On the Road to Ramsgate

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On the Road to Ramsgate Page 9

by Melanie Schertz

  Looking down at the obvious display of the young lady’s assets, Denny smiled. “I can think of nothing better in life than protecting such lovely young ladies as yourself and your sisters. We are at your command, my dear.”

  Lydia giggled and led the officer towards the table to retrieve refreshments.

  Another officer approached the pair. “Ah, there you are Wickham. I wondered to where you had gotten.” Denny slapped his friend on the shoulder. “Miss Lydia Bennet, may I introduce you to my good friend, George Wickham. George, this is Miss Lydia, one of the…finest…young ladies to be found in the neighborhood.”

  Wickham’s eyebrow arched. “Well then, Miss Lydia, it is my pleasure to meet you. I look forward to …knowing you better.”

  Mrs Bennet was pleased to see her favorite daughter being treated as a favorite amongst the men. If we are lucky, Lydia will find a husband soon. Then she will be able to aid Kitty. After that, I will only have Mary left to marry off. Perhaps I should see if my sister could assist with Mary, as my brother Phillips has a new law clerk who is nearly as dull as Mary.

  The matriarch was delighted that all was improving for her family. She had feared what would happen to her after her husband’s death, but fortunately she could now live the life that she desired, thanks to her eldest daughter. Thank goodness that Jane was able to capture Mr Bingley. I know Lady Lucas was hoping to catch him for her Charlotte, but that girl is a spinster in the making. My Jane is the prettiest in the county, and so amiable. Everyone who ever meets her loves her. Now she must keep Mr Bingley’s attention until she gives him an heir. If she does not, she could lose his interest and he will seek out a mistress.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 9

  Lady Matlock was sitting calmly in the chair before the desk of Jonathon Pendleton, the Duke of Pennington, as the man looked over the papers in his hands.

  “Whatever possessed you to behave in such a manner, Lady Matlock? To openly admit that you planned to kidnap Mr Darcy’s nieces and give them to your husband’s sister, you have sealed your own fate.”

  “My nephew is destroying our family with those infants. His sister was ruined, and should have been cast off, for the sake of the family. But Fitzwilliam Darcy determined that he would keep his sister with him, even after it was determined that she was with child. It was a blessing that Georgiana died after giving birth, but it would have been better if the babes had not survived. Lady Catherine has a particular investment in the matter, as she is not only family, her daughter and Darcy were arranged since birth to wed.”

  “Then why did Lady Catherine not come to speak with your nephew? Why is it you took the matters into your own hands?”

  “I…I…did not stop to think after arguing with my nephew and his cousin. I just reacted and did what I thought was the correct path.”

  “Your nephew’s cousin? Are you speaking of Richard Fitzwilliam, your second born son?”

  “I have only one child, as the man you speak of is no longer a part of my life. He has been disowned.”

  The Duke was not surprised with the results of the rift in the family. Richard Fitzwilliam was determined to be his own man, regardless of what his family felt. When Richard was younger, he did not do as most second born sons and purchase his rank. Richard started as a sergeant and earned each advancement he was given. Now a colonel, it spoke volumes of the sort of man he was. The Duke had heard that Colonel Fitzwilliam’s men all respected him, and would follow the young man anywhere.

  “Lady Matlock, due to the nature of the crimes against you, and the fact that you admit to doing said crimes, it is my judgment that you be fined one thousand pounds, and are warned to keep away from your nephew, his homes, his staff, and especially his nieces.”

  “One thousand pounds? That is ridiculous. One thousand pounds to protect my family from destruction. I will not pay it.” Lady Matlock snorted as she sat up straight and tall.

  “Then you will be incarcerated for six months in the prison for women. Those are your choices.”

  Lady Matlock gasped. “I am a member of the peerage, and you would force me to pay a thousand pounds or spend time in prison? This is ridiculous. My husband will not stand still for this insult.”

