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The Wannabes

Page 3

by Tammy Coons

  “Calm your tits, Stella. I’ll be with you in a minute,” Alex shouted.

  Ryder sat back down next to Corbin. He nudged her with his knee and she turned to him and met his gaze. “You any good at pool? I need a partner.”

  “Don’t play. I have terrible aim.”

  “I’ll be your partner. I love playing pool.” Stella leaned over Corbin and gave his leg a squeeze and pat. He watched Corbin’s gaze go to Stella’s hand. She shook her head.

  “Can you get off of me? I can’t breathe,” Corbin gave Stella a little push.

  “Sorry, just can’t keep my hands off of him.” Stella gave Ryder a wink. Ryder rolled his eyes then pushed Stella’s hand off of his leg.

  “Then trade me seats. You can violate him all you want.” Corbin stood and walked to the jukebox. Stella slid over next to him. She raised an eyebrow at him. He was used to the ladies who threw themselves at him. Granted, he did enjoy a good lay but the whole scene was getting tiring. Ryder looked past Stella and admired Corbin’s ass. She was leaning over the jukebox. A dirty sex scene played through Ryder’s mind. He was oblivious to the conversation Stella was blasting at him.

  “Corbin is not your type,” Stella blurted bringing him out of his fantasy. He shifted his gaze back to Stella. “And besides, she is taken, off the market so to speak.” Ryder ran a hand through his hair and cleared his throat. Off the market meant nothing to him. He had bedded countless numbers of women who had boyfriends or were married. He decided to play out this little game with Stella. He leaned into her and whispered in her ear:

  “That’s never stopped me before.” Stella shivered.

  “You are so naughty,” she purred. Ryder sat back in his seat and laughed. Corbin sat back down next to Stella.

  “Sorry about the wait. What can I get you guys?”Alex asked.

  “Three shots of tequila to start out with,” Stella said enthusiastically.

  “I’ll stick with Busch light. No shots for me.” Ryder nodded to Alex. Stella placed a hand on her hip.

  “Ok then two.”

  “I’ll have a nerd,” Corbin said. Ryder chuckled

  “What the hell is a nerd?” He leaned over Stella.

  “Grape, apple, watermelon and cherry pucker, and a splash of 7up,” Corbin said. Ryder heard the intro to Jackyl’s song, Billy Badass, start.

  “Very popular drink with the ladies. I am surprised you don’t know that.”Alex gave him a wink.

  “Yea, I guess I have been out of the loop too long.”

  “So, what do you think of the place?” Alex handed him his beer.

  “It’s pretty cool, kinda empty.” Ryder took a sip of his beer.

  “Once the races are over it will pick up, tomorrow night it will be a packed house. White Rock always brings in a lot of business. In a couple of weeks Filthy Wilma is here. ”

  “Are they a chick bands?”

  “No, all guys. They bring a lot of women in.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I knew you would say that.” Alex rolled her eyes.

  Ryder smiled and then leaned over Stella again.

  “Jackyl fan? Another secret has been revealed.”

  “I enjoy some of their songs.” Corbin shrugged. Ryder opened his mouth to speak again but felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see the cowboys.

  “You’re up rock star.”

  “Ma’am, can we get two more Buds?” the other cowboy asked. He tipped his hat at Alex. Ryder turned back to Alex and caught her blush. She looked at him and shrugged.

  “Stella, we’re up.” Stella slid off her barstool and gave him a hug. Ryder instinctively wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “You smell so good,” she whispered in his ear.

  “Well, I am glad I don’t stink,” he whispered back. Stella laughed and then walked away to pick out a cue. He glanced Corbin’s way and caught her watching them. He began racking up the pool balls, singing along to the song that was playing, making sure to stress the lyrics, “I am a mother fucker…I am Billy badass.” That was one of his signature songs when Infected Whiskey was together. Corbin smiled then turned away.

  That’s one point for me, Ryder thought to himself.

  AFTER TWO NERDS and a shot of tequila, Corbin was ready to go home. She felt a little light headed and suspected Alex had thrown in a few extra shots in her drinks. The clock read 10:30 and she knew the races would be over soon.

