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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

Page 42

by Harry Potter

  With a smile, Hermione replied, “Who am I to go against tradition?”

  Harry pushed his way past the house-elves and led Hermione into the tiny and cluttered room. He quickly closed the door behind him and the elves pleas and cries became muffled. Hermione drew out her wand and waved it at the door. Suddenly, the elves cries were silenced completely as she placed a Silencing Charm on the door.

  The only light in the cupboard filtered through the bottom of the door. It was a tight squeeze and Harry didn’t have much room to move, but he was up for the challenge.

  He took Hermione’s face in his hands and lovingly kissed her lips. Their tongues played with each other for a while and Harry’s hand began to wander down. His fingers worked in the near darkness on the buttons of Hermione’s blouse. Because of the cramped space, Harry wasn’t able to remove her bra fully. But that didn’t stop him from pulling it down enough to expose ‘Camilla’ and ‘Natasha.’ He trailed kisses down her neck and chest until he reached her wonderful nubs. Hermione groaned pleasurably as Harry played with each of her nipples in turn.

  Harry knelt down - which caused a couple of pails to rub against his back. He reached up inside of her skirt and pulled her panties down. Hermione had to place her hand on Harry’s shoulder for support as she stepped out of her knickers. Harry took one of his lover’s legs and guided it so that it was draped over his shoulder. Holding the front of her skirt up, Harry dove in. He worked his Parseltongue magic on her flower. Within a minute, Hermione was grabbing fistfuls of Harry’s hair and her knee was shaking.

  After she was good and wet, Harry stood and freed ‘Harry, Jr.’. The organ sprang out of Harry’s pants and was more than eager to play. Even though it was very dark in the cupboard, Harry was able to see a wicked smile on Hermione’s lips. The brunette witch turned around and stuck her bottom out at Harry.

  “Take me from behind,” Hermione said throatily.

  Harry gulped and braced himself. He was about to blindly follow through with Hermione’s command. He knew it would hurt her, but he wondered how much it would hurt him. He reckoned that that particular entrance was rather tight. He knew that he’d have to lubricate himself up before entering her nether hole. Would his spit be enough for the job? Would it be considered uncouth to spit a loogie on his own willy? It was also supposed to be a very messy way to have sex. Would Hermione be mad if Harry performed a Cleaning Charm on her bum as if he was saying she wasn’t hygienic enough?

  But then Harry suddenly remembered something. He remembered that Hermione stated very clearly that she was in no way interested in anal sex. He was so caught up in the moment that he had forgotten that.

  “Harry, I’m waiting,” Hermione moaned out and she playfully rubbed her bottom against him. Now Harry was very confused; he remembered that Hermione said no anal, but now she was propositioning him to do just that.

  “Um, I thought you said never that way?” Harry asked, still confused as to what Hermione was suggesting.

  “Take me from behind,” Hermione repeated in an annoyed fashion. “Not ‘take my behind’. Just go slowly, I’m still a little sore.”

  “Oh,” Harry replied.

  With one hand around the base of ‘Harry, Jr.’ and the other on Hermione’s round bottom, Harry rubbed his crown up and down Hermione’s vulva, smearing her juices on his tip. He felt Hermione shiver with delight and he decided to continue teasing his girlfriend. His crown slid up and down, caressing her tender folds and her clit. After a few moments of this action, Hermione hissed out “When I said ‘go slowly’, I didn’t mean this slowly.”

  “You want me to stop this?” Harry asked playfully as he slid his crown over her nether lips again.

  “Hurry up and stick that fucking thing in me!” Hermione commanded.

  “Do you really want it?” Harry asked and he could see Hermione nod her head. Even though he was more than happy to comply with Hermione’s wishes, he was turned on when she used foul language and he wanted her to talk dirty to him some more. “Tell me how badly you want it.”

  “I can’t handle it anymore,” Hermione began. “I want you to fuck me. I want your cock inside my wet quim.”

  And that was good enough for Harry. Gently, he pushed his way inside of her. Hermione groaned out as Harry stretched out her inner walls. Slowly and rhythmically, Harry made love to her.

  “Slowly, that’s it. It feels so effing good. I love it inside me,” Hermione moaned out. “Does my pussy make your willy feel good? Does it make you want to cum?”

  He wanted to thrust and pound away inside of her. But she had warned him to go slow and Harry fought the urge. It didn’t help that Hermione’s dirty talk was driving Harry mad.