  “Lord Matlock had best stand for it or he will find charges brought against him. I will not allow a member of the peerage to behave in such a manner. It was bad enough that you injured one of Darcy’s servants, but compound that with attempting to kidnap infants, these are crimes. You committed criminal acts and now will pay the price. If the young lady you struck had behaved as you did, you would be screaming for justice. Believe it or not, Lady Matlock, she and the infants have the right for justice as well.”

  Crossing her arms across her chest, Lady Matlock attempted to control her anger. She had to make the Duke believe she would change her ways, all the while she would be plotting with her husband and his sister on how to rid their family of unwanted children.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Caroline Bingley arrived at her brother’s townhouse in Town, much to his surprise. “Caroline, you were not expected until the end of summer. Where are Louisa and Hurst?”

  “They are at his family’s estate. I cannot abide spending time with his family, they are always so rude to me.” Caroline stated. “Besides, I needed to come to Town to order some new gowns made, and visit with friends.”

  “We have discussed your allowance, Caroline. You do not have anything left of your monthly allotment to cover new gowns and I am not paying for any more. You were to remain with our sister and her husband, as I am tired of paying for all the expenses you insist on charging to me. I will not bend, I am standing by what I told you.”

  “But Charles, how am I to be fit for society if you do not indulge me? I cannot be seen in the gowns from last Season. And if I am not seen, how will I ever find a husband? You do wish to see me married well, do you not?”

  “After three Seasons, I have no expectations of your ever finding a husband. It is about time that you realize that you will not marry someone with a title or of the first circle.”

  “There is always one man you can aid me in marrying, if you would only make an effort. And with his unfortunate situation, he would most likely be pleased to have the support and kindness I could offer him.” Caroline attempted to plead with her brother.

  Bingley shook his head. “You had best wipe that notion from your mind. Darcy told me years ago that he had no intention of ever marrying you and not to even attempt to push you towards him. Even if you were to attempt a compromise, Darcy would never offer for you.”

  This caused Caroline to gasp. “Well, the mighty have fallen, now that society has turned its back on Mr High and Mighty Darcy. He should have sent his sister to Scotland to his estate there, but he refused. And now, I hear that he is raising her bastards in his home.”

  “I do not wish to hear any comments with regards to what happened to Miss Darcy or of her children. I cannot tolerate any further disdain for an innocent young girl who was violated and has died, and I most assuredly will not listen to more hateful words against two innocent babes. Darcy wishes to raise the girls as his family, and there is nothing more to be said about the matter.” Bingley said in a tone which spoke of his unusual frustration. “You will remain here for only a few days. Jane and I will be returning to Netherfield on Friday. You may journey there with us or you may return to our sister. But you will not be allowed to remain here.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Mother, when will Darcy come here to ask for my hand? It has been frustrating me for months now. I am tired of waiting for him.” Anne de Bourgh exclaimed as she flopped into a chair next to her mother’s.

  “Anne, sit up straight. A lady never slouches. If you cannot behave properly, Darcy will not do his duty to you.”

  “Ladylike behavior did not protect his sister from ruining our lives. If it were not for Georgiana, I would have been married to Darcy a year ago, I am certain. But she had to go to Ram
sgate and be ruined. And I would have thought Aunt Rebecca would have sent those bastards of Georgiana’s so they could be given away. The sooner they are out of the way, the better.”

  “Rebecca was to send the infants, but I received a letter from my brother, informing me that she was caught, due to a servant at Darcy House refusing to obey her demands. And if that were not bad enough, the constable and the magistrate were called in to investigate.”

  Anne was appalled. “When I am Mistress of the house, you had best bet that servant will be out the door, and with no references either. Disobeying a direct order from a member of the peerage, what will the world come to if servants do not know their place?”

  “Now dearest, do not make yourself ill. You know what happens when you become upset.” Lady Catherine attempted to calm her daughter. “I will make the journey to Town in a few weeks, and I will make certain that all is handled properly.”

  “Well, if you are going to Town, I shall go as well. It is my right, as the future Mistress of Darcy House and Pemberley to inspect the houses and rid them of unwelcome servants.”

