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The Coming Dawn Trilogy

Page 83

by Austen Knowles

  Ky closed her eyes so she could concentrate on her heartfelt words. She refused to let any unkind thoughts creep in, and focused only on love. She began to convince herself she harbored no resentments, when Ky knew she hid some toward him. But after repeating numerous times she loved him as a brother, she wished Noxis learned to care about her, because she never wanted Cobaaron to lose him. “Please like me, Noxis. I want you to care for me as much as you care for Cobaaron.”

  The potion became fudge-like within seconds. “This is the hard part. Usually you can switch hands but we’re making two batches. I’m afraid we won’t be able to help. You can’t stop or it will scorch; he’ll taste that! Burning the potion will make dosing him much harder.”

  Ebony’s forewarning came too late. Ky’s muscles burned as she made slow figure eights. “I want you happy. I want you to like me!” Ky gritted her teeth, and tried to feel fond emotions.

  The potion thickened further. She could barely knead the potion with the cast iron spoons. “You’re doing really well. It’s almost over. Just breathe.”

  “She’s not having a baby, Ebony,” Hyun teased.

  The love potion dried and cracked, as the red dough flaked. She stirred while Ebony magically snuffed the embers, so the cauldrons could cool. “I want you to like me, Noxis,” Ky exclaimed as her arms burned.

  The potion separated as more layers dried and broke free. The ingredients became easier to mix, and her burning muscles cooled. The larger lumps of dry love potion instantly became powder, and before she could exhale, it fell to dust.

  “That looks perfect. You did well. I couldn’t have done better,” Ebony cheered.

  “Well, she had three helpers,” Torus pointed out.

  Hyun raised his wand, and with a whoosh, he transferred the powder to tiny vials. It was just in time because it suddenly liquefied to thin, burgundy juice. Enchanted self-labeling tape wrapped around the bottles and marked them either mild or potent. “Let’s hope we didn’t make these too strong. Ky is very pretty. He may already be attracted to her, and like her. Brothers have been known to fight over the same woman.” Hyun chuckled, and rocked onto his tiptoes. “Well, my Queen, as much as we loved your presence and would enjoy your company, it’s unwise to linger. I’m going to have to kick you out of our home.”

  “Delicate, Hyun, she is the queen,” Ebony scolded, and then lowered her voice to add, “Don’t forget who her partner is.”

  “I can’t leave. Cobaaron told me he was going to come for me,” Ky said, but Hyun bowed apologizing, and then walked her to the front door.

  “Don’t rush her, Hyun. She may like a cup of melted coco. It’s very rich, but pregnant women can’t get enough of my coco.” Ebony cast a spell with her wand, and ingredients flew from the shelves. “Please stay, my Queen, for a cup?”

  “You have chocolate?” Ky asked. Her mouth watered. She craved chocolate for months.

  “Send her some, Ebony. We mustn’t let Noxis learn what we did.” Hyun opened the cupboard door, and hastened Ky out, as he added, “No worries. I will not give Noxis my services.” He closed the door firmly.

  Ky stared at the shelves; disappointment escaped in a deep sigh. “Oh, well.” She left, knowing she could send for some later.

  Ky didn’t get far before she saw Cobaaron leaving the sparring room with Tyrus and Noxis. Ky had no idea where the room was or she would have avoided it.

  “Are you only now coming back from Ebony’s?” Cobaaron asked.

  “I am. Athaya had a girl a few hours ago.”

  “Yes, Octavos left during the sparring. We heard the news. Did you enjoy yourself?”

  “I did. Thank you.” Ky smiled uncomfortably at Noxis and Tyrus. She was convinced Noxis was contemplating the ghastly witchcraft she was cooking while at their house, and for once, he might be right. Not that she made eye contact to guess his thoughts. He was relentless with his belief that she was evil.

  “So, what were you doing there until now?” Noxis demanded. Her assumption was right. He didn’t trust her, and knew she was up to something. Maybe he was thinking she put Ebony and Hyun under a spell, too.

  “I was drinking coco. Ebony offered. I was waiting for Cobaaron because he said he would get me, but I got tired of waiting,” Ky lied, and then added, “Women love the stuff, especially while with child. I’m no exception. I love chocolate.”

