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Destiny and a Bottle of Merlot

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by Bria Marche

  Sasha beamed like a new mother at their reaction. “What do you guys think? Isn’t she grand?”

  “Oh my God, Sasha, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.” Mia began to cry. They all began to cry, including Sasha.

  “I knew you could do it, I really did. But this? This is more than I ever expected,” Karen said, proud as a peacock of the beautiful Sasha she took under her wing months ago.

  The girls took turns hugging and praising Sasha for her accomplishments. Even the overgrown double lot looked perfect. The hedges, neatly trimmed, formed a natural border all the way around the property line. Wild, thorny rose bushes were nipped in the bud. Repairs to the broken down trellises were complete, and Sasha restrung the grape ivy through the latticework. The Victorian sprang back to life with Sasha’s hard work and vision.

  “Let’s go inside and make a toast to the Victorian, and all her glory,” Sasha said, smiling with pride.

  The interior still needed work, as large as the house was, but little by little, room by room, the restorations came about. The five of them sat at the card table in the dining room and clucked like chickens in a hen house. Sasha lit a fire to create a beautiful ambiance to the room they all helped paint. The burnt orange walls and ivory ceiling were the perfect color combinations for this stately, formal room. Crystals shimmered in the firelight from the chandelier Sasha and Mia bought together. It hung gracefully above them.

  They held out their plastic cups as Sasha poured Merlot into each one. Mia happily stood to make a toast. “My dear, sweet Sasha, this toast is for you. Several months ago you fell in love, and fell hard.” They all smiled at Sasha and giggled, knowing exactly what Mia meant. “Nobody in their right mind was going to discourage, or dissuade you from your dream. You were, and are, a woman on a mission. As we sit here today and see for ourselves what your heart and soul is capable of, I want to tell you how proud we are of you. The Victorian is beautiful. Sasha, I toast you for your enduring stamina, and I toast the Victorian. She is gracefully and patiently allowing you to bring her back to the original glory she once had. Cheers!” Mia held up her cup as they all toasted Sasha and the Victorian. Not one of them had a dry eye.

  Thankfully, the bed the girls brought in was twin sized. Sasha didn’t care. It would be fine for now, and Tina didn’t need it anyway. The sweeping staircase to the second floor was magnificent, unless you were five women heaving a mattress, box springs, a dresser and various totes up to the master bedroom. They hoped they wouldn’t break any fingernails.

  “Remind me to hire movers when I start filling this house up,” Sasha said, out of breath.

  “The hell with that. We have hunky men who can do that while we supervise with wine glasses in hand. Save your money Sasha for more stuff. This house is going to need a lot of furnishings,” Karen said.

  Sasha wanted to surprise the girls with the balcony she had built in the master suite, facing the morning sun. She planned to keep a small coffee pot in her room so she could wake up to the morning bliss every day, on her balcony, while enjoying a delicious cup of the brew.

  They entered the room and gasped again, simultaneously. The master bedroom was to die for. The walls had been painted a delicate shade of ice blue with rich cream accents. Double French doors in maple, matching the original woodwork of the house, led to an oversized balcony. Sasha had the balcony placed perfectly between huge oaks in the backyard. She’d watch the sun rise every morning without anything blocking her view. In time, when she added a deck, she’d have a staircase built, leading from her bedroom to the backyard deck below.

  “Oh my God, I’m speechless,” Vic said, completely blown away. “I had no idea you were so… focused.”

  Sasha smiled, knowing Vic was trying to give her a compliment. “There is something I never told any of you.”

  The four sets of eyes locked with hers. The ‘deer in the headlights’ expression appeared on their faces, as they stood motionless in the master suite with bed parts scattered about.

  “It’s true, I act pretty dingy now and then, but I’m not just another pretty face.”

  Here was the Sasha they all knew and loved, back to true form. Somehow, she could get away with self-praise and it sounded sweet.

