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With This ring

Page 17

by Le Carre, Georgia

  Her eyes fluttered open, and slowly her gaze took in my body until she got to my cock. Then her mouth rounded into a circle, and she sat up.

  She licked her lips, and I almost came right there.

  Chapter Fifty-Three


  This, then, was the great Maxim, all stripped down and brought to my tent!

  To say I was impressed would have been the understatement of the century. The man was built like a god.

  True, I didn’t have any experience viewing real life dicks in my life, but I knew enough to understand that the man before me was hung much, much, much more generously than most. Without doubt he had a beautiful body, but his cock …

  God, I could not take my eyes away from it. It was just … amazing. Thick, long and carved with pumping veins, it stood proudly away from his body. Actually, he was so fucking hard his cock bounced in a very horizontal position against his stomach. As if it was alive.

  I was almost afraid to take that hot angry boa inside me.

  “Come over,” he commanded.

  Like a trained puppy I got on my knees and crawled over to the edge of the bed. My hand reached out … eager to touch the beautiful pale hardness, but for a second I hesitated and looked up into his eyes.

  “Go ahead,” he said, approval in his eyes.

  I took him in my hands, delicately, and then found the courage to circle my grip around the satiny thickness. There was no turning back. This monster was going into me. Anyway, I couldn’t even resist him if I wanted to. I was dying to taste him. At that moment a drop of pre-cum appeared on the eye of his cock.

  I leaned forward and licked it with the tip of my tongue.

  And was instantly sold on his taste. I gave his entire length a long sensual lick before returning to the taste of his pre-cum at the head.

  I tried to remember everything I had learned from watching porn stars give head as I opened my mouth wide, took as much as I could of him, and sucked hard.

  “Fuck,” I heard him breathe, but he pulled his dick away from my grasp.

  “Today is not about me. This is your first time so I need you to be so wet I can fit in,” he said.

  I wanted to protest. A fire was roaring in my belly. I wanted to suck that big cock and have him at my mercy. But at the same time I couldn’t wait to see how having him inside me would feel.

  “Lie down,” he said.

  I moved towards the pillows, but for some bizarre reason I felt a sudden wave of self-consciousness so I grabbed at the comforter to half cover myself up, but he snatched it away and threw it aside.

  Before I could say another word, he was on top of me, and my breast was in his mouth. As my back arched off the bed with the pleasure shooting from my nipple, I wrapped my hands around his broad back to keep me somewhat still on earth.

  He moved his mouth from one nipple to the other, tracing wet burning kisses across my goose-pimple covered flesh. He dragged his mouth upwards and found the pulse in the crook of my neck. There he placed a kiss on the soft flesh before he did the thing I had only seen on other women. He marked me. And I loved it. I stretched my neck and offered it to him.

  “More, Maxim, more.”

  He lifted his head to see what he had done. His eyes were full of possessive, victorious light. It was as if he had won me in a great battle. He swooped down on my lips and drove his tongue into my mouth, and I was completely lost. I could feel his fingers playing with my sex, gently travelling in and out. Circling. One finger, then two, then gently … three. When he removed them, I moaned into his mouth.

  I felt the moment he began to position himself at my entrance, but I was too preoccupied with the sensation of him sucking my tongue to care until he tried to push in.

  I stilled suddenly.

  He whispered to me, “It’ll hurt a little, but It’ll be okay.”

  I nodded, and felt him inhale and release a deep breath.

  “Look into my eyes,” he said, and I held his beautiful blue gaze.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he said as I tried not to show how painfully stretched I felt.

  He inched further and further into me.

  When the pain became too much I shut my eyes and he immediately stilled.


  “I’m alright,” I muttered. “Just keep going.”

  He did as I asked, until it seemed as if he was fully sheathed inside of me. “You’re so fucking tight it must hurt like hell. How do you feel?”

  “Like I have a freaking football pushed inside me.” A small nervous laugh escaped me.

  He smiled down at me and I lost myself in the tenderness of his gaze and smile. This was what was behind that cold, hard mask he showed to the world.

  He remained inside me without moving and slowly, I felt my body begin to accept him. There was no discomfort, instead it felt good to be so full of him. It felt as if I was finally whole. That hole was meant to be filled and this was how it should always be.

  “More?” he asked.

  I nodded profusely, my heart rate picking up.

  He retreated once again, and when he thrust back in, my hips rocked forward to meet his. A guttural moan slipped from my throat at the ethereal pleasure. He began to fuck me slowly gaining speed. I shut my eyes and let all my senses focus on our joining as one, and the rapturous waves of pure bliss he was sending through my body.

  “More, Maxim, more,” I gasped.

  I was sure I heard his laughter somewhere in the distance. He picked up his pace, and my hands dug into his buttocks, guiding him, urging him on … faster and harder.

  I was now in the frantic race towards release, and it was a delicious one. Sweeter than any fantasy I could have ever imagined. He captured my mouth with his again, and I moaned into his kiss, my body buzzing with anticipation.

