The Watergate
Page 43
Hatfield, Antoinette, 252–53, 254
Hatfield, Mark O., 252–54
Hau Pei-tsun, 255
Hawkins, Paula, 268
Hayes, Don, 342–44
Hecht, Nathan, 338
Heckinger, John W., 78
Hellams, Walter, 141
Helms, Richard, 212
Hendricks, Marjory, 22, 32
Hepburn, Katharine, 235
Herbekian, Roxie, 269–71
Hermon, Sylvia, 59
Hernandez, Jose, 280
Herrald, Jim, 295–97
Herring, Lewis, 307–8
Hersh, Seymour, 212
H.G. Smithy Company, 51
Hickock Cole, 305
Hildebrand, Kevin, 329–30
Hill, Arthur, 65
Hill & Knowlton, 172
Hilton, Conrad, 10
Hilton Hotels, 11–12
Hinton, Harold B., 32
Hirohito, 189
Historic Preservation Review Board, 312–14, 333–36, 359
Hodel, Donald, 253
Holcombe, James, 126
Holland, Robert, 347–48
Hollywood Reporter, 281
Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 198
Hood, Anthony J., 319, 329–30
Hookergate, 339–40
Hoover, J. Edgar, 73
Hoppenfeld, Morton, 29
Horsky, Charles, 39–40, 48
Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union, Local 25, 269, 323
House Ethics Committee, 197, 248, 250
House Subcommittee on International Organizations, 196
Houston Post, 120
Howar, Barbara, 130
Howard Johnson Motor Lodge, 2, 6, 138, 157, 323
Hudson, Rock, 113
Hughes, Ken, 355–56
Hultén, Björn, 110
Humphrey, Hubert, 82–83, 85, 101, 137
Hunt, Dorothy, 138
Hunt, E. Howard, Jr., 138–39, 140
Idaho Statesman, 250
IDI Group, 354–55
Institute for Religious Works, Vatican, 28
Interior Design, 72
International Women’s Year (1937), 19
In the Jaws of History (Bùi Diem), 216–18
Investigative Group, Inc. (IGI), 288
Irangate, 352
Iraqgate, 352
Isikoff, Michael, 283
Island Vista, Inc., 14–15, 21, 30, 31, 39, 47, 60
Jablonsky, Lea, 5, 144
Jackson, Bobby, 140, 141
James, E. Pendleton “Pen,” 222–23, 230, 232
James, Henry, 20
James, Sidney, 93
Japan Society, 187
Javits, Jacob K., 4, 5, 106, 187, 228
Javits, Marion, 5, 187, 228
Jean-Louis at Watergate, 206–7, 211–12, 229, 231–32, 237, 251, 261–62, 277–81, 331
Jeffries, Gregory, 330
Jell-O Pistachio Flavor Instant Pudding, 192
Jenkins, Hugh, 202–3, 220, 260, 271, 354
Jenkins, Walter, 47–48
Jet (magazine), 162
Jockey Club, 148
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance, 81, 109, 132, 160
Johnnie Walker Red, 139
Johnson, Claudia Alta “Lady Bird,” 19–20, 73–74
Johnson, Dale, 282
Johnson, Karen, 336–37, 353
Johnson, Lyndon B., 60, 73–74, 80
Chennault and Vietnam War, 82–83, 94
Watergate planning, 19–20, 47–48, 49–50
Jones, Paula, 283, 297
Jones, Tom, 161
Jordan, Vernon, 297–300
Jorgensen, Earle, 232
Jorgensen, Marion, 232
Jumeirah Group, 347–48
Justice Department, U.S., 76, 92, 102
Kagan, Elena, 357
Kalmbach, DeMarco, Knapp & Chillingsworth, 200
Kalmbach, Herbert, 133, 200
Kammer, Jerry, 339
Kann’s Department Store, 65
Kass, Benjamin, 311
Katharine the Great (Davis), 212
Katherine at the Watergate (Bradley), 292
Kauffmann, Howard, 253
Kaye, Walter, 282
Kearns, Henry, 126
Keller, Thomas, 331–32
Kelly, Burnham, 41, 43–44, 49
Kennedy, David M., 127, 199–200
Kennedy, Edward M., 81
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 20, 24, 38–43, 53
Kennedy, John F., 19, 28–29, 39–41, 47, 53
Kennedy, Robert F., 80, 137
Kennedy Center Advisory Committee on the Arts, 105, 255–56
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 50, 56–57, 60–61, 108, 281