  “Fuck me slow, Harry,” she purred and Harry felt his balls begin to seize up.

  “Hermione, I’m gonna cum,” warned Harry.

  “Do it Harry, cum in me,” she commanded.

  With a primal shout, Harry released himself. Panting, he removed himself from Hermione’s flower.

  “Did you like that?” Hermione asked and turned around.

  “It was fantastic,” Harry said and pulled her to him. “Now, did you like it?”

  “Very much so,” Hermione admitted. “It was much more enjoyable the second time. In fact, I was very close to climaxing.”

  “How close?”

  “Very,” Hermione answered. “I’d say about a minute or two, maybe less.”

  Harry looked down and silently asked ‘Harry, Jr.’ if it was ready for another go. The organ struggled against its drowsiness and bravely stood as if it was saying “I’m ready, Cap’n! For Queen and Country and all that!”

  Confident that he could last for another minute or two, Harry guided Hermione so that she was leaning against the wall.

  “Harry, what are you doing?” Hermione asked in surprise. When he reentered her flower, Hermione muttered a barely audible “Oh, my.”

  He knew he wouldn’t last long, but Harry wanted to make Hermione happy. He wanted desperately to return the pleasure she had given him. Every muscle in his body tensed up as he forced himself to stay erect for just a while longer. His cum and her juices coated his penis as he slid in and out.

  In the dim light, Harry could see her now mostly green eyes sparkle with desire and love. He felt her walls tighten around his member. Hermione wasn’t lying when she told him that she was close. In a short matter of time, Hermione screamed out as her ecstasy claimed her. She bucked and she reached out for something to grab on to help her remain standing.

  Unfortunately, that something was a broom that was just leaning against the wall. Not only did the broom not support Hermione, but because of her orgasm, she accidentally swung the broom... directly at Harry’s head. With a loud crack, the broom handle struck Harry’s head - right above his left eye.

  The two lovers began to crash to the ground. On their way down, their bodies hit a number of cleaning tools and supplies, sending them to the ground as well. Pots, pails, and brooms landed on top of Harry and Hermione.

  Mind you, during the fall, Hermione was still riding her orgasm. She bucked and thrashed on top of Harry as the various items rained down on them.

  After everything had settled - both the cleaning supplies and Hermione’s orgasm, Harry asked “How was it for you?”

  “Besides being pelted with brooms and whatnot,” Hermione breathed out. “It was a little squishy the second time. But I really liked it.”

  It took them a while to untangle themselves from each other and the brooms, but when they stood, Hermione magically cleaned herself and Harry. After dressing, Harry opened the door to find that the house-elves had not left. In fact, they had set up an impromptu candlelight vigil. Each one of the elves was dressed from head to toe in black rags, some were even softly crying.

  Hermione pushed passed the group and led Harry to the Great Hall.

  “Let’s get something to eat,” Hermione said. “I’m hungry.”

  When they arrived at the Great Ha
ll, two plates of food were waiting for them. Harry assumed that one of the house-elves had heard Hermione’s comment about being hungry and they had prepared some food for them. Each plate had a note card with their names on it, indicating whose plate was whose. It was also obvious that the house-elves acted on their threat to get revenge on Harry for having sex with the Great One.

  Hermione’s plate - the note card was marked “The Great One” in elegant writing - was loaded with luscious looking fruits, scrumptious kippers, and fluffy pastries. Harry’s plate - the attached note card had a very crude drawing of a stick figure being hung by its neck - was covered in rotting fruit, burnt-to-a-crisp kippers, and pastries that looked like they had been already chewed and spat out onto his plate.

  “Well, I guess they don’t like you very much,” Hermione stated as she compared the two plates of food.

  Seeing that Harry’s food was inedible, Hermione graciously shared her food with him. While they ate, Hermione continuously looked at the large bump and accompanying bruise on Harry’s forehead caused by the broom.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Harry consoled her. “I’ve had worse.”

  “Yes, but I’ve never cause one,” fretted Hermione.

  “It was an accident,” Harry pointed out.

  “But I still feel sorry,” Hermione pouted.

  “Alright then, you can make it up to me,” offer Harry in a knowing tone.

  Hermione blushed and scooted closer to Harry.

  “Would you like for me to make it up to you right now?” Hermione cooed in Harry’s ear.