  “We must use caution, my pet. After your aunt’s botched attempt, your cousins will be on guard for any problems. We will need to research the matter and use cunning to succeed.”

  “Very well, Mother. But I will have my way.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  By the time Elizabeth took her day off to visit her aunt and uncle in Cheapside, her injuries were nearly healed. Even so, her relations knew of the incident, as Darcy had personally gone to Mr Gardiner’s office to inform him.

  “Lizzy, I must say, I am of mixed emotions over what happened.” Mrs Gardiner stated as she handed Elizabeth a cup of tea. “I am proud of you for standing your ground and protecting the babe, but I am also frightened for you. You could have been seriously injured by that woman.”

  “Do not fret, Aunt Helen. I am well. And I would take worse injuries if it meant protecting Emmy and Edith from the likes of Lady Matlock. Mr Darcy and his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, are so attentive to the girls, it is clear that they love the children as much as they did Miss Darcy.”

  “They are unique in their behavior, I must say. To keep not only Miss Darcy with them, but the infants after her death, speaks highly of the kind hearts the men have.” Mrs Gardiner took a sip of her tea. “Your uncle speaks highly of Mr Darcy. In the short time that he has known the gentleman, your uncle has come to respect him.”

  “Aunt, your voice is telling me there is something else weighing on your mind. Is something wrong?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I did not wish to trouble you, Lizzy, not after all through which you have been.”

  Elizabeth placed a hand on her aunt’s arm, gently squeezing. “Please, tell me what is troubling you, so that I might be of assistance.”

  “It is your sister. Jane was furious when she learned of your taking the position with the babes. She feels that you will ruin the family by being involved with the taint of which the children will be labeled.”

  “How could Jane be so heartless? Such thinking is so unlike her. Before Papa’s death, she would no sooner condemn innocent babes than she would commit murder.”

  Mrs Gardiner patted her niece’s hand. “Lizzy, your sister has had to endure your mother and younger sisters this past year. You and your father were not there to take the majority of Fanny’s disdain. Jane never had to take all the venom your mother had to spew until after your father’s death, and I believe it is overwhelming to her.”

  “But it is so unlike Jane to behave in such a manner. Could a year of living with Mamma, with out Papa and me there, really have caused such a change in my sister?”

  “Unfortunately, it is possible. Remember, your mother’s anger and hatred was mostly doled out to you. Jane usually comforted you after your mother ranted her disapproval to you. And your father was usually able to keep Fanny in line when he was alive. Now she runs freely, doing as she pleases. Before Jane married, Fanny did nothing to make their home life better. From what I have heard from Mr Phillips, she laid about all day in her bed or on the sofa, bemoaning the tragedy which had befallen her. Jane could not make Lydia behave, as Lydia was spoiled by your mother. So it was left in Jane’s hands to do the work at the cottage. And whenever Jane attempted to be frugal and save money, your mother would waste it on frivolous items for which she or Lydia wished. Mr Phillips said that he had been told by Mary that Jane would sometimes go without food to make it stretch further for the rest of them, when Fanny would spend money on ribbons and such. The wedding gown that Jane wore was the one Mrs Phillips wore twenty years ago. None of Jane’s gowns were in suitable condition, nor could any of them be mended to be better. It was not until after she married that Jane was able to purchase new clothing. And then, Fanny insisted that new gowns be ordered for Lydia and herself. She did not care about the other girls, only herself and her beloved Lydia. Jane was said to be extremely upset with all that happened, though she could not speak of the situation with anyone. Even now, with your mother and younger sisters living at Netherfield, Jane cannot even assert herself as the Mistress of the estate. Fanny is insisting how things will be.”

  “Jane should have set her foot down with Mamma. She has always allowed others to rule over her.”