battle over Watergate, 74–76, 81
Keogh, James, 93
Kern, John, 69
Kertz, Harold A., 69
Khachigian, Ken, 143–44
Kidder, Dorothy, 240
Kidder, Randolph, 240
Kieffer, Jarold A., 21
Kim, Sohye, 337–38
Kim Dong Jo, 5
Kim Hyong-uk, 196
Kimmitt, Robert M., 243
Kind, Richard, 245–46, 249–50
KinderCare, 362–63
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 77
King, Steve, 146
Kingbird, 359–60
Kipp DC, 360
Kissinger, Henry, 113, 215
Klassen, E. T., 93
Klein, Herb, 118, 122
Klein, Joshua, 337–38
Knauer, Virginia, 154
Knight, Hilary, 292
Kohn, Sherwood D., 156
Kondracke, Morton, 291
Koreagate, 196–97, 352
Korean War, 64
Koubek, Vlastimil, 66, 127
Kraft Foods, 191, 192, 193
Krogh, Egil “Bud,” 218
La Cornue, 277
La Dolce Vita (movie), 42–43
Lagdameo, Ernesto, 147–48, 176
Laird, Melvin, 158
Lammerding, Nancy, 90, 125, 173
Lance, Bert, 352
Lancegate, 352
Lang, George, 205–6
La Repubblica, 177
LaRue, Fred, 3, 144, 146
LaRue, Joyce, 3, 144
Lasky, Patricia, 107
Lasky, Victor, 107, 167, 229
Last Year in Marienbad (movie), 156
La Table des Cordeliers (Condom), 204
Lawson, George, 152
Laxalt, Paul, 208
Lazzari, Evelyn, 89
Lazzari, Pietro, 88–89
Leach, Jim, 197
League of Women Voters, 329, 330, 332
Lear, John, 127
Lear jet, 127
Lecat, Benoît, 182
Lee, Sarah Tomerlin, 262–63
Lee, William D., 133–35
Lee Kuan Yew, 186–87
Leeper, Paul, 141–42
LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 230
Lehman Brothers, 71, 200, 203, 304, 308, 318, 330
bankruptcy of, 345–46, 347, 354
Leibovitz, Annie, 337
Le Monde, 182
L’Enfant, Charles, 10, 17
Les Champs at Watergate, 112, 143, 151–52, 161, 176, 201
Lewinsky, Michael, 281
Lewinsky, Monica, 275, 281–85, 297–300
Lewis, Drew, 227
Lewis, Harold A., 54–55
Lewis, Marcia, 275, 281–82, 283, 298
Lewis & Clark College, 281
Lichtenberg, William R., 31–32, 60–61, 78, 79
Liddy, Gordon, 139, 140, 144, 146, 147, 299
Life (magazine), 105, 106, 122–23, 131, 173
Lincoln Memorial, 26, 28, 42, 49, 50, 61
Lindsay, John, 150
Livingstone, Neil, 334
Li Xiannian, 256
Lochte, Ryan, 352
Lochtegate, 352
Logan Act, 355–56
Lollobrigida, Gina, 42–43
; Long, Carolyn Bason, 149–50, 353–54
Long, Russell B., 113, 149–50, 353–54
Longhena, Baldassare, 63
Longstreth, Richard, 333–34
Loren, Sophia, 42–43
Los Angeles Times, 130, 145–46, 228, 289
Louchheim, Walter C., Jr., 20, 30, 34–35, 37, 80–81
Louis Creative Hairdressers, 64
Lowell, C. Stanley, 38
Luce, Clare Boothe, 263–65
Luce, Henry, 264
Luftig, Paul, 157–58
Luis Figueroa y Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, 242, 244
Luscombe, Wendy, 354
background of, 202–3
hiring by National Coal Board, 202–3
Watergate ownership, 207, 209, 220–21, 256, 258–60, 262, 271–72, 273
Ma, Yo-Yo, 338
McAfee, Don D., 88–89, 111–12
MacArthur Theatre, 94
McBride, Tom, 175–76
McCardle, Dorothy, 130
McCarthy, Abigail, 38
McCarthy, Bill, 67–68
McCarthy, Eugene, 38
McCarthy, Joseph, 118
McClendon, Sarah, 5, 59, 102
McCluskey, Ellen Lehman, 71–72
McCord, James, 138–40
McCord, Robert, 65, 69
McCormick, Robert, 82–83
McGovern, George, 137
MacGregor, Clark, 129
McKean, David, 58
Mackin, Cassie, 157
McLellan, Diana, 195
McLendon, Winzola, 93, 118–19, 121, 122, 148, 150
McNamara, Robert S., 105, 133
McNeal, Alvin R., 323
Madeira School, 19
Magazine Brothers Construction Corporation, 52–53
