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The Great War

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by Peter Hart

  7. H. P. K. Oram, Ready for Sea (London: Seeley Service & Co. Ltd, 1974), pp. 155–6.

  8. G. von Hase, Kiel and Jutland (London: Skeffington & Sons, 1921), pp. 171–4.

  9. J. S. Corbett, History of the Great War: Naval Operations, Vol. III. (London: Longmans Green & Co., 1923), p. 355.

  10. J. Jellicoe, statement quoted in David Beatty, The Beatty Papers (Aldershot: Scolar Press for the Navy Records Society, 1989), p. 470.

  11. H. Kitching, quoted in H. W. Fawcett and G. W. W. Hooper, The Fighting at Jutland: The Personal Experiences of Sixty Officers and Men of the British Fleet (London: Maclure, Macdonald & Co., 1921), pp. 433–4.

  12. H. Kitching, quoted in Fawcett and Hooper, The Fighting at Jutland, p. 434.

  13. IWM DOCS: Misc. 1010, R. Church Collection: B. W. Gasson, manuscript answer to questionnaire, c. 1970–74.

  14. Scheer, German High Seas Fleet in the Great War, p. 153.

  15. J. Jellicoe, ‘Errors in the Jutland Battle’, quoted in F. C. Dreyer, The Sea Heritage: A Study of Maritime Warfare (London: Museum Press, 1955) p. 167.

  16. N. J. W. Powlett, quoted in Fawcett and Hooper, The Fighting at Jutland, p. 190.

  17. A. P. Bush, quoted in Fawcett and Hooper, The Fighting at Jutland, pp. 177–8.

  18. J. A. Fergusson quoted in A. J. Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow: Jutland and After (May 1916–October 1916), Vol. III (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966), p. 158.

  19. M. von Egidy, ‘Jutland: A German View’, Purnell Partworks, History of the First World War, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 1418.

  20. H. Zenne, typescript of newspaper report supplied by L. W. Burr.

  21. IWM DOCS: D. Lorimer, typescript account, pp. 120–21.

  12. Mesopotamia, 1914–18

  1. G. Gorringe, quoted in A. J. Barker, The First Iraq War, 1914–1918 (New York: Enigma Books, 2009), p. 17.

  2. IEF ‘A’ was the force intended for the Western Front and Egypt, while IEF ‘B’ and ‘C’ were both East African expeditions.

  3. Lord Crewe, quoted in Mesopotamia Commission Report (London: HMSO, 1917), p. 17.

  4. H. B. Reynardson, Mesopotamia, 1914–1915: Extracts from a Regimental Officer’s Diary (London: Andrew Melrose Ltd, 1919), pp.143–4.

  5. Reynardson, Mesopotamia, 1914–1915, pp. 148–9.

  6. C. V. F. Townshend, My Campaign in Mesopotamia (London: Thornton Butterworth Ltd, 1920), pp. 70–71.

  7. J. Nixon, quoted in Townshend, My Campaign in Mesopotamia, p. 99.

  8. Townshend, My Campaign in Mesopotamia, p. 124.

  9. Townshend, My Campaign in Mesopotamia, 1914–1915, p. 161.

  10. R. B. Carter, quoted in Mesopotamia Commission Report, pp. 76–7.

  11. C. J. Meliss, quoted in M. Carver, The National Army Museum Book of the Turkish Front, 1914–18 (London: Pan Books, second edition, 2004), p. 132.

  12. IWM DOCS: E. Walker, typescript diary, 5/12/1915, p. 21.

  13. F. Aylmer, quoted in F. J. Moberly, History of the Great War Based on Official Documents: The Campaign in Mesopotamia, 1914–1918, Vol. II (London: HMSO, 1924), p. 240.

