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Barely Human

Page 18

by Dhtreichler

  “That’s a possibility, but I think you need to discuss this with Landon before you decide what to do.”

  “Yes, I will discuss it with him, but after I decide what we will do. Then I must make him think it is his idea. I cannot let him make decisions on his own. That would not be a good idea.”

  “And your parent’s?”

  “Oh, they will most certainly advise me.”

  “So, you will discuss it with your parents before you discuss it with Landon.”

  “That is the way it is always done. We cannot let the men simply do what they wish. Who knows what they would decide? And then the wife is always the one left holding the bag. We have to clean up the mess. Better to avoid the mess, decide what must be done and then when he is most vulnerable, then and only then will we help him to decide what must be done.”

  “I take it your most vulnerable is when he’s enjoying himself at your expense.”

  “That is the most generally accepted definition I believe. If you know of another time please share it with me. I am not practiced at this art of negotiations with a husband. I’m sorry that you are not either, but maybe your wisdom will enable you to help me in this regard.”

  “I’ll have to consider your question further, Mindi. As you point out I’m not well experienced in planting seeds.” A’zam did his best to plant them in me, although he has no seeds.

  “Then you will move him down the priority list?”

  “Not until you tell me you have his agreement.” I wait for her to protest, but she simply looks sad. “I can’t have anyone thinking I’m over riding team member requests because you or a spouse or anyone appeals to me. Do you understand what I’m saying? You need to get Landon to agree. Then I’ll adjust his priority according to what he requests. That gives you plenty of time to plant seeds with Landon, the happy farmer.”

  Mindi doesn’t understand my reference to farmer and I don’t have time to talk about it further. She seems to be accepting the reason why I won’t simply push Landon’s request out. “Do you often have such explicit discussions?”

  “I do, but generally not with team members. Usually it’s college friends I’ve known forever.”

  “I would like to meet your friends,” Mindy reflects. “They sound like people I would learn much from.”

  “I certainly have.” I muse, particularly regarding my last discussion with Windy.

  Mindi rises, looks at her notes, “Oh yes, I will call Petra and let her know you are available.”

  “Give me five minutes. I need to return a call.”

  “Is that the call from Jackson Potter that came in during your last meeting?”

  I nod, but don’t give her any indication it is more than business. Although she can guess it is personal since it came in on my personal phone.

  I return the call. His personal phone. After only two rings, someone picks up, but it is not Jackson. “Hello?”

  “This is Sage Washington returning Jackson Potter’s call.”

  “Sage Washington.” The person is apparently writing my name down. “Yes, I’ve got that. I’ll leave a message for him.”

  “I’m pretty booked today, is there a good time for me to call him back?”

  “City council meets tomorrow, so he’s very busy meeting with the various department heads to make sure the reports are complete.”

  “I understand. Thank you.” I’m disappointed. I hoped he might be interested in getting together and I would very much like to spend more time with him.

  Why am I interested in Jackson Potter, whom I know practically nothing about, and not A’zam? Maybe because I’m attracted to Jackson’s humility. He wants to serve others. A’zam only wants to serve his own advancement and achievements. I wonder if there’s something in this dichotomy that goes to my whole conundrum about humanity. Jackson and A’zam represent the range of personality types. But they are both representatives of humanity. So how do I capture that in Immortals?

  I’m just about to wander down to Petra’s office when my phone rings, “Sorry I missed you.” It’s Jackson. “Busy time for me and apparently for you as well.”

  “I have a minute.”

  “Actually, I stepped out of a meeting here with the Public Works department. They’re over budget again. I’ve got to find a way to rein them in without causing residents to complain the city hasn’t fixed their street. You know how that is.”

  “The meeting part yes, I understand that. The fixing things for residents, well, I’ve not worked on the public side so that would be new to me,” I admit.

  “Was to me too, when I was elected. But now it’s really no different than running a small business. So much money in, so much out. Keep a little for the emergencies you can’t predict.”

  “Sounds to me like you really enjoy being mayor.”

  “I do, but I also enjoy your company, which brings me to the call. I have a free evening because I’m working my preparation for the council meeting now. Would you join me for dinner?”

  I would prefer to avoid long conversation. “I can manage drinks.”

  Jackson sounds disappointed. “Busy night?”

  “I can always find one more thing to do if I take a moment to think about what I’ve not completed that was due last week. But no. Not more than any other. I have time for you, just can you go ahead and eat and have drinks later?”

  “You’re not going to make it easy on me, are you?” he’s trying to understand if I’m not really interested in getting together.

  “I want to spend some time with you tonight. Just need to push it a little later than dinner.”

  “That will give me more time to polish my speech,” he seems accepting of my limitation.

  “How about Le Defese at nine? The sign has the dogs chasing the wild boar. Do you know it?”

  “Italian, isn’t it?”