Magnifico, Tommaso, 164–65, 362
Magruder, Gail, 144
Magruder, Jeb, 144
Making of the President 1968, The (White), 100–102, 103, 128–29, 217
Malkin, Michelle, 291
Manger Hamilton Hotel, 137–38
Mapes, Jeff, 254
Marcos, Ferdinand, 218
Mardian, Robert, 146
Mariano, Ann, 261
Mark, Al, 74
Mars, Audrey, 65, 255
Mars, Forrest, Sr., 65
Marsal, Bryan, 345–46
Marshall, George Preston, 10–11
Marshall, Thurgood, 73
Martin, Charles, 32–33, 43–44
Martinez, Eugenio, 137–42
Marvelous Market, 278
Mata Hari, 4, 106
Matter, Alfred, 303
Mattes, John, 289
MAXXI (Rome), 361
Mayflower Hotel, 10
Maynard, Fred J., 136
Meese, Edwin, 222, 230, 232, 255–56
Meet the Press (TV show), 208
Mellon, Andrew W., 24
Mendenhall School of Auctioneering, 296
Mennini, Luigi, 28
Meredith, James E., 193
Merrill Lynch, 243
Merrywood, 76
Mesta, Perle, 83, 94, 215
Meyer, Selina, 352
Miami Herald, 73, 246, 247
Michel, Bob, 186
Middleton, Harry, 355
Midnight Sun, 151
Miers, Harriet, 338
Miki, Takeo, 186–87
Miller, Dorothy, 309
Miller, Jack, 73
Milwaukee Journal, 63
Mineworker’s Pension Scheme, 202
Mitchell, Howard, 88
Mitchell, John, 353–4
California trip, 3, 5, 144
Chennault and, 83, 85–86, 95, 100, 102, 104–5, 106, 114, 128, 131, 214–15, 217
drinking of, 131
life at Watergate, 113–14, 123
move to Watergate, 85–86
protests of 1970, 116–17, 118–19
resignations of, 3, 133, 149
sale of Watergate apartment, 149–50
Watergate break-in, 144, 146, 148–49
wife Martha and, 117–20, 122
Mitchell, Martha, 102, 133, 353–4
California trip, 3, 5, 144
drinking of, 131, 146
life at Watergate, 92–93, 106, 113–14, 123, 128, 131, 143
life in Washington, D.C., 117–22
media interviews and, 118–22, 131
move to Watergate, 85–86
protests of 1970, 117
sale of Watergate apartment, 149–50
Watergate break-in, 144, 145–46, 148–49
Mitchell, Marty, 5, 106, 144, 150
Mitten, Carol, 314, 317, 320–22, 324, 329–30
Molière, 67, 302
Monaco Grand Prix, 115
Monument Realty, 304–36, 340–41, 344–48, 354
“Monuments Men,” 24
Mony, Maurice, 279
Moon, Keith, 235
Moore, Arthur Cotton, 357
Moore, Patricia, 357
Moretti, Luigi, 361–62
death of, 164–65
Watergate construction, 52–53, 54, 56–57, 75
Watergate design, 15–19, 25, 29, 33, 35–37, 42–43, 45–47, 49, 52–53, 88, 95–96, 305, 307
Watergate grand opening, 63–64
Watergate landmark status, 313–14, 333–34, 335
Moretti, Maria Giuseppina, 16
Moretti, Maria Teresa Albani, 164–65
Morgan Stanley Realty, 271–72
Moro, Aldo, 96–99, 361
Morse, Wayne, 79
Morse code, 244
Mosbacher, Emil “Bud,” Jr., 3, 93, 105, 106, 125
Mosbacher, Patricia “Patty,” 3, 105, 106
Mossel, Patricia, 281
Motion Picture Association of America, 127
Mullen, Robert R., 123
Mundt, Karl, 73
Murder in the White House (Truman), 351
Muskie, Edmund, 143–44
Mussolini, Benito, 16
Naftali, Timothy, 356
Nannes, Michael, 221–22
Natale, Carlo, 152
Nathan, Joan, 279
National Air Force Salute, 167
National Airport, 4–5, 123
National Association of Broadcasters, 354
National Capital Planning Commission, 9, 15, 19–20, 23–24, 26–27, 29–30, 34–35, 37, 64, 76, 80–81, 82
National Coal Board, 202–3, 209, 220–22, 256, 258–60, 271–72
National Content Liquidators (NCL), 342–44
National Cultural Center, 15, 17, 19–21, 22, 26, 29, 37, 38–39, 50
National Education Association, 64
