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Unlove Me (Game On Trilogy #3)

Page 13

by Lisa Sommers

  I left my goddamned cell phone at home this morning otherwise I’d call Summer and let her know that I should be home shortly and that she better be waiting for me in my bed.

  I make a quick side trip to the florist and pick up a bouquet of wild flowers. Something I should have done a long time ago. I need to make things right with her. There is no way I can lose her now.

  I finally get home and immediately notice my driveway is empty. “Where is she?” I bound my way up the steps that lead to my front door. After I am finally inside I yell for her. “Summer!”

  “Where the hell did I leave my cell phone?” Maybe she called me.

  I find it sitting on the kitchen counter. Just where I left it. I swipe the screen and notice a text from her. I pray to God that she did not change her mind about us. There are several messages from her.

  The first one reads, “Call me when you get a chance.” Damn it!

  The second one reads, “Not sure if you’ve seen my last message or not but I think I need to talk to my brother before I come over this evening.” Oh fuck! Why would she do that? Her and I should talk first. This won’t be good.

  I scroll down to the last message and it reads, “Cal, he just got home, wish me luck.” Baby, you are going to need more than luck.

  Shit! I have no idea what I should do. Do I call her? Do I drive over to Derek’s house and confront him with me by her side?

  I settle on sending her a quick text. “Summer, let’s talk first. Call me.”

  I wait and watch my phone as if willing it to ring. It’s like watching water in a pot waiting for it to boil. It seems to make the process longer and longer.

  “Why isn’t she calling me back?” I need to go over there. I should be there with her. Who knows how Derek is going to react when she gets to the point of her carrying my child. I have an idea of his reaction which makes me all the more nervous.

  I grab my keys and cell phone and head for the door. I swing it open and am immediately assaulted by a gripping punch to the jaw.

  I blink several times as I lay on my back on the floor of my entry way. I vaguely see the image of my third baseman.

  “Derek!” Her sweet voice lulls me. Yet, it’s not enough to bring light to the darkness. “Cal,” her voice is the last thing I hear before I fall into total abyss.

  Chapter 22


  “I still can’t believe you hit him,” I am so mad at my brother. “You promised me.”

  “I can’t believe you slept with the asshole.” He counters.

  “Stop it!”

  “You two are going to have to leave if you can’t keep it down. Your friend here has had some major trauma to the brain. The last thing he needs is loud noise.” The nurse reprimands us.

  “He’s not my friend.” Derek explains to the nurse.

  “Anyway, like I said,” she gives him the evil eye. “Just keep your voices down to a minimum or I will have you both evicted from the hospital.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I agree to her terms.

  The nurse leaves the room but not before giving my brother and I a terrible look.

  “I need to get out of here,” Derek stands up. “And I suggest you come with me.”

  “No, I am not leaving this hospital.” How can he expect me to leave Cal’s side after what he did to him?

  “Summer . . .” he warns.

  “Don’t you, Summer, me. He wouldn’t be in this hospital bed if you hadn’t punched him.” I look down at Cal. He has an ace bandage wrapped around the top part of his head. “His head hit the tile so hard. How can you not feel bad for what you did?”

  “He wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t knocked you up.”

  I fall back into my seat and rest my face in the palm of my hand. I can’t deal with him right now. “Please, just leave.”

  “Gladly,” and that is the last that I’ve seen of Derek.

  It’s been two hours and not one of my friends have showed up to see Cal or myself. I knew this would be tough but I . . .

  My thoughts are interrupted when I hear his voice. “Summer,” he chokes out. “Are you ok?”

  Tears instantly form in my eyes. Once again, he is more worried about me than himself. Who, just so happens, to be in a hospital bed. I move from the chair to sit next to him on the bed. “Don’t talk, babe, just rest.”

  “Not until you tell me you’re ok.”

  “Cal, I’m fine,” he searches for my hand and links his fingers with mine. “How are you feeling?”

