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J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]

Page 43

by Harry Potter


  The next day, Hermione left early in the morning to go shopping for a present for Tonks and the baby. She told Harry that her errand would most likely be an all day event and that she would head over to the shower right after shopping therefore she wouldn’t be back until late. Harry was a little bored without Hermione. He had grown used to her company the past few days - in particular when they were both naked and in each other’s company - and it felt a little odd that she wasn’t there. Thankfully, Ron and Luna were there to keep Harry company. Luna sat on the couch reading Harry’s ‘special book’ while the two wizards played chess. Every once in a while, Luna would read aloud a segment of the book that she found interesting. “It says here, there’s a position that causes the witch to sneeze and have spontaneous bouts of accidental magic,” the blonde witch read. “And here’s a ritual that causes plants and other vegetation to grow faster through the act of something the author refers to as ‘double-dipping’.” “That’s nice,” Ron said dispassionately as he moved one of his pawns right in front of Harry’s bishop. It was clear that Ron was still nervous about having dinner with his new father-in-law. Because of this distraction (or as one might call it; mind-numbing fear), for the first time, Harry was able to beat Ron. Around four in the afternoon, Luna and Ron left for their dinner date with her father leaving Harry to head down to the kitchens for an early supper. Unfortunately, the one sect of the house-elves were still upset about Harry having sex with Hermione and showed this anger in how they prepared his food. The meal, if one could call it a meal, consisted of festering meat of some kind, a small pile of dirt, and a boiled shoe. Although Harry had to admit that the shoe was very nicely garnished with some rosemary and thyme. It showed that the house-elves were still taking pride in their work. Given his options, Harry decided to head out to Hogsmede to fetch his supper instead. He walked into The Three Broomsticks, which was under new management seeing that Madam Rosmerta was still in St Mungo’s, and found Hagrid and Professor McGonagall sitting at a nearby table. “’ello there, Harry,” the half-giant called out. “Good ter see ya.” “Come join us, Mr. Potter,” requested McGonagall. “Thank you,” said Harry as he took an empty seat. After ordering some stew and a butterbeer from the waitress, Harry asked McGonagall, “Weren’t you invited to Tonks’ shower as well, ma’am?” “Yes, I was,” answered McGonagall. “But to be perfectly honest, those types of gatherings tend to bother me. It’s an excuse for witches to gather together and complain about dirty nappies and stretch marks.” After the three finished their meal, McGonagall brought up an interesting topic. “Draco Malfoy woke up earlier today,” the Headmistress stated. “He claims that he was running from Death Eaters. It seems that Mr. Malfoy didn’t have the stomach for it.” “Are they going to prosecute him for what he did?” Harry asked. “Not likely,” informed McGonagall. “What do you mean?” Harry blurted out. “At the very least, he helped the Death Eaters attack Hogwarts and kill Professor Dumbledore.” “The moment Malfoy woke up he started talking,” McGonagall explained. “He named a dozen previously unknown Death Eaters who were spying in the ministry. He also gave the location of a Hit-Wizard named Ross Rock, who has been missing for almost a year now.” “If ya ask me he was better left missing,” Hagrid commented after he took a massive gulp of ale. “For what e’s done, e’s an unbelievably arrogant bugger.” “That’s not a very nice thing to say about Rock, Hagrid,” McGonagall chastised the large man before commenting under her breath “Even though it’s true. “Because of this useful information that Mr. Malfoy supplied,” the Headmistress continued. “I believe that the Ministry is planning on giving Draco leniency.” Harry, McGonagall, and Hagrid made their way back to the castle as Harry pondered the information on Draco. Even though Draco may have done some good in turning over a few Death Eaters to the Ministry, it still didn’t sit right with Harry. Dumbledore was dead in part to Draco’s actions. In Harry’s mind, Draco should have to do a lot more than turn over some Death Eaters in order to earn forgiveness. Harry returned to his room and noticed that Hermione, Luna, and Ron had not yet returned. Picking up his ‘special book’, Harry headed up to his room to read up on some new techniques. An hour or so later, Harry heard Hermione call out from the Common Room. “Harry, are you in here?” she