly. They don't look like his eyes at all. They are a dark blue, not the bright denim colour I love so much. He shakes his hand and stands up. As soon as he does, the bouncers pick Jarrod off the floor and run him out of the doors. Gabe walks towards me. He's back. My Gabe. My blue eyed boy is back.

  “Baby,” is all that he says and I throw myself at him.

  My arms around his neck, my mouth on his, he pulls away and looks at me.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you? You should have let me kill the fucker. What’s Stella doing the fuck with him?”

  All I can think is that I want sex. With him. Right now!

  “I'm fine, let’s go.”

  He tucks my hair behind my ear and looks around him at everyone still watching us. He nods at Zac, takes my hand and leads me to the door and outside. The bouncers shake his hand and ask if I'm okay, I nod and smile. We walk out to his Ute, parked right outside in a no parking spot and I smile for some reason. My rebel, my beautiful blue eyed rebel. And then suddenly it hits me, it comes up from my toes and I have no choice but to step around the car and vomit. And vomit. He holds my hair back as I bend over and vomit some more. Jesus! There can't be much more in me.

  “You okay?”

  I put my hand up for him to shush. And vomit some more. One of the bouncers appears with a bottle of water and I hear Gabe say thanks.

  “She alright mate? He didn't hurt her did he?”

  “Lauren, did he hurt you? Lauren?”

  I shake my head as I stand up straight and take a gulp of the water.

  “Sorry... I'm so sorry. I think it's just the shock. Thanks for the water, I'm fine, really.”

  I pull the door open but Gabe takes over and helps me in. He says a few more words to the bouncer and jumps in, starts the engine and we pull away in silence.


  What the fuck was that all about? I've felt off all night, it must be the stress of this week’s events and what’s just happened tonight. I feel so much better now though. I take a swig of my water and look across at him. He doesn't look happy, in fact he looks thoroughly pissed off. I, on the other hand, can't wipe the smile off my face as I study his profile, just the smell from inside the Ute is doing things to me, it’s him, all him and I’ve missed it so much and all I can think is, he’s here, with me, we’re together.

  It feels like just a minute later we pull into the drive. He turns off the engine and jumps out and walks around to my side, as he opens my door, I'm hit, full force by the smell of him. I slide my feet to the ground and he pulls me into him, one hand on the back of my neck, one around my waste, he pulls me in tight and buries his nose into my hair. In my heels I can reach his neck and kiss his throat and his jaw. I don't want to kiss him on the mouth with my vomity breath so I rest my head on his chest and just breathe him in deeply.

  “Fuck Lauren I've missed you like you wouldn’t know.”

  We stand like this for a while, just holding each other. He pulls away first.

  “Let's get you inside and naked, I need to feel your skin on mine.”

  How could I have left this behind? I must be bloody unhinged!

  We go into the house and I go straight to the bedroom, through to the en suite and clean my teeth with his tooth brush. I sit on the edge of the bath and unzip my boots, as I do, I get that all too familiar tingle and know that he's there. I look up and he's walking towards me. He pulls off my boots, then takes my hand and leads me to the bed. Our bed.