  He shifts on the bed to get comfortable. “Like I got hit by a semi,” Cal tries to rotate his head to look at me but it doesn’t do much good. “Fuck! What happened?”

  Oh boy, he is not going to be happy. “I spoke with Derek.”

  “That’s right,” Cal grumbles as he brings his free hand to his forehead. “How bad do I look?”

  Cal manages to bring a smile to my face. “You look good, really good.” I slide my hand up his arm and twist the short sleeve of his hospital gown in my fingers. “I mean, you’re alright.” I tease.

  He manages to scoot his body over in the bed. “I think you should join me up here.”

  I hesitate because I still haven’t decided what I am going to do about Cal. I mean, having his baby is one thing but committing myself to solely just him is crazy. He isn’t the settling down type.

  “You’re still worried, aren’t you?”

  I nod my head.

  Cal shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t blame you.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No,” he pats the empty space next to him on the bed. “Come here,” as if this is natural, I easily slide in next to him. “Listen, I know I haven’t been . . .”

  “A real man?” We both look to the door and see Sonny and Kelly. “Or a friend.”

  I ease myself off the bed and stand tall. Clearly, word has gotten around about Cal. “Let me explain.”

  “Why should we let you?” Neither of them enter the room. They just stand there with their arms crossed over their chest. “You lied.”

  I take a few steps towards them. “I know. I’m sorry, but please let me explain.” I look back at Cal and he wears a curious expression on his face. “Please, can we go somewhere and talk.” I really don’t want to have this discussion in front of him.

  “I guess,” Sonny reluctantly agrees.

  “Thank you,” I turn to look at Cal and even though he looks disappointed, he smiles and waves me off with his hand.

  “You don’t mind?” I whisper.

  “Why would I mind?” I really don’t know why I asked him that. I think I really just don’t want to leave his side.

  I lean down and whisper, “Thank you,” he pulls me in and lays his lips on mine. I can hear both girls gasp, but I do nothing to stop what Cal is doing to me. I pull back just far enough so that he can see the smile on my face.

  “I’ll save your spot.” He pats the empty space next to him.

  We just enter the hospital cafeteria when my sister lays into me. “You have a lot of explaining to do. I mean really, Cal? I thought we had an agreement?” I can see the hurt in my sister’s eyes.

  “You’re right. You’re both right. I should have said something. I am a terrible friend. It’s just . . . it had already happened before we made that pact and then I just didn’t know what to say.” I sink onto the hard plastic chair. “Trust me, I feel horrible for not saying anything. And then, I just couldn’t help myself. I kept feeling this draw.” I look at them both. “Do you know what I mean?”

  “No.” Kelly folds her arms across her chest. She’s clearly not budging on this.

  “You have to believe me. I’m so sorry.” I beg for their forgiveness.

  My sister huffs her response.

  “I love you both,” I tell them.

  “Do you love him?” I raise my eyebrows. Love? “I mean, you’re pregnant with the guy’s baby and all, right?”

  I look down and lay the palm of my hand on my stomach. “Yeah,”
I can’t believe I am pregnant. “I believe so.”

  “You believe so?” They both ask in unison.

  “Umm, well, I took a test and it came back positive. I just haven’t seen a doctor yet.” This has all happened so fast I haven’t had time.

  “What better place to find a doctor then,” my sister stands up and grabs my hand.

  “Where are we going?” I’m so confused.

  “Back to the room.”

  “I already told Cal.” I explain.

  They both stop in their tracks. “And how did he take it?” Their surprised expression must mean that they think Cal would run and I have to be honest, it has crossed my mind a time or two.

  “He actually seems excited.”

  “Really?” Kelly rubs her chin. I sure hope he was telling me the truth about her.

  “Why do you ask that?” My heart is about to rip out of my chest. “Did you two . . .”

  “God, no! He claimed to be thinking about some other woman. Nothing happened.” She explains.

  “So, you admit that you tried to sleep with Cal?” I don’t blame her. She had no idea that he and I were sort of together. “Even though we had the pact, you were willing to break it.”