yelled. “Yeah, in my room,” Harry called out. He could hear her run up the stairs and he set his ‘special book’ on the bedside table. Hermione rushed in the room carrying a large paper bag. A huge grin was plastered on her face and her cheeks were a bright red. “I take it you had a good time?” Harry asked. “It was brilliant!” Hermione cheered. “Really?” Harry asked. “I didn’t know a baby shower could be so much fun.” In fact, both Tonks and McGonagall had told him that all that happened at these gatherings were discussions about pregnancy and babies. That didn’t sound like fun to him. Actually, it sounded rather frightening. “It wasn’t just a baby shower thanks to Courtney!” Hermione said and clutched the bag to her chest happily. “What did she do?” Harry inquired. Courtney had a wicked streak in her and Harry knew that the Auror-in-training could do some mischievous things. “Seeing how Remus and Tonks are getting married, Courtney officially declared that it was a bridal shower as well!” Hermione was as happy as a child on Christmas morning. “What does that mean?” Harry honestly had no idea what happened at a bridal shower. He assumed that since everyone talks about babies and pregnancies at a baby shower that in a bridal shower is full of discussions about weddings. But that didn’t give Hermione a reason to be so happy. Did someone hit her with a Cheering Charm? “Let me show you!” Hermione dumped the contents of the paper bag onto his bed. As the contents spilled out on his sheets, Hermione called out, “Courtney brought party gifts for everyone!” As Harry looked at the various objects that were now on his bed, he realized that a baby shower is nothing like a bridal shower. These items would be completely inappropriate to give to an expectant mother or the soon-to-be-born child. The first thing Harry saw on the pile was four sets of pink fur-lined leather cuffs. A long thin chain was attached to each of these cuffs. Hermione unsuccessfully attempted to force back a giggle when Harry picked up one of the cuffs. The next item looked like a short wand but it had a small ball on the tip. Harry had no idea why Courtney would give Hermione such a strange looking wand. A ping-pong paddle was lying alongside a red ball that was attached to some sort of long leather strap. There were several other devices of various sizes and shapes, but one of the items was easily identifiable; a very large and fluffy quill. When Harry picked up the big and fluffy feather, Hermione sighed happily. “Um, what are these?” Harry asked. “They’re toys!” Hermione said exuberantly. They were unlike any toys Harry had ever seen. He recalled his toys when he was a kid: broken toy soldiers and bent Frisbees; these items were nothing like his toys. Besides, even if they were toys, Harry had no idea what Hermione was so happy about. She was more a book person than a toy person. Hermione pushed all of the so-called toys except for the cuffs and chains off of the bed. Harry watched as she sat on the bed and then proceeded to wrap one of the cuffs around her left ankle. She then repeated the process on her right ankle and then both of her wrists with the remaining three cuffs. “Tap each one with your wand,” Hermione ordered with a touch of mirth in her voice. “Okay,” Harry uttered and then complied. A second after he had tapped the last of the four cuffs, the chains sprang to life. They shot out in four different directions, causing Hermione to fall back onto the bed. As Hermione was flung back onto the bed, she made a fairly happy “whee-e-e!” sound. Harry gulped and looked at his girlfriend in surprise. She was lying spread-eagle on her back. Judging by how taught the chains were, Harry assumed that Hermione could only move her arms and legs a couple of inches at most. “Don’t just stand there,” Hermione said eagerly. “Get to work.” “You want me to use one of these?” Harry asked disbelievingly and he held up the quill for example. “No, I want you to make a cake,” Hermione said with a giggle. “Now get these clothes off of me and tickle me with that fea