  “Oh God!” I heard him gasp as his restraint snapped. I could tell he was trying his hardest to be gentle, but both of us were too feral, too needy to take such a precaution.

  We fucked each other, feeding the ferocious fire that had been burning within us, for the other, for way too long. I felt myself begin to quicken, and my hips moved frantically to meet his.

  When I could hold back no more, I came, hard. No, not hard, but viciously. The force of the orgasm coursing through me in a maddening torrent that jerked my body and turned it into a trembling, pulsating, mass of jelly.

  My cry rang out in the room, and as though that was the push he needed, he exploded inside me, a burst of hot semen shooting straight into my core.

  I heard his fist pound furiously against the headboard as he roared out my name. My fluttering eyelids caught glimpses of his reddened face and the strained network of veins that bulged down his neck as he threw his head backwards and let himself go over the edge.

  “Freya!” he called over and over again, while still pumping into my limp body.

  He hid his face in my neck to recover, our chests heaving with similar rapid exhaustion.

  “I knew it,” he muttered. “I knew you were going to blow my fucking mind.”

  I didn’t know how much time passed, before I came back down to earth, but when I did, I could sense him beside me, breathing hard.

  I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, but I did know that if he turned around and pulled me into his arms I was going to go to him… whole heartedly and beyond ready to bask in the aftermath of what he had just done to me. So I waited, my body stiff with anticipation.

  The moments passed by and then… he got up.

  Immediately, I hid my face away from his as I pulled the covers around my naked body. I heard him start to put on his clothes, and rose to my feet to pick mine up from the floor.

  He was ready before me, and when he rounded the bed on his way out I forced myself to meet his gaze.

  “I had a great time,” he said.

  “Sure, me too,” I replied.

  It looked like he was about to say some
thing else, but then he shook his head and went on his way. I watched him leave and disappear into the foyer and felt my eyes mist with tears.

  Was that the last I would ever see him, I wondered. If it was, then my heart would be thoroughly and irrevocably shattered. If I thought sleeping with him was going to free me, I was dead wrong.

  Oh God, I was falling in love with him.

  Chapter Fifty-Four


  I hadn’t been able to get out of that room fast enough. I knew she had broken something inside me. I wasn’t the same man I was before we had sex.

  I arrived at home, dazed and disturbed and the last person I wanted to see was Levan. He was waiting for me in my living room and I couldn’t help the frown that dug into my forehead at the sight of him lounging on my sofa and working on his laptop.

  He put his laptop down. “Bianca and I are going to hold on with our move to South Africa,” he said. “Until everything blows over with Freya’s family.”

  My frown became deeper. “There is no need. My security team is working tirelessly on it.”

  “Good, then it should be resolved very soon. Until it is I’m not going anywhere.”

  I headed over to the alcohol cabinet by the corner and poured myself a generous measure of whisky. I downed a significant portion in one swallow, and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “Now if you have nothing else to discuss, I’ll see you tomorrow or something.”

  “What happened?”

  He started to walk towards me, but I was not ready to speak to him or to anyone for that matter. All I needed was to be alone, to try to pick up the pieces of myself that she had blasted to smithereens.

  “What’s going on, Maxim?” he repeated.

  And I fucking lost it. “Fucking leave!” I roared, my arms flailing like a mad man.

  Everything stilled, especially him. He noted the look in my eyes, but before he could see too much, I turned away from him.

  A few seconds later, the door shut behind him. I sank into the sofa.

  I wanted to call her, to tell her she had been the very best fuck of my life, and I didn’t know how I could go on from here onwards because I was craving her like a drug, but I knew she didn’t feel the way I did. After we had finished back in the hotel, how I had wanted to hold her in my arms even for a second. To bask in the pure magic of what we had just shared with each other. But she became as stiff as a corpse.

  I knew then she regretted what she had done.

  My intuition had been right. I had been correct to avoid her in the first place. She always scared me shitless and yet I waded in there. I basically hung myself out to dry.

  I wondered how the fuck I was going to recover. Now that I knew how she tasted I would never be able to forget it.

  I rose to my feet restlessly.

  The answer was work. It was always work. I needed to work. That was the only thing that could save me.

  Chapter Fifty-Five


  I slept badly and after making myself a mug of coffee went into the room Britney and I used as an office. I looked at the mess of papers and magazines across Britney’s desk. Behind it was a gigantic cork board, filled with hundreds of jewelry cut outs for photography concept inspiration. My gaze wandered around the small space which seemed so empty without her, and wondered if she would ever come back.

  Putting aside my feeling of sadness, I went to my desk and tried to focus on designing a layered necklace with the unique Burgundy Tourmaline stones I acquired from a dealer a very long time ago. Then I knew they were beautiful, but I did not have a design for them.

