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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  As I make my way back downstairs, I head outside and to my bike. I don’t even wait for the guys to come out here and meet me. Straddling my bike, I peel out of the driveway and ride down the road. I’m not sure where the fuck I’m going, but I head away from the clubhouse and the house that I was sharing with Callie; her home. My thoughts are filled with turmoil about what I’m gonna end up having to do to bring her home and make sure that she’s okay. Based on the looks of the girls in that house, I know that Callie will never be the same again. She’s going to be damaged and hurt more than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life. But, I vow to do what I can to help her through whatever horrors she’s suffering at the hands of the men that have started a war with Satan’s Anarchy.

  Pulling into a gas station, I park next to the pumps so I can fill my bike up. I pull my phone out and see that there are over ten missed calls and more than a few messages that I’ve missed while riding and searching town once again. Everything in me is screaming at me not to answer any of them. But in the next second I realize that it might be news about Callie, and I have to answer them. Ignoring everything other than the fact that most of the calls are from Hawk. On top of being the secretary of Satan’s Anarchy, he’s the club’s tech guy too. He’s a genius with tracking anyone that gets in our way or that goes missing.

  “Hawk, please tell me you got somethin’,” I say in way of greeting as I remain on my bike and pull the nozzle from the pump.

  “Nothin’ other than the car bein’ at the house you guys went to earlier. Where you at?” he asks, dashing my hopes once again.

  “Searchin’,” I answer, hanging up the nozzle once my tank is full and putting my kickstand down so that I can go in and pay.

  As I get to the door and go to open it, I hear the rumble of motorcycles pulling in. Ducking into the store, I make out three of the men that were at the garage the day that we held the Grand Opening. Hawk is still on the phone and I watch them pull up to the pumps and fill their bikes. They’re laughing and joking like they don’t have a care in the world.

  “Hawk, I need you to send some guys to me. Track my phone so that you always know where I’m at until they get with me,” I tell him, hanging up the phone so that I can follow the men.

  When they come in the store to pay for their gas, I watch them make a mess of everything in their path to the counter. One of the men opens snacks, takes a few bites, and throws it on the floor. He does the same thing with drinks, chips, and pulls all of the hotdogs and sausages off the rollers where they’ve been cooking. Everything in me is telling me to attack them right now, but I know that I need back-up and I need them to lead me back to wherever Callie is being held. This is the only chance we have to make sure that we find her.

  Renegade, Grave, Psycho, Snake, and Doc catch up to me not long after I left the gas station. I’ve followed the men for almost forty miles making sure not to get caught by them. They have no concern for the road or other vehicles on the road around them. I watch as they get dangerously close to other cars as they pass them and then slow down to nothing as they pull back in front of those cars. These men have a death wish and want to take as many people down with them as they can.

  We follow them to an old warehouse that it’s in the middle of nowhere. There’re woods on one side and a body of water on the other side. I can’t see how big the water is at this point, but I know that it’s going to ensure that no one can get out on that side of the warehouse. Yeah, they can get through the woods, but it’s going to be difficult with how dense they are. The guys and I pull into a little hideaway at the edge of the woods and make our way closer on foot. We don’t want anyone to hear us coming so that we can watch and see what’s going on for a little while.

  “We’re gonna need the rest of the guys to bring guns and ammunition before we go in there,” Renegade says crouching down so that he’s hidden from anyone coming in from the road. “For now, we watch and wait to see how many men come in and if any of them leave.”

  I crouch down in the woods, farther down than my brothers. It’s taking everything in me not to go in there right now and get Callie away from these monsters. As the daylight fades and night begins to take hold, I watch as the men laugh and joke around outside like they haven’t started a fucking war. They simply don’t care that Callie is in there and they’ve done whatever they want to her. Well, they’re about to find out that their last day on Earth is coming. It may not be at my hands, but they will all die by my brothers or me. No one will be saved from us as they have one of ours.

