Book Read Free

My Teacher

Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  Every single touch just heightened her need for him.

  When she came, she did so crying his name, fucking him harder, taking him just a little deeper.

  The moment her orgasm slowed, Jack changed angles, pushing her to the sofa, lifting her hips so that he could get the depth that would drive her wild.

  Wrapping her legs around his waist, his name spilling from her lips, she was desperate for more, aching for more, needing it.

  “You feel so fucking good, Lucia. So good.”

  He pounded inside her body, taking what he wanted, and she was merely the vessel for his pleasure.

  She watched his face, completely enraptured by the pleasure she saw in his blue eyes. So sexy, so beautiful, and all hers. This man, he was hers in every single way that counted, and she loved that.

  These moments with him were precious to her, and she didn’t want to lose them, not for a single second.

  Over and over, he fucked her, bringing her to yet another screaming orgasm before he threw himself over the edge, and she watched him come. His cock pulsed inside her as wave upon wave of cum released.

  She smiled, wrapping her arms around his back, stroking his body.

  His lips crashed down on hers, his tongue sliding across hers lips until she opened up, and he plundered inside.

  She moaned and then giggled as he sucked on her lip.

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said.

  Both of his hands rested on either side of her head.

  “What was supposed to happen, Jack?”

  “We were going to talk and solve this problem.”

  “We did. I don’t have to go with them, problem solved.”

  “You and I both know it’s not going to be that easy. You’re their only daughter, and as much as they don’t spend time with them now, another country, they’ve not even suggested it.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  That sent a thrill down her spine hearing him say that.

  “I know I’m going to have to.”

  Now that kind of sucked.

  “It’s an amazing opportunity for you, Lucia.”

  “And if I don’t want to go?”

  “You’ve got to make the decision that doesn’t include me or us.”

  It was hard to keep her emotions in check, but she did it, just. She didn’t want him to know how heartbreaking that was.

  “I see how sad that is making you, Lucia. Think about it. I don’t want you to regret this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your parents are moving to another country. It’s a chance for you to see the world, and if you stick around because of me, it means that you could regret it. I’d hate for you to regret being with me, for any reason.”

  If he worried that she’d regret it, didn’t that mean he saw them being together a lot longer than school, graduation?

  Right now, she didn’t care. She’d take it.

  “Can we worry about this another time? I don’t want to spoil our time together.” She stroked his muscular, inked arms.

  “We can.” He dropped a kiss to her lips. “I love it when you come over.”

  “Me too.”

  He pulled out of her and she sat up, watching him as he stared down at the condom. “What is it?” she asked.

  He had a frown on his face. “The condom broke.”


  “It’s nothing.”

  “Doesn’t that, like, have a risk though?”

  “It can happen.” He glanced over at her.

  “I could get pregnant?” she asked.

  “You could.”

  This wasn’t something she had anticipated. She leaned forward and then glanced over at him.

  “We’ll take care of it,” he said. He pulled her into his arms, and she struggled against him.

  “What does that even mean?” she asked, trying not to panic but totally failing as the realization of what a broken condom could mean sank in.

  Could he lose his job?

  What would people say?

  No, she didn’t want him to lose his job. He loved his work, and the thought of it being because of her, filled her with pain. No, whatever happened, no one could know, not for some time.

  “Do you mean abortion?” she asked.

  “Hell, no. What I meant was, I’d take care of you, Lucia. I’d take care of you and our baby. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is though. I know you love your job.”

  “Is that what has you freaking out right now? My job?”

  “I know you love it, and I’ll never let you lose it because of me.”

  “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Some women would be going batshit crazy at just the risk of being pregnant. Not you. You’re more worried about my job. Lucia, I love my job, I really do. Teaching is what I love, but if I have to, I can find other ways of making a living. Besides, I’m quite well off.”

  “No, I don’t want to do that to you. You say that you don’t want me to live with regrets, well I don’t want you to either. This has to be an equal thing.”

  “How about we stop trying to write our future when we don’t know what has happened yet? Now, I can either get a pregnancy test kit or we can wait a few weeks and see.”

  “We’re going to have to wait a couple of weeks. Why don’t we wait for the month and see what happens?” she asked.

  “That’s fine with me.” He cupped her face, tilting her head back. “You’ve got to stop worrying about everything.”


  “Don’t even argue with me right now. I won’t let you be upset by this.”


  “You’re sure.”


  “Then let’s go and get washed up. I’ll order us some food, and we can talk about other things that won’t stress you out.”


  He pressed a kiss to her lips. “How are you feeling now?”


  “Good.” He kissed her again, and she chuckled.

  “This was what got us into trouble in the first place.”

  “It has been too long since I last kissed that I need to know those lips are perfectly fine.”

  As he kept kissing her, Lucia’s fears melted away.

  She’d worry about everything else when she had to. For now, she cared about Jack and being with him.


