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Page 4

by Richard Carradine

  "Do I need these now?" Another emphatic nod from her dumb instructress. The stockings felt smooth and silken, tautly moulding to her legs. Jane's hands lingered on the sensual material of the stockings. Quickly now she pulled the bootees on and laced them tight. On what felt to be tip-toe, her calf muscles bunching, she stood waiting for the next stage in her costuming.

  The corset was of a traditional style. It left her breasts and bottom bare, latching together at the front and lacing at the back. Rhoda was obviously an expert at the art of corseting for soon she had the laces tight tied and Jane slightly breathless at its stricture.

  Jane now learnt why Rhoda had made her put on the stockings in advance of the corset. For trying to attach them to the suspenders once corseted was hard work on its own, without the added labour of putting on the stockings and shoes as well.

  Jane and Rhoda stood side by side examining their reflections in the long glass. Jane admired herself in the mirror, the narrowing of her waist and empathising of the curve of hip, her legs seeming incredibly long and shapely in their black stockings and towering heels. Soon, very soon she would have breasts to rival Rhoda's and no doubt her waist would be as narrow as the lush bosomed slave by her side. It would be worth it, it must be, she felt her pussy moisten in narcissistic voyeurism.

  She found herself once more cuddling Rhoda, feeling her fullness, enjoying her silken skin against her own. She became aware of Rhoda's hands on her own large teats, manipulating and teasing them, never had another woman touched her so and Jane enjoyed every moment. Her hand cupped Rhoda's leather clad crotch and felt the buzz of vibrators under her fingers. A grunt signalled an orgasm sweeping Rhoda and Jane's sex wept in sympathy.

  Chapter 5. An expanding front.

  The officious young policewoman stood up and marched stiffly past the receptionist and into Mr Bright's surgery. The receptionist watched her walk through the door and thought. “Stiff and starchy stuck up Pig," an epithet that Jane, because of its connotations with "Fat Pig", would not have relished.

  In the centre of the brightly lit surgery was a chair reminiscent of those used by dentists. A young and very pretty nurse in a white trouser suit was busily arranging various objects on a trolley.

  "Ah Jane, nice to see you again. Are you ready for your first session?"

  "Yes." She had to struggle against the effects of nervousness to keep her voice sounding casual. "Should I strip to the waist or what?"

  "Just take off your tunic and blouse. Oh yes, your bra if you’re wearing one." He paused as though considering. "You might as well leave on your corset; I don't suppose it will get in the way."

  Jane had known she might have to show her corseted body to someone, she knew Bright had treated other "Slaves", but even so she still blushed at the casual revelation of her secret.

  "Sit in the chair, Jane." The nurse had taken her blouse and tunic and hung them over an adjacent chair back.

  "Now I would like you to grasp the bar above your head and keep holding it until I instruct you to bring your arms down. Please try to keep as still as possible so make yourself as comfortable now." The seat squeaked as she settled herself in to the padding and she grasped the serrated bar. It was warm to the touch and easy to hold.

  Bright immersed himself in the preparation but at last the four inserts in her chest and armpits, with their collection of tube ends, had been connected to a device that looked like a cross between an X ray machine and a expresso coffee maker. Neither inspired Jane with any great degree of confidence.

  The pretty nurse approached Jane with an anaesthetic spray and liberally applied it to Jane's chest. She smiled warmly at Jane but never said a word.

  "Don't mind Nurse Parker. She's my Bound woman. She can’t speak, well not for the next four years anyway. For the sake of some money and a pretty form she sold me her services and her body."

  Bright was all prepared for the minor operation so was unable to touch his nurse but leaned forward and bit her chest through the fabric of her uniform approximately where her nipple was and shook it with his teeth. The nurse gave a silent laugh of pleasure at his attentions.

  "This device pumps the immature breast cells down the fine tubes. The cells are chemically marked so that the machine can "see" the manner in which the cells are laid in and adjust the flow through the various tubes to give as near perfect a shape as possible to your breasts. The marker is degradable and any colour that shows through the skin will fade in a few hours.”

