Book Read Free

My Teacher

Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  “She could go to university there. I’ve already spoken to the Dean. He’s looked over Lucia’s work—”

  She turned to Marie, whose eyes had just gotten wide.

  “Mom, Dad, I’m home,” she said, moving toward the dining room. Right now, she didn’t want to think of her future. It was getting clearer that a relocation to London was on the cards, but she just didn’t know when it was happening.

  She had to fix her other problem before she started to try to deal with this one.

  Her parents closed whatever file they’d been looking at and smiled over at her. “Lucia, honey, you’re home early. I thought you were studying.”

  “I was, but Marie and I feel the need for a girls’ night. I’m just grabbing some clothes.”

  “Marie, it’s good to see you,” her father said.

  “Yep, you two too. So, university. Isn’t that like a British way of saying college?”

  “I’m going to go and grab some clothes.” She left Marie to her parents, not feeling even the slightest bit of guilt about it.

  Her life was unraveling in ways that she couldn’t control. Her parents hadn’t even asked her what she thought of a relocation, and now this crazy shit with Marie over Jack. Everything was a nightmare.

  Shoving some clothes into a bag, she made her way downstairs to see Marie’s arms folded. She looked pissed.

  “I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Lucia said.

  She didn’t linger and was back in the car within a minute.

  Marie fastened her seatbelt.

  “You do know what that is all about, don’t you?” Marie asked.

  “I have a hunch.”

  “Lucia, they’re planning a big move right now, and you’ve not even told me.”

  Lucia winced, pulling out of the drive. “I don’t even know, okay? They’ve not said a word to me. In fact, they keep changing the subject, and I didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “When did you become the avoider of all things? Weren’t you the one that said in order to deal with this life you’ve got to hit things head-on?” Marie asked.

  “A lot of things are going on in my life right now and moving is in the cards, and I don’t want to know. I’m not trying to do this to be awkward. It’s happening. I know that. I just … I want to not think about it.”

  “You can’t keep doing that,” Marie said.

  “For now I don’t want to think about it. The longer they keep it to themselves, the better I feel. They’ve not even found a buyer for their house yet, so I’ve got a bit of time.”

  “Wow, Lucia, buyers can be found within days. He has really messed with your head.”

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  “I mean it. If he’s hurt you or put you in a position that makes me uncomfortable then I’m going to make sure you do the right thing.”

  “I kissed him,” Lucia said. “I was the one that started it, Marie. He didn’t.”


  “On my eighteenth birthday, after class, I kissed him, and then I ran away as if I had been fucking burned, okay?”

  “Is that all it’s been? A kiss?”


  “What do you mean?”

  “After my parents were a no-show on my birthday, I texted him, and then I went over to his house.”

  She paused, not wanting to say anything more, but Marie wouldn’t let her.


  “And we had sex. There. Are you happy? We had sex, and it was the best experience of my life, and he was amazing. We’ve been seeing each other since, and no, he’s not after just sex. He’s taken care of me. Over Thanksgiving I was so sick that I passed out on my bathroom floor. I’d left a window open, and I could be dead right now if it wasn’t for him. So, before you judge him harshly or think we need to ruin his life, I’m the one that pursued him, Marie. I’m the one that wanted this to happen. Even if it is just sex for him, I don’t care, because I’ve loved every single second and wouldn’t trade it.”

  “It sounds like you love him,” Marie said. “The way you look … just everything. You’re in love with him.”

  She pulled into Marie’s driveway, feeling the tears flood her eyes. The emotion seemed to completely floor her. Resting her head on the steering wheel, she let everything come out as she sobbed into her hands.

  Marie’s rubbed her back, not saying a word, as she unleashed everything. Every single tear as she was overcome with fear, panic, happiness, sadness, and pleasure.

  “Come on, let’s go inside before my mom comes out. You know I’m a terrible liar.”

  “You’re an awesome liar.”

  “I know, but come on.”

  They made their way inside, and when Marie’s mom stopped them, her best friend showed how expert she was.

  “Yeah, the Connor dude I was telling you about in school, he’s been saying awful things, and Lucia’s been doing the whole running thing so it completely knocked her confidence.”

  “Lucia, honey, do not listen to those boys. You want to find a man who’ll appreciate those curves, and believe me, there’s one out there for you.”

  “We’re going to go and study, Mom.”

  Following Marie upstairs, they entered her room, and Lucia slumped down on the bed, feeling completely exhausted. “Not a good liar?” Lucia asked.

  “Yeah, well, it takes one to know one,” Marie said, arms folded, leaning against the door.

  “I wanted to tell you every single day.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “It’s not just my secret, Marie. This is Jack’s life, and regardless of our relationship, he’s an excellent teacher.”

  “Look, I get that he’s been able to face off with Connor and Rachel’s parents. I was even hoping that we’d get to see a parent showdown, but that didn’t happen. Still, he’s older than you.”

  “I know.”

  “And that rings a lot of alarm bells inside my head, so you’re going to have to start at the beginning with all this.”

