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Destiny and a Bottle of Merlot

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by Bria Marche




  Copyright © 2014

  All Rights Reserved


  This book is a work of fiction by Bria Marche. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used solely for entertainment. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Bria Marche is a freelance writer, relationship e-book author, and a member of numerous writer's organizations including, Fiction for All, Fiction Factor and Writers-Online. She is currently working on a series of contemporary romance novels. For upcoming new releases, please visit Ms. Marche's website at

  Bria enjoys all forms of art, especially creating tangible objects herself. She loves to travel worldwide and is an avid bicyclist.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Chapter Thirty Three


  Chapter One

  Vic couldn’t keep her eyes closed any longer. It was just seven o’clock, but she was wide awake and as giddy as a school girl. Excitement flowed through her veins like the vital blood necessary to nourish her body.

  She pinched her forearm to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. “Ouch… damn it.”

  He stirred at her voice.

  She was absofrigginlutely lying there with Max. No questions, no insecurities, no doubts. They were a couple and moving forward. Yay, we’re together, she thought, as she turned over to see that hunk of gorgeousness lying right next to her. Max was sleeping like a baby. After all that hot, steamy sex last night, she should have been sound asleep too. Girls aren’t wired that way. We get excited and totally jacked up. Guys… they just sleep. Vic giggled to herself quietly as she studied Max’s features. He was the epitome of manhood in a godlike sense. His proper English nose and long black eyelashes, that dark, wavy, wild child hair, those full lips whose only purpose was for kissing her, and that body? There was no excuse for a body like his. After all, Max had gone through a horrible accident just six weeks earlier, but those tight, strong muscles just inches from Vic, made her want to jump his bones that very second. She flinched at the scars he wore. Vic noticed the ones on Max’s face. As many as there were, it didn’t change how handsome he was. He’ll carry those for life, but he doesn’t blame me. We’re good. He’s as gorgeous as they come, and he’s all mine.

  Vic touched Max’s face, running her fingertip down his nose and stopping at those wonderful lips that were just slightly parted. She was mesmerized. The sides of his mouth curved up into a smile as he grabbed her finger with his teeth.

  “Gotcha!” he said, as Vic jumped and squealed. She pulled her finger back like a child who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. And Max had the best cookies ever.

  “Why are you awake so early, babe?” he asked, with a glance at the Big Ben wind up clock on the nightstand.

  “I couldn’t sleep anymore. I’m too happy.”

  His eyes lit up and that gorgeous, dimpled grin spread from sideburn to sideburn. “Yeah? Well, that makes two of us. I know what could make you even happier,” he teased.

  “Oh really? Pray tell, Mr. Cole.” Vic rolled over and straddled Max. She leaned down to be face to face with him.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” He kissed her softly on the cheek, his lips brushing across her own as he moved toward her neck. He nibbled her earlobes and whispered his needs in her ear. “I want to make love to you, Vic, for the rest of my life.”

  “Okay, but could you please start now?” she asked, coquettishly.

  “With pleasure, babe.”

  Just the heated foreplay was enough to send Vic over the edge. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this loved or this sexual before Max. She was way overdue and hungry for it. She couldn’t get enough of him, and he with her. Vic grabbed the rungs of the headboard, her knuckles white, as she lowered her body down on Max. With his legs still healing, Max wasn’t able to put pressure on his knees. Vic didn’t mind taking the lead anyway. Max entered her slowly, before giving her everything he had. They moaned together in a fit of ecstasy. Vic rocked back and forth as Max whispered his love for her. They exploded together again and again, until they were both completely spent. They would never grow tired of each other. Their love was too strong.

  “I’m glad Mario’s room is down the hall,” Vic whispered. “How are we going to contain ourselves while he’s staying here?”

  “Mario is really happy we’re together, hon. I’m sure that was in his five year business plan. You can stay at my house over the weekends and on Monday nights too. We’ll work it out, no worries. Want some breakfast?”

  “Coffee sounds good, but I’m the cook in this house, just so we’re clear.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll be right back with the coffee. Stay put, beautiful.”

  Vic threw a pillow at him on his way out the door. “I love you, Max Cole… just saying.”

  He turned and smiled. “I love you too, Victoria Maria Alonso.”

  Mario woke to the sound of voices in the kitchen. He stretched, yawned and checked the time on his watch: 8:15 a.m. Like all the other times he stayed at his sister’s house, Spanish music played quietly in the background. The delicious scent of bacon lingering in the air and slipping under his door made his stomach growl with hunger pangs. A deeper voice caught his attention. Mario tiptoed to the bedroom door and cracked it open just a bit. Vic was talking, but somebody was answering. Mario listened more intensely, and realized it was Max. Way to go you two. He dressed quickly opting for carpenter jeans and a white muscle tee. He followed the scent to the kitchen. “Um hello… Not here to interrupt anything, but I’m coming around the corner. I’m starving.”

