Book Read Free

Finding Callan

Page 4

by Quell T Fox

  “Wake up, I uh…” he makes a slight growling noise, “the guys are here.” He clears his throat.

  My eyes shoot open as a chill snakes up my spine. I grip the blankets tighter. My heartbeat speeds up. “I told them not to come, but you know how Maddox can be. I’ll tell them to leave, if you want to me to, but you need to consider talking to them. To all of us. We all need to talk.” He runs his hand up and down my back slowly, causing me to tense. He pulls away quickly when he realizes my reaction.

  “No, you’re right. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed.” I say quietly, half into the pillow.

  “Sure thing.” He kisses the crown of my head and moves to get off the bed. “Lenny?” His movements stop, I roll to face him. “Can you wait in here with me?”

  “Of course. Anything you want.” He looks tired, more so than I and I wonder if he slept at all. I take a deep breath before kicking the blankets off. The cool air hits my skin causing goosebumps all over my body. I considered changing but when I take a look at the pile of bags, all the will I had dissipates. I decide that I really just don’t want to do that. I’m still dressed in the t-shirt and sweats that Lenny let me borrow, and this will have to do. Who do I have to impress anyway? Not a damn one of them.

  I stand and walk around to the other side of the bed, offering my hand to Lenny. “Come on.” He gives a questioning look. “I’m too tired to dig through bags to find clothes.” I drop my hand to my side. He moves his hand to my hip and pulls me between his legs, hugging me close, resting his head on my belly.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” My hand goes to his head and I brush my fingers through his soft hair. When he pulls back, I bend and bring my lips to his. His soft, warm mouth brings me comfort and bit of confidence that I need. He slides a hand down and squeezes a cheek. I pull back and cock an eyebrow.

  “What? I couldn’t help it.” He winks at me, causing a giggle to erupt. A sliver of normalcy hits me, allowing me to breathe easier. Even if only for a moment, I’ll take it.

  We walk out of the room, hand in hand. Callan and Maddox are sitting at the table across from each other. The site of Maddox brings a tinge of nausea, yet also causes my stomach to pool with heat. What is wrong with me? The thought of what I saw makes me sick, but the sight of him... that’s another story entirely. He is gorgeous. Beautifully tanned skin that’s painted with black ink. His dark hair is perfectly styled, almost too perfectly. His fitted t-shirt shows off every muscle in his arms and torso and I have to stop myself from drooling. I lick my lips, take a deep breath and go for it.

  Confidence is something that I have never lacked, but I am so out of my league right now. That’s how I feel, anyway. Out of my comfort zone. This is a world that I know nothing about. Something that I’m still not so sure is real. How could it be real? Vampires? Warlocks? They’re real? Like, really real?

  Guess I’m about to find out.

  The guys glance at me when they see me heading towards them. Maddox stares with a cocky smile, and Callan’s face is frozen, emotionless. I have a feeling that he doesn’t want to be here, that he tried to keep Maddox away, but knowing him and his arrogant ways, he didn’t allow it.

  “Where is Alec?” I don’t know why the words leave my lips, because wouldn’t talking to three of them be easier than four?

  “I’m right here.” The sudden deep voice that sounds behind me causes me to jump. I’m on edge and I don’t like it. I’m safe, I tell myself. I know I am. Not that I thought these guys would do anything to me anyway, but Lenny is here and I am 97% sure that he wouldn’t allow anything to happen to me. Okay, maybe 98%. I’m not afraid of Maddox, not of him specifically, just of what he is. That would be terrifying to any normal person, right?

  I relax my stiff body and make my way to the table with my head held high. Someone was kind enough to bring in the desk chair, so there is a seat for everyone. I sit on the side of Callan, pulling Lenny behind me and making him sit between Maddox and me. I feel more comfortable having him in my line of vision. Alec takes the last empty seat between Callan and Maddox.

  The air is thick, the tension palpable. I don’t let go of Lenny’s hand and he seems completely okay with it. The awkward silence begins.