  14. IWM DOCS: E. Walker, typescript diary, 5/12/1915, p. 41.

  15. E. O. Mousley, The Secrets of a Kuttite (London: John Lane Company, 1921), p. 131.

  16. Mousley, The Secrets of a Kuttite, pp. 139 and 147.

  17. P. Hehir, quoted in Mesopotamia Commission Report, p. 170.

  18. IWM DOCS: C. C. Aston, letter, 11/4/1916.

  19. IWM DOCS: A. J. Anderson, typescript account, pp. 88–9.

  20. IWM DOCS: A. J. Anderson, typescript account, pp. 96–7.

  21. IWM DOCS: H. V. Wheeler, typescript memoir/letter, 10/1/1974, p. 1.

  22. IWM DOCS: H. V. Wheeler, typescript memoir/letter, 10/1/1974, pp. 2–3.

  23. G. F. MacMunn, Behind the Scenes in Many Wars (London: John Murray, 1930), pp. 207–8.

  24. W. Robertson, quoted in A. J. Barker, The First Iraq War, 1914–1918 (New York: Enigma Books, 2009), p. 263.

  13. The Eastern Front, 1917–18

  1. A. Kerensky, quoted in J. Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World (London: Penguin Books, 2007), p. 60.

  14. The Sea War, 1917–18

  1. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs of David Lloyd George Vol. I (London: Odhams Press, 1938), p. 673.

  2. R. Scheer, German High Seas Fleet in the Great War (London: Cassell & Co., 1920), p. 360.

  3. Scheer, German High Seas Fleet in the Great War, p. 169.


  5. W. Wilson, speech to US Congress, 2/4/1917, in Charles F. Horne (ed), Source Records of the Great War, Vol. V (Indianapolis: National Alumni, 1923).

  6. D. Haig, quoted in R. Blake, The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 1914–1919 (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952), pp. 240–41.

  7. National Library of Scotland: D. Haig letter to Lady Haig, 7/5/1917, NLS Acc. 3155 147.

  8. D. W. Bone, Merchantmen-at-Arms: The British Merchants’ Service in the War (London: Chatto & Windus, 1919), p. 182. It would seem that one of the refraining lines of dialogue in Star Trek was indeed based on a sound nautical tradition.

  9. A. Saalwächter, quoted in A. Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, Vol. IV (London: Oxford University Press, 1969), p. 285.

  10. H. Adam, quoted in R. Scheer, German High Seas Fleet in the Great War (London, Cassell & Co., 1920), pp. 273–4.

  11. J. Speiss, ‘Six Years of Submarine Cruising’, US Office of Naval Intelligence, February 1926, pp. 2–3.

  12. G. H. Barnish, quoted in T. Dorling, Endless Story (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1932), pp. 277–8, edited with extra material from R. Young and P. Armstrong, Silent Warriors: Submarine Wrecks of the British Isles – England’s East Coast to Kent (Stroud: The History Press, 2006).

  13. W. Wainwright quoted by C. B. Purdon (editor), Everyman at War (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1930), pp. 399 –400.

  14. W. Wainwright quoted by C. B. Purdon (editor), Everyman at War (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1930), p. 403.

  15. C. Widdison, Nottinghamshire Weekly Express, 3/5/1918.

  16. IWM DOCS: W. H. Gough, typescript account.

  17. C. Widdison, Nottinghamshire Weekly Express, 3/5/1918.

  18. A. Carpenter

  19. R. Stumpf, The Private War of Seaman Stumpf (London: Leslie Frewin, 1969), pp. 417–19.

  20. A. von Trotha quoted in A. J. Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow, Vol V (London: Oxford University Press, 1970), p. 174.

  15. The Western Front, 1917

  1. D. Haig, quoted in J. E. Edmonds, Military Operations in France and Belgium, 1917, Vol. II (London: HMSO, 1948), p. 426.

  2. Erich von Ludendorff, My War Memories Vol. I (London: Hutchinson & Co. Ltd, 1919), p. 273.

  3. R. Nivelle, quoted in I. Sumner, They Shall Not Pass: The French Army on the Western Front, 1914–1918 (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2012), p. 145.

  4. J. Charteris, At G.H.Q. (London: Cassell & Co., 1931), p. 200.

  5. H. Trenchard, quoted in A. Boyle, Trenchard: Man of Vision (London: Collins, 1962), p. 209.

  6. P. Warren, quoted in F. Gibbons, The Red Knight of Germany (New York: Garden City Publishing Co. Inc., 1927), pp. 170–71.