  “Ebony makes the best warm coco. Anyone would say it’s the most delicious thing they’ve ever tasted. I’ll take you to get some,” Tyrus offered Noxis. Tyrus was obviously acting the mediator between the two.

  “I’ve had coco, young Tyrus,” Noxis growled. “I’ll pass.”

  “I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well and I’m pregnant. I need all the sleep I can get.” Thinking of her fatigue, Ky yawned, and continued walking.

  “Love,” Cobaaron chuckled when he said her pet name. He took her hand, stopping her. “Don’t be silly. I’ll go with you. We were done anyway.”

  After leaving Tyrus and Noxis, they went to their bedchamber. If Cobaaron noticed she lied, he wasn’t saying anything. He shut the door, and as she watched, he proceeded to undress.

  “Do you want to bathe with me, and then we’ll go to bed?”

  “Yes.” Ky nodded. Warm water sounded marvelous. She stripped, leaving her clothes by the fountain, and watched as Taja scurried to them.

  “I should have gotten another flurry for company,” Cobaaron confided. “I’ll take her to the city center, and if the market has one, I’ll buy it. Otherwise, I’ll let her find her way to the woods. It’s quite far, but she’ll easily find her way. I need to send warriors out to sweep the forest, anyway. Taja may need to seek other flurries for her sanity. I’d go crazy around a bunch of russux-oxen with no one to talk to.”

  “If you must,” Ky was only partially listening. She needed to tell him about the love potion before she got distracted.

  Cobaaron smiled. “You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?”

  “Sorry, my mind is elsewhere.”

  He embraced her. “So, are you going to tell me the truth now?”

  “Was it obvious I was lying?”

  “To me, yes. The skin on your chest blotches when you get flustered. I’ve noticed that.”

  “Well, you wanted me to tell Ambrosia about the dream. I ended up sharing it with Ebony.”

  “Good, Ky, I’m glad. I feel a lot better. And what did she say? Can she help us?”

  “They can, yes. But…keep in mind when I consented I was thinking of Lu Lu. Both Ebony and Hyun said if he hated me, we should make him fall in love with me. We made a love potion which they’ll give to him.” Ky rushed her words and then held her breath. She could only imagine if Cobaaron was telling her that he planned to make another woman love him, she would be extremely hurt.

  Cobaaron loosened his hug, and then let go of her completely. “Wait—they suggested my brother should fall in love with my wife?”

  “There is no other way. If you send him away he’ll return immediately.”

  “That is why we have walls. Maybe they could make him forget, Ky! I don’t know. I’m not a healer. But I’m not comfortable with another man loving you as I do. Haven’t you noticed how jealous I can be? And really, I rein in a lot of it. I’m possessive and have been since I learned about Aaron. I got worse when Zevera stole you from me. I’m protective. It’s what I do and how I show my love. I protect you, and safeguard you. I share you with Aaron, but draw the line with my brother.

  “What if he loves you so much he leaves his wife to be with you, or worse, forces himself on you? It would kill me if that happened. I wouldn’t send him away; I’d kill him. I cannot give you permission. The answer is no, absolutely not! This is not happening. I forbid it!

  “I’m going down there, and tell them they’re crazy if they think I’m going along with this. I am king. My word is law.”

  “They said there is no other way. And what if this love potion solves everything? Love is as powerful as ha
te. I can see why they would choose such a strong emotion. Love is like light—it corrects things, too, right?” Ky approached him, but he snatched his clothes from the floor and wouldn’t let her touch him. “I’m not asking you to give me permission to encourage a romantic relationship. I’m going to stay as far from him as I always have.”

  “I said no, Ky! NO!” He was so upset he couldn’t even look at her.

  “Just listen to me, please,” Ky said, softly. “I was holding Layla when I made this decision, and I was thinking of Lu Lu. She deserves to live.”

  “Now that’s unfair. Don’t make this about her.” Cobaaron glared. “It’s wrong, Ky. I won’t stand by and let another man fall in love with you. You are mine, and mine alone! I won’t share you, even in his thoughts. I’ll know what Noxis will think when he’s looking at you. Only I should have thoughts of making love to you or envisioning you naked.”