ther!” Harry was stunned yet again at how kinky his girlfriend was; she wanted him to strip her and then tease her with the feather. Thankfully the happiness he felt about having such an adventurous lover surpassed his surprise and he grabbed his wand. “Vestimentum Abripio!” Harry incanted and all of Hermione’s clothes disappeared with a pop. The only things she was left wearing were her socks and trainers. Hermione craned her neck and looked at her exposed flesh. “Well, I was thinking that you would’ve done that slowly. You know, drag it out a bit.” “I’m sorry, I thought you were in a rush,” Harry mocked. “If you’d like, I can put the clothes back on and we can start again?” “To hell with that,” Hermione hissed. “I’m so randy that I’m practically dripping.” To test Hermione’s word, Harry held his hand at her flower. Her heat radiated through his hand as it hovered less than an inch away from her petals. “Not quite yet,” Harry commented on her state of arousal. “But you’re getting there.” Harry held the feather over Hermione’s face and slowly brought it down so that it covered her nose and lips. With a deliberately unhurried pace, Harry dragged the toy down her chin, over her neck, stopping at the valley between her breasts. Harry began to draw a small circle in between her tittes with the tip of the feather. Tiny bumps blossomed all over Hermione’s skin and her body shivered as the feather tickled her. After a few seconds, Harry moved the tip so that it was circling her breast. Slowly, Harry closed the circle until it eclipsed ‘Carmella’. The bud rose up and poked out of the hair-like strands of the feather. Harry decided to congratulate ‘Carmella’s’ achievement of breaking through the feather’s fibers by giving it a kiss. His lips encompassed her nipple and Hermione groaned out. Harry repeated this process on ‘Natasha’ because he didn’t think it would be fair to leave the other nipple out. Hermione shivered as the feather dragged down her tummy and circled her belly-button. She groaned out in anticipation as Harry ran the tip over her hairless mon-pubis. Then he traced the feather down the insides of her thighs, just barely touching her flower. Hermione ground her hips, silently begging for Harry to continue. He ran the tip of the feather along her labia and she moaned. A sharp pain drew Harry’s attention to his own groin. ‘Harry, Jr.’ was so eager to play that the organ was trying to force its way through Harry’s trousers. Harry paused for a second to readjust his pants so that his penis had a little more room to expand. Harry returned his attention to Hermione and continued the tactic of teasing her flower for some time. He marveled at how Hermione moaned and how she struggled against her restraints. “Take me Harry,” Hermione moaned out. “I need you inside of me.” Normally, Harry would have been more than eager to follow her request - in fact, ‘Harry, Jr.’ was begging him to obey her command - but he got such a thrill at teasing her that he wanted to continue at it. The soft sounds she was making and the way she was wriggling truly excited him. He needed to see more. So Harry continued to tickle her pussy with the feather. Harry was amused by her reaction, Hermione felt pleasure at the feather, but it wasn’t enough. Her body was aching for release. “Har-r-r-ry!” she mewed in frustration and lust which only heightened Harry’s arousal and his determination to tease her. Her flower was glistening and the fibers of the feather began to clump and stick together. Resolving to cause her even more pleasurable frustration, Harry used two of his fingers from his free hand to begin to gently pry apart her petals to expose her clit. Hermione quickly tried to move her hips in hopes of some sort of penetration and relief, but Harry denied her. He spread her lips open and revealed her button. Hermione cried out when he touched the wet feather to her clitoris. She quivered and he traced her bud lovingly. It was something that he could do for hours... and he had every intention of doing so when Hermione looked at him with her beautiful brown-green eyes. “Please Harry,” Hermione cried pitifully. “I need you...” Harry placed the soiled feather to the side and focused on the image of a snake in his mind. He lowered himself and placed his lips to her womanhood and reached into the love that he felt for Hermione. She flowed into his mouth and on the sheets the moment his love-charge Parsletongue power entered her. Her juices dripped down his chin as he licked and suckled at her. He looked up at her as he worked his magic. Her entire body was glistening with sweat and her skin was flush and radiant. The chains were the only thing keeping Hermione from grabbing fistfuls of his hair. Harry could see her fingers claw at the air, looking for something to grab onto. “Sweet Baby Maeve!” Hermione cried out and Harry lapped at her honey as she orgasmed. Her legs tired to clamp down around Harry’s head but the restraints held them in place. He continued to eat her out as she rode her climax. “Get that thing in me now!” Hermione growled and panted. Not even bothering to undress fully, Harry lowered his trousers just far enough to pull his rock-hard member out. Harry slid himself into her sopping cunny and she squeezed him. “Fuck me hard, Harry,” she ordered. Harry didn’t let himself go completely; he doubted that he ever would, out of fear of