  Jane felt a momentary coldness as the pump began its work and soon began to feel a pressure build in her chest but no pain. She glanced down and was fascinated and even though she was desperate to acquire the visible signs of femininity, revolted too as breasts began to form. Small breasts but definitely breasts and momentary revulsion gave way to a wave of pleasure and gratification.

  All too soon Bright stopped and Jane looked down on now small but well formed conical globes.

  "The cells injected in to your breasts are immature so you can expect them to grow somewhat over the next seven to ten days." He looked down at Jane as he disconnected the tubes from the inserts, gratified at the look of pleasure on her face. "You had better put your bra on as they may be a little tender as the anaesthetic wears off."

  There was another treat in store for Jane, she was thrilled to find the padding in the bra now made it too tight for her to wear and she could throw those deceiving pads away.

  Bright picked up Jane's tunic to wear and felt the shape of a pair of handcuffs in the tunic pocket. Her back was turned and he slipped them from her pocket. Now he handed the tunic to the nurse so that she could help Jane on with the coat. It was as Jane simultaneously slid both arms back through the sleeves that Bright, with nimble surgeon’s fingers, snicked the cuffs on Jane's wrists.

  "What are you doing?" Alarm and indignation made Jane's tone sharp and demanding.

  "Nothing that my trusted friend and your Master wouldn't approve of, girl." He turned to the pretty nurse. "Parker, trousers off and up on the couch: you know the position I want." With alacrity the nurse removed her slacks, baring her lower body, and climbed up on the obstetrics couch. She laid flat on her back and located her feet, still clad in her tights, white shoes and ankle socks, into the stirrups. She giggled silently in pleasurable anticipation for she had no doubt as to what was to come.

  At first Jane was too concerned at her own helplessness to take much notice of the recumbent girl. In her uniform she was still too much of the policewoman to enjoy the thought of being at anyone’s mercy. In a moment or two she realised that there was going to be no gainsaying what was about to happen to her.

  "I think Parker deserves some reward for her services in helping manufacture such a pretty pair of breasts, don't you?" Jane felt her arms pulled up high by the cuffs and she found herself forced, by the stiffness of her corset, to bend forward from hips. A shove and she stumbled towards the couch that Parker lay upon with her legs spread comfortably wide. Resistance was futile, she could only look at a pair of shapely legs spread wide in welcome for her attentions.

  Amazement filled her, for what she had thought were stocking tights that Parker wore under her trousers and ankle socks were in fact elaborate black tattoos that curled around her legs and up over her belly. In seconds she was presented with a close up view of Parker’s tattooed thighs and denuded and ringed pussy.

  It was obvious to Jane that rings and hairless pussy was as much Bright's "Bag", as it was her new Master's and for the first time she had a close up of what her pussy would look like when her pierced labia healed and was ringed. Each ring gathered together inner and outer labia so that with a ring in each side and her legs spread, Parker's inner lips showed pink and moist. There was little doubt that Parker, at least, was enjoying the experience. Her ringed clitoris, aided by the ring through its hood, stood erect and engorged awaiting the unwilling ministrations of Jane's tongue.

  "Go on, girl, show your appreciation." One hand holding the cuffs
was all Bright required to control Jane and as he spoke his other hauled Jane's skirt up exposing her bare ass. "Come on, don't be shy." A resounding smack landed on her unprotected bottom, making her jerk her face in to Parker's crotch. Parker pushed herself hard back against Jane's face, eager for her attention. "Tongue girl, tongue!"

  Her face flamed with embarrassment as tentatively her tongue flicked that erect little nub. It was as though a bomb had gone off in Parker's sex for an excited sigh came out that Jane realised was her equivalent of a scream of delight and her patterned legs writhed against the hold of the stirrups.

