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Spacer Clans Adventure 2: Naero's Gambit

Page 34

by Mason Elliott

  Everyone studied the harrowing reports.

  Led by the Corps’ new alien allies, the invading hordes of Ejjai attacked world after world.

  “This is very bad,” Baeven noted, running a strategic simulation. “Look at the extent of this. All of these worlds are in key positions. Each will resist as best they can, but within a matter of months, the Ejjai invaders will seed them with Ejjai cloning facilities and fleet construction bases.”

  Everyone saw it. Right at the forefront of the battle.

  Baeven continued. “What’s more, the strategic pattern does not discriminate between worlds held by Spacers and their allies, and the Corps themselves.”

  In fact, about half of the worlds under attack were in fact, Corps worlds themselves.

  “The Ejjai are under strict orders, and will began processing all of the worlds they’ve invaded–taking them over and using the human populations as slave labor, and food to feed the growing clone armies. If as little as forty-one percent of all of these worlds fall to the enemy, the process will expand exponentially. Neither we or the Corps will be able to stop it.”

  Even at the outset, the exploding horrible accounts of the blatant atrocities against civilian populations were difficult to read, view, and process.

  Most of Naero and her people were in shock. But they had an idea what to expect. Even Baeven seemed stunned at the scope of the invasion.

  Everyone was shocked.

  They stared at an evolving master plan for the subjugation–and potentially–the elimination of the human species.

  They faced massive, full-scale Cosmicide across the board by a hyper-violent, new invasive and opportunistic uplifted species.

  At the same time that a vast naval war ground on with the combined Corps that they couldn’t win either.

  Even with the info Naero gathered on the ion cannons from Alala, Intel was still stymied, and hadn’t had enough time yet to come up with viable solutions.

  Naero rose up.

  “We have to put a stop to this madness. These invaders aren’t going to stop what they’ve begun. No matter what anyone thinks, says, or does. We need to show the Corps fleets what is going on back home on their own worlds. And what it means. What their new allies are not just doing to us, but to Gigacorps worlds and populations as well. I can’t believe they would sacrifice hundreds of their own worlds to take us out. Can’t they see? Once we’re gone, what would stop their new allies from taking them out too? These are foes that all humans must defeat, both Spacer and lander.”

  She paused and took a deep breath. “We have to make them see the colossal ramifications of this threat.”

  Baeven shook his head. “But how do we convince them of that when they are winning? When they are crushing us everywhere? They’re not going to listen to us.”

  “We have to show them what is happening on their own worlds, to their own people, they’re own families. We know what the Ejjai will do. Forget the Corps. If they can’t see the threat, they’re morons. We need to rally the landers as a people everywhere. And we must rally the Clans, as we have never rallied our people before. Everyone must fight. Everyone has to fight. Young. Old. Not just for the survival of Spacers, but for the survival of all humanity!”

  Baeven nodded.

  “Jia has just completed her analysis of the enemy’s strategy. It may very well reach a point where neither side will be able to halt the invasion as it proceeds and progresses. It will take all of humanity, banded together against a common foe, to stop them.

  “Spacers and landers must find a way to work together against these new foes, if we are all going to survive.”


  Naero demanded a truce across all channels. With Klyne’s approval, she went public with all the data they had on the enemy invaders. She went to the Corps leaders and their diplomats. Trying to get the Corps to both see and admit what was actually taking place.

  At first the victorious, advancing Gigacorps fleets and their leaders and supporters laughed at, dismissed, and ignored her and the Clans’ claims.

  Claims of open Cosmicide being perpetrated by the invading Ejjai clone hordes.

  But as each crucial day passed, the truth became more and more difficult to deny and avoid. Coupled with Baeven and Alala’s covert assistance and advanced probe network, Naero and Intel broadcasted the full weight of the growing atrocities of the Ejjai invaders far and wide, to every System.

  Cosmicide for all to see.