  “Mario, you dork. Get in here and eat. We’ve already started,” Vic said, as she poured her brother a cup of black coffee.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you’ve both come to your senses… cool. Now, I’ll get my cocky sister ba
ck, and an ambitious, focused business partner. Put it there, man.” Mario shook Max’s hand and gave him a strong man hug. “Sis, gotta love ya.” He kissed her hard on the cheek and grabbed a piece of bacon from her plate.

  “Mario, you’re such an ass, but I love you too.”

  “I’m going to check on the store today even though we aren’t supposed to work on Sunday. Until those kids learn the ropes one hundred percent, it’s a good idea to watch over their shoulders.”

  “I agree, Mario. I’ll be heading out pretty soon too. With me living five minutes from the store, it will be easy to pop in on weekends.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on, dude. By the time we get super busy in Hunter with the ski season, the kids here will be pros. That’s when I’m going to need your help at the Hunter store.”

  “No problem, Mario. So when do we get to check out your digs in Hunter anyway?”

  “Let’s get the store running like clockwork, then we’ll all go up there for a few days. Wanna see my place, Sis?”

  “Sure, Mario, that sounds like fun. Can Karen come along? Since she works for you, you might need her once in a while in Hunter too.”

  “Yeah, good idea.”

  “What the f…?” Max jumped at the loud Spanish music interrupting his breakfast just a foot away. He dropped the fork of scrambled eggs that was almost in his mouth.

  “It’s my ring tone, Max. Sorry, I’ll turn it on vibrate from now on.” Vic walked outside to sit on the deck and talk to Sasha.

  “Your sister is crazy, Mario,” Max laughed. “That scared the shit out of me.”

  “Yeah, wait till you live with her. Holy Mother of God, dude. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Mario chuckled as he grabbed Vic’s plate and scarfed down the remaining piece of toast.


  “Hey, chicky mama, what’s up?”

  “You sound exuberant and content. Did you get laid last night, Vic?” Sasha was giggling already.

  “As a matter of fact, I did. This morning too, so thanks for asking. How the hell do you know what exuberant means?”

  “I’m a quick study, thanks to Karen. She’s been teaching me big words. I’m excited for you Vic, Max too. Congrats, sister. Anyway, what are you doing today?”

  “Depends on what you want,” Vic kidded.

  “Well… Mia, Tina and Karen are helping me move a few things into the Victorian. I have the master bedroom painted, and the upstairs bathroom is good enough for now. Tina offered to let me take the twin bed and dresser that I’ve been using in her spare room. I want to furnish the Victorian in all period pieces which I’ll probably get little by little. But for now, I’m going to live on borrowed things.”

  “So you’re moving into the Victorian today?” Vic examined her flawless nails as she talked.

  “Yep. As long as the water, electricity and master bedroom are good enough, I plan to get out of Tina’s hair, once and for all. The outside is done, so all I need to do now is finish the inside.”

  “Hon, Tina doesn’t think of you as an imposition. She loves your company. Anyway, I’ll meet you at Tina’s as soon as the guys leave for the store. Should be in an hour or so. See you then. Out.”

  “Thanks, sister. Out.”

  Vic said good bye to the guys. Mario would be back for dinner and Vic intended to stay at Max’s house tomorrow night. Today, the sky seemed brighter, the air fresher. Vic was on a high that nobody in their right mind would try to interfere with. She was a woman in love, and her confidence level soared through the roof. No more insecurities, no more secrets. Max and I have everything out in the open now. We’re solid, she thought, as she examined her larger than average butt in the mirror as she dressed. “I love my butt, no matter how big it is. Max loves it too.” Vic smiled at her reflection in the mirror for the first time in weeks.

  Sasha’s Tundra was backed up against the garage in Tina’s driveway. The tail gate was open, and the girls were already loading boxes when Vic arrived. They stopped what they were doing and began clapping as she walked up the driveway. The Cheshire cat grins on their faces explained everything.

  “Really, Sasha? You can’t keep your friggin mouth closed for an hour? Jeez, Louise! Okay… Max and I are back on track and together. There, are you guys happy?”

  “Vic, you didn’t tell them everything. You didn’t say you guys did it twice since last night.” Sasha giggled with happiness for Vic.

  “Holy Mother of shit, Sasha! Shut the hell up.”

  “What? You told Sasha something before us? What gives with that? Traitor,” Mia said, pretending to have hurt feelings. “Now spill. Wait, let’s sit on the deck and take a break. We can have a glass of wine as she tells us the juicy details.”

  “I’m not giving you guys the juice. You get the PG version, nothing more. By the way Mia, it’s ten-thirty. You want wine already?”