  Harry was very keen on that idea. He imagined Hermione disappearing under the table and giving him head in penance for the accident. But he knew that ‘Harry, Jr.’ was too damn tired and it would be fruitless to do so.

  “Maybe a rain check?” Harry asked.

  In response, Hermione kissed Harry on the lips.

  “Am I interrupting?” a familiar voice asked.

  Harry looked up to see Tonks standing across the table. He was suddenly very happy that ‘Harry, Jr.’ was sleepy; if the organ had been up for Hermione’s offer, Tonks would’ve walked in to see Hermione slide under the table.

  “Tonks, you look beautiful!” Hermione commented. At first, Harry didn’t notice anything unusual about the Auror. She was wearing clothes a punk rocker would wear and her hair was bright blue; it was her normal look and Harry didn’t think that merited Hermione’s comment. But then he saw a rosy glow to Tonks’ face that accented her natural beauty.

  “Remus proposed,” Tonks stated and her glow grew brighter.

  Hermione shot out of her seat and rushed over to Tonks. The brunette witch threw her arms around Tonks.

  “That’s wonderful, Tonks,” Hermione cheered.

  Harry followed Hermione’s lead and hugged Tonks.

  “Of course, he had to because of the baby,” Tonks commented. “But I still said yes.”

  The three shared a laugh for a moment. Tonks’ eyes bulged when she finally noticed the bruise on Harry’s head.

  “Either you did something bad or you did something very good to deserve that,” the Auror said to Harry. Harry tried to act cool and composed, but he felt his face heat up. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw Hermione’s face become flush.

  “Oh, he did something really good, then,” Tonks quipped. “Did he make you cum?” she asked Hermione.

  “Tonks!” Hermione scolded.

  Then a wicked grin appeared on Tonks’ face. She quickly looked directly into Harry’s eyes then into Hermione’s.

  “He’s shagged your eyes green!” Tonks heralded at the top of her lungs.

  “Let me see,” Luna requested as she and Ron walked into the Great Hall. The blonde witch walked up to Hermione and cooed “Oh, they’re beautiful.”

  “Are they different?” Ron asked.

  “Yes Ron,” Hermione said in a perturbed manner. “They used to be completely brown.”

  “I never noticed,” admitted Ron.

  Hermione rolled her eyes at her red-haired friend.

  “Anyway, I’m here to drop this off,” Tonks said and she handed Hermione a small pink and blue envelope. “It’s an invitation to an emergency baby shower.”

  “Who’s having a baby?” Luna asked.

  “I am,” Tonks answered and raised her shirt so that she could proudly show her belly.

  “And she and Remus are going to get married,” Hermione added and Tonks’ smile somehow got even brighter.

  “Congratulations,” both Ron and Luna cheered.

  “When are you due?” Luna asked.

  “About two months,” Tonks said.

  “Two months!” Luna said with surprise. “But you’re not even showing!”

  “Yeah, these two effed up and tricked us into performing a ritual that made me preggers and accelerated the fetus’ growth,” explained Tonks. Luna nodded her head along with Tonks’ explanation while Ron just looked like he only understood “effed” and “preggers”.

  “You know one of the things a pregnant witch needs is a lot of potassium, right?” Luna asked.

  “Among a load of other things,” Tonks stated.

  “Well a wizard’s semen has a high amount of potassium in it,” Luna said.

  “Luna!” Hermione cried in shock.

  “It’s true,” Luna defended. “At a certain point in her pregnancy, Tonks won’t be able to have sex, but she can still pleasure Professor Lupin and help herself out...”

  “By swallowing,” concluded Tonks. Harry could tell by the mischievous look in her eyes that Remus was going to have a fun and enjoyable two months ahead of him.

  Trying to get past the awkward conversation about oral sex and pregnancy, Hermione held up the invitation and said, “I’ll be there.”

  “Oh, you can come too Luna,” Tonks said.

  “Why can’t we come?” Ron asked indicating both he and Harry.

  “Do you want to hang around a bunch of witches as we talk about dirty nappies and stretch marks?” asked Tonks.

  “Um, no,” Ron answered.

  “Besides, I thought about making it a shower for wizards and witches,” Tonks continued. “But when I fire-called your brothers Fred and George, they freaked out. They had blindfolded themselves for some reason and when I mentioned a shower they asked if any old witches would be there. I said that there would and they started to panic. So I decided to just invite witches.”