  And continues…

  “Knock knock.”

  Four pair of eyes shoot directly to Lenny, whose face is deadly serious. I don’t know how he does it. He could be an actor. I wonder if he can cry on queue. That’s what makes a good actor, right?

  “Knock kno–“

  “Lenny, shut it.” Maddox says, clenching his jaw.

  “You’re supposed to ask ‘who’s there?’.” He cocks his head to the side, a child-like smile on his face. I move my free hand to cover my mouth to stifle the laugh, but it doesn’t work.

  “Who’s there?” I say behind my hand, because why the fuck not?

  I get a look from Maddox of pure indignation, that just as quickly turns heated. Like a part of him is excited that I dare betray him. Like maybe he wants to take me over his knee and spank me? Lord, Friday. You need help. Alec is leaning back in his seat, staring at me with a look that I can comfortably assume is his version of humor. Callan is picking at his nail, refusing to look at me.

  “Cow says.”

  “Cow says who?” I answer Lenny, still staring down Maddox. This. Is. War.

  “No, cow says mooooo.”

  Maddox looks like he’s ready to kill. I admit, the look is a bit daunting. Callan looks like he might shit his pants, and I can’t exactly blame him. Alec still has the weird look of humor on his face, and I, of course just burst out into laughter despite the look. Lenny leans back in his chair with a satisfied smile on his face. I clear my throat and try to wipe the smile off my face, but the seriousness coming from Maddox makes me want to keep it up, just to spite him, because fuck him and his hoity-toity ass.

  “Are you finished?” His tone turns calm. Probably not a good sign, but I‘m enjoying this. I don’t know why I feel the need to piss him off, but I do. It just needs to happen. Someone needs to keep him in his place, and looking around the table, that person is me.

  “I don’t know Maddox, am I?”

  Maddox gives Lenny a tight smile. “I think so, Lenny.” He blinks his eyes and when he opens them, they are fully black. Every part of his eye is as black as midnight. A small gasp leaves my throat and my grip on Lenny’s hand hardens. My chest tightens as my breath catches in my throat.

  “Enough of this back and forth! You forced us here,“ Callan says as he points to Maddox, “against her wishes. Quit it with the domineering male crap, we all know you’re the Superior, Maddox. We are here for a reason so let’s get this over with.”


  Maddox blinks the blackness away. Just like that, his eyes return to their normal stormy grey, though a bit darker than I last recall.

  “He’s right.” Alec says under his breath.

  “If you little shits acted like it, then I wouldn’t have to be like this. But none of you like to do what you’re told.”

  “This isn’t about you bossing us around. That is not your job. You’re not our father–“ Lenny starts, but is soon interrupted.

  “And who’s fault is that?” Alec sits forward folding his hands on the table, glaring at Maddox. Completely ignoring Lenny’s comment.

  “Don’t act like all of this is my fault, asshole. It’s everyone’s. You especially.” He points his finger right in Alec’s face.

  “That is a good point.” Lenny speaks up, sounding defensive for Maddox, even though he’s the one who pissed Daddy off this time. Oooh, daddy… I like the sound of that.

  Fuck off, Friday. Focus. Now is not the time for sex fantasies.

  “You’re only sticking up for him because you’re fucking him.”

  Didn’t see that one coming.

  Jaws drop around the table, mine included.

  Maddox pushes himself up slowly, scraping the chair along the floor and sliding the table in the process.

  “Do you need me to break your nose again?” His voice is way too calm right now. Waaay too calm. I wince at the thought of his eyes going black again. That was some demon shit, and I don’t want to see it again any time soon.

  “Fucking try it.” Alec stands to match Maddox’s height, he’s a little taller than him, not enough to cause intimidation though. The air thins and it seems easier to breathe. Maddox’s face reddens, the muscles in his neck straining against an unseen force.

  “Knock it off, Alec.” Callan says as calmly as he can. Maddox’s face upgrades to a shade of purple, but he keeps his stance. Whatever Alec is doing to him, he’s putting on a good show of acting like it isn’t bothering him.