hurting her, but he did allow himself to thrust away. He drove into his lover causing his hips to slap against hers. “Do it!” Hermione cried out. “Shag me!” Due to the speed of his thrusts, Harry didn’t last long. He pumped away and grunted as he spilled his seed into her. He continued to pump even after he had stopped cumming. His arms were growing weak and his body wanted to rest, but Harry ignored it. The look on Hermione’s face told him that she would be climaxing again soon and his exhaustion was nothing compared to his desire to pleasure Hermione. She didn’t make a sound when it hit her, but Harry felt and saw her body tense up. Her walls contracted around his organ. After she had finished, Harry lay on top of her and kissed her lips. “I love you so much, Hermione,” he whispered fondly. “I... love... you... Har...ry” Hermione breathed out as she fell asleep. Harry stayed there on top and inside of her. He enjoyed the sensation of her around him as much as he enjoyed watching her sleep. He took a great amount of pride in satisfying her so completely. A soft snore escaped Hermione’s throat and Harry smiled. He had no idea how much time had elapsed when a voice sounded behind him. “There are very reliable Door Locking Charms, you know,” Luna said. Without pulling himself out of his sleeping lover, Harry looked back over his shoulder to see Luna and Ron standing in the doorway. Luna had her ever-present dreamy look to her eyes while Ron had his hand pressed firmly over his own eyes. “If you didn’t know of any, you could’ve written simple a ‘Do Not Disturb’ note and stuck it to the door,” added Luna. “Okay,” Harry squeaked. He imagined that Luna was getting a very interesting and messy show from where she was standing. If he had his wits about him, he may have retorted that Luna should practice what she preaches because he had walked in on them as well. “We just wanted to pop in and tell you we’re back from our dinner with Daddy,” Luna informed Harry. “Okay,” Harry squeaked again. He was troubled that Luna wasn’t bothered by the sight of him lying on top of a bound and unconscious Hermione. “Daddy and Ronald got on smashingly,” Luna said happily. “Didn’t you Ronald?” “Yes,” Ron answered in a monotone with his hand still over his eyes. Harry was happy that at least Ron was bothered by seeing Harry lying on top of a bound and unconscious Hermione. “I was going to wish you two a good-night,” Luna stated. “But it’s obvious that you have already had one.” “Okay,” whimpered Harry. Luna began to turn, as if she was finally going to leave the room, when she paused. Her large blue eyes were fixed on the pile of toys that Hermione had brought back from the shower. Leaving her boyfriend in the doorway, Luna trotted up to the side of Harry’s bed. The blonde witch bent over - Harry noted that her head was uncomfortably close to his and Hermione’s joined hips while doing so - and retrieved the short wand. She stood back up and held the device in front of Harry’s face. “Can I borrow this tonight?” she asked exhilaration. “Okay,” Harry muttered. He still had no idea what the item was used for, but it was clear by Luna’s excited expression that she knew what it was. Once again, Luna turned to the door but stopped. Harry saw her eyes survey the wet sheets and she gave him the thumbs-up symbol. “Smashing job, Harry
,” she commented. “I know Ron’s not a Parslemouth, but you have to teach him some of your techniques.” “Okay,” murmured Harry. Before she left, Luna gave Harry a congratulatory pat for his job of satisfying Hermione into unconsciousness. Of course, the pat was on Harry’s naked arse. This caused him to recoil away from the smack which led to him accidentally thrusting his hips into Hermione’s, which caused her to snore loudly. Thankfully, Hermione was completely worn out. Harry thought it would be safe to assume that Hermione would be upset if she had woken up to find Harry still inside her while having a conversation with Luna. “Night, Harry,” Ron muttered with obvious embarrassment in his voice. “We’re going to be using this wand I barrowed in the Common Room, just to let you know,” Luna informed Harry before disappearing down the hall. Harry continued to lie in and on Hermione for a while. He was still in too much shock at having Ron and Luna walk in on the “after-glow” to move. After a few moments, Harry snapped out of his surprise and rolled off and out of his lover. He muttered a few cleaning spells and removed the cuffs from Hermione’s ankles and wrists. Pulling the sheet over them, Harry cuddled with Hermione. As Harry drifted off into sleep, he heard a distant soft buzzing sound accompanied by Luna’s giggle.


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