J K Rowling - [Harry Potter 0X]
Page 76
Hermione finally came running up to the counter and deposited an armful of toys and gadgets.
“Looks like you’re going to be busy tonight, Harry,” Alicia commented as she tallied up all of Hermione’s toys. The witch paused and held up a rubber plug and announced “From what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen in this book, I’m positive you’ll like this one.”
After Harry paid for Hermione’s toys, Alicia sniffed the air and asked “Why do you lot smell of sex?”
“That’s because Ronald and I, as well as Harry and Hermione, had sex in the alley just before we came in,” explained Luna. “Harry came on Hermione’s bottom.”
“Ah, that’s why the odor is so potent,” Alicia said with a smile.
After stopping in their chambers, where Harry stuffed one of Hermione’s new toys - a ribbed, pink, bum-plug - up her bottom, the young couple made their way to the Great Hall for dinner. As they walked... well, as Harry walked and Hermione limped - he proudly commented, “You are such a kinky girl.”
“And you love it,” Hermione said with a smile.
“Oh God, yes.”
“Then you better heed the twins’ suggestion: ‘Never let me go,’” she said with no shame as the plug wriggled in her bottom with each step.
“Oh, I’ll never let that happen,” Harry said and placed an affectionate kiss on her cheek. Jokingly, he added, “It would be downright stupid of me to let a girl who likes to swallow leave.”
“And don’t forget buggering,” offered a familiar voice. Courtney strolled around the corner and clarified, “Never let a girl go who likes to get bum-shagged. They’re definitely a keeper.”
“Very true,” Hermione said with a nod.
“Speaking of buggery; is that why you’re walking with a limp?” Courtney asked as she fell in step with the teen lovers. “Did Harry roger you so hard that he hobbled you?”
“No, as a matter of fact, I have a rather large and exceedingly pleasant plug up my bottom,” Hermione answered. Brazenly, the brunette added; “Although, after supper, Harry’s going to spank me silly, pop the plug out, and then shag me so hard that I’ll be limping even without the plug.”
“Both of you are so wildly naughty,” Courtney congratulated. “Even if Draco and I had sex in every cupboard in the castle - which we’re trying to do before term is up, it’s important to set goals - we’ll never reach the lofty heights you two have set.”
Harry stopped walking and asked in a serious, but nervous tone, “Ah, Courtney, about Draco. He’s still giving me the ‘eye.’”
“Oh, that,” Courtney said with a cute blush to her cheeks. “I wasn’t completely correct when I said Draco wasn’t a poofter. After some ‘probing,’” she said the word knowingly, “I’ve changed my assessment - Draco’s mostly not-gay. I’d say he’s about twenty to thirty percent light in the loafers. This makes him mostly straight, I’m more than happy to say.”
Harry gulped fearful over the notion that Malfoy was gay - even if it was only twenty or thirty percent.
“How did you come to that conclusion?” Hermione asked. She, too, was fearful over this development. Of course she wasn’t as worried as Harry. But then again, she wasn’t the one Malfoy wanted to bugger.
“Well, have you ever heard of pegging?” the Auror in training asked.
“No,” Harry and Hermione both replied.
“Well, then, I can’t tell you what it is, because it’ll probably give Hermione some ideas,” Courtney informed. She explained “But, pegging doesn’t make a bloke gay, necessarily. However, the words and phrases of encouragement that Draco was saying - or rather shouting at the top of his lungs - kind of told me he still craves some stiff man-meat. A rather specific man’s meat, if you follow my meaning. If you don’t, I’m referring to Harry’s meat.”
Again, Harry gulped. This time, he swallowed a mouthful of hot bile that had been threatening to escape.
“Don’t worry, sugar,” Courtney said comfortingly. “I’m just the girl to keep him from trying to hump you.” She patted Harry on the shoulder and said cheerfully; “Speaking of which - I’m off to go shag my blond-boy-toy! There’s a bunch of cupboards on the third floor we haven’t fucked in yet!”
With a happy trot, Courtney left Harry and Hermione to go fetch Draco.
“I think I lost my appetite,” announced Hermione who had a green tinge to her face.
