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The Coming Dawn Trilogy

Page 82

by Austen Knowles

  “Everything will be okay.” Cobaaron kissed her. “I’ll talk to Hyun for you about your dream. Maybe he can give you something to help you not have dreams like that anymore. I want your troubles over, especially while you’re pregnant. And you will survive this, love. It’s prophetical. Everything will be okay.” He squeezed her tighter, and to change the subject, he added, “I dreamed Jaman plots against Tyrus in the tournament.”

  “Have you seen the outcome?”

  “No, my visions are weak. I will listen to the gem Noelya gave to me and see if Jaman is plotting more than an unfair fight.”

  “Tyrus is a healer! That is extremely unfair in a fight.”

  “But young Tyrus vowed not to use magic in the tournament. I don’t think it matters. He is a skilled sparring partner without magic. He is better than Octavos now. Though, I would never say that to them. Tyrus is quiet and not as boastful as I once believed. He will be a great chief.”

  Taja crawled up the curtains that draped the pillow and comforters. With cleverness, she climbed up enough for her to easily plop down their feet. “I must have scared her right out of bed.”

  “Well, the crystal looked like blood. I’m not sure if it was this room or the entire castle. It scared me. I thought something was very wrong. You were shaking at one point. I was yelling, trying to wake you, and couldn’t. If I panicked surely Taja would.”

  There was a knock on the door. Cobaaron got up, and hurriedly dressed. “Maybe the castle did glow red, and people are alarmed.” Cobaaron rushed to the door.

  Ebony stood in the hallway; her kinky black hair was in a sloppy bun. She seemed tired but wide-awake. She rushed her words as she spoke. “My King, I’m sorry to wake you, but Athaya is in labor. She wishes the queen to be there. Athaya is afraid and believes your partner may help.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Ky motioned for Cobaaron to fetch her robe.

  “She’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  The moment Cobaaron closed the door, Ky rushed to dress. “This is exciting!” Ky felt like she was back home, about to help her mother deliver a baby. More than once her mom solicited her assistance in the middle of the night. “This is what my mom used to do if there was a home birth. On the weekends, she would wake me and we’d go to their house or meet them at the hospital. I’ll admit that I need this, for more reasons than one.”

  Ky was almost out the door, when Cobaaron slowed her down. He covered her thin robe with a long overcoat and tied the belt around her waist. “I know you need this. I know you avoid worrying about being too young to be a mother. I hope this will get you excited, Ky. I want you thrilled about Lu Lu, as much as I am, and you’re nowhere close.”

  “I am happy about Lu Lu. But I’m nervous about birth and not being ready. But I’m getting there. I will come back and I bet I start nesting. I think this is exactly what I need.”

  “Nesting? You’re not a bird.” Cobaaron chuckled. “That is a funny saying. Your dream had weird sayings.”

  “It means I’ll begin to prepare for a newborn.”

  Cobaaron nodded, and then said, “Just go have fun.”

  “I will! I’m really excited. Already I’m eager to see a baby.”

  “Good. I’ll come for you after my sparring session. Hopefully by then you’ll be able to eat breakfast with me.”

  “That sounds good.” Ky ran from the room.

  Ebony was waiting in the hall, and together they hurried to the floor below, the councilmember’s wing. “Our cupboard is this way.”

  “Okay,” Ky said, thrown off by the word cupboard. She heard of it, but labor in a cupboard sounded miserable.

  Ebony took her to a small room that had shelves of magical trinkets, but Athaya was nowhere in sight. Ebony pushed the wall, opening it like a wide door as potion bottles clinked.

  A cozy cottage with wide windows faced a well-lit forest. It reminded Ky of Ambrosia’s room except their realm had a house. Ky wondered if Hyun and Ebony simply moved their home to the cupboard, and jinxed their realm to abut the castle closet.

  “She needs to walk to speed the labor,” Ebony whispered. “But, she’s more concerned with her comfort than helping her labor pains move things along.”

  Ebony took Ky into her home and she saw Athaya hunched, leaning her head and hands on a table. When she heard them come in, Athaya slowly stood. Her eyes expressed her fright. Ky radiated joy, knowing that her optimism calmed women’s nerves. “Athaya, I’m thrilled for you.”