  7. 2nd Lt. Bittkau, quoted in J. Sheldon, The German Army on Vimy Ridge, 1914–1917 (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2008), p. 286.

  8. 2nd Lt. Bittkau, quoted in Sheldon, The German Army on Vimy Ridge, 1914–1917, pp. 286–7.

  9. IWM DOCS: M. I. Hood, typescript memoir.

  10. IWM DOCS: E. J. D. Routh, typescript account and manuscript diary, 9/4/1917.

  11. L. Barthas, Les Carnets de guerre de Louis Barthas, tonnerlier, 1914–1918 (Paris: Éditions La Découverte, 1987), p. 449.

  12. M. C. Chenu, quoted in I. Sumner, They Shall Not Pass, pp. 233–4.

  13. J.-L. Cros, quoted in J. P. Guéno and Y. Laplume, Paroles des Poilus (Paris: Librio, 2003), p. 166.

  14. Bar
thas, Les Carnets de guerre de Louis Barthas, tonnerlier, 1914–1918, p. 471.

  15. Barthas, Les Carnets de guerre de Louis Barthas, tonnerlier, 1914–1918, pp. 472–3.

  16. Barthas, Les Carnets de guerre de Louis Barthas, tonnerlier, 1914–1918, pp. 472–3.

  17. J. Cousins, quoted in J. Nicholls, Cheerful Sacrifice: The Battle of Arras, 1917 (London: Leo Cooper, 1995), p. 197.

  18. D. Haig, diary, 1 May 1917, quoted in R. Blake, The Private Papers of Douglas Haig, 1914–1919 (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952), p. 223.

  19. O. H. Woodward, The War Story of Oliver Holmes Woodward (Adelaide: O. H. Woodward, 1932), pp. 96–7.

  20. R. Hamilton, The War Diary of the Master of Belhaven, 1914–1918 (Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 1990), pp. 303–4.

  21. 2nd Lt. Meinke, quoted in J. Sheldon, The German Army at Passchendaele (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2007), p. 19.

  22. J. Charteris, quoted in J. E. Edmonds, Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1917, Vol. II (London: HMSO, 1948), p. 97.

  23. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs of David Lloyd George Vol. II (London: Odhams Press, 1938), p. 280.

  24. E. Blunden, Undertones of War (London: Cobden-Sanderson, 1930), pp. 219–20.

  25. G. Gurtler, quoted in P. Witkop, German Students’ War Letters (Philadelphia: Pine Street Books, 2002), p. 361. It has not been possible to trace details of Gurter’s rank or unit.

  26. IWM DOCS: J. S. Handley, typescript memoir, pp. 7–10.

  27. IWM DOCS: J. S. Handley, typescript memoir, pp. 7–10.

  28. F. von Forstner, quoted in J. Sheldon, The German Army at Passchendaele, pp. 52–3.

  29. Operational memorandum, 1 August 1917, quoted in Edmonds, Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1917, Vol. II, p. 448.

  30. H. Gough, The Fifth Army (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1931), p. 205.

  31. E. Ludendorff, My War Memories, 1914–1918 (London: Hutchinson & Co, 1919), p. 480.

  32. C. H. Harrington, quoted in Edmonds, Military Operations, France and Belgium, 1917, Vol. II, p. 460.

  33. C. Lawrence, Sergeant Lawrence Goes to France (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1987), pp. 124–5.

  34. Ludendorff, My War Memories, 1914–1918, p. 489.

  35. Ludendorff, My War Memories, 1914–1918, p. 490.

  36. IWM DOCS: R. G. Dixon, typescript memoir, p. 32.

  37. Norman Cliff, To Hell and Back with the Guards (Braunton: Merlin Books, 1988), p. 83.

  38. W. G. Fisher, quoted in C. E. W. Bean (ed), The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918, Vol. IV (Queensland: University of Queensland Press, 1982), p. 927.

  39. Ludendorff, My War Memories, 1914–1918, Vol. II, p. 106.

  40. IWM DOCS: W. R. Kirkby, typescript.

  41. A. Saucke, quoted in J. Sheldon, The German Army at Cambrai (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2009), pp. 49–50.