  Harry felt a sense of pride warm his heart. The prank he and Hermione had pulled was still working and it had obviously scarred Fred and George.

  “When is the shower?” Luna inquired.

  “Tomorrow night,” Tonks informed her.

  “That soon?” Hermione asked.

  “I did say it was an emergency shower,” Tonks said.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t go,” Luna said. “Ronald and I are having dinner with Daddy.”

  “First dinner alone with your girlfriend’s dad, huh?” Tonks asked in a frisky way.

  “Actually, we’re married now,” Luna corrected.

  “Wow, you two move fast,” commented Tonks.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” added Harry.

  “Well the first meeting is always the most awkward,” Tonks began. “It was a disaster when I took Remus to see my folks. They weren’t too keen on me dating someone thirteen years older than me.”

  “Hell, the first time I met Luna’s dad, he forced me to marry her,” Ron explained.

  “Okay, you two win the awkwardness award,” Tonks retorted. “But my dad was pretty furious that Remus was about only ten years younger than him...”

  As Tonks continued her story of the first time Remus met her folks, Harry noticed that Hermione had a peculiar look on her face.

  “Are you okay?” Harry whispered in Hermione’s ear.

  “Yes, but I’ve just realized that we need to do something,” Hermione paused and looked Harry straight in the eye. “I think its time for you to meet my parents.”
  Being a true Gryffindor, Harry suppressed the urge to run like hell. Chapter Eighteen: “Doctor, Doctor, give me the news...” After Tonks had left, Harry and Hermione had a very interesting conversation. “B-but I-I already m-met your f-folks,” Harry pointed out nervously. “You said ‘hi’ to them from across the room five years ago,” corrected Hermione. “That isn’t what I’d call ‘meeting them’.” “C-couldn’t we do this a-after we defeat V-Voldemort,” Harry suggested with a stutter. “I-I mean, I’v-ve got so much on my mind as it is; g-go to school, f-find the Horcruxes, f-face Voldemort. P-please, w-w-we’ll meet y-your parents a-after I defeat V-Voldemort!” At that precise moment, Harry was hoping that he’d lose the final battle with Voldemort. Death was a much more pleasing option to Harry than meeting the parents of the girl he was having sex with. “Harry, you’re the bravest person I know,” said Hermione. “You face danger constantly. Practically every madman in Britain has tried to kill you. You went toe to toe with a fire-breathing dragon for pity’s sake! How could meeting my parents be worse than that?” “Because I wasn’t boinking the dragon’s daughter!” Harry pointed out. “What, do you think I’m going to introduce you like ‘Mum, Dad, this is Harry. We’ve had sex in a broom-cupboard while a group of house-elves mourned outside’ or ‘This is Harry. I like to swallow his load’?” Hermione asked. “Please don’t,” Harry squeaked weakly. “Don’t worry Harry, my parents won’t know,” Hermione clarified. “It’s not as if I going to wear a sign that states we’ve had sex.” “But your eyes are green,” Harry retorted. “They’ll want to know why your eyes have changed color.” “I’ll simply cast a Glamour Charm on them so they look brown again. Besides, even if they did notice them, they’d never suspect how it happened. It’s not like they would ever associate eye-color change with sex.” Even with Hermione’s reassurance, Harry was still nervous about meeting her mother and father. So, to help bolster his confidence, Hermione took a page out of Luna’s book. Later that night, Harry and Hermione commandeered the fourth year boys’ room - because Ron and Luna were already in Harry’s room shagging like rabbits... again. What followed was a very interesting scene. As Harry lay on his back, Hermione rode him like a pony. She was bouncing up and down which made her boobs jiggle quite nicely. But what was very unusual was that in between thrusts and grunts, Hermione would tell Harry anecdotes about how nice and loving her parents were. “Um... my dad... oh... loves model trains... Merlin, that feels so-o-o-o go-o-ood... and when... ah... I was eight... wow... I broke... yummy... one of his favorites... yeah, right there... he was mad at first and yelled... uh... but then he bought me a lolly... grrr... to say he was sorry for yelling.” Harry wasn’t certain that he was feeling more confident about meeting her father or not, but he was becoming convinced that Hermione really enjoyed being on top. “Yes-s-s-s... and my mum... play with my titties, Harry... bakes wonderful... oh fuck... cookies... warm and gooey... all warm and gooey...” After they had finished, Hermione cuddled with Harry while she continued to praise her parents as they drifted off to sleep.


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