  “When I was going to modeling school in France, my father insisted I take several college courses too. I studied architectural design for a year.” The look of shock on everyone’s face made her burst out laughing. “I’m really not one hundred percent clueless in life, maybe fifty-fifty, at most. Believe me, not only do I know what this house needs to be a wonderful home, but also how to make her a sturdy, structural masterpiece. Come on out on the balcony and take a look. It was my ah-ha moment, an epiphany, so to speak. This house is on Sunrise Avenue, after all. What better way to watch the sun come up every morning than to have a balcony facing east off my bedroom? Amazing idea, isn’t it? Tina, help me bring up the chairs and wine. Let’s sit out here for a few minutes and enjoy the view.”

  Void of anything intelligent to say, the girls stood, shaking their heads, while Sasha and Tina dashed off to grab the necessities.

  “That girl surprises me every day,” Mia said, when she had the ability to form a sentence again. “Knowing what we do now, this place is going to end up being a national treasure.”

  It was almost noon as they sat on the balcony commenting about the distance they could see from that second story vantage point. The sun, directly overhead, warmed their bodies nicely. They looked down at the backyard and imagined the landscaping Sasha described. She would put the gazebo here, and the fountain there. There would be dozens of perennial gardens. She described every flower and bush. The lush yard and bird feeders would create a sanctuary beyond belief for their feathered friends.

  “Hey, let’s grab a bite to eat at Bottoms Up,” Sasha suggested. “It will be my treat for all your help today.”

  “Sasha, I don’t want to get too personal, but where is this money coming from?” Karen asked.

  “Well, I am doing ad campaigns for Hair Brained and I’m still under contract for some modeling gigs. The house was paid for in cash from the sale of my apartment, and I get a generous allowance every six months from my trust fund,” she said, matter of factly.

  “You have a trust fund?” Mia was astonished, even though she shouldn’t have been. Sasha’s father was a famous French movie star, back in the day. Maybe he still was.

  “Sure, doesn’t everyone? Oops… sorry I said that. Open mouth, insert foot, right?”

  “Um… yeah,” Mia said. “Okay, let’s go eat, we can’t live on Merlot alone.”

  Chapter Three

  The familiar ring of the bell above the door put a wide grin on Mia’s face when she entered Daniels Camera Shop Monday afternoon. Aaron was behind the glass shelved counter helping a customer decide on a camera for his daughter. He glanced up for a second and shot a wink Mia’s way. She browsed around as Aaron continued to explain the differences in features of Sony and Canon cameras to his customer. Mia poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the wooden table that had been in the same spot since Aaron’s grandfather opened the store in 1933. She helped herself to a lone sugar cookie sitting on a beautiful bone china flowered plate. I better go in the back and grab more cookies to set out. Mia went behind the curtain to the storeroom carrying the plate with her. The box of cookies sat on the same shelf as the tin of coffee. She loaded the plate with cookies and returned it to the table. This store held a special place in Mia’s heart, and had, ever since she was a child. Aaron’s dad used to let the neighborhood kids come in and take a cookie now and then. The memories made her smile. Soon enough she and Aaron would make their own memories right here with their own brood of kids. They’d work side by side and the kids would tag along until they reached school age. She looked around, deciding in advance where she would create a play area for their future children.

  The customer chose the Canon. Aaron boxed it and rang up the receipt. They exchanged pleasantries and the
man happily left with the new camera for his daughter.

  “Hi, honey. How’s your day going?” Mia asked, looking back at the door before giving Aaron a deep, French kiss.

  “I’m fine, babe, how about you?”

  “I’m good. I just did a short photo shoot at the gazebo, so here I am. Yesterday afternoon, we helped Sasha lug bedroom furniture upstairs in the Victorian. Aaron, you wouldn’t believe how beautiful the outside looks. The exterior paint job and the roof are done. Sasha hired someone to trim back all the overgrown shrubs. It’s amazing how it’s coming along.”

  “I’ll drive by it on my way home from work. How about coming over for ribs and a nice mixed greens salad tonight?”

  “That sounds delicious. What should I bring?”

  “Just yourself, you’re all I need.” The door opened, and another customer walked in. “Gotta go, see you back home at six-thirty.”