  “Are you guys ready to go?” Corbin asked as she walked to the pool table. Stella was leaning against one of the cowboys while Ryder was throwing darts.

  “Nope.” Stella smiled. She whispered something in the cowboy’s ear.

  “I’ll make sure she gets home,” he said.

  “Seriously, Stella?” Corbin rolled her eyes and sighed.

  “Yep, seriously Corbin,” Stella slurred.

  “Ryder, are you coming or staying?”

  “Well since you put it that way, I’ll be coming.” He set his darts down and hurried over to her.

  “Gah…Corbin just take him home a fuck him. He clearly wants you.” Stella stumbled over to them and swatted Ryder’s ass. Corbin felt herself flush with color. She rushed out the door and got into her car and buried her face in her hands. No matter where they went, Stella always said or did something to embarrass her.

  “Do you want me to drive? You don’t look so good.” Ryder asked as he opened the door. Corbin nodded and slid from the driver’s seat to the passenger. He started the car.”Do you mind if we make a quick stop? I need smokes.”

  “Why didn’t you get them here?”

  “Seven bucks a pack, no thanks.”

  “Are you ok to drive? There are a lot of cops in town on Friday nights.”

  “I had two beers, so yeah, I am pretty sure I am good.”

  “Just be careful.”

  “You worry too much.” Ryder reached out and gave her a playful shove. She placed her hand on the spot where he touched her and looked at him. Even that little touch made her tingle. This man radiated sex. His green eyes raked over her body. “Oh little girl, you are something else.” He leaned his head back against the head rest. A strand of hair fell into one of his eyes and Corbin resisted the urge to remove it for him. With a shaky hand, she tucked her own hair behind her ear and cleared her throat.

  “We should go. Rob should be stopping by soon.”

  “Chill out Cinderella, I’ll get you home before Prince Charming arrives.” Ryder put the car in gear and backed out. They drove through town in silence but Corbin’s thoughts were everywhere. Ryder got his cigs and then they continued back to the apartment. Once there he offered her one and this time she took it. He slid up on the car and patted the hood next to him. She shook her head no, then walked to him and leaned in for a light. She turned her back to him and leaned against the car.

  “Nice night tonight,” she stammered. Ryder didn’t respond. She turned back to him. He was laying back, one arm behind his head. Due to his arm position, his shirt rode up a little in the front revealing some of his treasure trail. She wanted to kiss him there, run her fingers over the top of his jeans.

  “I would love to be able to read your mind right now.” Ryder sat up on the car then slid off right in front of her. Corbin uttered a nervous laugh. He reached out and touched her cheek. She willed her legs to move but she stood planted in front of him. She dropped her gaze to the ground.

  “I should go inside,” her voice quivered. She felt him place a finger under her chin, and he forced her to meet his eyes. Without a second thought she firmly planted a kiss on his lips. She felt Ryder’s hands tangle up in her hair. All thoughts of Rob were thrown out the window. Ryder pulled her head back and kissed and nipped at her neck. He pulled her close to him and she felt his hardness against her. Corbin was breathless.

  “Goddamn, Corbin. You taste so good,” Ryder groaned against her mouth. Corbin’s head whirled. No one had ever said that to her before. Taken over by the scene and the alcohol, Corbin grasped for
his belt buckle and began tugging it off. Ryder grabbed her hand and stopped her. He was breathing hard too.

  “What?” Corbin panted. She watched Ryder run and hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I can’t do it, Corbin.” He adjusted his belt.

  “Oh God, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean…” Corbin began. Guilt settled into her gut again.

  Was kissing and touching considered cheating? If so, she was a number one offender.

  “I drank too much, I didn’t mean to throw myself at you.” She turned and hurried up the stairs. She heard Ryder following her up.

  “Corbin….” Ryder called from behind her. She ran into the apartment and to her room. She locked the door behind her. Ryder knocked on the door.

  “I do want you, Corbin. I have wanted you since the second I saw you today.”

  “Just go away, Ryder, please.” Corbin changed into her oversized sweatshirt and pajama pants. “Rob will be here soon.”

