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With This ring

Page 16

by Le Carre, Georgia

  The air was knocked out of my lungs.

  In that moment, I could process nothing as her heated, delicious taste tangled with mine and set my blood roaring. The kiss went on and on, until like a dream it ended.

  She had broken it off.

  I couldn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to. I was so full of longing. For so long I had wanted her. So long. My whole body ached for her. I wanted to see her without the red dress. I wanted to see her naked and impaled on my cock. Then I felt her begin to move away and my hand closed around hers. I pulled her back to me.

  She melted against my hardness.

  I sucked passionately on her bottom lip, and then slipped my tongue into her mouth. Her scent was heady and it made me feel unstable. The deviously sweet pleasure of her taste sent all the blood rushing from my brain and straight to my cock. It tore a moan out of me.

  Before I could get myself together, she had moved and was sitting astride me.

  My gaze shot open to meet hers, and this time around, she held it boldly. I understood exactly what she intended. There were no words needed.

  In that moment, it felt as though I had been gifted the entire world.

  I covered her lips with mine again, and gave her a hard kiss. There was gratitude in that kiss, because I didn’t think I could go on without this surrender from her. Then I began to trace sensual kisses of pure excitement and desire along her jaw.

  Unsnapping a few buttons from her coat, I pushed it off her shoulders. Her nipples were straining against her dress. They were hard, just as I was, and alive to the deep attraction that crackled like static electricity between us. I felt my heart thunder in my chest. Her sex settled unashamedly against the bulge of my cock, and then she began to roll her hips against me.

  I had dreamed about this intimacy for so long and so intensely that it almost felt unreal. As if I was hallucinating, but as her warm, sweet breath tickled my face, I knew I was not. This was real. Maybe I would only have this one time with her.

  Swearing to make it one that we would both remember forever, I covered the silk covered hard bud with my mouth. Her moan sounded melodiously in the darkened car. The harsh light from the streetlamp was softened by the dark glass. It was the only thing illuminating us.

  I needed to feel her skin against mine. I found the zip of her dress and pulled it down. She shrugged and the dress fell around her waist. I undid the clasp of her bra and tugged the material off her shoulders. Whoa! I felt my stomach flip at the sight of the breasts that I’d tried to picture through her clothes. Yeah, at least a million times.

  They were as perky and beautiful as I had imagined.

  She was perfect. Everything about her was perfect.

  She intoxicated me like no other woman had ever done.

  She was made for me. And only me.

  I weighed the firm mounds in my hands and squeezed them softly. I was in complete awe of the woman’s body. With my arms encircling her, I held her in place and took as much of one sweet breast as I could into my mouth. She writhed against me as I sucked hard on her succulent flesh. Then I moved to the other. God, I had been starved for way too long.

  She cradled my head in her hands, her moans reverberating through the car, and sending dangerous chills down my spine.

  “Maxim,” she gasped in my ears.

  The way she called my name made my cock jump.

  I lifted my gaze to the breathtaking woman I had wanted for so long. “Do you know what you do to me?” I breathed, my throat choked with emotion.

  It felt as though all the screws that kept my logic and senses intact had unraveled. I was wholly and fully at her mercy. It was not a state I would ever have chosen, but I was helpless to resist her. She was a green-eyed witch who had cast a spell on me. I pushed her hair away from her cheeks and kissed her. Her eyelashes fluttered as her green gaze locked with mine. I felt my chest expand dangerously.

  I yanked her dress over her head. All she was left was her underwear. I exhaled. An insignificant black thong stood between me and my dream.

  With one pull, it snapped away from her skin. She gasped in shock when I suddenly grabbed her knees and pulled them apart so that her body was leaning back and her pussy was wide open to my gaze. For a few seconds I could do nothing but stare at the glistening, pink petals. I could see it throbbing. An unfamiliar but strong sense of possessiveness filled my body. This pussy was mine. She was mine.

  I slid my hand up her cleft, parting the slick wet folds to tease her swollen bud underneath. She was so wet and so tender. As I circled the hard bud, her thighs began to shake. I inserted a finger into her softly pulsating, pink slit and her juices ran down my fingers. As my finger slid deeper, her eyes fluttered closed, and she moaned.

  God, I wanted to taste her.

  “Open your eyes,” I commanded.

  Her eyes were no longer green, but almost gold with lust. She watched me, her eyes burning with fascination as I brought my fingers to my mouth. They were heady with her scent. Greedily, I lapped at her arousal. It was like tasting heaven. I was terrified I would never get enough.

  I slipped my finger out slowly, then back into that warm, wet opening and finger fucked her as I reached for my cock. When it sprang free I grabbed her hips and lifted her up. She took the cue and moved into position. She crushed her lips to mine and ground her wet sex against me, rocking her hips back and forth in a crazed rhythm against my hardness. Enjoying the sensation of my hardness stroking her clit.

  For the first time in my life, I doubted my ability to last. I slipped two of my fingers inside her and her channel immediately gripped them greedily. She was so fucking tight I was surprised.