  Petra seems surprised I have come to her office. I hang at the door way until she acknowledges me and then I come in. “Good day or bad day?” I start the conversation. She usually doesn’t come see me unless the problem is complicated or something she needs to work through. The fact that she asked to see me indicates it’s important.

  “Numbers are strong, generally speaking, although the new product lines are drawing heavily on cash at the moment. Just have to keep an eye on it and cut back on investment if the revenues don’t materialize.”

  “Nothing I need to address now?” I’m confused. The situation wouldn’t seem to need my attention, so why the meeting?

  “I’m looking for some insight that you’re probably the only one who would have it.”


  “I’m scheduled to transition next week. As soon as the docs have all gone through. But I’m hearing complaints about the sex problem.”

  I relax as it’s not bad new I need to address, but just clarification I need to give. “What have you heard?” Maybe that’s the best way for me to address it.

  “That it sucks.”

  “That’s pretty specific. What’s your source?”

  “Moshe sent me an email.”

  At least now I know the source of the discontent, but I’m sure Moshe won’t share specifics about anything with me after what I did to him. “One data point isn’t representative.”

  “But it’s the only one I have. That’s why I wanted to talk to you since you’ve been over there longer than anyone else. What’s the story?”

  “It’s not exactly as you know it now, but we’re making progress and should have another update in a few days. Jermaine’s team is working on it along with the new product reposition.”

  “Why Jermaine? He doesn’t seem to have any real expertise in the female orgasm.”

  “Would you say you’re an expert?” I push back.

  Petra sits back to think about my question. “I’m probably as knowledgeable as most people.”

  “So, a healthy sex life, with one partner. Do you really understand the range o
f orgasmic experiences we need to be able to provide?”

  “Range?” Petra is considering the issue from a different perspective anyway. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you like to vary positions?” I respond expecting this part of the conversation to get uncomfortable for her. “You know the whole Kama Sutra thing?”

  Petra considers my question, probably wondering how much she really wants to share. “I am not a fan of routine.”

  “So how many of the Kama Sutra positions do you think you’ve tried?”

  Petra is hesitant to answer, “I don’t want you to get the wrong impression, but I’ve done all one-hundred.”

  I note she doesn’t say she’d done all one hundred with her husband. Maybe I have a completely mistaken impression of Petra. Then I wonder if she’s one of A’zam’s stable of ladies? While she’s pointing to Moshe, that may be just to hide she’s actually sleeping with A’zam. How do I get her to confirm that tidbit without knowing it? Hmm. “There was a time when I was in college that a group of us were trying out different ones and reporting back to everyone which ones really made a difference.”

  “I wasn’t active in college because I went to an all-girl’s school. They locked us in at night. My parents were going to make sure I graduated with a degree and not a baby.”

  “I didn’t know that,” and I didn’t. “Why were your parents so strict?”

  “My brother got a girl pregnant when he was still in high school. Fortunately for him the girl had a miscarriage. But that was all the motivation my parents needed to make sure I didn’t follow my brother’s sexual exploits.”

  “Did that make you sexually repressed?” I’m still curious about the 100 positions.

  Petra reflects, and a strange smile appears, “Actually it made me more curious. Once I had my degrees and got my first job I was open for business, so to speak. I slept with anyone who would ask, but they always had to provide their own condom, or they had to hit the road. First learned about the Kama Sutra from one of my class mates. The fact we didn’t have access to guys made us all that more curious. I probably know more about the male anatomy than most doctors. I mean we were devoted to know everything there was to know about anatomy and physiology even though I was majoring in finance and accounting.”

  “Did your parents know what you were studying?”

  “As long as I was getting the degree they wanted they could care less about my minor course of study.” Petra smiles differently apparently remembering her parent’s reaction to her choices. “I actually seriously thought about going to med school after I’d been out for a while and my parents weren’t supporting me anymore.”

  “What stopped you?”

  “A promotion and my then-to-be husband.” Petra looks away as if she really doesn’t want to talk about this part. “I talked with him about my interest in medicine and he pointed out that he couldn’t possibly support us while I went to med school. So, the choice was to follow my passion about medicine or him. I made my choice and narrowed the range of positions to just those he was comfortable with. He’s not nearly as adventuresome as I am. He’s one of those guys who doesn’t want to try something new when what he’s used to works.”

  “So, did you reach your goal of doing all one hundred positions before you got married?”

  “Not even close.”

  “So, the Kama Sutra trifecta is a relatively recent accomplishment for you.” I bait her.

  Petra nods, “I wasn’t meant to be with just one person. My husband has his friends who provide benefits as well. We’ve come to an accommodation that works for both of us.”

  “No kids.”

  “Our lifestyle doesn’t permit others in the middle.”

  “Was that a conscious choice?” I’m curious but not sure she will answer.

  “We never established which of us is sterile.”

  “Never being able to have children as an immortal isn’t something you’re concerned about.”

  Petra shakes her head, “I’m more concerned about whether my marriage can survive the increased differences between us. We co-exist. But we are competitive. He worries if I make more than he does. I get concerned if he makes more industry presentations than I do. I wonder, why he is more in demand.”

