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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

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by A. K. Michaels

  © 2015 by A K Michaels

  All Rights Reserved

  This book, or any portion thereof, including cover art, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission by the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Formatted by Fancy Pants Book Formatting

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Author’s Note

  Contact Ava

  Other Works

  Kuan sat with his legs crossed on a sumptuous silk cushion, his hands lying open on his knees. “I am grateful for your time, my friend. I always feel better after speaking to you.”

  Zeeandra cocked her eyebrow. “If that were the case then you wouldn’t have waited so long to visit, Kuan.”

  “I know, I apologize,” Kuan replied guiltily. “I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”

  “Indeed you have,” Zeeandra said disapprovingly. “Why have you not come to me before this? I could’ve helped.”

  “Again, I’m sorry.” Kuan shrugged. “I was hoping I could deal with things on my own. You know I hate to ask for assistance.”

  “And yet here you are.” She smirked. “And you still have not asked me for my help. Kuan, you are aware that I am always available to aid you.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.” Kuan’s eyes met hers. “May I respectfully ask for some support in this matter?”

  “You know I will always assist you, my old friend.” Zeeandra smiled benevolently. “I will be there when the time is set for the battle, and I’ll bring two or three of my most able warriors with me. I’m afraid I can’t take any more than that away from their duties. You’re aware of the importance of what they are tasked with and I can’t leave their wards in any way unprotected.”

  “I fully understand, Zee.” Kuan nodded. “They have a difficult enough mission without being left shorthanded.”

  “Exactly.” Zeeandra smiled.

  “The fact that you will come, together with as many as three warrior Dragons, is far more than I could’ve hoped for.” Kuan reached to pick up his teacup, sipping before chuckling.

  “What’s so amusing?” she asked, cocking her head to the side, her long sleek body draped over an antique chaise longue.

  “I’m imagining the looks on their faces when you and your Dragons appear.” Kuan snickered again. “I’m pretty sure none of them believe in Dragons.”

  “Well,” Zeeandra said with a smirk. “I’ll make sure to put on a show when we arrive.”

  “You, my dear, always put on a show when you appear.”

  “That’s because I don’t get out much,” she grumbled.

  “We have had a lot to deal with since this apocalyptic war began,” Kuan said sadly.

  “Yes, we have,” Zeeandra agreed quietly. “My Guild of Dragon Warriors have been kept busy, and we lost a Dragon only last month. The pain I felt was indescribable, Kuan. Here,” she patted her chest, “deep inside me felt as if it were being ripped out. We have to deal with Basilius and his Demons before it is too late.”

  “That is what I am hoping for too, Zee.” Kuan looked off into space, visualizing the terrible battle he knew was before them. “I only hope we can defeat him and his disgusting horde.”

  “We have to trust in what our future is, Kuan, and I’m certain that our time will not end on the battlefield. Well, not this one anyway.” Stretching languidly, Zeeandra grinned hatefully. “In fact, I’m looking forward to getting my hands dirty for once.”

  “We shall both be ‘getting our hands dirty’ as you put it.” Kuan looked around, taking in the beauty and tranquility of Zeeandra’s home. “But I can’t say I have the same enthusiasm as you appear to have.”

  “That’s because you’re a man of peace, Kuan.” Zeeandra flicked her long dark hair over her shoulder. “I’m more a ‘tear their heads off and ask questions later’ kinda gal.”

  “I have never enjoyed taking a life,” Kuan sighed. “Even those that were the worst kinds of beings who’d carried out unspeakable acts. I still feel it clawing at my soul, Zee. I wish I didn’t, but I do, and that wears me down.”

  “Kuan.” Zeeandra sat up, swinging her long legs around. “You are too pure of heart to take a life and not have it affect you. But we both know this battle is one we have to win. If we do not, then neither of us will be able to carry on in any way, shape, or form. So, my friend, it’s time to man up and find your inner fierceness. If not for your own good, then for all the humans and other beings out there who want to live in peace. It is our duty, Kuan, you know this.”

  “I do.” Kuan looked over at his oldest friend sadly. “But I don’t have to be happy about it.”

  “No, you don’t,” she agreed. “But you do have to kick some Demon ass.”

  “Indeed I do.” Kuan stood.

  “Are you certain it will come to this?” Zeeandra peered at Kuan. “Possibly Basilius will relent?”

  “No.” Kuan shook his head. “I doubt it, but I have sent an appeal to him to see if he will change his course of action. I’m awaiting his response.”

  “I see.” Zeeandra’s long neck swiveled around, taking in her home. “I shall do anything in my power to help. I rather like this place and I’m not moving for any Demon.”

  “Not any Demon,” Kuan reiterated. “This is Basilius, King of Demons.”

  “Pfft.” She waved a perfectly manicured hand. “Demon King or not, he’s not going to win.”

  “I sincerely hope you’re right.”

  “Kuan.” She grinned devilishly. “Have you learned nothing in your very long life? A woman is never wrong.”

