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Barely Human

Page 13

by Dhtreichler

  As I step into his apartment I am again surprised. Minimalist would be an understatement. While A’zam has been a leader of the organization that has probably most revolutionized how people interact, communicate and entertain themselves, he has no evidence of any of the things we do in his apartment. No artifacts from his travels, his education or even objects d’ art. I don’t know if this is the way his apartment has always been or if he removed all of the reminders and supports from his former self once they were all incorporated within his immortal body and memory. Why have a painting in your house when you can pull up the exact image in your mind at any time? Why travel when you can experience the vistas and views from the recordings of others who have been there, or live feeds from news organizations on site for one event or another? Sampling the local cuisine is no longer a part of our experience. We can remember what it was like, the pleasure it created, the variety of experiences that food, new friends and wine conjure. But it’s not now something an immortal traveler will incorporate into the trip.

  A’zam comes out to greet me in a silk bathrobe, and I assume nothing else. I expect a smile of anticipation, but detect none. It’s almost as if he hasn’t been looking forward to this, although he must have been, since I’ve been dreading it. How did we get to be opposites? I don’t know, but whatever it is seems almost centrifugal, as if by spinning fast enough, whoever isn’t closest to the center will be spun off. And there is little doubt in my mind who will be spun off. A’zam has been letting me know that I haven’t been pleasing him for quite some time. If I’d not transitioned I’m sure I would no longer be at AppleCore. He has no use for someone who is unable to make him look good to his board of directors.

  The blur of motion tells me I need to jump my processor speed as A’zam has decided to show me how much different the new upgrade has made us. We are probably thinking and reacting twelve or more times the speed of a mortal.

  “We will soon be able to move so quickly that only other immortals will even know we are in the room.” A’zam tells me proudly.

  “How is that possible?” I respond, “I don’t see how the mechanical systems we inhabit can move that fast.”

  An enigmatic smile from A’zam, “I have people working on it.”

  “Not at AppleCore, I presume,” as I’ve heard nothing of this and would have if my teams were working it.

  A’zam continues his smile without an answer.

  Then an interesting thought occurs to me, “If our processors are so much faster, will our mechanical bodies be able to respond appropriately to sexual stimulation? Or will we be all out of synch?” I don’t mean to rain on A’zam’s parade, but this anticipated encounter could end up a total disaster for both of us.

  I know it’s only because I’m processing so rapidly, but it seems that A’zam actually considers my question before responding. “I’ll risk it.”

  A’zam steps forward and begins to remove my blouse, pulling it up and over my head. He seems to expect I am not wearing a bra and immediately kisses each nipple. Not rough, as I expect. Almost a caress. Apparently A’zam has done this before. I knew that. Just didn’t expect he would have learned from it. I untie his bathrobe and push it back off his shoulders. He is extended but not firm. Apparently that part of my software update is working as I planned. Now the real test, what happens when I grasp it and give it a gentle tug? Ha! He firms immediately. Not stiff, just fully extended and firming more as I hold him. A’zam smiles at my expression of delight.

  He slips my skirt and panties down over my hips and to the floor. I step out of my shoes and now look up to him rather than directly into his eyes. If I had a heart it would be beating rapidly, with the anticipation of what is to come. Instead I have memories of what that was like. I savor those memories hoping they will prove to inspire my behavior and indirectly his. A’zam is stiff enough that I have to push him down as he steps into me, kissing my mouth first and then my neck. Down on one knee his kisses my breasts and down on both knees he kisses inside my hips and rises to kiss my lips once again. I know this is happening a dozen times faster than I have experienced before, and yet my thoughts and body response still seem to be in synch. Does this mean my body will respond as fast as my mind can drive it? I don’t know but have the feeling I will know the answer to that question before A’zam is through with me.

  A’zam runs his hands over my body, exploring gently, feeling the curvature, and seeking out the wetness of my vagina with his finger. I think I need to be wet and I am. Still not an automatic response to his touch. That’s one of the things I need to ensure gets into the next release. A’zam seems pleased with the wetness and ease with which he can stimulate me, pushing up as far as he can and slowly drawing out as if he is simulating copulation. I let him continue to amuse himself, continue thinking about secreting moisture so it is wet, but A’zam apparently is satisfied I am capable of pleasing him.

  He picks me up and carries me to his Spartan bedroom. Only a bed. No other furniture. The bed does have a cover that appears to be an African print of some sort. Not a design I recognize, although I’d have to think about it to get the facts of it. I deliberately shut down my mind’s attempt to find those facts. I need to be present for this experience. Not because A’zam will notice immediately if I’m not fully engaged in pleasing him, but because I want to see how he reacts to the software updates I did for him earlier today. A’zam places me on his bed and climbs in beside me. Immediately he begins to run his fingers over my body as if he is surprised I don’t feel any different than the mortals he has been sleeping with since his transition. I try not to think about the fact that Windy has been here. Been one of those he has filled up and carried across to what must have been an unbelievable orgasm for her. Having met her husband that may not have been all that difficult.