  Carols played all around the mall, and people in all different kinds of moods continued to shop. Jack tuned them all out.

  Christmas was that time of year that both annoyed and excited him. As a kid he’d always be excited, hoping that Santa would bring him something special that year. Then of course he had the big reveal year that showed him no such miracle ever existed. Still, he loved the feeling that Christmas seemed to bring him.

  Even though he was a grown-ass man, he still decorated his home, which he intended to do when he got back.

  He still had the decorations from his first apartment, and last year he’d even bought a few outside lights to enjoy the festive season. Perfecting the art of Christmas dinner still failed him, but that would mean a two-hour phone call with his parents’ cook.

  That was another thing that annoyed him this time of year, he’d have to avoid his parents’ many phone calls and demands.

  They’d already tried to get him to come over for their annual Christmas party.

  That wasn’t going to happen. He made that mistake a few years ago when he had no fewer than five prospective females that they had both said were right for him.

  He should just go and be done with it, only he stood outside of a jeweler’s, caught between a gold ring, a bracelet, or a necklace. Each would look amazing on Lucia. He’d stroked her neck, thinking how sexy it would be to have her only wearing a necklace and nothing else.

  Her body was made to be worshipped.

  “Hello, Mr. Parker,” Marie said, catching him by surprise.

  Turning his head, he saw Lucia’s best friend laden down with several packages.

  “Marie, would you like me to take any of those for you?” he asked.

  “Nope. I’m good. I’m trying to cram all of my shopping in at once. I hate this time of year.”


  “No, I love it, I do, but shopping is the suck part of it. Especially the people. They seem to turn into mad, hungry beasts, and it doesn’t make for the best shopping experience. What are you doing?”

  “I’m attempting to pick something out for…” He stopped. Even though Lucia told him everything was fine between her and Marie, this didn’t feel comfortable.

  “Lucia? You’re looking for something for her?”


  “You don’t have to be uncomfortable. I get it. Well, I don’t because you’re, like, old, but Lucia likes you.” Marie stared at him. “You do like her, don’t you?”

  “I don’t make a habit of starting a relationship with a student. No, I … Lucia’s different.” He couldn’t even start putting into words exactly how he felt, only that she completely lighted up his entire world.

  “Wow, you know, I didn’t … I thought you were … using my friend.”

  “I can understand that.” He watched Marie smile, and it didn’t affect him. Being near Lucia, even when she walked into a room, she captured his attention, and there was no way for him to not look at her. She was so beautiful, so perfect, and he adored her. “I care about Lucia. I’d never hurt her.”

  “I get that. I can see that, and it makes keeping this secret between the two of you a lot easier knowing you feel the same way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Lucia never needs expensive gifts. Even though she tries to hide it, she craves affection. Her parents are not big on that score, so she’s never been comfortable saying it. Sometimes she just needs a hug.”

  “Thank you.” He’d already noticed that she seemed more content when he held her tightly, keeping his arms wrapped around her.

  “I better go. Enjoy shopping, Mr. Parker.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need my help with anything?” he said.

  “No, I’ve got it.”

  She gave him a little wave, and then she was gone. He watched her leave then headed into the jewelry store. The man behind the counter was wiping its surface. The moment Jack entered, the cloth was gone, and the man’s beaming smile landed on him.

  “How can I help you?”

  “I’m looking for something special for the lady in my life.”

  “Oh, are we thinking a Christmas engagement?” the man asked.

  Jack paused. He hadn’t been thinking about an engagement. In the back of his mind he’d always put a limit on their relationship. With Lucia’s parents moving, and college being considered in England, he didn’t really know how long their time together would last.

  “Maybe not?”

  Glancing past the man’s shoulder, he saw in his reflection how devastated he looked. Just the thought of losing Lucia, it twisted him up inside.

  “Erm, show me them anyway,” he said. “I’d like to see what you’ve got.”

  For the next half hour, he looked at different kinds of engagement rings.

  He saw a delicate gold band with a single diamond in the center. The band itself, looking like rose stems, was so beautiful. It took his breath away. Before he could even stop himself, he’d purchased the ring as well as a necklace for Lucia.

  Leaving the store, he didn’t linger anywhere else, and instead went straight to his car.

  Pulling the small velvet box from the bag, he lifted the lid and stared at the ring.

  This was a symbol of love, of a lifetime together. This wasn’t just for a gift for something as trivial as Christmas. Marriage, as far as he was concerned, was for life. Closing the box, he sat back in his seat and took a deep breath.

  Even if after she graduated and they were together, there would be problems. His reputation would be in ruins.

  Running fingers through his hair, he placed the ring back inside the bag and started his car. As he drove out of the busy mall, his cell phone started ringing. Clicking on the device, he answered the call from his dad.

  “What’s up?” he asked.

  “Is that any way to treat your father?”