  “You suck, Vic. We want you to tell us every detail,” Sasha said. “Plus we have to drink wine when there’s something exciting to hear. The time of day is not an issue.” Sasha rubbed her hands together with anticipation. Her ruby red nails with Swarovski crystal tips, glistened with every flash of sunlight.

  One by one, they went through the service door and gathered on the deck, each waiting like drooling dogs for Vic to share her news. Tina and Sasha ran into the house to grab a bottle of Merlot, the corkscrew and five glasses. Vic had to promise to keep her mouth shut until they were all sitting at the picnic table with a glass of wine in hand.

  “Okay, are you vultures ready now?” Vic asked. She acted coy, but in reality, she was as excited to spill her guts, as the rest were to hear every sordid detail. “So after the party ended Friday night, Max asked me if I would have dinner with him Saturday night. I agreed, reluctantly.”

  “Yeah, right,” Karen said, laughing.

  Vic whipped out the shit eye and zeroed in on Karen. “Zip it.”


  “Anyway, we met at Morey’s last night, but it was too noisy to talk in there.”

  “Yeah, they’re crazy busy on the weekends.” Mia went on to begin her own version of a weekend dinner incident at Morey’s until she saw Vic eying her up too. “Oops, sorry.”

  “Okay, the next person that interrupts me is going to get bitch slapped right across the face. Am I clear?” Vic wanted to tell her story in one sitting, and by the look of things, that was going to be difficult.

  With the fear of God in their eyes, the four girls shut up and drank wine as they listened.

  “Okay, like I was saying,” Vic shot each of them a threatening glare, “we met at Morey’s, but it was too loud. We walked to Amelia’s and talked. I just wanted some reassurance because Max is so gorgeous. I had no idea how much he really liked me. I felt guilty about his accident too, because he had it after leaving the party I hosted. Well… we walked over to the town square after that and kissed. It turns out Max is totally in love with me and we’re moving forward with a real relationship. Okay… we had sex for the first time too… twice.” Vic huffed, slapped her hands together and waited.

  “That’s it? Where’s the beef?” Tina asked. “C’mon there has to be more than just a sweet Cinderella story. No juice?”

  “No juice. It is, what it is, my dearies, and I’m absofrigginlutely on cloud nine. Max and I are the newest couple in this crazy clan. So who’s next?” She looked from Tina to Karen to Sasha. “I’m predicting Sasha.” Vic desperately wanted to get the conversation off herself and on to someone else. Sasha would be the patsy for today.

  “Why the hell me?” Sasha squeaked. “What did I do?”

  “We’ve all seen you eying up Josh Redmond.”

  Sasha turned a shade of red that almost matched her nails. “I don’t have time for the likes of him.” She instinctively began chewing on her manicure.

  “Leave your friggin nails alone,” they yelled out, simultaneously.

  “Enough of our bs. We need to get busy and move this stuff,” Vic said.

pulled Vic aside while everyone else was preoccupied. She gave her best friend an enormous hug. “Good job, sister. My lips are sealed, I swear. Nobody, but us, will ever know the back story about you, Max and me. I promise I’ll never bring it up unless there’s something you want to talk about. I love you, Vic, and I’m super happy for you guys. C’mon, let’s get this crap moved. Maybe we can have lunch somewhere when we’re done.” Mia grabbed a box and loaded it into the truck.

  Chapter Two

  The truck bed overflowed with totes of Sasha’s clothing and accessories she took to Tina’s house. Most of the furniture from her apartment in Manhattan was sold months ago. Furnishing the Victorian would be a task all its own, but a fun one. Mia suggested browsing the antique stores in Beacon and Rhinebeck for period pieces.

  Tina and Vic followed the red Tundra to the Victorian. “Can you believe how far Sasha’s come since we met her?” Tina laughed as she rode shotgun in Vic’s 2012 Ford Fusion. “First off, she never owned a car in her life, and had no idea how to drive one. Now, she’s behind the wheel of a friggin truck. Go figure. I give her a lot of credit. She’s been through hell and back between Jack and us. We didn’t make her life easy when we met her, but here we are months later, all best friends.”

  “Yeah, she’s really stepped up, poor thing. We’re still hard on her, Tina. I guess I should speak for myself… and Mia. We’re the worst. Now that I’m not pissed off all the time, I should be nicer to her. Don’t you think so?” Vic asked, as she turned the music down.

  “You’re right. We should all be nicer to her, it’s just that she’s so dingy, but in an innocent way. She doesn’t mean any harm.”

  They pulled up to the Victorian on Sunrise Avenue. They got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk in awe. Their mouth’s gaped open and their eyes bulged. The house had been transformed into a masterpiece with the new roof and exterior paint job. Tina helped Sasha pick the colors and saw the primer coat being applied, but that was last week. Nobody had been there since. The colors were stunning on the picture of the Gingerbread Inn, but in real life, on the Victorian, they were overwhelming.


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