  Lenny stands next, slamming his hands on the table. “Fuck off, Alec! Stop it!”

  Alec pulls his eyes from Maddox, looks to Lenny, then to Callan and finally to me. He takes a deep breath and turns towards his room, slamming the door behind him. Maddox turns to us with his haughty self and rubs his neck as if it was nothing more than an itch.

  “Are you ready to talk now?”



  I slam the door behind me as I enter the bedroom that I’ve decided to call my own. I pace back and forth, adrenaline coursing through my veins like a raging river during a hurricane. He doesn’t deserve this. It should have been mine. What the hell kind of Superior is he? He can’t even keep everyone in line. Look at how he’s let us all get! It’s his fault, he let us get this way. He’s resorted to bossing us around, trying to make us his bitches. I’ll murder him before that happens. I’m no one’s bitch. A good leader has followers that are willing to follow, and not just because they’re getting a piece of ass.

  I don’t have a problem with them fucking. They can do whatever they want to do, but if that’s the only reason Lenny follows him around like a puppy and agrees with everything he says, then that’s just fucked.

  Fuck them all. I don’t need them, any of them. I’m going back home. I snatch my bag off the floor – grateful that I never unpack it – throw it over my shoulder and open the door. When I open it, there is a small, gorgeous woman blocking my way, hand held in the air, mid knock. My eyes go wide because it happens too quickly, but I hide my shock… and excitement.

  “Oh, uhm–I just… can we talk?” She looks terrified, and I start to feel something that I haven’t felt in a long time. Empathy.

  Can we talk? What is there to talk about? There is nothing to talk about it. I need to leave. I need to get out of here and get away from these people. I’m better off by myself. I’m always fine when I am home and by myself. I only get all fucked up during these stupid vacations, or when one of them visits me. I knew I shouldn’t have come. Now I’m leaving.

  I do want to talk to her, though. Why do I want to talk to her? There is an energy that pulls me to her. The air around me swirls with excitement just at the look of her. And she wants to talk to me. She does. Not them. Her. This isn’t about them right now. This is her. Just her.

  I stare at Friday for a long moment, my chest heaving for no reason that I can explain. I stare into her bright, honey eyes that remind me too much of my own. Only hers aren’t clouded with the same kind of darkness. Though, there is a darkness there. In this moment I am certain that I would do anything for her. No matter what she asked, I would do it. Without question and without hesitation.

  I move to the side allowing her enough space to walk in. Angry at myself for doing so, but eager all the same. She hesitates for a moment before taking the step inside. She reaches across my mid-section, grasps the door and pulls it from my hand. Closing it shut softly. She stands only a few feet from me, never breaking eye contact.

  “I’m not sure what I did to you for you to hate me so much, but– “

  “I don’t hate you.” It’s hard to get the words out, but I force them because it’s important for her to know that none of this is her fault. I am broken, long before any of the issues started with the guys. I’ve been broken for most of my life. She should know that. She needs to know that. The sudden caring throws me off, because I shouldn’t care what she thinks, but I do.

  She’s a witch. That’s the only thing that can explain it. A fucking witch.

  “Okay.” She takes a deep breath and tucks her hair behind her ear. It takes everything in me to not reach over and brush my fingers over her cheek and those perfect lips. I wonder what she feels like, what she tastes like. I’ve never wanted something so badly, and so suddenly. “Clearly, you guys have some issues that you need to work out. I’m not sure how or why I fell into the middle of it. I’m confused – and terrified – by the shit Lenny told me. Honestly, I’m not even sure that I believe it. I mean, I want to, but I feel like I mentally just can’t do it. I don’t know what to do, how to take it.” She’s speaking quickly and all I can do is stand there and listen. That’s all I have in me. “I also don’t know why I’m rambling on to you about this, the person here who couldn’t care less about me.”