  “The only area in her life she has control over is with you, Lizzy. She controls when she is able to see you and write to you. So she feels that she has the right to control your life. Our Jane of two years ago is no longer. That Jane was destroyed with your father’s death and your injury. And this Jane wants desperately to have some sort of control over something in her life.” Mrs Gardiner stated. “I feel sorry for Jane. And if you rebel from her, refusing to do as she says, it will be the shattering point for Jane. I believe that your sister will throw everything in her life away when you refuse to leave Darcy House and the children.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  As Elizabeth arrived at Darcy House, she noticed a young lady of perhaps mid-twenties, knocking on the front door. Having never seen the young lady before, Elizabeth was unsure who she was.

  The butler opened the door, admitting the lady and Elizabeth inside. The lady glared at Elizabeth, making it clear that she was not pleased with the arrival of another lady.

  “Miss Elizabeth, the master stated that Miss Emmy is running a slight fever. He has sent for Mr Foster to come check on her.”

  “Thank you. I will go up to see how she is.” Elizabeth said as she headed for the stairs.

  “And just who is she?” The lady asked. “Who is she to wander about Darcy House unescorted?”

  “Miss Elizabeth is one of the nursemaids for the twins. She lives here, near the nursery.”

  Caroline Bingley was seething. This would not do, to have a young lady living in the house, within such close proximity to Mr Darcy. She would find a way to change the situation. But then again, once the children were gone, Caroline was certain there would be no further problems.

  “I am here to see Mr Darcy, on a matter of importance.”

  “I am afraid that Mr Darcy is extremely busy today, as he has meetings all day. If you wish to leave your card, I will see the master receives it.”

  “Do you not recognize me? Do you not realize who I am? I am sister to his dearest friend. You would lose your position if Mr Darcy were to learn how you have treated me.”

  “Forgive me, Madame, but I am under orders that Mr Darcy gave me himself. I cannot disobey my master’s instructions. Now, if you wish to leave your card, I will see that he receives it when he is finished with his meetings.” The butler was pleased to be performing this duty, for he knew that his master disliked Caroline Bingley and would not wish to have to endure her visit.

  Fuming, Caroline reached into her reticule and pulled out one of her cards, handing it roughly to the butler. She then turned and marched down the steps and into her awaiting carriage.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Elizabeth was sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, holding Emmy
in her arms. “Miss Emmy, you have had a difficult day today. The physician says that it is nothing more than a simple cold. Your poor nose is all stuffy. Sally will bring the hot water to us, so we can use some steam to clear your nose.” She placed a kiss on the top of the girl’s golden curls. “Now, while we wait, shall I tell you a story? Perhaps one about a princess who found her prince had been turned into a frog.”

  As she told the story, the babe calmed in Elizabeth’s arms, gently being stroked by her nursemaid’s hand. Before long, Emmy’s eyes were closed and the girl was fast asleep. Elizabeth continued to rock in the chair, holding her charge to her chest.

  Before Sally returned with the hot water, Darcy happened to come to the nursery to check on his niece. Seeing Elizabeth in the chair, her eyes closed, her hand stroking little Emmy’s back, as Elizabeth spoke softly of a princess. The sight made Darcy smile. He knew, the moment he laid eyes on Elizabeth Bennet, she was special. He knew that there was a unique quality about her that was unlike any other he had found.

  But he also knew she was still wounded, as was he. What each lost after the accident was tremendous. All he wished was to see Elizabeth Bennet find happiness. Darcy was sure that he could never find happiness, not after all he had lost, but he held out hope for Elizabeth. And if the twins were able to bring life to Elizabeth, so much the better. He could see the love that was building between the girls and Elizabeth. They would need as much love and caring as they could muster in their lives.

  Elizabeth must have sensed his presence, as her eyes opened and she turned to look at him. “Mr Darcy, forgive me. Emmy has been a little restless, due to her nose being stuffy. I finally got her to sleep, so I decided to remain here, letting her rest, rather than moving her and possibly waking her.”

  “No need to apologize. I was pleased to see her so comfortable. Sally said that she was a little fussy and unable to rest properly.”


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