The Watergate
Page 42
Boston University, 54
Brabant NV, 207
Bradlee, Ben, 127, 166–67, 212
Bradley, Barbara, 218
Bradley, Bettye, 233–36
Bradley, Carter, 293
Bradley, David, 218–20, 291–93, 360–61
Bradley, Gene, 218–20
Bradley, Katherine Brittain, 291–93, 361
Bradley, Lee, 233
Bradley, Terry, 218–20
Brady, Tom, 352
Brennan, Corey, 361
Brenneman, Mike, 87–88
Bridgegate, 352
Brockett, James, 227
Bronn, C. H., 30
Brooke, Edward W., 4, 168–69
Brooks, Mary T., 93, 106, 107, 114, 117
Brown University, 58
Brown v. Board of Education, 120
Bryn Mawr, 19
Buchanan, Pat, 90, 107, 143–44, 163, 169
Buchanan, Shelley, 107, 143–44, 163, 169
Bùi Diem, 4, 82–85, 100, 214–15, 216–18
Bundy, McGeorge, 217
Bunshaft, Gordon, 41, 45–46, 49, 74–75
Burchinal, Edith, 87, 135
Burchinal, Lee, 87, 135
Burns, Arthur, 92, 107–8, 167
Burns, Helen, 107
Buse, Peter, 237
Bush, Billy, 352
Bush, George H. W., 222–23, 224, 226
Bush, George W., 198, 336, 337, 338, 345, 353, 357
Bush v. Gore, 357
Business Week, 170, 174
Buttaro, Antonio, 229
Buttaro, Claudia, 341
Byrne, Renata Smith, 160–61
Café des Artistes (New York), 205
Calbreath, Dean, 339
Caldwell, Robert M., 132, 152–54
California Pistachio Commission, 192
California Polytechnic Institute, 182
Calvo-Sotelo, Leopoldo, 243
Cambodia, 240
Camelot Hotel (Little Rock), 286
Campaign finance controversy of 1996, 285–91
Campono (restaurant), 361
Cannaday, John E., Jr., 65, 124
Cannaday, Lillian, 65
Capestany, Jose, 299
Capitol Hill Club, 224
Capitol Hill News Service, 187–88
Cardozo, Michael, 287–91
Carol Publishing, 281
Carreras, José, 281
Carson, Johnny, 237
Carswell, G. Harrold, 119
Carter, Billy, 352
Carter, Jimmy
Chennault and, 198, 215
presidential election of 1976, 198, 207–8
presidential election of 1980, 208–9, 222–23
Casey, Sophia, 231
Casey, William, 222, 224, 231, 243
Cassini, Oleg, 43
Cavalieri Hilton (Rome), 11–12
CBS News, 47, 118–19, 166, 246
Cecchi, Antonio, 13, 18–19, 30–31, 99, 184
Cecchi, Giuseppe, 12–16, 99, 152, 233, 273, 300, 354–55
background of, 12–13
DNC and, 70–71, 137, 203–4
resignation of, 184
Watergate break-in, 156
Watergate name, 21–22
Watergate opening, 72, 89
Watergate planning and design, 14–16, 18–19, 20–21, 26–27, 29, 33, 34, 44, 47, 51–52, 54
Watergate West lawsuit, 134–35, 136
Cecchi, Mercedes, 355
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Chai Zemin, 226
Champs-Élysées (Paris), 12, 112
Chandler, William B., III, 311–12, 332
Charles, Prince of Wales, 237
Charles Schwartz & Son Jewelers, 152
Chasing Shadows (Hughes), 355–56
Château Margaux, 261
Château Moutone Rothschild, 251
Cheney, Dick, 198
Chennault, Anna, 198, 355–56
background of, 57–59
design of Watergate apartment, 66–67, 161
The Education of Anna, 198, 213–18
Ford and, 185–90
life at the Watergate, 124, 198, 215–16, 241
Mitchells and, 83, 85–86, 95, 100, 102, 104–5, 106, 114, 128, 131, 217
nickname of “Dragon Lady,” 95, 128, 217–18, 224–25
Nixon and, 3–4, 59, 80, 82–85, 93–94, 99–105, 107, 128–30, 148, 158–59, 213–15, 355–56
Northrop Corporation and, 126, 187–90
Paris Peace Talks and, 80, 82–83, 100–101, 217
parties of, 3–4, 72–73, 94, 106, 113, 126–31, 150, 167, 185–86, 215–16, 224–25, 255
political activities of, 4, 5, 59, 79–80, 82–85, 93–94, 99–105, 128–30, 158–59, 194–97, 213–15, 222–26, 230, 255–56
purchase of Watergate apartment, 59–60, 67