Harry, who assumed that his complexion was a shade that would of put Hermione’s green tinge to shame, just nodded his head in agreement. As a pair, the two turned and headed back to their chambers in silence. Harry was so lost in thoughts of Draco still pining away for him that he had forgotten about Hermione’s bum-plug and subsequent plan of spankings and shag.
However, Harry’s fears over the threat of Draco were chased from his head when he and Hermione entered their chambers to find a brilliant, silver doe waiting for them. Chapter Thirty Two: The book goes on sale under a cloud of protest and Harry follows the doe.
The silver doe trotted slowly to the door Harry and Hermione had just entered. Once in the hall, the doe-shaped Patronus shook her head in a way that gave Harry the impression that it wanted him to follow.
Clearly thinking the same thing, Hermione made to follow, but Harry quickly took hold of her arm.
“It might be a trap,” stated Harry suspiciously, looking at the silvery doe.
“Harry, it’s a Patronus; a witch or wizard needs to focus on happy thoughts in order to be able to cast it,” argued Hermione while the doe in question waited in the hall. “That means whoever created this had to have happy thoughts and therefore won’t kill you.”
“Voldemort is a sadist. To him, happy thoughts include torture and murder,” countered Harry. Knowing that Hermione would press the issue, Harry decided to distract her from the doe. The wizard let go of Hermione’s arm and walked to the cupboard at the back of their room.
“Harry, this might be very important,” urged Hermione, just as Harry had predicted. “Whoever sent this must have something vitally important to tell us.”
“But, I made a promise earlier and I can’t go back on a promise,” he said vaguely, opening the door to the cupboard.
“Who did you make a promise to?” the brunette witch asked as Harry reached into the storage compartment.
“This fella,” he replied and boldly held up Hermione’s wooden paddle. Her eyes, sparkling and wide, stared adoringly at the wooden tool. Turning it in his hand slowly so that his lover could see every part of it, Harry continued; “I told this little guy that he was going to get to play with your bottom. Now, if we go follow this Patronus, not only is there a possibility that we might be walking straight into a trap, but this poor little paddle won’t get the chance to whack your bare bum. And that would make the paddle sad.” Harry cradled the toy to his chest and added playfully, “We don’t want to hurt the paddle’s feelings, do we?”
Hermione spun around and, addressing the doe, spoke rapidly; “I’m sorry, but we’re very busy. Come back some other time.” She slammed the door with a resounding crash.
“That’s my girl,” Harry said affectionately. “Now let’s get you ready.”
With a twirl of his wand, a pair of fur-lined cuffs flew out of the cupboard and soared toward Hermione. The young, and overly kinky, witch squealed happily as the cuffs bound one of her wrists and pulled it behind her back. With another willing squeal, Hermione placed her free hand behind her back and smiled brightly when the cuff closed around this hand as well.
“Shame on you, Miss Granger,” Harry scolded. “You didn’t take the time to get undressed.”
“But you cuffed me before I could strip,” she protested.
“Are you giving me lip?”
“If it means I’ll get a good, long paddling as punishment, then hell yes I’m giving you lip,” she said proudly.
“Such an improper attitude, Miss Granger. I fear that I must beat such behavior out of you. You force my h
and, young lady,” Harry said, slapping the paddle against his own hand for effect.
“O-oh,” purred Hermione. “If I were wearing knickers, they’d be soaking wet right now.”
“Really? I must be getting better at this dirty-talking stuff,” Harry said with an earnest smile.
“Yes, you’re splendid,” cheered Hermione. “Now get me out of these clothes!”
With a flick of his wand, all of Hermione’s clothes vanished with a pop. Instantly, Harry saw the light glisten off of Hermione’s bald feline. At first, Harry was going to make a comment regarding the truth of Hermione’s statement about wet knickers. But our hero decided to give his lover a treat and scolded “What a perverted witch you are! You’re wet, just like a common strumpet!”
“Oh, God yes!” she breathed out and her whole body flushed.
“Bend over the arm of that couch!” demanded Harry.
