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The Wannabes

Page 5

by Tammy Coons

  “Fucked all that up by yourself, dipshit,” Ryder said aloud. He picked up a rock and threw it against the storage shed. The sound of it hitting the shed set off some car alarms. Ryder shook his head then stood and walked down the alley.

  CORBIN FELT AS if she had been having an out of body experience for the past few weeks. No contact with Rob, her Mom had progressed further into Alzheimer’s, and sexual tension ensued at the apartment. She kept to herself and spent most of her free time in her room. Normally she would have been excited for the weekend to come and to see her favorite band Filthy Wilma, but she couldn’t seem to get out of the funk she was in. It was Saturday and she opted to do a little overtime. She clocked out at work grabbed her favorite beer and headed for home.

  Ryder had gotten a job at RJP the local grain processing plant and Stella had been busying herself with the cowboy she met at Rebels. Alex was working more hours so that left Corbin alone a lot. She did enjoy the quiet but was really tired of her and her brain working overtime. She opened the door to the apartment and made her way to the kitchen. She put her beer in the fridge, grabbed one and popped the top. She gulped down a hefty amount of the liquor then let out a burp.

  “Excuse you,” Ryder said from the bathroom. She jumped, not expecting anyone to be home. He opened the bathroom door still wet from the shower, sporting a shorter haircut. He flipped his hair around. “What do you think?”

  “Huh?” She was too busy taking in his body.

  “My hair,” he pointed to his head. He gave her a crooked smile.

  “Oh yeah, looks good.” She gulped down some more beer. She tried to keep her eyes on his hair but they disobeyed her. He walked back into the bathroom.

  “Are you going to Rebels tonight?”

  “Maybe.” She picked at the beer label. “Are you?”

  “I need a night out. I thought you liked Filthy Wilma?”

  “I do.” Corbin thought of Mason Andrews, the lead singer of Filthy Wilma. He was tall and muscular and had dark hair that was always wildly messed up. If you looked up the definition of bad boy in the dictionary, his picture would be there. Well, until now, Ryder just may have beat Mason for that title. She smiled to herself.

  “So then go.” He walked out wearing jeans and no shirt. “I will buy you a…what was it?”

  “A Nerd,” Corbin smirked.

  “Yeah.” He snapped his fingers. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of her beer. “Is it ok if I drink one of these?” He cocked his head sideways.

  “Sure, if you get me another.” Corbin finished off her bottle. He handed her another then slid up on the counter. They shared a moment of awkward silence. Corbin considered leaving the room until he spoke up again. “This stuff is pretty good,” he said after taking a sip. Corbin nodded and then leaned against the doorway. He slid off the counter and walked to her. Corbin froze. His scent enveloped her senses.

  “You smell like fruit roll ups,” Corbin blurted.

  “Do you like?” Ryder wiggled his eyebrows. Corbin laughed and stared into his green eyes. “I just picked it up today. I figured if all the hot girls in River Junction like drinking Nerds, and other fruity drinks, this stuff would make me irresistible.” Corbin felt herself flush. Ryder placed his free hand against the wall behind her. He set his beer down and ran his finger down her cheek to her lips. He looked into her eyes then brought his lips to hers. The kiss was so gentle, Corbin felt as if her knees were going to buckle. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer to him. “I’ve missed your lips, Corbin,” he groaned. He took Corbin’s beer from her and pushed her up against the wall the kiss intensified. He grinded against her, a moan escaped from Corbin’s lips. She twisted her hands in his hair as he kissed and sucked on her neck.

  “I could take you right here,” he said in a low growl.

  “Then do it,” Corbin whispered. She felt his hands go up her shirt and caress her breasts. He playfully teased each nipple. Then his hands slowly slid to the top of her pants. He undid them and slid his hand inside. Corbin bit her lip to hold back a moan.

  “Oh shit, Corbin,” he groaned. He lifted her up and began working on his own zipper. The sound of the front door opening made them both stop. Ryder gave her bottom lip a little bite them moved in to the bathroom. Corbin tugged her sweatshirt down over her open pants.

  “What’s up with you?” Stella asked eyeing Corbin. Corbin gathered her breath.