Reagan and, 222–26, 230, 255–56
A Thousand Springs, 57, 58, 104
Vietnam War and, 79–80, 82–85, 94–95, 99–102, 214–15, 216–17
Watergate break-in and, 146–48, 160–61
Chennault, Claire, 59
Chennault, Claire Lee, 3, 57–58, 356
Chennault, Cynthia, 59, 195
Cheshire, Maxine, 94–95
Chiang Chung-ling, 255
Chiang Kai-shek, 57, 59, 100
Chicago Seven, 116, 117
Chicago Sun-Times, 192
Chicago Tribune, 10, 83, 225
Chinagate, 287–91
Chinese Air Force, 57
Chinese Central News Agency, 57
Christian Science Monitor, 226
Christie, Chris, 352
Christoffersen, Carrie, 358
Church and State, 28–29
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 67, 68, 95, 146, 212, 224, 339–40
Historical Intelligence Collection, 4, 67–69, 171, 301–2
Citizens for Reagan, 208
CityBridge Education, 361
Ciulli, Danilo, 172, 174
Clark, Bill, 257–58, 265
Clarke, Frederick J., 26, 31–37, 42, 47, 48
Cleese, John, 294
Cleopatra (movie), 256
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 94
Cliburn, Harvey Lavan “Van,” 188–89
Cline, Ray, 5, 126, 245
Clinton, Bill
campaign finance controversy of 1996, 285–91
Lewinsky sandal, 282–85, 297–300
Whitewater, 287, 289, 297
Clinton, Hillary, 353
Clothes for a Summer Hotel (play), 234–35
Cocome, Ron, 309
Coelho, Duarte Pinto, 241
COGO, 53
Cohen, Jacques, 358–59
Cohen, Rakel, 359
Colette of Watergate, 152, 341
Colorado Springs Sun, 121
Colson, Charles “Chuck,” 218
Columbia Plaza, 193
Columbia University, 91
Columbo (TV show), 187
Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), 24–25, 31, 32–33, 35–36, 40–41, 43–50, 60, 74–76, 81–82, 312
Committee for the Re-Election of the President, 3, 133, 147
Committee of Concerned Owners in Watergate East, 314–15
Committee to Preserve the Watergate Heritage, 312–13, 333
Condon, George E., Jr., 339
Condrell, William, 326, 327–28
Congressional Page sex scandal of 1983, 246–50
Connally, John, 107–8, 160
Conrad, Charles, 81
Continental Illinois Bank, 199–200
Continental Illinois Properties, 199–202, 203, 207, 220, 221–22, 233
Continental Room, 138–40
Cooper, Ellen, 317, 323–24
Cooper, Paul, 347–49
Corcoran, Thomas, 79
background of, 58–59
Chennault and, 58–59, 83, 104, 129, 159, 167, 186, 189, 195, 213, 216, 223, 225, 230–31
death of, 236
ll University, 41
Corning, Moore, Elmore and Fischer, 18–19
Cosmopals, 55
Cosmopolitan Club, 55
Cotton & Harris, 135
Covington & Burling, 69
Cox, Archibald, 168
Cox, Edward Finch, 106–7
Cox, Tricia Nixon, 106–7
Craig, Larry E., 247, 250
Craig House, 85
Cranston, Alan, 113, 135
Cranston, Geneva, 135
Cronkite, Walter, 187
Crosby, Kenneth, 243
Crozier, Brian, 243
Cruse family and Winegate, 181–82
Cunard Hotels and Resorts, 262–63, 272–73
Cunningham, Randall “Duke,” 338–40
Currie, Betty, 283
Dahrouch, Larbi, 205, 232, 261
Daihatsu International Trading Corporation, 285–86
Dakin, William, 319
Dameron, Sherwood, 269–71
Darby, Michael, 304–36, 354
background of, 304
bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, 344–48
Belles Rives and, 331–32, 340–41
Watergate community lawsuits, 308–36, 344–45
Watergate East sale to, 310–12, 325–33
Watergate Hotel purchase, 304–8, 331–32
Watergate Hotel renovations, 340–42
Watergate landmark status battle, 312–14, 333–36
Watergate zoning battles, 314–24
Dart, Jane, 228–29, 232
Dart, Justin, 228–29, 232
Dart & Kraft, Inc., 228–29