  "That's better, girl, a little more enthusiasm, though." Another slap landed with a loud whack and Jane's tongue went into double time. She could taste Parker's juices for already they were flowing copiously.

  The hard prick slid home in to her own love nest with an audible squelch. Now it was her turn to moan. So engrossed in what she was physically being forced to endure she had only been half aware of her own arousal.

  Mr Bright's height as he thrust home forced her to teeter on tip-toes. Straining to retain him inside her, she was forced to lean her face hard against Parker's wide spread pussy.

  Her face and mouth was now eagerly paying their dues to Parker's pussy. She became afraid that any lack of enthusiasm would result in the withdrawal of that hard meaty shaft from her own now eager snatch.

  The dumb Parker sounded like a steam kettle as a loud wheee!! came from her puckered and pouting mouth as orgasm and orgasm rolled over her. Jane, muffled by Parker's wet pussy, could only strive to get enough air in to her lungs to give her sufficient strength to keep her trembling legs straight and so prolong her own climax.

  At last her legs did give way and she pulled off the hard penis. It smeared a trail of sperm and love juices down her bottom cheeks as she collapsed to the floor, Bright loosening his grip on her cuffs so that she didn't dislocate her shoulders.

  "Well, girl, for a copper you really are a hot cunted whore!" From her place on the floor Jane felt there was little she could say to deny it. Never had she come so deliciously before.

  Later Jane felt she might have been staggering as she passed the receptionist on the way out. It was definitely only the corset that kept her spine straight.

  The late shift she had to work after her first breast augmentation seemed to last for an age. Her pussy seemed permanently aroused and she could feel her labia swollen and moist between her thighs. When she found moments of privacy she squirmed her thighs together, a habit that was to strengthen as time passed.

  As the next few weeks went by instead of the state of near permanent arousal passing, it deepened and became the norm. Jane was not to know that the package of hormones that was being metered in to her brain was doing its job.

  As Jane sat, she remembered her visit to Bright's surgery when he first began to increase the size of her breasts. In one hand she held a steaming cup of coffee, the other was up under her own skirt, teasing her erect clit. He had not repeated the experience, the fucking, the slit licking or the spanking, though as the three were now inextricably linked in Jane's mind she would not have objected to anything.

  She put down the cup and whilst her hand continued to frig her pussy her other now caressed her generous breasts. The T-shirt she wore was now way too small and her breasts threatened to push her teats through the over stretched cotton. The material hung from the peak of her tits like a pelmet; there was insufficient fabric to tuck into her old pleated skirt now.

  Thank God she had finished her last duty shift prior to the last visit to Bright. It had been difficult to conceal her burgeoning breasts from everyone before, but now it would be impossible. She looked down at her own caressing hand and felt a sense of smug satisfaction. It wasn't just the size of them, she thought, but the randiness they engendered in her.

  There was no suspicion in her mind that Bright might have done anything else to her. She was sure it was her new breasts that made her so randy, they made her a woman. She even walked differently. She'd heard Sergeant Fletcher comment that she walked as though she were rubbing her own pussy between her thighs, which often in fact she was! It wasn't just the walk, though, since the last visit to Bright, her tits’ very size made her actions slower, more deliberate. Before, when she had been flat-chested, she had moved in a very quick almost masculine manner. Now she had to be very careful, as sometimes her breasts got in the way and she had to move her arm around them to do things.

  Jane only knew the half of it, could her colleagues at the station have seen her they would have hardly recognised her. Her movements had become languorous and sexual, it had become impossible for her to be anything other than totally female, a female in heat at that. She put down her coffee cup and bent forward to get up out of the chair. For just a moment she paused, enjoying the voluptuous weight of her breasts as they hung from her chest. This would never do, she had work to do.

  There were still a few weeks to go before she had to get out of the flat but she was leaving early so that she could book into the clinic for the cosmetic surgery to her face. For once she wasn't wearing her corset, its tightness made it difficult to do hard manual work as she had things to pack and furniture to move so it could all go into store for the next five years. A corset of the tightness that she now wore would have made such exercise near impossible. Five years! It seemed a lifetime but there was no going back now.