  “Just another shitty day.” She picked up her beer and took a huge drink. Corbin giggled; she felt giddy, almost happy. Ryder opened up the bathroom door. His hair was wet again; he looked at Corbin and gave her a wink.

  “Are you going out tonight, or are staying home to grovel?” Stella asked her.

  “Yeah, I think I will go out tonight,” Corbin nodded.

  “Good, I am sick of your negative energy bringing the whole apartment down.” Stella grabbed a beer then pulled some weed out of her bra. “Anyone care to partake?”

  “I’ll take some of that, I need to mellow out.” Ryder looked directly at her and licked his lips. Corbin felt herself blush.

  “Nah, I will pass this time,” She found herself giggling again.

  “Are you sure you aren’t stoned now?”

  “She could be a little light headed we did share some stuff a little bit ago,” Ryder said straight faced. Corbin put her hand over her mouth.

  “Oooh Corbin, can I have some?” Stella asked. Corbin and Ryder burst into laughter.

  “You will have to ask Ryder if he wants to share.”

  “Well…” Stella put her hands on her hips.

  “All out for now, but maybe I will get some more, later.” Ryder gave her a sly smile. Corbin glanced his way then to the floor. Was she really going to go through with it? Would she find the courage again to let him take her? She wanted him to do all kinds of naughty things to her. She wanted to hear his moans in her ear. His heavy breathing as he thrust into her. Her breath caught in her throat.

  “Guess what!” Stella shouted. She clapped her hands together and jumped up and down.

  “Hmmm?” Corbin swallowed hard, willing herself to maintain control. She was ready to mount Ryder as he sat on the counter.

  “I talked to my parents today and they said we could use the cabin over the 4th of July weekend.”

  “Cabin?” Ryder slid off the counter and took the pipe from Stella.

  “Yep, at Rock Lake.”

  “Sounds fun.” He took a long hit from it.

  “We went last year and had a blast,” Stella replied.

  “When is the 4th this year?”

  “It’s on a Thursday, which sucks balls. But I figured we could leave like right after everyone gets off work on Friday, like around six or something.”

  “What about Alex? She usually works every weekend.”

  “She comes and goes,” Stella shrugged.

  “Corbin, are you going?” Ryder gave her a little nudge.

  “Maybe.” The thought of being at the cabin with Ryder set more fantasies in motion.

  “With Rob out of the picture you can actually have fun this year. “

  “Who says he’s out of the picture?” Corbin cocked her head at Stella.

  “Oh come on. It has been two weeks since he has talked to you. Give it up girl.” Stella rolled her eyes.

  “So, he just needs time to...” Corbin began but Stella cut her off.

  “Go screw around with other chicks? You need to pull your head out of your ass.” Stella yanked the pipe away from Ryder and stormed off to her bedroom. Corbin stood stunned.

  “You ok?” Ryder asked. He put his hand on her back.

  “Don’t.” Corbin moved away from him.

  “I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but all the signs are in front of your face.”

  “What signs?”Corbin crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Everyone around you sees the real Rob. I guess you need to open your eyes a little more often.”

“This coming from a guy who has never had a relationship in his life, that’s priceless,” Corbin huffed.

  “Your right, I have no room to talk. You are a good person, Corbin. You shouldn’t allow people to step all over you.” Ryder ran a hand through his hair. Corbin stared at him unable to speak. She felt a tear slip down her cheek. He was right, for so many years she had tried to be the person everyone around her expected her to be. She was tired of that life, so very tired.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.” Ryder walked to her. He reached out and wiped the tear away.

  “It is time for a change,” she said in a low whisper. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his chest. She felt his arms go around her.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Rob’s voice rang out. Ryder yanked away from her, his hands in the air.

  “We were just talking, dude.” He moved to the furthest side of the kitchen. Rob followed him. Corbin stepped in front of Rob.

  “Who the hell gave you the right to just walk into my apartment?” She crossed her arms. Rob glared at Ryder, then met Corbin’s gaze.

  “You, remember?” He jangled his keys in front of her face. Corbin yanked the keys from him, found the apartment key and removed it. She shoved it in her pocket.