  My brothers are quiet as we watch them. I try to take breath after breath as my imagination runs wild with the torture Callie’s suffering through. It feels like my breath is stuck in my chest though. She’s so fucking close and I can’t do anything about it. It’s hard to concentrate and sit back while we wait for the rest of the guys to show up and bring what we need to make sure that we all make it out of here alive and they die. Grave, Psycho, Snake, Doc, and Renegade leave me alone as I sit and never once lift my eyes from the building holding my heart hostage.


  I can’t tell you how long I’ve been in captivity. Hadliegh and I haven’t been separated since I woke up. Well, I should say we’re kept in the same cell. She’s been trying to divert the attention from me as much as she can. The result is that she’s been beaten and raped more than what was happening before I showed up. Neither one of us can move very well and we spend more of our time blacked out from pain than we do awake. I am still saved from being raped repeatedly because they still believe that I’m untouched. It’s a secret that we’re both keeping well protected. Even though I’d give anything to take some of the pain and brutality away from Hadliegh, she won’t let me.

  When the men come in to take me, I am beaten and tortured for any information that I have on the Satan’s Anarchy. They don’t believe that I haven’t known about the club from the very beginning since my grandma was involved with one of the men in the club. As far as they believe, anytime I went to visit her, I saw the men and would hang out with them. No matter how many times I tell them that it’s not the truth because of my parents, they think I’m lying to save the men. Even if I did know something about them and what they do, I wouldn’t say a word to these despicable assholes. They’re also trying to get any information I might know on another club; the Phantom Bastards. I’ve never even heard of that club. Not until I came here and they told me about them.

  “Come on bitch,” a male voice says, stirring me from the little bit of sleep I was managing to get. “Get the fuck up! Boss wants a word with you again today.”

  I’m pulled from my spot on the freezing cold cement and dragged by the hair on my head as I don’t have the energy to stand on my own two feet anymore. Not to mention that one of my ankles have been broken and I can’t put any weight on it. One of my wrists have been sprained or broken and I know that I have more cuts than I can count on my body and several burns on my back and chest. I have bruises all over my body, especially my chest. These men haven’t managed to break Hadliegh or me yet and I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

  “Are you ready to talk today?” the man only known as boss asks as I’m pulled into the room and chained up to the ceiling.

  “Fuck you!” I say as loud as I can. I’m hanging from the chains and let my body weight fall putting more pressure on my wrists and shoulders. The pain that rips through my body and wrist is overwhelming and I want to cry out, but I refuse to give them that satisfaction as much as I can.

  ‘Boss’ laughs since I’ve only started swearing. I don’t know if it’s the situation or the fact that I’ve been with Hadliegh for so long. She swears like a sailor and I know that it’s not because of the situation that we find ourselves in; that’s just who she is. I’m barely able to watch him come toward me as my eyes are swollen almost all the way shut. But I feel his hand run up my arm and around to my chest. He grabs one of my breasts and squeezes as hard as he can. I wince in pain as he continue
s to abuse me.

  “Let’s see if we can find a new way to try to bring out the information that I want,” he says, turning around and grabbing a knife.

  Before I know what he’s going to do, he slices the skin on my chest. He makes several deliberate marks and it’s like he’s carving a word on my skin. The slices hurt and burn with each knew slice he makes. Whatever he’s writing into my skin, the top of the letters is the worst part. It’s like he deliberately slices harder and deeper at the beginning before sliding the blade almost all the way out of my skin. He’s not done yet though. I feel him walk around to my back and receive the same treatment as I just got on my chest. This man’s goal is to make me as undesirable as he possibly can. I’ve been reminded time and time again that he can do whatever he likes to me as long as I’m still alive and untouched. I’m fair game for anything else that they feel like doing to me. Including making me give them all blow jobs as often as they can get away with it.