Giggling, Hermione trotted over to the couch and promptly threw herself over the arm, effectively sticking her bare arse up in the air, presenting it to her lover. Harry placed the paddle on the table in front of the couch and began massaging Hermione’s lovely cheeks. Once her bum was ready, meaning that an ample amount of blood was flowing through its fleshy goodness, Harry retrieved the paddle.
For the next twenty minutes, give or take a minute, Harry delivered blow after blow to his lover’s naked bottom. With the expertise that comes with time and practice, Harry skillfully paddled, smacked, and whacked Hermione’s twin orbs. At one point, the paddle became a blur of motion. This action turned Hermione’s bum into a convincing interpretation of the sea during a storm. Her now red flesh rippled and waved and her cheeks slapped together, causing even more ripples. For a while, Harry smacked Hermione’s right cheek with the paddle, which was in his right hand, and slapped her left with his bare left hand. This caused her two cheeks to slap together and illicit happy sounds and screams from Hermione. Occasionally, the young wizard paused in his “loving attack” and massaged her rump. Not only did he do this to give the brunette pleasure, but he also did this to aid in the blood flow in the region to heighten her experience.
When all was said and done, or rather when Harry’s wrist became sore, Hermione’s bottom had taken on the appearance of a polished ruby, just the way she liked it. Harry was even able to see his blurred reflection in her nearly glowing skin. The pink nub of the bum-plug - still stuffed firmly up her happily assaulted backside - stood out in contrast to this ruby color. And, much like her bottom, Hermione’s flower was engorged and fiery red, shining with her love juices.
“Shag me, Harry,” Hermione commanded with a growl.
The dark haired wizard placed his hand on Hermione’s enflamed bottom and squeezed it. The witch’s breath hitched. Still squeezing, Harry said “Tell me I can do anything I want to you.”
The brunette licked her lips hungrily and responded, “‘Anything’ within reason.”
This was unacceptable to Harry. It wasn’t like he was going to do something inappropriate, just dirty - something really dirty actually. He knew that Hermione was aware of this and had most likely amended his command to toy with him. So, to play along with his lover, Harry took a firm hold of Hermione’s other cheek. His fingers dug in slightly into her tender, sensitive orbs as he gently pushed and pulled them apart.
“A-ah-a,” Hermione groaned out. “If you promise to make it rough, you can do anything you like!”
“‘Make it rough?’” he asked rhetorically. “My goodness, woman, I just spanked your bum for twenty minutes and you want me to make it ‘rough?’”
“Actually, it was eighteen minutes and forty-three seconds,” corrected Hermione. “I can see the clock from this position.”
“I really do have a kinky girlfriend,” commented Harry, repositioning himself over the witch in question.
“And I want dirty talk, as well,” the brunette called for, wrapping her legs around Harry.
Before Harry even pushed into Hermione’s flower, he started out by tugging and tweaking on his lover’s nipples while saying such things as “My, you’re a naughty, wicked little girl,” “Moan for ‘Harry, Jr.’” and “Dirty girls like a cock in their soppy cunny” this comment coincided - or arguably, caused - an orgasm for Hermione. The brunette added her own dirty comments to the mix; “Pound ‘Miss Nibbles’ with ‘Harry, Jr.’.” and “Make my pussy drip.”
After much nipple tugging and tweaking, labia pinches, a plethora of rather foul words, hair tugging by both parties, pulling out the bum-plug and reinserting it twice and a handful of “SWEET BABY MAEVE”’s, Harry felt his climax approaching quickly. In a rapid motion, Harry jumped up and stood so that ‘Harry, Jr.’ was hovering over Hermione’s face. Hermione, being the kinky girl she was, immediately opened her mouth, obviously thinking that was what Harry wanted.
“No, no, close your mouth,” Harry said while giving himself a ‘firm handshake.’ “And you’ll want to close your eyes, too.”
“What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes fixed on the spongy crown bouncing in front of her nose. Harry was fairly certain that Hermione knew what he was about to do, she just wanted to hear him say it.
“I’m gonna cum on your face,” he pointed out, pumping away with his fist. “Remember; you said I could do anything I wanted.”