  Not just the invasion of Alliance worlds on the border of the war, but especially on the Corps worlds suffering the same indiscriminate fate.

  Something the Corps themselves were still trying to suppress and get a handle on.

  Info INS would still not report and sought to actively stifle as nothing more than Spacer lies and desperate propaganda.

  Even when the INS news teams on the invaded worlds were murdered. Captured indiscriminately, and forced wide-eyed and shrieking into the robotic processing cutters and grinders of the invader’s horrific meatships. Vidcams running.

  INS would not broadcast the stark vids, but the Spacers did.

  The weight of the growing horror mounted. The raw, brutal truth about the alien invasions could no longer be dismissed or contained.

  Chaos and rioting ensued across the Gigacorps worlds like firestorms. Hysteria and panic, even on the majority of worlds not invaded thus far.

  If the Corps were still in denial, at least their people began to comprehend all too clearly what was happening, and what was going to continue happening.

  Even the average person could see, that once the invaders had the upper hand, why would they ever stop?

  Of course they would keep going. All the way to the total defeat of all humanity. Spacers and landers.

  All the while, the Ejjai clone invasions continued to spread their horror and extermination like an exploding plague. On both sides of the war’s border.

  The invaders did not need anyone’s permission or approval.

  Finally the outcry grew so great, that in less than three standard days of paralyzed stupidity and denial, eleven of the fourteen Gigacorps agreed to meet with representatives from the Clans and the Alliance to discuss the ‘potential’ crisis.

  They met at the heavily-guard naval shipyard base near the border at Dallos-7. Naero sat with the Intel Contingent helping represent the Clans. She had a wealth of data to present that was undeniable.

  The great meeting hall selected was a holographic dome forty meters high, primed with holo screens and all of the current INS feeds and links to the Alliance, the Corps, and all of the worlds currently involved in the conflict.

  To Naero’s stunned amazement, half of the Corps and their lackeys were still in denial.

  They still attempted to insist and explain away that the attacks on the Corps worlds by their new allies were simple mistakes. Unfortunate miscalculations, brought about by language difficulties and problems with translation.

  Despite the fact that the Ejjai clone hordes spoke basic Spacer Common perfectly well. And that the mistaken attacks were not decreasing–but, in fact, were for some inexplicable reason–increasing. Still spreading, across hundreds of vulnerable Gigacorps worlds and colonies. All in strategic places as it turned out.

  Naero listened to the banter of such Gigacorps mouthpieces and liars spout off for only a short while.

  No one had time for their sophistry crap.

  Not while trillions were already fighting and dying each minute that ticked by.

  She rose up and literally put her fist through the duranadium meeting table.

  Then she used the voice. “You idiots! You slimy fools! These are not mistakes. The enemy is not pulling back. They are surging forward at all costs, expanding their naked aggression on all fronts–and–in all directions.”

  She called up hundreds of horrendous, shocking videos on multiple viewscreens.

  The Corps mouthpieces still screamed. “These reports could all be easily faked!�

  Naero shook her head. “You filthy pack of morons. You’d betray your own children and fling them to the Ejjai. No one has to fake anything! These are live feeds. Check them with your own tek. This is raging while we waste time here arguing about the obvious!”

  Reports flashed up one after another. Naero rattled them off by name. One after another. “Taiko-3, Allatar-4, Pelendra-7, Naikadon-5…All Corporate worlds under siege.”

  The negotiation room grew very quiet.

  On Corps delegate moaned. “My family is on Pelendra-7!”

  Naero shook her head. “Not for much longer. Look at one of these planets at random: Mirado-6, one of the first Corps homeworlds attacked. Eighty percent of the population subjugated in less than three days. Twenty percent of the people slaughtered outright. Another eighteen percent has been scheduled to be processed alive like cattle in huge, automated meatpacking plants. Alien, enemy Meatships. The rest to be used as slaves, or food. As the enemy sees fit. These just aren’t Spacer enemies. These are the enemies of all humanity now. They have tipped their hand and revealed themselves to be the worst foe we all have ever faced! And we must face this threat together, before it is too late!”