  “I’m in pain, and I’m dying,” Athaya blurted.

  “No, it’s normal to be in pain. You’re not dying.” Ky understood now why Ebony told Ky that Athaya was more anxious about comfort. Athaya was petrified of the unknown. The only thing Ky knew to do was reassure her everything would be fine no matter what happened, though her mom would never say those words. “The best thing to do is walk if you can. It will speed the process of labor. We can pause during each contraction, of course.”

  “I want it out,” Athaya begged.

  “Well, don’t push until you’re fully dilated,” Ky warned, and asked Ebony if they could wander in the yard outside for fresh air.

  “Let’s all go,” Ebony suggested.

  Athaya gripped Ky’s hand tightly, and they walked outside. “I’m so sorry I woke you up,” Athaya apologized.

  “You didn’t.”

  “You don’t have to lie,” Athaya stressed. “It’s just that I have no one here, and Octavos told me what happened when you and Cobaaron killed that witch who was with child. You said you had experience with childbirth when we were outside Beryl, the day Octavos and I came back because I conceived. We were standing beside the mud lake...”

  “I remember,” Ky assured her, while they headed toward a sycamore.

  “I knew you could help me if I die, or at least care for my child. Will you aid Octavos in nurturing her as much as you can if I die? At least my child will have your daughter as a sibling.”

  “Athaya, you’re not going to die! I’m not lying about that, and I’m honest about you not waking me up. I awoke from a bad dream, and apparently made our room red. Cobaaron stirred me from the dream. And it’s normal to have pain. I’m glad you asked me to come. I’m nervous about being a mother. This is good for me, too. We’ll get through this together. You’ll be fine, as I will.”

  “So, you made the castle red,” Ebony said with a nod. “I’m curious about your dream. Was there blood involved?”

  “Aaahhhhh!” Athaya screamed, as she hunched over, wrenching Ky down with her.

  “It’s okay. This is normal. You’ll be okay.”

  “I told her all that. She doesn’t believe me,” Ebony said.

  “Well, Octavos would intimidate you if you told me otherwise,” Athaya snapped. “Most people fear him, and think he’s cold. They don’t know him as I do.”

  When the contraction was over, Athaya stood, red-faced from holding her breath. “You’re so lucky you’re a Star. You don’t have to go through this. You won’t have pain.”

  “Did you not breathe that entire time?” Ky asked. Athaya tried to remember then guessed she took in a few breaths. “You need to pay close attention to your breathing. I promise it will give you something to concentrate on, if you focus.”

  “She’s sure it won’t work,” Ebony said. “I’m amazed you know these things, Ky.”

  “My mother helped women give birth. She was like a healer.”

  “So, you’re a healer’s daughter?” Ebony asked.

  “No. I’m not a witch, either. In my world, though that place was never real, there is no such thing as magic. Healers are doctors, nurses, and midwives, normal people using knowledge to help people.”

  “Stop making idle chitchat and get this monster out of me,” Athaya yelled looking as if she was going to slug them if they dared to say another word that didn’t have something to do with labor instructions.

  With one more exchanged look, Ky and Ebony silently agreed to say nothing else, and l
et Athaya snap at them for anything that was uncomfortable. The birth of Athaya’s little girl didn’t come for another four hours; most of that time was spent walking around the forest. When they planned to head back because Athaya was fully dilated, there wasn’t time to return to the cottage. Athaya held onto a tree branch, and with three contractions and twelve pushes, Layla of the City of Lights was born.

  After Athaya left to go rest, Ebony moved a stool up next to Ky, watching her as she held Layla. “This is really nice,” Ky said, happy to hold a newborn, and feel peaceful about having one. “I want to give Cobaaron a child. Maybe we’ll have lots of children, and a few boys.”

  “I’m sure you will.” Ebony smiled. “So, tell me about this dream that made the castle red.”

  While holding the helpless child, Ky felt she needed to lay aside her discomfort, since her baby was at risk. Ky took a deep breath, and while keeping her eyes on Layla for distraction, Ky told Ebony the entire dream. How it changed from the visions she used to have, and the curse from Luanda the Weird. She also told her about the dream where she held the dead infant, and explain why she thought tearing the baby out from the pregnant witch’s womb was causing her to stress out.