  That’s not true. I want to tell her, but this time I can’t. I’ve said too much already, allowed too much of my inner self out and even though I want to pour my heart out to her, I can’t do it. I have to save myself. I have worked too hard to get where I am. I can’t fuck it up.

  The air around me continues to swirl, like a soft breeze, but without the effects. Though I still feel it. It’s a strange thing at first, feeling wind but not seeing anything move. You get used to it after a while. It didn’t take me long. I stare at her intently, trying to stay emotionless but I think I’m failing.

  “Can you feel that?” She looks around the room, her eyes stopping at the windows. She shivers and brings her hands up to rub up and down her arms. “Is there a window open?”

  “It’s me.” She furrows her eyebrows before realization strikes.

  “Oh right, Air something or other.” She’s staring off at the window still. There is a blank expression on her face and the comment sounded like it was meant more for herself.


  “Huh?” She pops her head up.

  “Air Elemental.”

  “Yes! That’s right. So you can like, control the air and stuff?” My eyebrow goes up as excitement strikes her face. “Can you show me?”

  Everything inside me screams no. I need to keep these parts of me safe and secure and secret. But I want to open up, I want to show her everything about me. Every little part that I have kept hidden for so long, the deepest darkest depths of my soul. I want her to see it all. I want her to accept it, to be awed by what I am capable of. I need that.

  I pull the energy around me, focusing on each particle that I feel. I gather it into a small, flat circle. I envision it placed under her feet, and then pull. She slowly starts to rise off the ground. She’s at least two inches up before she realizes what is happening. The look of fascination on her face is priceless. I would give anything to see this woman look at me like that for the rest of her life. She doesn’t look scared, or horrified. She looks amazed. Yet, she looked terrified only moments ago.

  “Holy shit!” I allow her to get six inches off the ground before I release the energy, allowing it to go back to its original place within the universe. That’s important. To always return things to where they belong. If not, who knows how the universe will react? She falls to the ground, gravity taking over without my help. When she drops to the ground, she falls forward. I reach my arms out to catch her, but instantly pull away at the contact. My skin feels like fire where her hands just were. The same look of confusion is across her face. She’s turning her hands over, looking to make sure everything is okay.

  “Is that normal?”

  “No idea.” The words come out slowly, unsure. “What did you want to talk about?” Her golden eyes look up to mine and I notice a swirling, lighter yellow in her irises that I didn’t notice before. It doesn’t look as if it’s part of her eye, it looks as if it’s actually moving. Like something inside of her has awoken. It’s
fucking weird.

  Her words are quiet as she continues to study her hands. “I–I honestly can’t remember.”

  An overwhelming urge to grab her and pull her to me takes over. I want to feel her lips on mine, her bare skin on me – her naked body bent over in front of me. My dick hardens at the thought and I dare not move to make it more noticeable than it already is. It’s too big to be hidden.

  Knock knock.

  The sound pulls me from my thoughts. Still standing near the door, I reach for the handle and pull it open to find Lenny standing on the other side.

  “Maddox promised he would behave. Can we go talk to now?” Lenny sounds tired. He never sounds tired. He’s the only person I know that has a 110% energy level 24 hours a day.

  I just want to get this over with. I’ll decide after the conversation if I need to leave.

  Or if I’ll stay.



  We’re all situated at the table once more, all in the same seats we were in just a little while ago. I wish I remembered what I wanted to say to Alec. I finally get the balls to go in there and say everything that’s been building up, but I forgot every last word. After seeing what he’s capable of, I was both intimidated and astounded. It’s amazing, what these guys are. At first, I was terrified, and I guess part of me still is, especially of Maddox, but I think once I learn more, once I get to understand it, I’ll be just as impressed with all of them. And that thought is intriguing.

  Are these actually popping out of my brain? Am I really willing to accept these guys like this? My how my attitude has changed over one little orgasm in a bathtub.

  I sip the hot coffee that is placed in front of me, patiently waiting for someone to speak. As I place my cup down on the table, Lenny clears his throat louder than necessary. Maddox looks over at him, gives him a look and then leans back in his chair.


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