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Naero joins the Spacer Mystics to control her dangerous abilities. The most demanding of the High Masters gives her one choice: Succeed…or be destroyed. Then the Gigacorps launch a vast plan to destroy the Free Spacer Clans with superior numbers, terrifying advanced weapons, and horrific new alien allies. Naero and her friends fight for freedom and survival against the heaviest odds they’ve ever faced. Naero rolls the dice again and again, gambling with the fate of everything that matters to her. And she still can't even control herself. Put it all on the line with Naero’s Gambit!
About the Author
Mason Elliott grew up loving Science Fiction and Fantasy in all of their myriad forms. That love has transferred into his dedicated writing. Like most writers he lives a spartan lifestyle and yearns to devote his life even more to his writing, and someday retire on the Pacific coast. So be a fan, buy his stuff and enjoy!