  She looks down at the hospital floor, guilt running through her veins.

  “You can’t stay mad at me now!” I holler.

  Kelly looks up at me with the biggest smile. “Babe, I was never mad at you. Disappointed, yes, but you and I are closer than that.”

  “By the way, I spoke with Derek.” My sister chimes in.

  “What do you mean, you spoke with him?” This can’t be good.

  “Well, let’s just say, he’s not completely on board with the whole you and Cal thing, but I think I knocked some sense into him.” I should have known Sonny would be here for me.

  “Yeah, well, I won’t hold my breath.”

  Kelly grabs my hand. “Come on, we have some business to take care of.” I have no idea what she is talking about.

  We arrive on the floor Cal is on and the commotion going on has everyone running the hall frantic. “What is going on?”

  “I don’t know.”

  All of a sudden, Derek is pushed out of Cal’s room by one of the nurses. “Oh no,” something’s not right.” I pick up my pace and am immediately assaulted by loud beeps and nurses yelling things that can’t be good. I look to my brother for an answer.

  “I didn’t mean it.” He says deadpan.

  I look from him to Cal’s room and my heart drops. “Why are you here?” I ask. “And what did you do?” However, he doesn’t answer me. “What did you do?” I scream.

  “I was just . . .” His eyes show no meaning.

  “You just what?” I need to see Cal. I try to enter his room but one of the nurses instructs me to stay out.

  “Ma’am, let them work on him,” My eyes search hers for clarification but she remains quiet.

  I turn to face my brother who is still leaning up against the wall with a blank stare on his face. Running towards his direction, my fists fly out in front of me and pound on his chest repeatedly until he explains to me what is going on.

  He grabs my shoulders and looks down at me. “Summer, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

  My emotions are running high the way it is so when tears threaten to take over, I seem to lose all control, and fall to the ground. Sonny and Kelly are immediately by my side while Derek remains standing. What is wrong with him?

  “Derek, just tell us what happened.” Kelly yells at him.

  “Fuck!” His hands fly up to cover his face. “I was just trying to tell him to stay away from you.”

  “You what?” I cry.

  “One minute he was telling me to mind my own business, and then the next . . .” He shakes his head. “Then nothing. His eyes rolled up and then he stopped talking. Then the monitors started going crazy. I knew something was wrong when he started to shake.”

  “Oh my God,” this can’t be happening. “He has to be ok. He has to,” I weep uncontrollably. “I’m in love with him. We are having a baby.”

  “Summer, I’m sorry. I froze. I didn’t know what to do and I was so mad at him for what he did to you.”

  “His pupils are unequal and he’s unresponsive.” One of the nurse’s yell from his room.

  Derek lowers himself to sit next to me.

  “We need to get him a CT. Stat!” A male voice demands.

  My brother pulls me in tight. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeats over and over.

  Cal is abruptly wheeled out of his room and down the hall with an entourage of people. I try to get up and chase him but they are holding me down. “Stop it! I need to be with him.”

  “No, there is nothing you can do.” Sonny cries right along with me.

  “I will see what I can find out.” Kelly gets up and walks to the nurse’s station.

  “He has to be ok.” My chest is heaving uncontrollably and my stomach is killing me. I feel like I’m going to pass out.

  “Summer, why are you holding your stomach?” Sonny asks.

  I don’t know but it hurts. I can’t seem to answer her question out loud though.

  “Honey, when was the last time you’ve eaten?” Why is she asking me that? Cal just got wheeled away to only God knows where and here she is asking if I’m hungry.

  I just shake my head. I don’t even know when I ate last.

  “Summer, if you’re pregnant you have to eat, Honey.”

  The baby. My baby!

  “I don’t know when I last ate,” is the last thing I say before seeing the light fade away.