  Her head fell backwards in a gasp and I moved to position the wide crest of my cock at her opening. I began to guide her on to me, but she was too tight. I looked up to watch her face and saw the pain on it and suddenly I knew.

  I was so shocked that for an instant, I froze.

  “You’re a virgin?” I whispered.

  She nodded.

  I leaned forward and buried my head between her breasts. Her perfume filled my nostrils. I felt a sense of loss. I should have done better for her. Not this quick fumble in the back of my car. I was such a fucking idiot.

  “Maxim,” she called, her voice shaky. “What’s wrong?”

  “You deserve better than this, Freya.”

  “Fuck you,” she said and immediately got off me and began to haphazardly dress herself as quickly as she could. She grabbed her purse and pulled the latch so that she could get out of the vehicle. But it was still locked.

  I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I couldn’t explain myself without exposing myself.

  “Fucking let me out,” she muttered.

  I tapped hard on the window and the two men returned back to the car. They pulled the door open for her and she got out. She headed back into her building and the moment I was sure that she had gotten in safely, I tapped on the window and the car pulled away.

  Chapter Fifty


  I had never felt such shame in my entire life.

  The minutes passed, and I remained behind my door, staring ahead and seeing absolutely nothing.

  I had let him go where no other man had gone. I had been ready, and more than willing to give myself to him …

  And he had rejected me. There was no place lower than this to sink.

  I turned around and knocked my forehead against the door. There was no coming back from this. I realized then that I’d left my torn underwear in his car. God, my thighs were still damp, and my pussy was swollen and throbbing with desire.

  It was times like this that I missed Britney so much. I’d called her a few times and each time she said she just needed a bit more time. I walked to my bedroom and stood in front of the mirror. I looked at my crumpled red dress, my wild hair, my smudged lipstick. I looked like a slut, a two-bit hooker.

  Between my leg was a throbbing that would not be denied. Slut or not the need was alive
and calling greedily. I’d seen his cock and I wanted it. I turned away from my reflection. Then I walked to my phone and called his number. He answered on the first ring.

  “Freya,” he said.

  “I just wanted to tell you,” I began, “that you’re a fucking, rude, bastard for what you did and I never want to see you again.”

  “Freya … I’m sorry,” he said to me with a deep sigh. “Very sorry. I wasn’t expecting you to be a virgin.”

  My plan was to hang up, but somehow I couldn’t pull the phone from my ear.

  My mouth moved. “I thought you wanted me.”

  “You have no idea how much,” he admitted, his voice a low tortured groan.

  “Then how could you treat me that way?”

  “We were in the back of a fucking car, Freya. I couldn’t do that to you… to disrespect you in that way, especially with what you were about to give to me.”

  “Then finish what you started.”

  For a few seconds, there was a tense silence. Maybe he didn’t think I was being serious.

  “What’s the problem?” I asked. “Do you or don’t you want me?”

  “I do,” he said immediately.

  “Then meet me at the Ritz Carlton in about an hour,” I said.

  “I’ll be there. Let me know if you change your mind and decide not to come.”

  “I’ll be there,” I said.

  I ended the call. He thought I might chicken out. No chance.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  I gave my revised destination to my driver and sat back, a frown on my face as we glided on to meet her.

  She was going to give herself to me… so she said.

  I was... worried. Worried that for her I would be simply someone she gave her V card, but for me it would mean I would never let her belong to anyone else. To start with I wasn’t one to obtain a treasure, then let it go. My nature was such. But my discovery of her purity had multiplied her value many times over. All the alarm bells in my body were sounding off willing me to step away from her to save myself before she completely took control.

  I arrived at the hotel and, true to her word, saw her waiting in the lobby. She was wearing a loose black tee shirt tucked into baggy dark pants. Very, very unsexy and a great contrast to how she had been attired earlier. It didn’t quell my passion one bit. I already knew what lay underneath.

  “You’re late,” she pointed out.

  She was too fiery and if I remained too much in a dance with her I was going to be burnt beyond recognition. “Why do you want to do this, Freya? I thought you loathed me.”

  “And I still do, especially right now, but for some crazy, inexplicable reason I can’t get you out of my mind… sexually I mean. And you say it is the same for you. So let’s do this so we can extinguish this fire and we can both move on with our lives. It’s actually interfering with my business. I want to sleep better at night. You can also consider this an apology,” she said, turning to look into my eyes. “For shooting you. Nothing more and nothing less.”

  I gazed into her eyes and saw the steely determination in them to be free of me. At that moment, I decided to take it as a challenge. I had experience, she was untouched. It wouldn’t be a quick fuck in the back of a damn car. I would worship her body and give her the kind of pleasure that would make her as addicted to me as I was to her. I would teach her that pouring oil on a fire does not extinguish it, it only makes it burn brighter and hotter.

  Unable to hold my stare she looked away to the influx of people going about their business, putting out their daily fires. None of theirs was as dangerous as the one that I was about to jump into.

  “Alright, let’s go,” I said, knowing by now Gary would already have booked me their royal suite.