  42. A. Saucke quoted in Sheldon, The German Army at Cambrai, p. 51.

  43. Arthur Gould Lee, No Parachute: A Fighter Pilot in World War I (London: The Adventurers Club, 1968), p. 163.

  44. IWM DOCS: K. Wootton account in N. M. Dillon papers.

  45. IWM DOCS: K. Wootton account in N. M. Dillon papers.

  46. A. Ballard, quoted in B. Hammond, Cambrai, 1917 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 2008), p.169.

  47. 2nd Lt. von der Goltz, quoted in Sheldon, The German Army at Cambrai, pp. 227–8.

  48. S. Sgt. Engesser quoted in Sheldon, The German Army at Cambrai, pp. 238–9.

  49. Cliff, To Hell and Back with the Guards, pp. 85–6.

  16. Italy, 1915–18

  1. D. Lloyd George, War Memoirs Vol. II (London: Odhams Press Ltd, 1936), p. 1302.

  2. National Archives: CAB 25/22, C. N. Buzzard, Italian Army: Impressions of Lt Col. Buzzard, RN, p. 4.

  3. C. N. Buzzard, quoted in J. E. Edmonds, Military Operations, Italy, 1915–1919 (Nashville: Battery Press, 1991), p. 36.

  4. O. von Below, quoted in Edmonds, Military Operations, Italy, 1915–1919, p. 51.

  5. E. Rommel, Infantry Attacks (Washington: The Infantry Journal, 1944), p. 170.

  6. Rommel, Infantry Attacks, pp. 174–7 (edited).

  7. Rommel, Infantry Attacks, pp. 174–7 (edited).

  8. N. Gladden, Across the Piave (London: HMSO, 1971), pp. 118–19.

  9. Gladden, Across the Piave, pp. 121 and 122.

  10. Gladden, Across the Piave, p. 124.

  11. Gladden, Across the Piave, pp. 166–8.

  12. Gladden, Across the Piave, pp. 166–8.

  13. Gladden, Across the Piave, pp. 177–8.

  17. Palestine, 1915–18

  1. D. Lloyd George, Hansard, 20 December 1917.

  2. T. E. Lawrence, quoted in M. Brown, T. E Lawrence in War and Peace (London: Greenhill Books, 2005), p. 99.

  3. A. H. Lee, quoted in C. H. Dudley Ward, History of the 53rd (Welsh) Division (Cardiff: Western Mail, 1927), pp. 88–9.

  4. I. L. Idriess, The Desert Column (Sydney: Angus & Robertson Ltd, 1935), p. 325.

  5. E. Allenby, quoted in A. Wavell, Allenby: A Study in Greatness (London: George G. Harrap, 1940), p. 183.

  6. W. B. Mercer, quoted in the Marquess of Anglesey, A History of the British Cavalry, 1816–1919 Vol. VI (London: Leo Cooper, 1995), p. 173.

  7. O. Teichmann, The Diary of a Yeoman (London: Fisher & Unwin Ltd, 1921), pp. 184–5.

  8. W. Robertson, quoted in M. Hughes, Allenby in Palestine: The Middle East Correspondence of Field Marshal Viscount Allenby (Stroud: Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2004), pp. 92–3.

  9. B. Livermore, Long ’un– A Damn Bad Soldier (Batley: Harry Hayes, 1974), p. 128.

  10. E. Allenby, quoted in Hughes, Allenby in Palestine, p. 178.

  11. F. C. Conrick, quoted in M. Molkentin, Fire in the Sky: The Australian Flying Corps in the First World War (Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2010), p. 162.

  18. The Western Front, 1918

  1. IWM DOCS: R. G. Dixon, typescript account, ‘The Wheels of Darkness’, p. 133.

  2. E. Ludendorff, Ludendorff’s Own Story: August 1914–November 1918 (New York and London: Harper & Bros., 1919), pp. 160–61.

  3. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, p. 19.

  4. H. Sulzbach, With the German Guns (London: Frederick Warne, 1981), p. 150.

  5. IWM DOCS: E. C. Alfree, typescript account, pp. 319–20.

  6. IWM DOCS: C. C. Miller, typescript account, ‘A Letter from India to My Daughters in England’, pp. 33–4.

  7. P. Kretschmer, quoted in S. Bull, German Assault Troops of the First World War: The First Stormtroopers (Stroud: Spellmount, 2007), p. vii.