D’Aubuisson, Roberto, 243
David, Kenneth, 93
Davis, Bette, 234
Davis, Deborah, 212
Davis, Evelyn Y., 330–31
Davis, Lanny, 289–90
Day, Doris, 113
Dayton, Elias, 68
D.C. Auditorium Committee, 19–20
DC Preservation League, 333
Dean, Deborah Gore, 149
Dean, Gordon, 148
Dean, John, 147, 169
Dean, Mary Gore, 148–49
Deangelo, Alice, 302
Deaver, Michael, 237, 243, 255
“Deep Throat,” 184, 212
Defense Contract Auditing Agency, 187–88
Deflategate, 352
DeGray Lake, 249
Del Drago, Domitilla, 62
DeMarco, Frank, Jr., 200
Democratic National Committee (DNC), 159–62, 175, 360
break-in. See Watergate break-in
campaign finance controversy of 1996, 286, 289, 290
debt of, 136–37
King assassination, 77
move out of Watergate, 160
move to Watergate, 70–71
open house, 73–74
Democratic National Committee Telethon Trust, 137
Democratic National Convention (1968), 116, 117
Deutsche Postbank, 340
Dewey, Thomas E., 10
Diana, Princess of Wales, 237
Dickinson, Tandy, 195–96
Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin, 221
Dickstein, Sidney, 221–22
Diedrich, William S., 330–31
Diego, Felipe de, 137–42
DiFonzo, Luigi, 97–98
Dillinger, John, 40
Dinardo, Kathy, 280
Dina Shore Show (TV show), 122
Disneyland, 5
District of Columbia Inventory of Historic Sites, 336
District Zoning Commission, 23, 26, 31–33, 34, 37, 42, 78, 79, 81, 311, 314–24, 326, 329, 340
DNC. See Democratic National Committee
Do It! (Rubin), 117
Dole, Bob, 154, 166–67, 184–85, 241, 257, 274–75, 299, 300, 342, 359
Dole, Elizabeth Hanford, 90, 154, 184–85, 229–30, 241, 257, 274–75, 359
Domingo, Plácido, 281, 321–22
Dowd, Maureen, 339
Dowd, Peggy, 230
Drayer, Donald H., 22
Drudge Report, 284
Drury, Bruce B., 325–28
Duarte, José Napoleón, 243–44
Dudley, Paul, 64, 125
Duke University, 90
Dulles, Allen, 68, 171
Duncan, John B., 31
Dunkin Donuts, 299
Durkin, Frank, 305, 306, 307
Eastdil Realty, 303–4
Easterwood, O. P., 116, 125–26
Eaton, Judith, 326–27
Ebner, Stanley, 148
Echeverría, Luis, 1
Education of Anna, The (Chennault), 198, 213–18
Ehrenhaft, Peter, 309
Ehrlichman, John, 113, 122, 127, 146, 147, 218
Eig, Emily, 313–14, 335, 336
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 15, 90, 199, 263
Elections. See Presidential elections
El Fin de Una Era (Romanones), 245
El Salvador, 243–44
Elsen, Lee, 161–62
Emory University, 233
Engineering Physics Co., 53
Ernst & Ernst, 190
Ervin, Sam J., 163
Esfandiary, Ahmad, 254
Euro Capital Properties, 358
European-American Bank & Trust Company, 174
Export-Import Bank, 114, 126, 286
Exxon Corporation, 253
Fabiani, Mark, 289
Fahmy, Ibrahim, 273–74
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 58
Faisal of Saudi Arabia, 161
Falk, Peter, 187
Falklands War, 242–43, 257
Farland, Joseph, 93
Farrell, John A., 356
Fascist Italy, 16, 17, 205–6
Fasco AG, 98–99
Fauntroy, Walter E., 78
FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), 174
“Fear and Loathing at the Watergate” (Thompson), 163
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 159
Federal Bulldozer, The (Anderson), 91
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 73, 82–85, 138, 235–36, 243, 253–54, 257
Federal Elections Commission (FEC), 289–90
Federal Reserve, 5, 92, 107, 141, 167, 170
Fellini, Federico, 42–43
Felt, Mark, 184
Fenoaltea, Sergio, 57
Feraud, Vincent, 279–80
Ferrugia, John, 246