National Gallery of Art, 24
National Geographic Society, 53
National Labor Relations Act, 270–71
National Labor Relations Board, 270–71
National Register of Historic Places, 336
National Republican Heritage Group Council, 187
National Security Council, 243
National Society of Interior Designers, 61
National Symphony Orchestra, 21, 88, 262
National Trust for Historic Preservation, 360
National United Mineworkers, 259
Nelson, Dollar and Blitz, 132, 140
Nervi, Pier Luigi, 63
Nes, Charles M., Jr., 76
Newman, Pauline, 313–14
Newporter Inn, 144, 145–46
New Republic, 40
Newseum, 358
Newsweek, 112–13, 283, 284
New York Daily News, 173
New York Times, 33, 62, 107, 120, 128, 156–57, 171, 173, 174–75, 181, 182, 195, 207, 208, 212, 216, 244, 247, 263, 264, 299, 339, 355–56
New York World’s Fair (1964), 206
Nicolas, Daniel, 279
Nicolas Salgo and Company, 13–14
Nikko Securities, 302–3
Nimeiri, Jaafar, 253
Nixon, Richard
Chennault and, 3–4, 59, 80, 82–85, 93–94, 99–105, 107, 127, 128–30, 148, 1
58–59, 213–15, 355–56
Inaugural Address, 89
“New Economic Policy” (speech), 107–8
presidential election of 1960, 59, 90–91
presidential election of 1968, 84–85, 91, 93–94, 102, 159, 173, 214–15, 216–17, 356
presidential election of 1972, 133, 154, 158–59, 173
resignation of, 172–73
Saturday Night Massacre, 168–69
Vietnam War and, 80, 82–85, 94, 99–102, 214–15, 216–17, 355–56
Nixon, Thelma Catherine “Pat,” 3, 133
Nixon Presidential Library, 356
Nolen, John, Jr., 9
Northrop Corporation, 126, 187–90
Northwestern University, 90
Norton, C. McKim, 34
Norwood, Melvin, 161
Nureyev, Rudolf, 235
Ober, Richard, 211–12
Oberlander, George, 323
Obernberger, Anton, 192–93, 341, 363
O’Brien, Larry, 137, 140, 175
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 227, 337
Old Town Alexandria, 111–12
Olender, Jack, 315–17, 320–22, 324–29, 333, 344–45, 355
Olender, Lovell, 315–16
Oliver! (movie), 94
Oliver, R. Spencer, 70–71, 77, 144–45, 160, 175
Oliver Carr Company, 304
Olsen, Dorothy, 313
Olson, Lady Evelyn Booth, 357
Olson, Ted, 357
Olympic Games (1960), 11
O’Neill, Tip, 196
Ontario Theatre, 83
Operation CHAOS, 212
Oregonian, The, 254
Orr, Douglas, 33, 36
Ortona, Egidio, 109
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 241–45
Owen, Claude W., 20
Oxford School of Architecture, 202
Ozawa, Seiji, 187
Ozturk, George, 229
Pacelli, Marcantonio, 28
Packman, Mark, 221
Packman, Rip, 161
Page, Bob, 199, 257, 258–59
Palazzinari, 177, 184
Palazzo Colonna (Rome), 16, 36, 164
Palladin, Jean-Louis, 204–7, 211–12, 231–32, 251, 261–62, 274, 277–81, 331, 360
Palladin, Regine, 205, 231, 261
Pallavicini, Elvina, 62
Palm Beach Life, 94
Palmer, Mickey, 256
Paltrow, Scot J., 338–39
Pan, Antonio, 286
Pan-American Holdings, 221–22, 271
Panetta, Leon, 282
Parade (magazine), 128–29
Paribas Transcontinental, 98–99
Paris Peace Talks, 80, 82–83, 100–101, 217
Park, Ken, 194–95
Park, Tongsun, 194–97
Parsons, John G., 330
Pascualete, 242
Patton, George S., 233
Paul VI, Pope, 78, 96–99
Pavarotti, Luciano, 281
PB Capital, 340–41, 346–47, 354–55, 358
Peacock Lounge, 249, 268, 269
Pearson, Drew, 37–38
Pei, I. M., 204
Pentagon Papers, 107, 355–56
Penzance, 360
People (magazine), 196, 224, 244
Peoples Life Insurance, 69
Peter, Robert, 195
Peters, Klaus, 341, 343, 344