The moment before Hermione closed her eyes, Harry saw a familiar naughty twinkle in her eyes. With a grunt, Harry launched the first stream of sticky fun. Hermione flinched, but kept her face in place as the ejaculate splashed across her nose and cheeks. The second burst landed on her chin while the third arched so high that most of it fell on her forehead and hairline. Feeling particularly kinky himself, Harry continued to pump and squeeze, causing little droplets of warm spunk to land on Hermione’s chin, lips, and nose - the latter of which he had been aiming at for the entire time. And Harry’s kinkiness didn’t stop when he was empty, no, after he was good and dry, he used his still hard organ as a makeshift meaty paintbrush and smeared his discharge all over her face.
While Harry caught his breath, Hermione requested “Fetch me a towel so I can get this stuff off.”
“No,” he answered. “You’re going to wear it while I rub some ‘Bruise-be-Gone’ ointment on your bottom because you’re a naughty girl and you like it like that.”
With her eyes still firmly shut, Hermione seemed to ponder over Harry’s statement for a moment. Then the brunette parted her lips and ran her tongue along her messy lips before answering, “You know me so well.”
A short while later, as Harry applied the second dose of ‘Bruise-be-Gone,’ which took a goodly amount of rubbing - much to Harry and Hermione’s shared pleasure, the brunette brought up a new topic.
“I think whoever cast that Patronus had some kind of affectionate connection to your father,” she said with a smile that cracked her now-dried sperm facial mask.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, your Patronus is a stag, the animagus form your father took. Your subconscious must have remembered that your father could turn into a stag and thereby affected the shape your Patronus takes,” Hermione began. “Basically, whenever you cast your Patronus, your loving thoughts take the form of your father.
“And we know that Tonks’ Patronus changed to a wolf when she fell in love with Remus, clearly representative of him,” she added. “So it’s a logical deduction that the form the caster’s Patronus takes is representative of their affection.”
“And since my dad was a stag animagus that means whoever cast that doe Patronus had feelings for my dad,” summarized Harry.
“Exactly, the doe is the feminine counterpart to the stag,” Hermione stated. “It’s safe to argue then that this person is an old flame of James. Perhaps a witch he dated before he began dating your mother.”
Harry thought about this theory for a moment. Had the witch who cast the doe Patronus wanted to lure Harry into a trap like he had assumed previously? If the witch had affection for his father, this wa
s not likely. But then again, if Harry had followed the doe, then he wouldn’t have been able to make love to his sweet Hermione. The memory of the recent shag added with the constant bum rubbing had piqued ‘Harry, Jr.’s interest once more.
“Well, we’ll deal with whoever cast it later. There are more pressing issues at hand,” Harry said.
“Like what?”
“All this bottom massaging has gotten me hard again.”
“Tell you what, pop that plug out and you can bugger me in the shower,” offered Hermione, happily.
“Oh, you make it sound so romantic,” said Harry, wrapping his fingers around the nub-handle of the plug, eager for the promised shared naughty shower.
The next morning, Harry walked into the Great Hall for breakfast with Hermione and her seemingly ever present limp following close behind.
“Muff grr dit grr,” Ron “said” with his mouth full of partially chewed food.
“Ronald said ‘You won’t like this,’” Luna translated, handing Harry and Hermione the Daily Prophet. The front page had a picture of an elderly witch with a mean frown. It read:
“Public outcry over ‘foul and disgusting book!’
A new book, sold exclusively at Franklins of Cardiff, entitled Books of Love Magic: Volume One has created uproar from a concerned group of citizens.
Mary Swan-Cummings-Smith-Marshal-McGuffin along with her group, Proper Behavior Now, has launched a boycott campaign against the book written by newcomers Puckle, Hunter, Gaiman, and Weatherby. The book, which depicts sex-based magic for everyday use including but not limited to home defense, offends Miss Swan-Cummings-Smith-Marshal-McGuffin.
“Such a foul thing!” she told this reporter. “It encourages debasing behavior!”
In order to be fair in his coverage, this reporter received two advanced copies of Books of Love Magic: Volume One. One was given to Mrs. Banon Asgre, a certified Ward Master who is employed by the Ministry, while I retained the other in order to see if the spells and rituals listed work.