  “That problem is fixed. You can leave now.”

  “So are you fucking him now?” Rob pointed to Ryder.

  “That’s none of your business, ass.” Corbin’s heart hammered in her chest. Rob pushed past her. At that moment everything went into slow motion. Rob shoved Ryder in the wall, Ryder shoved him back. The sounds of them screaming at each other filled the apartment. Then she watched as Rob drew back and punched Ryder in the eye. Ryder put his hand up to his eye and uttered an evil laugh.

  “Game on, motherfucker.” With one sweep of Ryder’s leg, Rob landed hard on his back. In an instant Ryder pinned to the floor. He gave Rob a couple of hard hits in the ribs then twisted around. Rob’s arm bent in a very unnatural way. Rob’s face was beet red and he was sweating profusely. “Say uncle,” Ryder said between gritted teeth.

  “Ryder, stop!” Alex shouted. Ryder released his hold and then after he stood, gave Rob a solid kick in the stomach. She kneeled down next to Rob, who was curled up in the fetal position.

  “Oh snap,” Stella mumbled beside her. Corbin looked from Rob to Ryder, unsure how to handle what just went down.

  “Can someone please fill me in on this?” Alex asked. Rob slowly stood, holding his ribs. He glanced Corbin’s way, then to Ryder. Corbin looked to the floor then went to her room; she pulled the promise ring from her jewelry box then went back into the kitchen.

  “We are over, Rob. Get out,” Corbin’s voice cracked as she spoke. She handed him the ring.

  Keep the piece of shit,” he huffed. Corbin eyed him and nodded, on a whim she opened the garbage can and dropped the ring inside. She gathered up more courage and pointed to the door.

  “Go.” Tears welled up in her eyes. This was it, she was the one who was in control this time.

  Rob looked around at everyone and with a smirk left the apartment.

  “You did the right thing.” Stella patted her arm. Corbin wiped her eyes.

  “Then why does it feel like my heart is being ripped from my chest?” Corbin sobbed.

  “Because you loved him, but he couldn’t love you back,” Stella replied with a shrug.

  Leave it to Stella to put things into such a simple perspective.

  “Ryder, are you ok?” Corbin asked between sobs.

  “I think so, but I am sure I will have a pretty black eye soon.” Alex pressed a washrag onto Ryder’s eye making him wince.

  “Ok, so start from the beginning. Who the hell started this stupid shit? And Ryder, if I wouldn’t have stopped you, you could have broken Rob’s arm,” Alex lectured.

  “It isn’t Ryder’s fault. Rob jumped him. He was just defending himself.” Corbin grabbed some paper towels then sat down at the table.

  “Next question, why did Rob jump you?” Alex was a master in interrogation skills. She always made Corbin feel like she was sitting in the principal’s office. Ryder seemed less intimated.

  “Same shit. He thinks we’re fucking,” he shrugged.

  “I don’t get it. I can’t figure out why he would think that.”

  “When Rob barged in he caught Ryder giving me a hug.”

  “Why were you hugging?” Alex slapped Ryder’s arm.

  “Probably because of the stuff I said to her,” Stella chimed in. Corbin looked at her, Stella gave her a wink.

  “Stella said some pretty mean things to Corbin, so she hugged me. That’s it.” Ryder refolded the washrag and placed it back on his eye. Corbin looked to Alex who eyed her expectantly.

  “Yea, that’s it.” Corbin blew her nose.

  Please stop asking questions

  “Hmm…” Alex began tapping her foot.

  “Come on, Sis, from what I’ve heard Rob has always been a hothead. It was just a hug, nothing else. Geesh.” Ryder stood and took Alex’s hand.

  “Ok… ugh…” Alex looked up at the ceiling; Ryder gave her a sideways hug.

  “Seeing Rob getting his ass handed to him made my day.” Stella had a huge grin on her face.

  “Seriously, Stella,” Alex whined.

  “Oh yeah, seriously.” Stella gave her a nod then left the room.

  “I’m sorry that the fight got so crazy.” Ryder sat back down.