  “Bye, Aaron.” See you at home? That has a nice ring to it.


  “Mario, can you give me a hand with this box?” Karen asked. She was alone in the store with Mario. Max and the full time employee left to take their lunch break.

  Even though Karen had six years on Mario, he caught her attention the minute she met him. The fact that Mario was Vic’s brother was nice, but he had something special all his own. He intrigued her, and she found herself imagining sexy scenarios about him often. Working with Mario and Max would keep him in her sights.

  Karen stood on her tiptoes, trying to put a box on the top shelf of the storage closet. She couldn’t quite manage, so Mario hurried to her aid. He reached above Karen’s head and steadied the box. He was so close, the fresh scent of her hair filled his nostrils. As Karen extended her arms, Mario noticed the definition in her biceps and shoulders. She was extremely fit. Keeping their relationship on a professional level might be tough. Mario wasn’t sure he wanted to anyway. He’d have plenty of time to figure that out later.

  Max called Vic during his lunch break. “Hi babe, just wanted to say I love you and can’t wait to see you tonight. I’ll give you a call when I get home. Bye.” He figured he’d get Vic’s voicemail. It was after lunch and Vic was back at work perming Mrs. Anderson’s blue-gray hair, and listening to the latest local gossip.

  Everyone was back at work, including Sasha, who was organizing the master suite. Tina gave Sasha several sets of twin sheets to use for the bed. There was no reason for Sasha to buy sheets since the bed was a loaner anyway. With a snap and a toss, the flat sheet draped perfectly across the small bed in the huge bedroom. Sasha smiled. Her transformation into a domestic goddess suited her just fine. Images of colors and decor for the rooms swam through her mind non-stop. She wrote everything down so she wouldn’t lose the idea. She bought a beautiful patchwork quilt last month when they went to Beacon after visiting Max in the hospital. The quilt went on the bed last, then several decorative throw pillows were set in place. Sasha stood back, hands on her hips, and took a look. Whimsy and magical was the image she had in mind. It was perfect. She placed several hooked rugs across the maple floor. The largest and prettiest one she laid alongside the bed. Feeling the softness of it under her feet every morning would make her smile. Sasha moved on to the master bath. It still needed some updating, but for now it suited her fine. New, luxurious, ice blue bath sheets, pretty soaps and matching bath accessories helped create a beautiful room, complete with the original claw foot tub.

  The Victorian was a huge project to take on, especially when Sasha was going to do most of the decorating herself, but it gave her peace and purpose. She felt one with the house. She was the steward of this magnificent mansion and she would do right by her. It might take a year before the Victorian would be back to her original beauty. Every floor refinished, every wall painted, and every piece of furniture set in place, would make the Victorian the masterpiece she deserved to be. Sasha stepped out onto the balcony. She tried to picture the type of furniture that would suit this space the best. Whatever she bought would be exposed to the weather. She wondered if she should have had a roof built, shading the balcony. But Sasha loved the sun. She didn’t want to block the glistening rainbows it created when the rays bounced off the crystals hanging from the chandelier in the bedroom. Home Depot might have some resin, Victorian style, patio furniture. It may be slim pickings since summer is over, or I might find what I want at a discounted price. Sasha bounded down the stairs, sliding her hand along the glossy handrail as she descended. The red Tundra waited in the driveway. She laughed at how independent she had become over the last five months. She threw the truck into reverse, backed out onto the street and took off. Home Depot was expecting her.