  On bare feet, she was making her way towards the bedroom when there was a knock on the front door.

  "Oh hallo Miz Brown, my name is John Villiers, I'm from the estates office. I have to carry out an inventory before you move out." He stood there, young and seeming so innocent. He was nineteen or twenty at the most, tall slim and muscular. Adolescence had obviously been no trial for him. His skin was clear and lightly tanned showing his even white teeth to good advantage. His hair was mid brown and shone with health, he flicked it back self-consciously.

  At first Jane couldn't understand why this young man wouldn't look her in the eye as she was used to her work colleagues doing. Then the penny dropped, he couldn't take his eyes of her boobs! She moved them gently so that they moved under the taut cloth. His eyes followed the sway of her nipples as though mesmerised.

  "You had better come in then." She felt her pussy twitch at the thought of his hard young body and when she looked down at his crotch and could see the outline of a healthy erection she felt as though her pussy was flooding. "I've just made some coffee; would you like some?"

  "Yes, please." His voice held a hint of nervousness that delighted her and she felt deliciously, 'In charge'.

  The kitchen was open plan with a low breakfast bar separating it from the living room. Jane went behind the bar for the coffee jug.

  "Grab a mug from one of those boxes, will you?" He came to join her behind the narrow bar, holding a mug out for filling. Jane moved close to him as though about to fill the mug but she moved a bit too close and her hard nipples brushed against the front of his jacket. John, for all his youth, was not as naive as he might have appeared to Jane but never had he felt a wave of such female sexuality as came from this lush bodied woman. Her teats seemed to burn his flesh through the fabric of his clothes. The mug and the jug were put down with a force that threatened to break them and suddenly Jane's body was clasped against his and her face looked up at him, demanding a kiss.

  There was little doubt as to who was in charge. A voice inside Jane was rationalising her actions. It said that as for the next five years her body was going to be for the use of any her Master might decree, today was going to be for her!

  John felt as though he were being raped, in a moment his jacket was stripped from him and his shirt ripped open, his trousers and underpants were in a pool around his feet. Jane dragged him flat to the floor and before the poor lad fully realised what was happening to him Jane had sat astride his recumbent form and took his hard young prick full home in her hot wet snatch.

  He tried to arch his back and fuck up in
to her but her eyes blazed down at him. Her voice was sharp and commanding, for a moment he thought she might be some sort of a madwoman.

  "No! Stay still I'll move for both of us." And move she did. His penis was held in a silken grip that was almost painfully tight. The muscles in her vagina rippled delightfully around his rock hard shaft.

  As he lay looking up at the small but busty young woman that sat upon him his penis jerked and he felt as though he might explode inside her.

  "Stay still, I said!" Her voice was almost angry and for moment he was frightened. Then as he watched her she lifted her shirt over the shelf of her bosom and leaned forward, pushing the largest nipple he had ever seen in to his oh so eager mouth.

  He almost went past the point of arousal as, delighted, her large rubbery teat filled his mouth. Slowly she would pull it from between his sucking mouth and biting teeth, only to replace it with its partner in an instant. Still Jane worked her pussy muscles, milking him with all her strength.

  It couldn't go on forever. Suddenly Jane seemed to go mad. She thrust herself up and down on him, her sex making wet smacking sounds as her hairless lips tightened around his member, her clit pounding against his pubic bone. Mewing sounds escaping her lips as the climax took them both. Frantically she pulled her teat from his mouth and swung her breasts from side to side, slapping his face with her weighty dugs.

  On shaky legs he stood and looked down at Jane. She lay on her side as she had fallen from him. She was obviously conscious but she made no attempt to move or sit up. The young man was now totally spent and all he wanted to do was get away from Jane and possible embarrassment. He pulled his pants and trousers up in one heave and stuffed his shirt more or less back inside his waistband.


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