  “Ok. I have a date with a cold shower anyway. I am sorry, Corbin.” She leaned against the door. Thoughts of him naked in the shower flooded her mind again. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rob’s ringtone. She picked it up and read the text:

  I’ll be late. Do you still want to talk?

  How late is late and yes

  Probably not until after 12

  Just come over. I need you

  For what?

  Duh, it has only been two weeks now since we have had sex

  Is that all that I am to you? JK

  No, you know I love you

  I Know, I will be over later


  Corbin fell back on her bed and closed her eyes. She allowed herself to drift off to sleep. A few hours later she was awakened by a kiss.

  “Oh Ryder…” she moaned.

  “Who the fuck is Ryder?” Rob blurted. He stood up next to the bed, his hands curled into fists. Corbin swallowed hard and scrambled for an excuse.

  “What? Hey, come here.” She tugged on his hand.

  “You said Ryder when I kissed you.’

  “I don’t know what you are talking about, I was asleep.”

  Rob’s fists relaxed a little. He sat down on the bed.

  “Maybe I am just hearing things.” He rubbed his hair. Corbin took advantage of the moment and rubbed his back.

  “How were the races?”

  “Pretty good,” Rob yawned. He lay back on the bed. Corbin rested her head on his chest. “So what did you want to talk about?”

  “That can wait.” Corbin traced circles on his shirt. She lifted her head and seen Rob had his eyes closed. She shook him, he in turn rolled over onto his side. “Rob…”

  “Tired,” he mumbled. In exasperation she threw herself back onto the pillow. Picking up one she covered her face and muffled a soft scream into it. She removed the pillow and then rolled over to him. She pressed her body against his and pulled up his shirt. She stroked his chest then slid her hands down to the front of his jeans.

  “Don’t,” he mumbled.

  “Please,” she whined. His response was a snore. Frustration filled her. She knew once the snore happened, all possibilities of sex went out the window. She scrambled out of bed and stood staring at him. Spotting his cell phone she carefully pulled it out of his pocket. She pushed the power button and attempted to unlock it. After a few failed attempts she tossed it on the bed beside him. Remembering her beer in the fridge, she opened her bedroom door.

  “That was fast.” Corbin stopped in her tracks. Ryder was laying on the couch in those tight sexy boxers, a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other. She huffed at him then continued into the kitchen. She grabbed a beer, popped the top and gulped down half of the liquid. She took a deep breath then finished the beer. She grabbed another and went back into the living room. She plopped down in the bean bag chair.

  “Can I have a cig?” she muttered. He tossed one and the lighter. She lit it and inhaled deeply. She looked his way. The light from the TV illuminated his tattoos and his goddamn V taunted her. He put out his cigarette then stood. He stretched and Corbin shuddered. He handed her the ashtray. She looked down his body her eyes resting on his bulge. She bit her lip then looked back up into his eyes.

  “So how’s lover boy?” Ryder asked. He had a sly smile on his face.

  “Huh?” Corbin’s brain felt like mush.

  “Rob.” He pointed to her bedroom door.

  “Oh, he fell asleep,” she stammered. She had almost forgotten Rob was in the other room. Ryder was a major distraction. Ryder nodded, something washed over his face, as if he were plotting something. He ran a hand through his hair, looked at her door then kneeled down in front of her. Corbin tensed up.

  “Corbin…” He licked his lips.


  “How do you say I want to make love to you in French?” Her head was spinning. She glanced towards her bedroom door then back to him.

  “Ahhh…” He took her beer from her and put out her cigarette. He then placed his hands on either side of her. Corbin tightened her crossed legs.

  “Say it.” His face was just inches from hers.

  “Ahm…” No words came to mind. He touched her face and ran his fingers over her lips. Corbin felt like she was melting into the chair. “Je veux te faire l’amour.”

  “That is so hot.” He kissed her gently and Corbin moaned. The sound of keys jiggling in the door made Ryder jump up and run from the room. Corbin sat up and smoothed out her clothes. Alex entered the apartment.

  “What are you still doing up?” she asked.

  “Couldn’t sleep,” Corbin shrugged. She stood up and her legs were unsteady, she stumbled into the kitchen. The sound of the shower made her chuckle.