  Without a word being said he pushes me back, I push myself up on my elbows and watch him as he unbuttons my jeans and pulls them off, he lifts my foot and kisses the inside of my ankle, then all the way up the inside of my leg, every now and then he stops and strokes where he's kissed with the pads of his fingers. I shudder. It feels. Delicious. He starts at my ankle again on the opposite leg. This time when he gets to the top, he pulls me by the hand to a sitting position and pulls my blouse over my head. I lean back on my elbows again, my legs open and hanging over the edge of the bed, Gabe kneeling between them. He brushes his fingertips over my cheekbone, along my jaw, over my lips, he parts them gently with the pad of his thumb. I slide my tongue between my teeth and brush circles over it, he runs it down my chin, and he brushes his fingertips over my throat. Breathe Lauren, fucking breathe. He places his whole hand flat over my chest and down to my cleavage. He stops and keeping his hand flat, he uses his palm to brush over first one nipple, then the other, he moves in circles. The friction causing my nipple to burn, although they still harden. There is absolute silence as he brings his head down and sucks gently; my breathing is short and erratic as I watch every move that he makes. The only light in the room is from the bedside lamp. His mouth switches to my other nipple, which he rolls between his finger and thumb whilst sucking and grazing his tongue over it. I give an involuntary jerk of my hips and close my eyes. Partly from embarrassment and making it so bloody obvious how much I want him. But also because I am in complete and utter ecstasy. He carries on with the flat of his hand down my belly, over my belly button, all the way down to between my legs, then out across to my hip, he follows where his hand has been with his mouth, tiny feather light kisses, the flick of his tongue, gentle little sucks. I give out the smallest of girly whimpers. He still doesn't look at me; he just focuses on where his hand and mouth are going. He sits back on his knees and gently strokes his fingertips over the landing strip of pubic hair that I have, then very gently he strokes the soft skin at the crease at the top if my leg.

  “Ah ah aaaah.”

  The noise escapes unbidden from my mouth and I see the corner of his mouth twitch. He knows how turned on I am. Once again, very gently, very slowly, he kisses where his fingers have stroked. His mouth comes back to kiss at the top of my slit. Gentle, feather light, butterfly kisses. He slides his hands down to my knees and pushes my legs wider apart, sitting back on his knees again, he takes a minute to just stare between my legs. Then he gently runs his fingertips up the inside of my thigh, he swipes down between my lips with his index finger and pushes it inside me.

  “Uhhuhhhhhaha Gabe,” is sort of the sound I make.

  He leans in and his tongue follows the path that his finger just took. His thumb pressing down on and circling my clit. I'm going to explode! I am quite literally going to combust any second now! My hands grab his hair. I want him to stop and look me in the eye, to say something. But I don't want him to stop, ever. His tongue works its magic on my body and I can't help but move my hips to his rhythm. He pushes two, maybe three fingers inside of me, all the while his tongue is still moving in circles over me.

  “Gabriel...I'm gonna come...Please.”

  He stops what he's doing. No! What the fuck is he doing? He sits back on his knees and pulls his t shirt off over his head; he stands and undoes his jeans. He's not wearing any jocks
and his cock springs free. I lick my bottom lip and swallow in anticipation, my heart is pounding in my throat, in my clit, my fingers and toes. Fuck me, but he is gorgeous. How am I here? Why me, with my issues, stretch marks, wobbly bits and mental case husband. Why does he want me? Accept it for what it is Lauren, accept it and enjoy every moment.

  He steps back towards me and lifts both my ankles up to the edge of the bed and kneels back down in front of me. I'm completely wide open to him. Exposed. And I instinctively attempt to push my knees back together, I don't even realise I'm doing it until he pushes them back apart. Again, I see the corner of his mouth twitch. He knows me so well; he knows that I will be feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable lying in this position.

  “Touch yourself Lauren.” I jump at his words. I'm so lost in the moment and focused on his actions. I'm confused.


  “Touch yourself, use your fingers and show me how you touch yourself.”

  For fucks sake. I've been doing that the past couple of days. It's his cock I want inside me, and now. Not my own fingers, Jesus. What's a girl gotta do to get a shag around here? Anyone?

  He stands and goes to his bedside draw and pulls stuff out. I can’t see what. Shit. What's he doing?

  “This is yours. I brought it for you yesterday. I wasn't sure if we would ever get the chance to use it. I had the most amazing wank this morning, imagining you, playing with this and letting me watch. But now you’re here, I don't have to imagine, so use your fingers and this and let me watch. Please?”

  I nod. Oh. My. God. Oh. God. Oh my God! I don't think I can last as I see the thick veined vibrator he holds in front of me.

  “Open your mouth.”

  I do as I'm told. Yeah, I can do that...sometimes.

  He pushes it right to the back of my throat.


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