  But these rare burgundy ones spoke to me now at this moment of darkness in my life. I had an idea for them. I inspected the stones and began to draw quickly on my notepad. For a while there was nothing in my mind but the design and the strokes I was making on the paper. Then I dropped the pencil and leaned back on the chair.

  The design was complete. And it was beautiful.

  Sounds and thoughts rushed in my consciousness again. I put the stones back into their plastic envelope and walked out of the office. I went to my bedroom and looked at the tie Maxim had left in the hotel bedroom. In his rush to get away from me he had even forgotten he came in with a tie.

  It was a silk Christian Lacroix with an intricate gold pattern. I tried not to, but I couldn’t help myself. I raised the fabric to my nose and sniffed his very familiar and just plain intoxicating scent of wealth and arrogance.

  This tie was a reason to contact him. He didn’t need it returned, probably had a hundred more abandoned in hotel rooms all over the world, but still … I breathed his scent in.

  What would be the harm?

  I picked up my cell phone, and before I could change my mind, I hit Call.

  It rang three times.

  Just as I was about to chicken out and disconnect the call, he picked up. I had a lump to work through in my throat before I could speak.

  “Hey,” I croaked out.

  “Hello,” he replied formally.

  I tried my best not to think of the way I had whimpered and shuddered underneath him. “I have … uh … You uh … left your tie at the hotel.” I clenched my eyes tightly shut at the clear note of anxiousness in my voice.

  “I’ll send someone to pick it up,” he said softly.

  I received the message. As clear as day. It felt as if I just swallowed shards of glass. It cut me all the way to my stomach.

  He got what he wanted and now he wanted nothing more to do with me.

  “Sure,” I replied and quickly ended the call.

  Chapter Fifty-Six


  It was nearing 9pm, and getting the report that she was still at work, I hadn’t been able to hold myself back from stopping by. I sat in the car and watched as she moved around in her little office.

  She was wearing a navy-blue dressing gown and her hair was up in a gigantic and messy bun on top of her head. Time after time, she walked past the window with a pencil in her mouth and papers in her hand. I took a deep breath and knocked on the glass partition.

  One last time, Maxim. One last time.

  Viktor pulled the door open for me and I stepped out onto the dirty Bronx street. The lift had stopped working and I had to take the stairs. The sound of my shoes echoed in the empty stairwell. A few minutes later, I knocked on her door and waited for a response.

  “Who is it?” she called out.

  “Maxim,” I responded and everything seemed to go still. I waited. More than a few seconds passed, the door was pulled open. Her hair was now falling down in a cascade down her shoulders and she had put on lipstick. I was shocked to see she had made an effort. My words came out wooden and cold.

  “I came for my tie.”

  “Sure,” she replied airily, and turned away from me.

  I followed her into her living room. It was dimly lit by a small lamp on the floor. The whole space seemed filled with papers and magazines and loose sheets of papers filled with drawings. A cup of half-eaten ramen noodles was on the coffee table. I presumed this then was Freya in work mode.

  She turned around suddenly, the way someone nervous would do, and her long dressing gown caught the cup of noodles, spilling its contents on the floor.

  “Damn!” she cursed. “Excuse me.” She headed over to her desk and grabbed some paper towels. A few minutes later she had the spill under control. I didn’t move from my position by the door. I found it fascinating to watch her in her own environment. I even liked her apartment. It seemed cozy and sweet.

  “Sorry about that,” she said, straightening. “I’ll get you your tie now.”

  “No problem,” I murmured.

  She fished it out of a drawer, neatly rolled up, and came towards me holding it out.

  “I don’t have a cl
ean bag here so perhaps just take it by hand. Hope you don’t mind.”

  “It’s fine," I said, and stuffed it into my jacket’s pocket.

  She pressed her lips together and swallowed.

  “Your partner isn’t back?”

  She shook her head. “Sadly no, but perhaps soon.”

  “Why don’t you hire someone for the meantime?” I asked, looking around at the whirlwind around her. “It seems like you have quite a lot going on.”

  Her smile was sad. “Hiring someone requires money, which I don’t have now, so I’ll have to make do.”

  I didn’t understand her need to do everything all on her own, but I admired it. I had never met a woman who was so strong and independent. So determined to be free.

  “Any news on the pizza delivery man who was harassing us?” she asked.

  “Hmmm … that.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean, hmmm that?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Of course, I want to know,” she said crisply.

  “Well, something didn’t add up about that whole episode. So I got my men to do some digging around. It’s unconfirmed, but I think he was working for your father. His job was not to hurt you or Britney, but just to scare you. I believe your father might have thought it would bring us closer together.”

  “What makes you think it was him? Maybe it was your father,” she challenged.

  “Did you know your father owns apartments on the second and fourth floor of this building? Through off-shore companies, of course.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “It was the fact that the guy just disappeared into thin air that gave me the idea. He obviously had access to one of the apartments. Also, the way he gave your father’s men the slip was very suspicious. Your father runs a very tight ship and even after such a security breech, none of your security detail were given the boot.”


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