  Ky shamefully diverted her eyes, but her deciding factor was Lu Lu. Ky had to try for her. “It’s already done. I’m sorry, but I have to try for her. So…unless you have another way that Ebony and Hyun agree is better, I’m afraid this is how it has to be.” She drew herself upright with determination; Cobaaron was never the yielding type, and she didn’t think she would get away with putting her foot down.

  Cobaaron folded his arms. “You’re giving me an ultimatum? I’m the one betrayed, with my wife willingly letting another man love her, and you’re threatening me? I’ll agree to that—only because I know that by the end of this day the love potion will be destroyed. And when it is, you’ll promise me to never make dark magic again. I can’t believe you would do that. I’m disappointed, Ky. I really am. There is always another way.”

  “There was only one way to save you from the lava, and it was dark magic. I did what I had to, Cobaaron. I’ll do the same for Lu Lu. But I’ll do everything I can to assure you I’m yours. ”

  “That’s reassuring,” he said sarcastically. “I know you’ll remain mine. I’m not questioning your loyalty, but his because you’ll be using dark magic to persuade him to obsess over you. You act like you’re going through this alone. After all this time, you still think we’re not making decisions as a couple. You don’t see me as a partner, Ky. You may be the one who is…stabbed. But I’m not unaffected. Your pain brings me anguish. I am annoyed right now, but make no mistake that I’m desperate. I love you. It isn’t easy for me to watch you go through this, because this is something I can’t protect you from. Now you’re saying you won’t let me. But I can’t watch other men…want you.” He paused, looking away from her. “It doesn’t matter because I’m going there and finding another way.”

  Ky had no response. His words cut deeply. He was nicely saying she was self-centered. What hurt more than his words, was that Ky knew he was right. She looked down in shame. She never felt so small. She was persuaded too easily to make the love potion when she knew it would hurt Cobaaron. “Sorry.” It was soft spoken, she didn’t know if he heard.

  Now confused, she didn’t know how to decide what was more important; making a decision that was easier for him or her responsibility to Lu Lu who was helpless. When her thoughts shifted to Lu Lu, the answer was clear. She couldn’t recant on the love potion without a solid option.

  Because Cobaaron turned his back, she decided to not stress and to sleep until they could think more clearly. Maybe he would find another way, and she could grovel until he felt better. Cobaaron dressed, and rushed from the room to seek a better solution. She knew he was heading straight to Hyun and Ebony’s cupboard, and did her best to put it out of her mind.


  A ruckus woke her. Cobaaron stormed into the room more furious than when he left. He was slamming doors and banging things as he moved around. Ky sat up in bed, and asked, “Are you okay?” She knew he wasn’t which meant his talk with Hyun didn’t go well.

  “No, I’m not okay!” Cobaaron growled, then checked his temper and stilled. He took a deep breath and slowly faced her. “Tyrus and Noxis went to Ebony’s place for coco, and they were there when I came to see Hyun. I was pulled aside, and he told me they’d already given Noxis the first dose. I asked him if there was any other way, I gave him a few of my ideas, and he shot down every one. Apparently, making him forget wouldn’t work, because things (especially emotions) would jog his memory, and he would still feel compelled to kill you.”

  “Ambrosia stole my memory of being married to you, and I still loved you, though I couldn’t explain why. So that makes sense.” Ky arose and approached him. She thought he might refuse her touch, but he didn’t move. “I’m sorry. I’m not perfect. That’s not an excuse; I’m simply acknowledging I’m wrong. I am self-centered and about more things than this. I can’t say that Ebony and Hyun persuaded me, because it was my decision to not ask you and make the potion first. I can’t change overnight Cobaaron, but I’m trying to grow up. In the meantime, can’t we accept our faults and love each other? Tell me what you want me to do so you feel more comfortable. I’ll do anything!”

  “Well, you’re not leaving my sight, until I know he’s not stupid enough to do something like touch you. I’ll need to assign a warrior to follow you. You need a guard.” Cobaaron enfolded her, and buried his face in her shoulder. “I hate this.”