  The first time he tried to stick his nasty, pencil dick in my mouth, I threw up on him. There was no way that I could stomach the thought of giving him any sort of pleasure. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t willing and he was going to take it anyway. I got a beat down, and then he forced my mouth open while I was almost unconscious. The only thing I could think of was biting down as hard as I could. That’s when they started making sure another guy was around to basically pry my mouth open and ensure that I couldn’t use my teeth in any way while they took what they wanted.

  Today is the first day that I’ve begun to wish for death to claim me. Not only will it save me from further torture at these men’s hands but that he’ll have the men that want me after him when I’m found dead. They’ve already been paid for me instead of having to cart me to some auction with the rest of the girls they have in their possession at the moment. I guess I should be glad that I don’t have to get ‘dressed’ up and be paraded around a bunch of old men that want to buy someone to do whatever horrendous things they wish to. No, my only thought is of Bear and how he’s going to react when he finally lays eyes on me again. If the damage being done to me is more than he can handle, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do. He’s become so important to me and I’ve never experienced the feelings that I have for him. I’m sure that he’s made it his mission to find me and bring me home, but the aftermath is what I’m worried about. I know that the guys will find me; I’ve never once given up the hope that they’ll rescue me. It’s just taking longer than I anticipated.

  When carving words into my skin doesn’t get me to talk, the beating once again begins. They continue to punch, kick, bite, and do whatever else enters their demented little minds. The pain makes me black out once again before they take me down and carry me unconscious back to the cell. I never know if Hadliegh will be there when I get back or not; it’s hit or miss if they’ve already taken her for whatever information they believe they want to get from her. Of if it’s one of the times that they just want to play their games and try to break the strong and independent soul that she is.

  We haven’t been able to share too much of our past with one another because most of the time we can barely talk above a whisper. It’s hard to breath as they bruise and break our ribs and I’ve watched Hadliegh cough up blood more times than I can count. She’s seriously injured and needs medical attention but I can’t do anything about it until the guys get here to save me. I’ll make sure that they bring her too so that she can escape the hell that we’ve been forced into.

  “Let her be for now. I’ll come back in a while and see if freezing to death here will help change her mind. Go make sure the air is turned up down here so that the floor is even colder than usual,” the guy in charge says, leading the men from the room and slamming the door shut behind them.

  I can feel the blood seeping from the wounds that have just been inflicted on me. Along with old wounds that have been opened back up from the assault I just went through. It’s a feeling that sends shivers through my body and one that I’m becoming used to at the same time. Knowing that I’m alone, I let the tears flow down my face and drip into the pool of blood that already rests below me. I’ll never let them see me broken and crying. I’d rather die.

  Thoughts of Bear invade my mind as I try to push them away. I just don’t have the energy to fight anything right now. Pictures of him that I’ve burned into my memory assault me and that causes the tears to flow even harder. More realizations begin to invade my mind as I become aware that I’ll never get out of here. While I know that the guys will come for me, I fear that it will be too late. There’s been too much damage done to my body and my mind is becoming weaker every day that I’m here. The only times that I find any sort of strength is when I do think of the man that has my heart. But, it’s also in those times that I know he’s truly the only one that’s going to break me. So, I fight to push thoughts of him away once again.

  Chapter Ten


  WE’VE BEEN OUT HERE ALL NIGHT, waiting for the rest of the guys to show up with everything we need. While Grave, Renegade, Psycho, and Snake have been talking and resting, I’ve been staying where I am and never taking my eyes off of the warehouse. Guys from the Scavengers have been in and out all night long. They’ve been partying and getting drunk. Only a few of the men have remained sober. I’m guessing that those are the ones that are supposed to keep whoever is in there under lock and key.