  Chapter 23


  “He appears to be stable. We suspect a post-traumatic seizure from the trauma he sustained, we didn’t see any evidence of bleeding, but I want an MRI as soon as possible to be sure we didn’t miss anything.” I hear voices but I can’t seem to open my eyes. “We will let you know when you can see him.” She explains to someone.

  Summer? I need Summer. I want to scream but I can’t. I need to get out of this bed but I can’t seem to move. Summer? I try to yell but nothing comes out.

  “When do you think he will wake up?” That’s not Summer. Derek?

  “It’s hard to tell. Sometimes these things are run by the grace of God.” What is she talking about? I’m fine. Where is Summer?

  “Ok. What about my sister?” What? Is he talking about Summer or Sonny?

  “We have her in with an OB, right now.”

  The pit of my stomach drops. Is Summer ok? Our baby? Is our baby ok? Why isn’t anyone answering me!

  “Ok. What does that mean? Is the baby ok?” He asks.

  “I’m sorry, I cannot answer that right now. I will let you know the moment I hear anything.”

  Then silence. I don’t hear anyone.

  Oh dear God, I will gladly give myself up just so that Summer and the baby are ok.

  Damn it! Someone get me out of this bed! Why can’t anyone hear me? My head is killing me. The pounding is relentless.

  “Where’s coach?” Shane? Is that Shane?

  “I think Derek said he’s in room four-twenty-four.” Rob?

  I hear more voices as they get closer and then silence. Where did they go? Someone better get me the fuck out of here and bring me to Summer.

  What’s that beeping noise?

  “Easy there, Mr. Moon,” a female’s voice tries to sooth me. “Mr. Moon? Can you hear me?” Yes, I can hear you. “Mr. Moon, squeeze my fingers if you can hear me.”

  She presses two fingers to the underside of my hand.

  “Good,” she says. “Mr. Moon, you are in the hospital,” no shit, I’m in the hospital. “But you need to calm down. Your blood pressure is up and your heart rate is too high.” Then get me the fuck out of this bed. I want to scream, but the weighted fog around my head is making it hard to figure out how to even croak out the words.

  “Can we see him now?” A few of the guys ask from the hallway.

“I’m sorry, not until we can get his blood pressure down.” Nurse Ratchet tells them.

  I hear her play with some of the machines and buttons and then silence again.

  “Buddy,” I hear the ruffling of sheets and then the bed slightly dips down. “Listen, I am not supposed to be in here but I wanted to tell you something,” he better spit it out. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be in this bed and Summer and the baby would be fine. “They’re ok. My sister and her baby are ok.”

  He better not be fucking lying to me. I try to reach up and grab him by the neck but it’s no use. My body still feels so heavy.

  “Anyway, I just thought you should know,” he says. “And by the way, I’m sorry.” I feel his forehead press against my arm. “But you have to understand, that’s my baby sister. It’s my job to protect her from assholes like you.” For once, I want to laugh. “It was my job. Do you get that?” I do. If I were in his shoes, I’d have killed me. “She loves you, you know that?” He tells me. Summer has never even said that to me. His laugh breaks my thoughts. “I have no idea what she sees in you, but she obviously sees something good.” I want to laugh right along with him but I can’t. I have no clue what Summer sees in me, but I thank God she is the one that can see right through my bullshit. “Anyway, she and the baby are ok.” Music to my ears.

  “Cal?” He says my name. “Dude, someone call the nurse.” He yells.

  “I told you to stay out of here.”

  “He’s awake,” Derek tells the nurse.

  I slowly turn my head to look at my third baseman. “You can’t get rid of me that easy.”

  Derek lowers his head to rest on the empty spot I left for Summer. “Shit, you scared me. I didn’t think you’d ever . . .”

  All I care about right now is my girl. “Where’s Summer?” I ask.

  “Your vitals are looking better. Whatever your friend said to you,” she looks up at him with a, if looks could kill, look and then continues, “obviously did some good. Your heart rate is coming down.”

  “I need to see her, please.” I beg.

  “Now, now. You still need to rest.” Nurse Ratchet explains.


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