  “I’m sorry.” Her lip quivered, knowing how torn up she was making him.

  He eyed her, and took a few steps toward the bed. He brought her with him, having them sit beside each other. He looked worried and pale. It was eating him up. Her stomach knotted with guilt. “Ky, you’re a Star. You could die if you cheated on me, even if it’s forced. I’m worried he’ll kill you by raping you.” His head dropped and he held her as if he was already losing her.

  “If my dreams change and I die that way, we’ll stop the potion,” Ky said. With a heavy nod, the gravity of the situation frightened her. “Do you think he’s capable of that?”

  “I’ve never known him to be like that, but dark magic changes people. You saw me before the lava. I only hope his respect for me is deeper than this potion. Healers know what they’re doing, and Hyun was positive Onya could keep him grounded,” Cobaaron said with a soothing voice because her sudden reluctance and fear made him more concerned for her than he was for himself. His change in heart shamed her. He was always protecting her, always thinking of her. In this hardship, he was putting her first; she hadn’t done that for him. He loved her more than himself, and never was it so clear. She needed to improve for him, and Ky was determined to change. Cobaaron was a great guy, and she was purposefully putting him through hell. He deserved so much better.

  “I’m sure it won’t happen. My brother has not taken anything from me yet. He’s not like your sister, who always stole the boys you liked. He had plenty of opportunities to take the chief status by killing me when I was sick or poisoned, and he never cared to take it. Even now he’s not showing signs of wanting to be chief. He loves me, and wants nothing but to serve me as a friend and brother. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that he thinks he’s killing you to protect me. He remains faithful, and so he won’t sleep with you to betray me.”

  “True,” Ky said feeling a little more at ease. “I believe that his loyalty for you will keep him grounded long before his affection for Onya would hinder him from doing anything like that. They don’t seem in love.”

  “He loves her, but he broke their union for a long time. Now his pride is hurt that Onya has not promised faithfulness. At least this is why Noxis isn’t speaking to her at the moment.”

  “Their relationship is very rocky.”

  “Well, he’s loyal to me as you said.”

  Ky assured him that she was fine and that she believed Noxis was extremely loyal. Then she tried comforting him for the next hour as he continued to think of additional reasons he hated Noxis taking her love potions. After a long talk, he decided he would get ready for the feast, with every intention of carefully watching his brother for any sign the potion was working.

They planned to leave the party early so they could wander the underground gardens and arboretum that grew fruits for the city, and Cobaaron was interested in seeing the brewery.

  As they prepped for the feast, there was a soft rap on the door. When Ky opened it, a small girl, with bright red hair in a bohemian twist stood in the hallway. She was lanky because of her height and youthful appearance. Then the girl’s hair slowly faded to white, revealing she was elfish.

  “Excuse me, my Queen.” The girl bowed to Ky, and then seeing Cobaaron in the room, bowed and added, “My King.” When she was invited in, she continued, “Byn appointed me your handmaiden. I thought I’d introduce myself before I settled in.” The girl bowed before revealing her name. “I’m Vale.”

  “You’re an elf,” Cobaaron stated, obviously surprised to see one in the castle.

  “Yes, I came from Opalace, with permission from King Limro,” Vale confirmed. “I’m not the only one who asked to come and see the great city and its light. Several of us came, but only six have chosen to remain.”

  “I see,” Cobaaron said. “Well, I’m happy to have elves living among us. You’re most welcome to stay as long as you wish.”

  “Is there anything you need before I settle into my room?”

  “We’re fine, thank you.”

  Vale left, and an hour later, they made their way down to the feast, hoping to arrive before the festivities began. The great hall transformed into a new chocolate theme, as heaps of edible gold chocolate stars stacked on tables. Coco moons, comets, and stars floated above, ready to be plucked and eaten. To Ky’s great delight they tasted like dark chocolate, and some had various kinds of filling.

  Hardly anyone was there, and those who were, nibbled on the coco sky. Ky recognized one person, Jaman. He was sitting with his posse, and the moment he saw Cobaaron, he stood and approached. His men followed.


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