  I feel his soft exploration of my body, gently following my curves, running his fingers over my nipples, making them stand out taught. I’m sure he doesn’t realize I’m doing that and not him. I want this to seem as much like what he’s experienced before as possible. He begins to kiss me all over, starting with my mouth, then going to my neck, and down my chest. He takes each nipple into his mouth and gently squeezes it with his lips before licking it as he releases. He looks down at me as his fingers circle my nipples and smoothly caress my breasts. Then he resumes kissing, starting with the nipples again and moving down. I open my legs. He seems to particularly enjoy stimulating me with his tongue. I let him run his tongue over me for a few moments before consciously tightening and becoming firmer. He notices and circles his tongue back and forth. At first he presses with his tongue, but I relax and he becomes gentler until it is as firm as before. He seems responsive to my body. I’m surprised. I relax and let the software do its job, soon rising in response to his tongue. My stomach muscles tighten. This seems to drive A’zam as he moves his tongue over my trigger, faster than before, but still gentle. He can feel he is pushing my reaction towards a climax. Just as I think that, it comes, violent and then settling into a rhythm that matches his tongue’s movements. I let the orgasm go as long as A’zam is willing to drive me. I relax and enjoy the ride. When A’zam tires he slows and I do as well. I let it continue for a bit and then let him know it’s over.

  He rolls to his side and climbs up over me, but stops to kiss me, my nipples and then runs his fingers across my chest and down to my waiting vagina. He puts his fingers inside once more, apparently ensuring I’m sufficiently wet and I feel him come inside. I now know what Windy meant by him filling her up. He is apparently bigger than I thought, but then I remember Dr. Aggarwal, who designed my sexual organs, as he put it, told me it adjusts to the size of the male organ that enters to maximize contact and stimulation. A’zam could be quite small and he would feel the same to me. He would have the same tight fit to stimulate his orgasm. Leave it to a male engineer to be more concerned about building the components of a great male orgasm than a great female orgasm.

  A’zam begins to move slowly
, apparently pleased with the fit, the wetness and the overall feel. I try to synchronize with his movements, only in the opposite direction so we are pulling apart and coming together at the same time. I have to gauge his speed as I know it will pick up when the stimulation is enough. He is not in a hurry. That’s good, means I’ve not made the software too sensitive. A’zam suddenly reacts, it’s the first of his contractions. Oops. Means he’s started sooner than he probably wanted to, but I let him dictate the pace of our movements together and apart. At first, he picks up the pace for a bit. I know he is experiencing his contractions, but then he slows again. I continue along with him, trying to be a reverse mirror. In with him, out with him. The pace is languorous, he seems in no hurry. Apparently, he is going for another orgasm. I’m right there with him. It doesn’t take long before the pace of our movements picks up again. And this time I’m feeling my stomach muscles tighten again and a build slowly begins. This time it goes longer for him and I’m just behind him in mine as well. His seems to build more and just when he experiences his release mine comes as well. Again, I follow his movements and let my body react to him until he stops this time.

  A’zam begins to shrink and soon rolls away from me. He lies on his back with his eyes closed. It seems strange not to listen to his breathing, since he doesn’t breathe and neither do I. But after an orgasm it seems I always listen to the guy’s breathing, listen to his relaxation as his heart rate returns to normal. But now there is no heart either. He’s experiencing a totally different after sex recovery. And I can’t even tell what it is. Lying on his back with eyes closed. What can that mean?

  He comes back and kisses me once more, gentle, not too much pressure, not a French kiss either. Just an appreciative kiss for enabling his pleasure. Is this the A’zam I know and have worked with for years? If it is, I’ve never seen this side of him before. He once more kisses my nipples, gently with his lips and a final lick as he moves away.

  “Well?” I ask.

  “You’re better than your friend.” He responds simply. “We never had a simultaneous orgasm.”

  “What else?” I’m looking for feedback.

  “About my build and orgasm?” He realizes what I’m looking for. “Better. No doubt about it.”

  “Better than what?”

  “Better than I’ve ever experienced,” he finally admits. “But I think you can take me to a whole ‘nother place if you put your mind to it.”

  “Me personally or the software?” I’m not sure what he’s saying.

  A’zam comes back beside me, lying with his arm across my stomach, running his finger in circles around my nipple. “Both, actually. I know you’ll get better and I think the software has just unlimited possibilities.”

  I can’t tell if he is just in a wind down phase or if he’s planning on another go at it. There is no reason why we couldn’t just keep going. At some point we would need to recharge but that’s not for a few days. I wish I could read him better than I can. I don’t know if he’s satisfied and thinking of something else altogether or whether he was sorely disappointed in both me and the software. Why do I care if he was disappointed in my performance? I really didn’t want to be here in the first place. But now that I’m here my competitive nature is taking over. I want to be the best he’s ever had. But why? He was unexpectedly good, might even have been the best ever for all I know. But the software I have has me so insensitive to the stimulations that used to bring the best releases that I don’t know any more. The fact I had an orgasm when he did wasn’t something I did. The software took me there based on what he was doing. It may have been my update to Aggarwal’s software, but it was a hurried attempt to make it operate like a woman operates when’s she’s in the throes of passion. It wasn’t intended to really heighten the experience. I just hadn’t gotten that far yet. And since until this week I was the only female immortal it just didn’t seem to be all that big of a priority.