  “It’s Christmas. You’ve been talking about the same old thing, and I don’t imagine you’re calling to find out if I’m fine or asking about work.”

  “You’ve always been difficult, Jack.”

  “It’s my charm.”

  “You’d have been so much easier to deal with if you’d been a girl.”

  Jack burst out laughing. “So you could have married me off to a man of your choice. Get real. You didn’t have a daughter. You had a son.” This was the same conversation they’d had multiple times. His father wished for a daughter so that he’d be able to control her better. He laughed and mocked the idea. They moved on, same old, same old.

  “Your mother and I want you to come to Christmas dinner,” he said.

  “Not happening this year.”


  “Daddy,” he said, speaking just a little louder.

  “It’s time you settled down.”

  “And I will when I’ve found the woman of my dreams.”

  Speaking of the woman of his dreams, Lucia hadn’t told him yet if she’d gotten her monthly cycle. Since the condom broke he’d been noticing not just babies and families, but everything to do with a baby. He’d even been caught in the baby section of the supermarket where he saw the perfect stroller.

  Pushing all thoughts of a pregnant Lucia out of his mind, he focused on his father.

  “Woman of your dreams doesn’t exist. You always did have these fairy tale ideals, and none of them make sense. The world doesn’t have room for such romanticism.”

  “Says the bitter old man. Didn’t you once love Mom? Couldn’t imagine being without her?” Jack asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes, I love her, and I love you.”

  “You know what, I’ve got to go. I’ve got to decorate my house and make it look ghastly. Maybe you should come over sometime. I cook a mean steak.”

  “That is just ridiculous, Jack. You’re always doing this. Always running away—”

  “Bye, Dad.”

  He cut off the conversation and breathed a little easier. Arriving back at his home, he climbed out of the car and rushed inside his home. Making his way up to his room, he opened up the drawer and pulled back his boxer briefs where he stored the velvet box. The necklace he’d gotten gift-wrapped, so he took that back downstairs.

  Not wasting a moment, he went up into his loft and began to pull down the decorations. Rubbing his hands together, he was about to assemble his fake tree when there was a knock at the door.

  Jack checked through the peephole and saw Lucia on his doorstep.

  Opening the door, he pulled her into his home and pressed her against the door.

  “You know, we’ve got to stop doing this.”

  “I can’t help it.” He slammed his lips down on hers, overcome with a wave of emotion that he couldn’t deny.

  “I’m not pregnant,” Lucia said, speaking up as he was sucking on her neck.

  He pulled away.

  “You’re not?” Why did his stomach tighten and disappointment flood him?

  “I … I took a test last night, but my period came this morning. We can’t … do anything.”

  “I’ve already said that I don’t care about that.” He dropped a hand to her stomach. “You okay? Any pain?”

  “None right now. Well, the usual, but they’re bearable pains.”

  He stroked her stomach, not liking her in any kind of pain.

  “Care to help me put the tree up?” he asked, taking her hand and leading her into the main sitting room where his box of treats waited for him.

like Christmas?”

  “I love it. When I was a kid it was probably the best time of the year. The cook always had cookies baking and treats all around.” He opened the box and pulled out his fake tree.

  “You have a fake tree?”


  “What about a real tree?” she asked.

  “I can’t keep them alive.”

  Lucia chuckled. “You can’t?”

  “No. The last one I had was already dead before Christmas. It sucked when I had to dump it out on the day. Not very festive. So, I decided that I love this time of year way too much to risk anything going wrong.”

  “You like to plan everything?” she asked.

  “Within reason I like to plan.” He started opening up the branches on the tree as Lucia rummaged through his box of goodies. “I bumped into Marie at the store.”

  “She told me you did,” Lucia said.

  “I was buying a present for you,” he said.

  “You were?”

  Glancing over at her, he saw the smile across her lips.

  “Yes, and I’ll be putting it beneath the tree.”

  “My parents are going to be home this year.”

  “That’s fine. We’ll have a day that we can call our own.”

  “I got you a gift as well.”

  He moved toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. “I look forward to opening my present.”

  They finished putting up his decorations, and as he finished on the outside, when he walked in to the scent of cinnamon cookies, he felt flooded with warmth.

  Pulling Lucia into his arms, he pressed a kiss to her lips.

  She wasn’t pregnant.

  Decorating the house, he’d been able to distract himself from the disappointment of knowing that she wasn’t pregnant.

  “Are you okay?” Lucia asked.

  “I’m fine. Are you happy?”

  “Yes. If you’re thinking about the baby and pregnancy, we weren’t ready, Jack.”

  “I know.” He kissed the top of her head. “I know we’re not ready.”

  It didn’t mean that he couldn’t want, and he did. He wanted so much.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The last days of school went by in a blur for Lucia. She was still avoiding Connor, but she was also trying to do the same when it came to her parents. Now that their plans were out in the open, they were talking about it all the time.


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