  In a few minutes we were in our suite. I turned around to look at her. Her face was closed off and her spine was ramrod straight. She was so close and yet so far. She was precious, not special, I cautioned myself. Precious like gemstones and diamonds. Special was what I kept for myself.

  “A drink?” I asked, jerking my head towards the complimentary bottle of champagne sitting in an ice bucket.

  “No,” she said tightly.

  She was determined to make this quick and nasty so she could walk away and say it was a fuss about nothing. She was going to learn different.

  I took my jacket off, sat on the bed and began to take off my shoes. My tux was next to come off. I threw it carelessly over a chair nearby, then turned around to face her as I began to take off my cuff links.

  “Having second thoughts?” I drawled, when I saw her standing very still and watching me. I didn’t miss the sight of her hand tightening so desperately around the handle of her purse that her knuckles showed white. I wanted her just as ferociously.

  She shook her head slowly and pulled the purse over her shoulder and let it drop to the floor. Then she pulled her T-shirt over her head, and my eyes devoured the lacy bra underneath designed to perfectly cup her generous alabaster breasts.

  My throat tightened and I could barely move in anticipation. I was reminded once again of just how dangerously irresistible this woman was to me.

  Like a man hypnotized I watched her unzip those deliberately ugly pants and let them fall. They slid like water all the way down those long, smooth legs and pooled around her feet.

  She stepped out of them and held her hands loosely by her sides. She was trying her hardest not to appear intimidated or shy, but I knew she was a hot mess inside. I could have gone to her, made it easy, but I wanted her to come to me.

  To make the final leap.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  I shrugged out of my shirt and flung it towards the chair. Only a matching lacy bikini thong covered her sex, the slight bulge making my mouth water. Holding my gaze and began to walk towards me.

  It seemed like forever before she stopped in front of me.

  I looked onto her eyes. “One last chance to change your mind.”

  “I don’t want to,” she retorted.

  “No regrets?”

  “No regrets,” she echoed softly and I knew then that there was no turning back... for either of us. There never was. From that day I saw her hanging upside down from a tree on my father’s land.

  I placed my hand on the side of her thigh, my skin looked dark and beastly against her fair skin. She had no idea how much pleasure the contrast gave me. I began to trace my way slowly up her white skin.

  “Take off your bra.”

  While she obeyed me I cradled her hips in my hands, before I slid them behind her to grab her round ass. Cupping the voluptuous flesh hard, I pulled her to me and took a fierce sniff of her sex. Instantly her smell intoxicated me to the point I feared I would climax right there and then.

  “Turn around, spread your legs wide, then bend from the hips. Touch the floor if you can,” I ordered.

  She looked at me with surprise.

  “Well,” I mocked softly.

  She pulled away from me and obeyed. She was all woman, much more than I had imagined and I had imagined plenty. The way her ass and pussy hung in front of my face was more than I could bear. I leaned forward, covered her sweet flesh with my mouth, and blew hot air through the light fabric.

  “Maxim,” she breathed.

  Gripping the thong in my hands, I ripped it apart with a sharp tug, and threw it on the carpet. I now had a full view of her shaved, smooth sex. All that lovely, swollen, wet, pink flesh were there for me to take, do what I wanted with. I leaned forward and licked the liquid pearl that was running down her slit. She staggered and nearly fell.

  I caught her hips and speared her deep with my tongue. She did not expect that and she groaned. She was soaking wet and her taste was like once again coming home to fine wine. I licked the walls of her pussy while she squirmed and twisted. Her thighs were shaking and he
r breasts jiggled with the effort she was making to stay upright. I knew she was going to come. I moved my mouth away and laid back on the bed.

  “Come up here and sit on my face,” I invited.

  She turned crimson, but she straightened. It took her a few seconds, but soon her knees were astride me and she was shifting over until she was directly positioned over my mouth.

  I grabbed her hips and rammed my mouth into her cunt. I glided my tongue down the lips of her sex, and hollowed my cheeks to suck her clit into my mouth.

  At first I ate her slowly, taking my time, but it was impossible to be sated and I began to eat her like a starving man, sucking hard on the drenched folds, lapping up all of her juices hungrily. I drove my tongue deep into her entrance, and felt her jump as though she’d been struck by a live wire.

  “God,” she screamed.

  Her breathing was loud and hard above me as she fought to remain in place, but it was close to impossible. With her hands buried in her hair and her eyes clenched shut, her hips began to rock in a sensual rhythm against my mouth. Until the inevitable happened.

  “Maxim,” she moaned. “Ohhhh fuck … Maxim.”

  I felt her entire frame freeze for a moment. All she was capable of then was indecipherable choking sounds followed by the violent trembling of her whole body as her release poured straight into my eager mouth.

  She grabbed the sheets of the bed and, completely uninhibited, rocked against me even harder, as her climax tore through her.

  When it was over, she collapsed beside me on the bed, her eyes closed, her chest heaving, and her hands clutching at her swollen, throbbing sex.

  “Oh my God. What the fuck …” she gasped.

  I vaulted to my feet, unbuckled my belt, and in one moment pulled my pants and boxers down.


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