  A’zam picks himself up and lies down on top of me, not resting his full weight on me, but embracing me from head to foot. It’s as if he’s trying to stimulate his senses with the feel of skin next to his. He is very still, just absorbing me, or so it seems. Then he picks himself up again and leans down to kiss me. I guess he’s had enough rest and wants the next course. He turns around and takes hold of my foot. I feel him put my toe into his mouth and suck it. Then his tongue runs over the sole of my foot, apparently wanting to see if I have the same reaction as mortal women who would be tickled by such an action. I remember what it felt like when I could feel it and react accordingly. A’zam turns to look at me and smiles in triumph. He got the reaction he was looking for. I realize he’s checking me out now to see if I react as a mortal woman would. And since he’s just recently had Windy and who knows how many others he’s apparently tried all these tests out on them so he could gauge how much like them immortals are likely to be.

  He kisses his way up the inside of my leg until he comes to my mound. He licks the opening to my vagina again, teases me and waits to see if I react. Of course, that’s what I think he wants me to do so I tense up again. His tongue finds me and this time he licks directly across it, rather than on alternating sides. The first few licks are firm, but then he backs off and is barely making contact, seeing if less contact is more stimulating. I realize his explorations of me could go on all night and all the next day. How many ways will he want to try out before he tires of the experiment and wants to get back to something else? I decide to change the game.

  Sitting up I roll him out from between my legs and onto his back. I slide down to be next to him and take his limp member in my hand, squeezing it and watching him flinch. I must have squeezed harder than I realized. I stoke it until it becomes stiff, realize it’s dry as I’m stoking it so I secrete in my vagina and retrieve it with my finger. I rub it over his firm member and now that it’s slippery I see him relax and just go with what I’m doing for him. I pick up the pace and feel his muscles tense. He tries to hold back but he tenses even more and begins to rise with the movement over his erect rod. I see him try to relax, see if he can stop himself from the orgasm that is approaching. I smile because I know he can’t. I wrote that into the software specifically for him. I wanted to ensure that when he started up the hill he wouldn’t come down until it was over. And now I’m getting to validate the code I wrote is doing exactly what I wanted it to. I feel the tension holds at peak while I continue to stroke and then the explosion in him occurs as wave after wave of contraction takes over. Then he begins the process of relaxing, coming down the hill as the tension leaves his body. When it is all over he pulls me towards him and kisses me once more, only this time it’s a French kiss and it’s clear we aren’t nearly done yet.


  Can two people have an orgy? That’s the only word I can think of to describe what happened in A’zam’s apartment. At least now I know what those who participated in orgies must have thought about the experience. Not that I’d ever been curious about orgies, although we got close on more than one occasion when the posse was in college.

  I remember my thoughts about coercion before I entered his apartment. Was I coerced? How can you be coerced when you have as many orgasms as I did? If I was coerced I shouldn’t have been able to have even one. It should have been as close to rape as it could get, and it wasn’t at all. I went voluntarily. But you can be coerced and still go voluntarily. That’s when you feel you have no choice. You have to do it so just get on with it. But part of it was I wanted to see how my software worked on him. From what I could tell it worked really well, but he seems to think it can be even better. Fucking amazing is what he’s looking for. Even if I deliver it he will be looking for something that’s as euphoric as heroin in the experience at some point I’m sure. But then I have forever to deliver euphoria. Better not get there too quickly or I’ll have no design spec I can rely on to keep advancing the product and experience.

  Maybe he’ll get bored with sex. Once he can have it any day, al
l day … oops, he already can and did with me … oh well, maybe that just means he’ll get bored with it quicker and I won’t have to worry about it. I can’t get over that he seemed to be approaching our orgasms with a scientific curiosity. I am the first immortal he’s had sex with and he wanted to know exactly how different I am than all the women he is sleeping with. Will he go back for another round with them? A post test comparison? And then what? Another demand on how he wants the software upgraded probably.

  The market share report appears in my mind. The new Symbol Ventures product has eaten into our sales just as I thought it would. In fact, it’s doing a little better than I expected. I need to find Jermaine. I think an email to him asking where he is. Then I go back to review the rest of the reports. We are holding onto our dominant position with most products although a few are starting to taper off, probably because most people who are going to buy them already have. So, I need a new must have product in the pipeline to be released to stimulate sales as these products are retired.

  Jermaine appears in my office door. I see the immortal trademarks. The slightly Asian eyes, the Mediterranean skin color and not an ounce of fat on him. He barely looks twenty now. “Spock here,” he greets me. As a fan of Star Trek, I know he’s talking about a Vulcan which is probably close to what we are in many regards. More logic than emotion, but Spock was still a biologic entity. That’s where we diverge.

  “Come in.”

  Jermaine enters my office and sits in the chair at the end of my meeting table which is closest to my desk. It’s a joke because it’s the chair I always sit in when we have meetings here. Jermaine should be processing at about half of my current speed, so I slow down to be the same. He continues, “You didn’t tell me everything.”

  “What did I miss?” Not sure what he’s referring to, although I know he did that on purpose.


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