  Ky couldn’t believe she was telling Ebony all this, but she reminded her of her mother so much that she felt drawn to her. “I want to be thrilled about being pregnant and having Lu Lu, but each day is closer to me being stabbed.”

  “Well, there are certain steps we can take, my Queen. It sounds to me like Luanda has hexed Noxis to obsess over the situation and to plan everything efficiently. The good news is that Noxis has not asked for anything from Hyun. The bad news is that I can only think of one thing that may help. I’ll have to ask Cobaaron. It’s very risky what I will ask you to do. It would be deceitful if we didn’t tell your partner, because it will affect him too. That and…it’s dark magic.”

  “I don’t think I want to have anything to do with dark magic. Warriors would never be convinced I wasn’t a witch if I somehow preformed a spell. The last time I used evil sorcery, in form of a dagger, I almost lost Cobaaron. He forgot about me, and that was a day I’d like to forget. And, so I hear, there is always a price for using dark magic.” Ky eyed Ebony, doubtful she had Ky’s best intention. But Ky’s face softened when she remembered Tyrus using dark magic to get rid of the fire in Ambrosia’s room. She had to admit that a few bad thoughts did a lot of good. It saved lives. However, she couldn’t fantasize about murder if that was Ebony’s intent.

  “A love potion is the only thing I can think of. You’re right though, if anyone finds out, it could be disastrous. Only healers understand that questionable magic can sometimes do good, which is why every healer book has love spells though it’s considered evil. It is something my family would never admit to having. But you are queen, and a love potion is not as bad as most evil hexes.

  “You must understand that if Noxis was to obsess over you with equal love, he will internally battle out his feelings and the result will be far more favorable. If you don’t consent to this idea, Ky, I’m afraid there is nothing we can do. I fear your new dream will come to pass. If you want to ask Hyun, be my guest. I’m positive he will come to the same conclusion.”

  “But it’s...evil,” Ky stuttered. “And you’re asking me to get my husband’s consent and let another man love me. He’ll never go for it!”

  “It is, but only because it’s incredibly powerful with the ability to change people’s lives and emotions. Imagine living with a lover who you normally would be repulsed by, but he bewitched you. Years later, after children and a home, you find out that not only were you lied to, but also your life was controlled by another. For that reason, love potions are inexcusable, unless it’s to save a life. Healers save lives; we heal all matters of heath and situation. And yes, if necessary we use dark magic, but it is very rare, and we are very stern about keeping it quiet. This must not leave this house, and you and Cobaaron must keep this to yourselves. He will see the wisdom in your decision though it may be hard for him at first.

  “And remember, you won’t be asking Noxis for children, and you’ll do your best to stay far from him. You wouldn’t even have to give him the love potion. It could easily be given to him in his daily ration of food or water. All you would have to do is be the person to make it.

  “We’ll make two batches. A mild potion for the beginning, which we’ll give to him over the next two weeks, because he’ll need to gradually become attracted to you and have feelings for you. Then the larger batch, the stronger potion, he’ll take afterward. This will ensure the feelings come on gradually, so he doesn’t suspect it’s a potion but his natural feelings. Love potions intensify with each dose until infatuation is quite severe, but it will do the trick.”

  “Okay,” Ky said slowly. As she listened, her mind was beginning to change. Maybe a love potion wasn’t so bad. After all, if it saved Lu Lu, Ky felt she needed to try. Maybe she only had to get through the length of her pregnancy, and after that, all would be fine.

  “I hear that Noxis’s union took months to complete. Hopefully that will ground him. Then again, he is very loyal to Cobaaron. For his brother’s sake I’m sure he won’t pursue you.” Ebony paused for a moment as she watched baby Layla as Ky held her. “This is actually good you came here to help deliver the baby. We should make this potion now, while Noxis won’t suspect why you’re here. Yes, you will make the potion right now. You can decide when it’s best to tell Cobaaron.”

  “I don’t have to think about murder or anything while I make it, do I?”