  “Afterward if I’ve convinced you nothing is wrong and that it’s all perfectly safe?”

  “Then I won’t force you to go and report his ass. Believe me, Lucia, you’ve got to convince me.”

  Lucia started at the beginning, from their innocent car rides up to the kiss, then to the birthday sexathon, and beyond that. What happened on Halloween night, even down to the Thanksgiving where nothing happened between them but he took care of her.

  “You love him?”


  “Does he know?”

  She shook her head.

  “Wow, that is … pretty intense,” Marie said.

  “I wanted to tell you. I hated lying to you, but I didn’t see any other way.”

  “I get it. I don’t like it. I don’t like that you even felt you had to lie, but I do get it.” Marie looked down at the cell phone, and then held it out. “Here you go.”

  “You’re not going to … report this?”

  “No. I’m not going to report your salacious relationship with our teacher. It doesn’t sound the least bit dirty or disturbing at all. In fact, I think he could love you too.”

  “You think so?”

  “He’s taken care of you. Held your head as you’ve been sick, cleaned up after you. If this was just about the dirty, hot sex, he wouldn’t have flown all the way home to take care of you. No offense.”

  “None taken.”

  “No, I think it’s safe to say that Mr. Parker is in love with you.”

  “I don’t know if it goes that far.”

  Marie chuckled. “You were always the negative one. Since we’re sharing, I’m going to tell you that I lost my V-card over Thanksgiving.”

  Lucia gasped. “What? You did?”

  “Yep, to a ranch hand. You know my Grandma owns a big ranch down in Texas. Well, he was there to help out his father, and one thing led to another, and we did it outside in one of the barns. Not quite that romantic, but it was a lot of fun.”

  “Have you heard from him since?”

  “He texts from time to time, but he also moves around a lot with his dad so I don’t see anything coming from it. It made Thanksgiving a lot of fun though.”

  “And you didn’t tell me.”

  “Let’s not argue about who told each other what. If I’d not seen your cell phone, I wouldn’t know either.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too,” Marie said. “Who would have thought it though? Lucia Deen, one of the sweetest girls in high school, screwing the English teacher. It’s kind of sordid.”

  “Stop it.”

  “It would make a wicked porn film.”

  “Now you’re being gross. I did watch them though,” Lucia said, lying back on the floor like Marie had done. They stared up at her ceiling.


  “Watched porn. I wanted to see if it was different being with an older guy.”

  “And is it?” Marie asked.

  Lucia burst out laughing. “I have no idea. I’ve got nothing to compare it to, not that I want to or anything. I love being with Jack.”

  “Oh, Jack.”

  “Shut up,” Lucia turned her head, looking at Marie. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Always. You know I can’t stay mad at you.” They held hands, and Lucia smiled. It would be okay. She had her best friend still, so everything would be more than fine.

  “Psst,” Marie said.


  “You’re into old dudes.”

  Lucia laughed. “And you think I’m the weird one.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Several days later

  “Lucia, darling, we know you’re heading out to see Marie, but we want to talk to you,” her father said.

  Since the revelation about her relationship with Marie, their friendship was now back on track. Marie had even offered to be the cover that she needed so that she could keep up her affair. She did spend some extra time with Jack, but even he agreed that it was only right she spent time with Marie.

  He’d been nervous as hell when she finally called him to say that everything was fine. She told him everything, including the threat Marie had made about reporting him, and how she wasn’t going to do it. Once she made him realize that everything was going to be okay, he’d calmed down.

  It was just another area of their relationship that made it a lot less than perfect. The secrecy was staring to wear a little thin, and she felt that it was also affecting Jack. He didn’t like sneaking around.

  “Sure, what’s up?” she said, moving toward the table.

  The file that she’d seen her parents hiding whenever she was around was now on the table, between them.

  Sitting down in the chair, she stared at their smiling faces, and knew without a doubt that they were going to turn her world upside down.

  “So, your mother and I have been talking about this for some time. We think it’s the best decision, and I’m sure you’ve had your suspicions about our plans.” This all started with her father.

  “So, there’s a new research development started in London, and they’ve reached out to me and want to me to head the department. It means more funding, more time, and a chance of finally going to the next level with my research.” This came from her mother.

  “Also, I’ve been looking at offices in London. There’s a company there that really wants my area of expertise in family law,” her father said.

  “What does all this mean?” Lucia asked.

  “It means that we’re going to be moving to London, but we’ve also been looking into several prestigious universities there. We’re going to stay here until you graduate next year. It will mean a gap year for you to decide, but we figured that year could give you a chance to explore your options. We’re aware that you’re undecided about what you want to study, but with some time and guidance, we think this would be the best fit for you,” her mother said.

  “It’ll mean a fresh start for all of us.”

  Lucia stared down at the folder, which they opened and were showing off the new house that they’d already put a down payment on, and were working at having it redecorated so that everything was ready for when they moved in.

  “So instead of being alone in a country and a town I know, I get to be alone in a foreign country.” Lucia got to her feet. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Lucia Deen, this is a great opportunity.”