  Some of the Corps people looked away. Even some of the military got sick and vomited, as the vid footage from Mirado-6 grew worse and worse.

  “What’s the matter? Can’t stomach this nightmare that you’ve unleashed? Not just on us and our innocent populations–but on your own? Don’t look away. Take a good look. The Ejjai think it hilarious to torture their victims mercilessly, for hours or even days, before butchering and eating them alive and screaming.

  This especially includes anyone helpless. The enemy takes great delight in singling them out and giving them special attention. ‘Cripples’ and ‘freaks’ as the Ejjai call the lame, the injured, the impaired, or the infirm. That also includes the elderly and the young.

  Pregnant women are especially singled out and considered great, valuable prizes.

  Ejjai will fight to the death over being able to possess and slowly devour them and the unborn. Alive.”

  The stunned Corps mouthpieces and the naval reps still tried to avert their gaze once again.

  Naero swept in among them with her enhanced speed yanked their heads back up with her own two hands.

  She wanted to snap their bloody necks, but resisted the urge to do so. She pointed repeatedly at the viewscreens surrounding them with the full weight of the truth.

  “Don’t you look away, you filth. You filthy, bloody scum. This is your handiwork as much as theirs. All of you did this, so take a good fucking look. You bastards brought this on us all. You allied yourselves with these invaders. You and your deluded leaders unleashed this hell on humanity, just as much as the enemy has. Look at those vids. Get a good fucking look, you sick, twisted assholes!”

  Naero pointed to the screens in utter fury.

  “May you all drown slowly in the blood you have spilled. Billions, maybe trillions of frightened children are being herded in camps to be used as prize food supplies. The Ejjai eat anything that is meat; fresh or rotting. They especially delight in feasting on the young of any species, even their own. Dozens of new cloning bases are being constructed on each world that falls, fed by their hellish meatships.

  “Here’s vid footage of victorious Ejjai generals and admirals, devouring and tearing apart screaming human babies, some ripped fresh out of their shrieking mothers, whose arms and legs have been broken to keep them from resisting. The Ejjai think it’s all hilariously amusing. They post stuff like this themselves openly on all of our channels. No one has to capture it. The enemy wants us to see this. They want us to fear them!”

  She let it all sink in.

  Three Corps people promptly shot themselves with concealed weapons–including the delegate from Pelendra-7.

  Everyone let them lay and bleed where they fell.

  “And that’s just one world. Mirado-6. Multiply this by hundreds, maybe thousands tomorrow or the next day. And let the horror of that sink into your twisted, vile minds.”

  The leader of the delegation rose up to contend with her. “Lies! All lies and Spacer propaganda. Everyone, do not be fooled by this. Anyone can fake these terrible vids. I will prove it to you. I will contact our new alien friends directly and let them tell you themselves! If you indeed wish to hear the truth, I challenge you. I dare you to let me open a channel to our allies!”

  “By all means. Please do so,” Naero said. “Go right ahead. We all want to hear what your new friends and allies have to say. How the coordinated invasion of hundreds of Corps worlds are all just mistakes.”

  The Corps leader worked at the com. Within seconds, a Dakkur face filled over half of the viewscreens.

  “This is High General Oth. What is the meaning of this, human contact? We are extremely busy. Why have you summoned us on a secure channel and revealed it openly?”

  Naero recognized him as the same Champion Dakkur, from the regenerated wounds she had made on his snout and the remaining scars. The arm he regrew from Hashiko’s deadly attack.

  This was the alien commander of the invasion, the one in charge of the Darkforce generators. The one who now called himself Oth.

  And Gallan’s killer. Naero was certain now.