  Sasha found the patio set she wanted, but it was the floor display in a pukey, army green color. I bet that’s why it’s still for sale. Since it’s resin, I can paint it whatever color I want. Yep, I’m going to take it. She stopped in the paint aisle and grabbed five cans of peach colored outdoor spray paint. It was a cinch for Sasha to get the help she wanted, anytime, anywhere. A coquettish smile, and ten men would be at her beck and call in a New York minute. Two sales associates helped her load the furniture in the back of the truck and tie it down. She was off, heading back toward the Victorian. Spray painting the furniture in the backyard would be a breeze since it was a bright, sunshine filled day. It would only take an hour or so to dry, then she’d carry everything upstairs to the balcony. Each piece of furniture was lined up on the lawn side by side, with a drop cloth underneath. There were four chairs and a small, oval table. Sasha went in the house and grabbed one of the card table chairs to sit on. A mug of cocoa and her cell phone waited with her for the paint to dry. The top of the table and the fronts of the chairs were done, and now she sat back and relaxed. She couldn’t paint the undersides until the furniture was dry enough to flip over. She loved the sun’s warm blanket of heat that cloaked her body in the sheltered backyard. It felt heavenly and everything about her new life was perfect. Sasha had a group of true friends, not the catty, fake models she used to hang out with. Soon she would have the most beautiful home in Tarrytown.

  Her head bobbed a few times as she began to doze off. The cell phone ringing in her lap startled her, causing it to fall to the ground. Sasha was half asleep and totally discombobulated. Her hand reached in the void where the phone sat seconds earlier. It continued to ring beneath her on the grass. She found it and said hello. Her voice was barely audible. Damn dry mouth. I must have been sleeping with it open again. She cleared her throat and tried once more. “Hello?” Sasha reached for the now tepid cocoa and took a sip.

  “Hey, gorgeous, it’s Jack. How’s my girl?”

  Sasha’s mouth went dry again and her voice didn’t work. A call from Jack never crossed her mind. Now that he had, she was terrified. She sat upright, and her body stiffened.

  “Sasha, babe, are you there?”

  “Um…” She cleared her throat again. “Jack, what do you want? We haven’t spoken in months.”

  “That’s right, and I miss you. I see you’re doing some local modeling in Tarrytown. Is that where you live now?”

  “What? Why would you think that?”

  “Well, babe, it’s like this. I’m living in White Plains temporarily. You might have heard something about me doing community service there. Anyway I’m working in the city at Saks as a buyer in the men’s department. I’ve been reduced to that because of you bitches. Now, I’ll have to climb the corporate ladder for years to get where I was at Plan-It-Kidz. I’ve gone to your apartment plenty of times looking for you. Funny thing is, one day I saw people moving in. Imagine my surprise. I struck up a conversation with the nice couple. What’s their name again? The Taylor’s? Yeah… that’s right.”

  Sasha’s hand was shaking so hard she almost dropped the mug.

  “Anyway, babe, they couldn’t remember where you moved, but they did recall you saying you took the train in for the closing. Here’s the kicker. I get the White Plains Daily News and I’ll be damned if
I didn’t see your picture in the ads for Hair Brained, of all places. So you’re the face of Vic and Tina’s salon, huh? Yeah… I know both of them, pretty damn well. I was curious Sasha, so I took a little trip back to Tarrytown, and sure as hell, there was your face plastered all over the windows of Hair Brained. Nice look, hon. You’re as smokin’ hot as ever. You miss me, don’t you? Remember all the things I used to do to you? I bet you’re getting wet just thinking about me, aren’t you, Sasha?” Jack snickered into the phone.

  “Jack, please… I don’t want any trouble. I don’t live in Tarrytown. It was just a modeling gig.”

  “Yeah… I find that hard to believe. You were at my promotion party and you walked off the stage with my two ex-wives. You know those bitches pretty well from the looks of things. It can’t be a coincidence that Mia is best friends with Vic and Tina, and now you’re modeling for them? C’mon Sasha, cut the crap and stop screwing with me. I want to see you up close and personal.”

  “That’s not possible. It’s over between us and has been for months. I’ve moved on. I’m not interested in you anymore.”

  “I’ll tell you when you can move on. We were together too long for you to walk away from me like that. You helped those bitches humiliate me in front of everyone at my party. I was going places at Plan-It-Kidz and you three ruined everything. We need to meet so I can talk to you in person.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m hanging up, and I don’t want to hear from you again.” Sasha hit the ‘end call’ button on her phone and dropped it to the ground. She leaned forward in the chair with her head in her hands and sobbed. Wracked with fear and anxiety, she didn’t have the slightest idea what to do.


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