  I’ve been tempted multiple times to just say fuck it and run over there to save Callie. Renegade knew what was going through my mind and made sure that when he saw me getting to that point he’d remind me that I wouldn’t do Callie any good if I was dead. Going in with one gun and no more ammunition than what’s already loaded is sure to leave me dead before I made it halfway to the warehouse. Fucked up or not, these guys are dangerous and I know that we have to wait. Our guys will be here soon and then we can storm the warehouse and take my woman back. We can get her the help that she needs and make sure that no harm comes to anyone else ever again.

  “They’re ten minutes out. Hawk is goin’ to load everythin’ up on the way so that all we have to do is grab and go,” Renegade says, standing up and stretching out while we all get ready to go.

  The ten minutes that it takes for the rest of our men to get here seems to take forever. I’ve been waiting almost a full month to lay eyes on the woman that has captured my heart and soul. Now that we’re almost ready to save her and destroy the men that took her, I can taste it. I want to make sure that they suffer as much as she’s suffered in the last month. I’ll look at my woman and then make sure that they feel every single thing that they did to her. Rage begins to boil once again in my veins as I think of all the possibilities that they’ve done to her. The fear that they’ve raped her runs rampant right along with the rage. My body is vibrating with the feelings going through me right now. It’s only going to get worse once I lay eyes on Callie and see what they’ve done to her.

  “We’ll get her,” Psycho says, placing a hand on my shoulder as he steps up beside me.

  “Their leader is mine,” I say, turning to face my brothers. “I don’t give a fuck what’s done to the rest of the men other than they die, but that motherfucker is mine. I’m goin’ to make him pay for every scrape and cut that she’s suffered.”

  “You have my word,” Renegade says, walking over to me as we hear a vehicle coming down the road.

  We all get ready as the van pulls up and the side door slides open. I reach in as soon as it stops and grab two guns. There’s a second van that passes by and parks on the other side of the road leading to the warehouse. Turning away from my brothers I begin to make my way to the outer edge of the forest. Footsteps behind me let me know that my brothers aren’t wasting any time in getting to the warehouse to save Callie. The only reason that we know she’s here for sure is that I moved closer during the night and heard the men talking about her screams and how sweet they sounded to them. Along with some other ‘bitch’ that they’ve had even lo
nger than my sweet Callie.

  Psycho and Smokey follow me while the rest of the guys all split up so that we can surround three sides of the warehouse. Hawk pulled up blueprints of the warehouse while we were here and told us that there’s no exit on the side of the lake. It stops almost at the edge of the warehouse so there’s no need to go on that side. I’m going to storm in the front with my best friends and brothers by my side. As soon as I get close to the opening of the woods, gunfire erupts and I can hear bodies hitting the ground as we begin to run toward the men that are trying to flee. Psycho and Smokey are right next to me as we make our way to the door that will lead us inside. The three of us are shooting at anyone that gets in our way as we go. Their men are dropping like flies and I know that they’ll be losing the war they’ve started tonight.

  “We got your back!” Smokey yells, continuing to shoot at our enemies. “Go get Callie!”

  I nod my head in response as I bash through the flimsy door. Taking stock of what’s in this main room, I see two hallways and a bunch of doors. This is going to take longer than what I thought. Fuck! Running toward one hallway, I keep my eyes moving so that I’m not caught off guard by any of these fuckwads. As I enter the hallway, I can hear screams piercing the air and I stop dead in my tracks so that I can figure out where they’re coming from. Psycho stops just behind me and together we listen until we hear whimpering coming from the hallway we’re in.

  The two of us smash in door after door until we find three that are locked. Standing across the hall, I shoot at the handle on the first door and the pressure explodes the side of the door, causing it to swing open. Psycho follows suit and opens the second door. There’s a girl laying naked on the floor in the room I opened. She’s in some type of cell and I know that she’s barely hanging in from the way she’s sleeping. I hear my brother call out that he needs help in his room and I do the same for the girl I’ve found. Walking back out into the hall, I get the door of the third room open and there’s another girl lying on the floor. Opening the cage that’s been left unlocked, I kneel next to the girl and she that she has been severely beaten.


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