  “Great leader of the Dakkur Empire. Please inform our people and re-assure them. And let our enemies tremble with fear at the fate that awaits them alone. As we have already requested and agreed upon, the Ejjai forces on every Corps world mentioned on our report will soon withdraw and depart. The attacks on them were in fact, all regrettable mistakes. Mistakes which shall be soon rectified and remedied. Your forces will depart from our worlds and join the battle against the spacks and their allies.”

  Oth merely stared. Then he laughed and said flatly.

  “Why are you wasting our time, human? I have consulted with my masters. There have been no mistakes, human ally. We attempted to explain our plan to your leaders many times before, but they had not the wits to perceive its complexity or perfection. The worlds selected all have great strategic value for both of our goals, that will lead us all to certain victory in the end.

  “You and your leaders insisted on the absolute defeat of the spack Clans. To fulfill these wishes, we have therefore decided that the sacrifice of these few hundred worlds of yours–and perhaps others as needed, will indeed ensure our mutual and total victory over the common foe. In the long run, you and your leaders must see that this is only logical. To defeat the spacks even faster, all time-tables must be sped up.”

  Oth coughed for a moment and then continued. “Therefore, a small percentage of your worlds must also be sacrificed, in order to ensure the long term peace and security of all the rest. Certainly you must see the logic of such sacrifice? It is simple math. Follow our lead, and victory and sustained prosperity will be assured for the vast majority in the long run. That is all that matters, is it not? Are we therefore agreed?”

  Now several of the Gigacorps reps shot to their feet, protesting.



  “We never agreed to anything like this!”

  “You were only supposed to attack the spacks and the Alliance worlds. Not this many of our own!”

  “Silence!” Oth roared. “We have decided that these plans cannot be revoked. These operations shall continue as planned, at full speed. Any who attempt to betray or oppose our efforts in any way, you and your worlds shall suffer the same fate as the spacks. Now, you have wasted enough of our valuable time. I say again. These plans cannot be revoked! Only contact us again with your apologies, and your complete submission to our goals. End transmission.”

  The uproar that followed grew tumultuous to say the least.

  Several Corps reps fell upon their former leader with hidden knives. Quickly stabbing him to death.

  The rest got on their com units and called out to their forces.

  Naero and Intel observed what hap
pened next.

  Within minutes, all along the strategic and tactical screens, half of the total Corps fleets broke and fled from the front lines in disorderly confusion and panic. Where they had just seconds before been winning decisively, even in the midst of battling the Clans.

  They panicked, turned, and fled.

  Racing back home to defend their own stricken worlds.

  The other half bunched up and began a slow fighting retreat. With the vengeful Clan fleets giving chase, licking at their heels.

  Some Corps fleets even began fighting each other in the complete confusion that followed.

  Back in their own space, the Corps fleets within range abruptly turned on their allies and attacked the expanding Ejjai invasion.

  Naero and Intel intercepted further heated calls between the former allies. Trying to pinpoint the location of the new aliens.

  Then to everyone’s surprise, the aliens played a hidden trump card.

  The Corps had been so quick to refit their ships with the new alien ion cannons.

  But when they tried to use them against the alien invasion...

  Every ship so-armed lost power and listed dead in space. Immobilized by the very same tek that had made them nearly invincible.

  One by one, the mighty Gigacorps fleets lost power and became useless. All of them, crippled in a matter of hours.

  Even the few Spacers and others who took pity on them and tried to help them restart their fusion cores could not find a way to do so.

  At the exact time that the full weight of these Corps fleets were needed most in the resulting Crisis.

  Left adrift, far from the same Corps homeworlds that desperately depended on them for defense.

  Suddenly the Corps fleets found themselves helpless and surrounded by their enraged foes among the Spacer Clans, who–until just recently–the Corps had been devastating without mercy or quarter.

  Things did not look very good for the Gigacorps or their navies. Or the Corps worlds that needed them at such a dire time.

  Naero and her fleet raced to join General Walker and his marines, repelling an Ejjai invasion on Nilar-2, a Joshua Tech homeworld annexed from Triax.


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