  “I’m just glad I stopped you, when I saw you, all I could think of was when you had that little squabble in Nebraska.” Alex moved to the sink. Ryder looked at Corbin his eyes seemed sad.

  “That was a long time ago,” he said softly. He looked at the floor.

  “You had the same look on your face today.” Alex sounded like she was crying.

  Ryder lit a cigarette and didn’t respond.

  “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” Corbin leaned back in her chair. Guilt washed over her like a tidal wave.

  “It wasn’t your fault.” Ryder shook his head. Alex cleared her throat.

  “I am proud of you, Corbin. It was pretty cool to see you put Rob in his place, finally.” Alex took a seat at the table. She reached out and patted her hand.

  “It sure hurts like hell.” Corbin felt new tears begin.

  “I am sure it does. You devoted your life to him for a long time.”

  “I wasted so many years of my life on him.” Corbin dabbed her eyes, anger welled up inside her. “And what did I get from it? A stupid promise ring, no sex and lots of lies, I really hate men!”

  “Not all guys are dickheads.” Ryder chuckled.

  “Ryder, don’t even get me started,” Alex groaned.

  “I’m just saying there are some good guys out there.” Ryder crushed his cigarette and looked to Corbin. “You just need to expand your options a bit.” Corbin dried her eyes and stared back at him.

  “And stay away from rock star wannabes, they are nothing but trouble.” Alex elbowed Ryder. Ryder smiled a small smile and shook his head. He returned his gaze to Corbin. Feeling Alex’s eyes on her, she quickly looked away.

  “I get the shower first,” Corbin blurted. She hurried into the bathroom and shut the door. Outside in the kitchen she could hear Ryder and Alex talking, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  RYDER EXAMINED HIS eye in the mirror. It was swollen a little and had a nasty blue hue. It was nothing compared to what he was sure Rob was feeling right now. Ryder was slightly impressed that Rob held out for so long when he put him in the arm bar hold. Ryder held a black belt in Jiu Jitsu, he knew he could have easily popped his shoulder out or even snapped his arm.

  Should have put the asshole in a rear naked choke.

  Ryder smirked at the thought. His mind shifted to the fateful day in Nebraska which almost put him in prison.

  It was the same scenario, him letting his dick get him in trouble. Mid-stroke, the chick’s boyfriend walked in on them. The
dude ripped Ryder out of the bed by his hair. As always, Ryder held back but when the guy started whaling on him, it sent him into fight mode. The next thing Ryder could remember was sitting in the back of a cop car wearing nothing but a towel. His knuckles were busted open and bleeding. He found out later that the boyfriend was in the hospital, suffering from a concussion, broken ribs and a broken nose. The boyfriend wanted to press charges but somehow the chick talked him out of it. After that stint, he was out of a job and needed a place to live. So he called Alex and moved into her place. Ryder needed a change of scenery to get his shit straightened out. The first step had been giving up hard liquor, an easy task. The next step was proving more difficult, keeping his dick in his pants.

  “You about done? It’s time to go.” Stella pounded on the door. Ryder shook away the thoughts and opened the bathroom door.

  “Oh…your gorgeous face.” Stella reached out to him but Ryder caught her hand and shook his head. Stella leaned into him “Wait until you see Corbin. I worked my magic on her.” Ryder raised an eyebrow at her then winced in pain. Stella patted his face. “Corbin, we’re leaving,” she announced with a wink.

  Ryder walked to the front door, then remembered he left his cigs on the kitchen table. He turned and felt as if the air had been sucked from his lungs. Corbin stood before him. She was wearing a short clingy blue dress. Her hair was down and curls caressed her face. Her perfect full lips were the color of cherries, so kissable.

  “Whoa,” he croaked.

  “Yea, I know.” Stella clapped her hands together. Ryder watched Corbin’s cheeks go red. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  “You’re making me nervous.” Corbin looked down at her dress and smoothed it out.

  “I finally got her to use her contact lenses.” Stella busied herself with her purse.

  “Sorry…I just… wow…you look so different,” Ryder stammered. What the hell was this girl doing to him? He felt like a silly schoolboy on prom night.


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