  8. IWM DOCS: J. Brady, typescript account, pp. 133–4.

  9. IWM DOCS: E. C. Alfree, typescript account, pp. 347–9.

  10. E. Udet, Ace of the Black Cross (London: Newnes, 1937), pp. 95–6.

  11. D. Haig, quoted in G. Sheffield and J. Bourne, Douglas Haig: War Diaries and Letters, 1914–1918 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005), pp. 393–4.

  12. IWM DOCS: R. Foot, typescript account, ‘Once a Gunner’, p. 87.

  13. IWM DOCS: J. T. Capron, typescript account, pp. 30–31.

  14.,_Memorials,_Personal_Reminiscences) G. F. Dose, ‘German 187th Infantry Regiment in Flanders, at Arras and Cambrai, 1917–18.

  15. Ludendorff, Ludendorff’s Own Story: August 1914–November 1918, pp. 237–8.

  16. IWM DOCS: F. Warren, diary, 28/3/1918.

  17. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, pp. 22–3.

  18. D. Haig, quoted in J. E. Edmonds, History of the Great War: Military Operations France and Belgium, 1918, Vol. II (London: Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1937), p. 512.

  19. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, p. 30.

  20. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, pp. 31–2.

  21. H. Desagneux, A French Soldier’s War Diary, 1914–1918 (Morley: Elmfield Press, 1975), pp. 60–61.

  22. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, p. 32.

  23. D. G.
Lewis, ‘My Most Thrilling Flight: An Encounter with Richthofen’, Popular Flying, May 1938, p. 75.

  24. Lewis, ‘My Most Thrilling Flight’, p. 76.

  25. W. May, ‘Lieutenant Wilfred “Wop” May’s Account’, Cross & Cockade, vol. 23, no. 2, p. 112.

  26. F. Mitchell, Tank Warfare: The Story of the Tanks in the Great War (London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1933), pp. 189–90.

  27. Mitchell, Tank Warfare, pp. 191–2.

  28. Edited from W. H. Downing, To the Last Ridge (London: Grub Street, 2005), pp. 118–19.

  29. S. Rogerson, quoted in J. H. Boraston and C. E. O. Bax, The Eighth Division at War, 1914–1918 (London: Medici Society, 1926), pp. 222–3.

  30. G. Gaudy, quoted in I. Sumner, They Shall Not Pass: The French Army on the Western Front, 1914–1918 (Barnsley: Pen & Sword, 2012), p. 193.

  31. IWM DOCS: J. Nettleton, typescript account, pp. 148–9.

  32. M. H. Silverthorn, quoted in J. H. Hallas, Doughboy War: The American Expeditionary Force in WWI (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2009), pp. 89–90.

  33. Doughboy Center,

  34. Originally from C. F. Horne, Source Records of the Great War, Vol. VI (Indianapolis: US National Alumni, 1923).

  35. E. Morin, Lieutenant Morin: Combatant de la guerre, 1914–1918 (Besançon: Cêtre, 2002), p. 287.

  36. J. W. Thomason, quoted in D. V. Johnson and R. L. Hillman, Soissons, 1918 (Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1999), p. 64.

  37. L. T. Janda, quoted in Johnson and Hillman, Soissons 1918, p. 79.

  38. Morin, Lieutenant Morin, p. 287.

  39. IWM DOCS: F. Meisel, typescript account, pp. 51 and 60–61.

  40. E. J. Rule, Jacka’s Mob: A Narrative of the Great War by Edgar John Rule (Melbourne: Military Melbourne, 1999), p. 133.

  41. H. Wilson, quoted in J. E. Edmonds, History of the Great War: Military Operations France and Belgium, 1918, Vol. IV (Nashville: Battery Press, 1993), p. 532.

  42. J. Monash, quoted in N. Browning, The Blue and White Diamond: The History of the 29th Battalion, 1915–1919 (Bassendean, WA: Advance Press), p. 412.


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