  “No. I’d never ask that. It’s quite the contrary. You’re supposed to think fond thoughts of the person you want to fall in love with you. Wish for his happiness; hope he has children, a long life, that he falls deeply in love with you, and he has worry free days. Even if all you can bring yourself to say is, ‘I wish a long life for you,’ the potion will work. It’s always beneficial to feel emotionally attached to your spell. The stronger you feel about something, the more powerful the magic. Love potions are strong enough, but if you can conjure fond feelings, you’ll make a powerful batch. So, do try, because your child’s life is at stake.” Ebony stared at Ky hoping for an answer if she would make the potion. As Ky thought, Ebony rushed to add, “It’s like cooking really. I’ll get the ingredients while you ponder the idea. Hyun will wake soon, so if you want to ask him about the potion then you can. I’m sure he will say that my decision is wise.”

  “It makes sense to fight fear with love. I read somewhere that there is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.” Ky nodded. “Cobaaron is sparring with Noxis this morning. So, you’re right, we should do it now, and I’ll explain to Cobaaron later what we have done. I’m sure he’ll understand, or as you said, get used to the idea since it’s the only way.”


  Two cauldrons bubbled and simmered over hot coals. Hyun, Ebony, and Torus instructed her how to mince the thick, white clove of an aphrodisiac called flame-bulb. She already added liquid drops of addiction to a pound of honey and a perfectly ripened gourmand juice purified and sifted to extract the green glow from the liquid. To mask the flavor of the sugars, so Noxis would be unaware he was being drugged, she added a numbing ingredient that temporarily deadened taste buds that detected sweetness. As she began mincing the flame-bulb, she poured in poppy oil that turned the liquid red.

  “I truly wish for your happiness, Noxis,” Ky whispered as she diced the flame-bulb.

  “You’re doing well. The zesty sweet aroma is exactly what it should smell like. If you made it correctly, the flame-bulb makes it so hot that it instantly thickens before turning to powder,” Torus added.

  “Listen to our son. He’s an expert on love potions. I don’t know if I should be nervous or proud,” Hyun crowed.

  “I’m proud. Our son is a great healer.”

  “I hope your life is filled with love and happiness, Noxis,” Ky mumbled as she concentrated on mincing. The larger chun
ks she halved. While she chopped, she stirred the delicious smelling cauldrons. The liquid addictions steamed and each time she scented the aroma, she closed her eyes to picture making love with Cobaaron. She shook off the daydream, and started chanting, “I hope you are happy, Noxis.”

  When the flame-bulb couldn’t be minced finer, Hyun walked by; he leaned over the table and inspected her work. “Well, you’re halfway done.”

  “No, it works best if the chunks aren’t too tiny, Father. Look!” Torus pointed to his family crest and the image of a flame-bulb drawn in exquisite detail. The clusters were pulled apart and a single clove was minced.

  “You’re both wrong. The size doesn’t matter as much as the juice. She now needs to strain the liquid into the potion.” Ebony flipped the page of her potion book to a sloppy scribble. “See my note? It’s cloth from a woven silk worm.”

  Ebony fetched their stash and what looked like spider webs layered together to make cheesecloth. “First divide all of the flame-bulb pieces into thirds; the stronger batch needs two-thirds, and then you’ll strain each portion by twisting the cloth. Give both batches a vigorous stir to incorporate all the ingredients, and then we’ll add the dry chopped flame-bulb when the aroma smells like lust.”

  “Lust?” Ky asked, wondering if the aroma was anything like addiction. Ky followed the instructions and strained the flame-bulb, wringing it over the cauldrons. Once she added the dry flame-bulb, she stirred as instructed.

  “Slow your mixing. You have a while before it hardens to a dough-like thickness, and then instantly liquefies again,” Ebony warned. “The consistency it is now is perfect, absolutely perfect!”

  “I hope you have a life of love. I truly want you happy, Noxis.” Ky felt the words she spoke passionately. She wanted Noxis to care for her. She was desperate to make this work. Noxis was Cobaaron’s brother, and she never wished him harm. Deep down she always wished he would be fond of her. He was her brother-in-law. She loved him for Cobaaron’s sake. She whispered her thoughts aloud, adding, “I want you to like me. To me you’re family, and I love you as a brother. I hope this works, because I’ve always wanted your friendship.”


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