  “So, a good orgasm is important to you.”

  “Isn’t it to you?”

  “A secondary concern at best,” I reflect.

  “Didn’t know that. I thought you had a healthy sexual appetite.”

  “Appetite yes, partner, no.”

  “Good to know. The rumor is that you and A’zam are intimate.”

  Since she’s apparently wondering the same thing about me… “Must be someone’s favorite rumor as I’ve heard the same said about you.”

  “Would indicate that whoever is starting the rumors really doesn’t know.” She doesn’t answer the question about her and A’zam as I haven’t. How do I confirm?

  “What I do know is A’zam recently slept with a good friend of mine, who has subsequently left her husband and is hoping he will marry her.”

  Petra is quiet for a long time, apparently processing this information. “You say the woman involved is a friend of yours? So, you have confirmed it?”

  “My best friend from college, and yes both she and A’zam have confirmed to me that they slept together. But A’zam doesn’t intend to marry her. So, I’ve had to carry that news back to her. Didn’t say he wouldn’t sleep with her again, just that he isn’t looking for a long-term relationship, even though long term to him and her are totally different time horizons.”

  “Guess we don’t know some people as well as we think we do.” Petra summarizes, which I interpret to be that A’zam is playing the same game with her as he is with me since she will soon be an immortal as well. Only in her case he’s looking at a before and after comparison. No wonder the orgasm is so important to her.

  “How long do you think it will take you to go through all one-hundred positions once you’re an immortal?” I ask to see what kind of response I get.

  “Probably three days. That’s what I heard it took you and A’zam.”

  Apparently A’zam kisses and tells since no one else knows about that little episode. “Did A’zam use that tidbit as a turn on before you made love or after as a dare?”

  “He was trying to figure out how many different positions we could do before it became too sore for me.”

  “And the magic number was?”

  “Five, but that’s only because we’ve been screwing for three years off and on. I’m just amazed at how much better he is since he transitioned. But he constantly complains it just isn’t as good for him. Said you told him it isn’t good for you either.”

  “He certainly is chatty.”

  “Why do I get the impression this was your first time with A’zam?” Petra seems curious.

  “It was.” I confirm.

  “Three days? That’s got to be a record. All one hundred positions. Is that why you brought it up, because you’d just done them?”

  “It only took a day and a half. But A’zam wanted to go back through it again to make sure he’d done all one-hundred and done them all right.”

  “Guess there’s nothing to stop you from doing it as many times as you want.” Petra notes.

  “That’s actually something I’m worried about.”

  Petra looks at me curiously. “What could you be worried about? You got what you want. CEO and all you had to do was agree to sleep with him after he promoted you.”

  “Didn’t work quite that way.”

  “Come on. We all know it was a quid pro quo.”

  “Not even close.” I push back. “I don’t think A’zam finds me particularly attractive. Until Zara and Dilma transitioned I was the only one. But A’zam’s not going to sleep with coders. That’s way too beneath him.”

  “What was your friend?”

  “She owns her own business. Successful. Beautiful woman. Smarter than I am in many ways.”
  “Apparently needier.” Petra pegs Windy, but I’m not about to say anything bad about my friend.

  “Just not in a good place because of her husband. Anyway, A’zam was only sleeping with me to gather data. How does an immortal hold up through prolonged sex? Now that he’s going to live forever, how much sex can he expect to get and how can we make it as remarkable as possible?”

  “So that’s why your first immortal team is working on making it better. Just for the male or for the female too?”

  This is Petra’s key question. “For both. I did an update a few days ago for A’zam. Apparently, his feedback to you is different than his feedback to me. He said it was much better than before, but he was still looking for improvements. My friend said the previous version ‘filled her up and carried her across,’ my version was supposedly better than that.”

  “Did he fill you up and carry you across?” Petra seems to have zeroed in on Windy’s description.

  “Did I have orgasms? Yes.”

  “Every time?”

  “No.” I have to be honest as I’m sure this conversation will get back to A’zam. The only question is whether it makes it back before or after Petra transitions.

  I have a thought, “Would you mind swapping your transition date with Wallace?”


  “He keeps putting it off, but I need him to step up. As long as he has an excuse he will use it to force me to make the decisions he should be making.”

  “Doesn’t sound like a transition solution to me.” Petra notes.

  “But if he transitions he will have all the data. The question then is he ready to step up and make operations successful or is he going to continue to force me to do his job too.”

  “Sounds like you’re not happy with our friend.”

  “Are you?” I wonder.

  “He’s not my problem, he’s yours, just as A’zam and the whole immortal transition is yours.”

  “And the improvements to your sexual experience once you transition,” I point out.


  When I come through the front door I hear Rocky. “Back here.” He always assumes I don’t know where here is. Back at least gives me an indication he’s in the back of the house as opposed to the living room that I don’t think he has used since Anna Laura died.


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