Fignon, Giovanni Battista, 172
Financial crisis of 2007–2008, 345–46
Finch, Jason, 334
Finch, Robert, 127
Finerman, Bill, 281
Finerman, Debra, 281–82, 284
Finian’s Rainbow (movie), 84
Finley, David E., 24–25, 26, 31, 35–37, 41, 42, 43–44
Finley, William E. “Bill,” 15, 23–24, 26–27, 29–30, 32–33, 34, 37
Fischer, Milton, 18–19, 20–21, 23, 24–25, 33, 45–46, 54, 135
Fisher, John R., 345
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 85
Flanigan, Peter, 104–5
Flannery, Thomas Aquinas, 222
Flick, Gene, 269
Flood, Daniel, 352
Floodgate, 352
Flying Tiger Airlines, 198
Flying Tigers (American Volunteer Group), 57, 59
Foa, Bruno, 30–31
Foggo, Kyle “Dusty,” 339–40
Foggy Bottom Association, 309, 319
Foley, Maurice P., 135
Fonda, Henry, 234
Forbes (magazine), 151
Ford, Betty, 173
Ford, Gerald, 172, 185–90, 214
presidential election of 1976, 198, 207–8
Forna, Abu, 194
Foro Mussolini (Rome), 16, 361
Forslund, Catherine, 59
Forte, Charles, 272–73
Forte, Rocco, 273, 293–95
Fossataro, Adolfo, 16
Fountain, Pete, 3
Four Seasons, 268, 340
Fox, Linda, 106
Fraga, Manuel, 243
/> Frank, Hans, 109
Franklin National Bank, 150–51, 157–58, 169–74
Franklin New York Corporation, 151, 154–55
Frankovich, M. J., 127
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson, 109, 309, 357
Friedlander, Mark, Sr., 201
Friendly Models, 245–51
Fritzger, Geoffrey, 322
Fulbright, J. William, 119–20, 121–22
Funny Girl (movie), 83
Gagan, Frank, 191
Galeazzi, Enrico Pietro, 28, 171, 177
Garab, Gabor Olah de, 211, 233–36
Gardner, Stephen S., 193
Garment, Leonard, 85
Garvey, Willard, 259
“-gate” construction, 183, 352
Gaudí, Antoni, 17
Gault et Millau, 204
Gay prostitution, 245–51
Geissler, Hazel, 192
General Claire Lee Chennault Foundation, 104
General Electric Company, 93, 125, 135, 219
General Services Administration, 107
George A. Fuller Company, 136
George Lang Corporation, 206
George Town Club, 195–96
Georgetown Law School, 219
Georgetown University, 59, 194, 245, 357
George Washington Bridge, 352
George Washington University, 20, 53, 309, 315, 318, 323, 333
Gerhart, Tom, 229
Giesinger, Harold, 191
Ginsburg, Martin, 356–57
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 320, 356–57
Ginsburg, William, 298
Givner, Bruce, 5–6, 144
Glaser, Vera, 117
Glasgow, Norman, 317, 320–22, 324
Glover-Archbold Park, 111–12
Goldwater, Barry, 59, 126–27, 167, 215, 230
Gonzalez, Virgilio, 137–42
Goode, James M., 333
Goodyear, 176
Goss, Porter, 339
Graber, Ted, 231
Graff, Bill, 64
Graff, Clara, 64, 365
Graham, Katharine, 212
Graham, Martha, 189
Granada Group, 293–95, 303
Gray, Robert, 104, 172–73
Great Inflation of the 1970s, 107–8
Green, Ernest, 286
Green, Julian P., 44, 48
Green, Thomas Bernard, 264
Greene, Julian, 25
Griffith, Aline, Dowager Countess of Romanones, 241–45
Gross, Michael, 244
Groueff, Stephane, 240
Grubb, H. Dale, 93
Gruenstein, Peter, 187–88
Gualdi, Eugenio, 12, 14
Guhring, Elizabeth, 69
Gulf Oil, 5
Gulfstream II, 5
Gutenberg Bible, 67
Haldeman, H. R., 105, 113, 122, 146, 356
Halston, 189
Hamilton, Lewis, 352
Hamm, E. F., 123–24
Hammer, Philip, 80
Hanna, Richard, 197
Hardin, Nancy, 113–14
Harper, James D., Jr., 200
Harris, John W., 11
Harrison & Abramovitz, 11, 15
Harris Survey, 137
Hartmann, Robert T., 187
Harvard Business School, 218, 219
Harvard Law School, 58, 90, 315