  “Who’s in the shower?” Alex asked, hand on her hip.

  “Ryder.” Corbin took a long pull from her beer.

  “At two in the morning?”

  Corbin tried to fight smiling. “He said he was hot.”

  “Hmmm…” Alex seemed to study her for a moment. “Where’s Rob? I saw his truck in the parking lot.”

  “Asleep. What is this, the Spanish inquisition?”

  “The what?”

  “Never mind, I am crashing on the couch tonight. Rob’s snoring ass will keep me awake.” Corbin swayed backed into the living room and slumped onto the couch. She picked up the pillow Ryder was using and inhaled the scent. She drifted off to sleep quickly thanks to the effects of the alcohol.

  CORBIN FELT HER way to the bathroom. Her head pounded and her stomach felt queasy. She opened the bathroom door and sat on the toilet, holding her head in her hands. The door creaked open.

  “Oh shit, sorry.” Ryder slammed the door shut. Bits and pieces of the night before washed over Corbin. Her stomach rolled, she grabbed the trashcan and emptied the contents of her stomach.

  “You ok?” Ryder asked from the other side of the door.

  “Yes,” Corbin managed in between heaves.

  “Do you want me to get Alex?”

  “No, go away.” She leaned back against the toilet tank, the coolness soothed her. She flushed the toilet and took time standing. She grabbed a washcloth, wet it with cold water and dabbed her face and neck. She rinsed her mouth then cleaned up her mess. After several deep breaths she opened the bathroom door. She kept her gaze on the floor as she hurried back to her bedroom. She locked the door behind her. She turned hoping to see Rob still in her bed, her stomach sank when she seen it was empty.

  “Of course you left,” she grumbled. She snatched up her phone.

  Thanks for waking me up, ass

  I was going to but after meeting Ryder…you know, the guy whose name you said when I kissed you .Well I wasn’t in the mood to wake you up

  Corbin felt the walls of her room were closing in on her. “FUCK!” she spat. She stared at her phone, not knowing what to type.

  Are you screwing him? Is that what you wanted to talk about?

  NO! I was drunk last

  So you’re saying it’s a possibility

  Rob I would never do that to you! But you did make out with Ryder twice and almost ripped his pants off, she thought to herself.

  I need some time to think about all of this. I think we should separate for awhile.

  I didn’t do anything wrong, I love you.

  Yes, you did. She willed her guilty conscious to shut up. Tears welled up in her eyes. After he didn’t respond she plugged in his phone number and it went straight to voicemail. She opened her mouth to speak but only a squeak came out. Full blown sobs wracked her, her heart seized in her chest.

  “Goddammit I am so stupid!!” she groaned aloud. She had let her guard down and her vagina ran her mind.

  “Are you ok in there?” Alex pounded on the door. Corbin wiped her eyes then unlocked the door. “You look like shit, hangover that bad?” Corbin plopped on the bed and began sobbing again.

  “Rob… wants… to separate.” Corbin felt as if she were hyperventilating.

  “What? Why?” Alex sat down beside her.

  “Because he thinks Ryder and I have a thing going on,” she groaned.

  “Why would he think that?” Alex handed her some tissues.

  “You know Rob. He thinks I am screwing around all the time.” Corbin blew her nose. Alex gave her a sideways glance.

  “Ryder!” she shouted. Corbin held her breath.

  “Yeah.” Ryder peeked into the room.

  “Did something happen with Rob this morning?” Alex kept her eyes on Corbin. Corbin fidgeted.

  “I just introduced myself. Then he stormed out. Why?” Alex turned her gaze to him. Corbin let out a slow breath and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Well, I guess Rob seems to think you two are doing the deed.” Corbin buried her face in her hands.

  “Hey, all I said was you must be Rob held out my hand and said I’m Ryder. That is it. It’s not my problem that he apparently has an inferiority complex. I mean look at me, what guy wouldn’t be jealous.” Ryder held his hands up. Alex huffed then threw a pillow at him. Corbin met his eyes and gave him a small nod. He threw the pillow back. “So are we done with the line of questions officer?” Corbin uttered a small laugh. Alex looked from Ryder back to Corbin.


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