  For you!

  She wanted to scream the words, but instead, she just smiled.

  “I know it is. It’ll be a wonderful opportunity.” She didn’t stay. Getting into her car, she drove to Jack’s home. She parked a few yards down so as not to raise suspicion. Grabbing her bag, she walked toward Jack’s front door, knocking. Everything seemed to be working on autopilot.

  When he opened, his smile was the only thing that lifted her heart. That quickly turned to a frown when he stared at her. “Lucia, what is it?” he asked.

  “My parents.”

  He pulled her into his home, closing the door and taking her to the sitting room. Jack took her into his lap, his arms wrapping around her, protecting her, loving her.

  No words of love had been spoken between them, but she felt it. This deep connection to him that couldn’t be taken from either of them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “They’re moving,” she said.


  “We’re moving to London. They’ve got everything organized.” She laughed. “They didn’t even ask me what my thoughts were. They want a fresh start, and they think it will be great for me.”

  “Start at the beginning.”

  Lucia told him everything that was said. He sat and listened intently, not once interrupting, and she hated that.

  “This could be a fresh start for you, Lucia,” Jack said. “London is a wonderful place. It’ll be a chance for you to start seeing the world.”

  Tears filled her eyes once again, and she looked at Jack, her heart breaking at his words. “But … what about us?” He averted his gaze, and she felt a little sick. “Do you want us … to end?”

  Silence met her question, and she tried to pull off his lap, but he wouldn’t let her. “No!”

  He held her tightly.

  “No, Lucia, I don’t want us to end.”

  “But you said it could be for the best.”

  “I’m trying to be the good guy here. The good guy wouldn’t tell you that the thought of not seeing you again tears him up inside. The good guy tells you what a great opportunity it is. How you’ll love every single second of your time away. That you’ll meet new people that will bring enjoyment and love into your life. How you’ll find a man your own age, fall in love, and be so deliriously happy that you’ll forget all about me.”

  She couldn’t look away.

  The fire.

  The passion blazed within his eyes.

  “I’m not a good man, Lucia. I’m not wired that way, and I don’t want to lose you. Not to this, not ever. We’ll figure something out. You’re a grownup. You don’t have to follow them.” He pushed some hair off her face. “I’ll take care of you.”

  “I’m not after your money.”

  “I’m very much aware of that. I know you only want me for my very wicked and tempting body.”

  Before she could say anything else, he pulled her down, and his lips were on hers. She gripped his shoulders, not wanting to pull away, never wanting to do that.

  Jack took control, moving her so that she straddled his lap. He ran his hand down her back, gripping her ass.

  It felt like it had been way too long since they’d been together. She couldn’t control herself.

  When he pushed her jacket of her shoulders, she attacked his shirt, pulling it open so that buttons scattered everywhere. She gasped as he tugged her shirt up over her head, and then pulled the straps of her bra down so her tits swung free. Within the next second his lips were on her, licking, sucking, biting at her nipples.
r />   Lucia stared down at him, watching as he took charge of her body, doing with it exactly as he wanted without a care in the world.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she watched his tongue as it lapped across each hard nipple, flicking the tender, sensitive tips. Each touch seemed to go straight between her thighs, the temptation of his mouth too great for her to stop.

  “I love your body, Lucia. Fucking love it.” His hands moved up from her ass to press her tits together. “Your body was made for fucking.”

  His thumb stroked across her beaded buds and then glided down. He moved her so that she stood and he could pull her jeans down.

  Jack was fast losing his patience. She saw it and relished it. He pulled her back onto his lap where he’d already pulled out his cock.

  The condom packet was already out of his pocket and open. He held the latex out for her.

  “Care to do the honors?” he said.

  Taking the latex from him, she slid it over his rock-hard cock, being careful as she did so that she didn’t hurt him. He’d shown her how to do it, but unless he was hard, like he was now, she found it incredibly difficult to do.

  It was something she was more than happy to take practice on.

  Once the condom was in place, he lifted her up so that the tip was poised at her entrance.

  “Watch us,” he said.

  Glancing down between them, she watched as his cock began to sink inside her body. Not only did it look good from her vantage point, but she got to see how good it looked at as it sank within her body, each inch stretching her.

  It felt like an eternity since he’d been inside her, and she couldn’t stand him not being within her.

  Holding onto his shoulders, she slammed down on him, gasping as he filled her to the hilt, verging on pain.

  The pleasure was also there as her clit rubbed against her pelvis.

  She didn’t have to wait long for Jack to take over. He started to stroke her clit.

  “That’s it, baby, ride me. Ride my cock. Show me how you love it.”

  She moved up and down, rocking her pelvis as she took him inside her. The feel of his fingers against her clit drove her need for him higher. She didn’t want to stop. As she moved against him, he stroked her closer to orgasm. With his other hand, he either gripped her hip, guiding her over him, or slid it up to cup her tit, holding it out so that he could play with her nipple.


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