  Kuan chuckled. “Of course, how silly of me.”

  “I’ll contact Jaxon and advise that I’ll be requiring his services.”

  “Jaxon?” Kuan smiled. “He’s still Master of the Guild?”

  “Yes.” Zeeandra gave a cheeky grin. “He is, and every time I see him, I wish I were human, or at least not a Goddess. He’s hot with a capital H.”

  “Zee!” Kuan admonished. “He’s out of bounds to you.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She pouted. “He’s still the fiercest Warrior I know and he’ll be a great asset in the fight to come.”

  “I’m glad he’ll be joining us.” Kuan nodded. “I think we’re going to need all the help we can get.”

  “Don’t fret. We’ll make sure Basilius doesn’t win this war, or get his hands on Rose.”

  “I cannot allow that to happen, Zee,” Kuan declared. “He cannot be allowed to defile her power for good and manipulate it into something evil.”

  “What are you saying, Kuan?” Zeeandra asked shocked. “Are you implying something?”

  “I’m not implying anything,” he said despairingly. “If we are losing, if the Demons are winning, then I will have to do the most despicable act I can imagine. I will have to remove Rose, and the power inside her, so Basilius doesn’t get his hands on her. We both know the havoc that would wreak if he could use her to his own end. I absolutely cannot allow that to happen.”

  “Kuan.” Zee reached out, patting hi
s shoulder. “We’ll do our best to ensure things don’t come to that.”

  “I have to prepare myself, Zee.” Kuan shook his head in misery. “The entire future of all the realms depends on Basilius being defeated, and not using Rose for his evil intentions.”

  “My dear, sweet, friend.” Zeeandra looked down at him with compassion. “You are not suited to that task. It would haunt you for eternity.”

  “Be that as it may.” Kuan’s shoulder’s drooped. “It would have to be done.”

  “If you feel that is the only course of action, then I shall carry out the deed,” Zeeandra announced. “And I won’t argue with you over this. Your soul could not carry that burden, Kuan. Mine, on the other hand, would have no problem with the matter. I am a warrior at heart; we both know I’m better suited to the deed than you.”

  “I cannot ask that of you,” Kuan retorted.

  “You did not,” Zeeandra replied firmly. “I offered and there is no need for further discussion. If you feel there is no hope, then all you need to do is tell me via our mind-link and I’ll do the rest.”

  “I hate using that, it’s so uncivilized.” Kuan ran a hand down his front, straightening his jacket. “So be it. Thank you.”

  “No thanks necessary.” Zeeandra’s eyes sparkled. “You’ve done me many a favor; this doesn’t come close to repaying you.”

  “Zee, I have never, and shall never, wish repayment for anything.” Kuan cocked his head to the side. “However, if you continue to feel as if you have to return the favor, then all I ask is that you and your Dragon Warriors are there to help us.”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Zeeandra chuckled. “I’m looking forward to it. My Dragon hasn’t had a good fight in such a long time. It’s itching to inflict some carnage on Basilius and his Demons. Maybe then I’ll feel a sense of payback for his low-life shits killing one of my Warriors.”

  “You are a bloodthirsty Goddess.” Kuan shook his head. “But I think your mindset is just what will be required for this particular fracas.”

  “You better believe it.” Zeeandra grinned evilly. “Now, off with you, I have things to organize too and I need to check up on my Dragons and ensure all is well with their charges.”

  “How many were you able to save?” Kuan enquired.

  “Not nearly as many as I would’ve liked.” Her eyes full of sadness. “But far more than anyone knows about. They are safe, in a valley that is almost self-sufficient, with a maze of tunnels in the mountain range that surrounds them. Most of the Guild is there guarding them, while others are out still hunting for their kind. If they locate any, they offer them sanctuary, and so far, all but a few have taken them up on the offer.”

  “Good.” Kuan gave her a small smile. “That’s good news in the face of all the bad. Now, I really must go, Zee, so much to do and so little time.”

  Zeeandra stood, towering over him. “I shall see you soon.”

  “Yes, thank you, my dear friend.” Kuan looked thoughtful, his eyes wandering off to the side for a moment. “I have to check and see if there’s been a response from Basilius, but I think we both know what that will be. He will never give up his quest to have Rose under his control.”

  “I believe so, but we will not break before him or his Demons. We will fight to the bitter end, Kuan, and with good on our side, I pray we will prevail.”

  “As do I,” Kuan agreed quietly. “I shall let you know the where and when, Zeeandra, and tell Jaxon I look forward to seeing him, despite the circumstances.”

  “I will.” Zeeandra sighed theatrically, her hand patting her chest. “Is there any chance I can become human? I’d do anything for one night with him.”

  “No.” Kuan shook his head. “You cannot, and you’ll have to curb your yearning for him, Zee. It is forbidden and I’d miss you if you were banished due to an indiscretion with Jaxon.”

  “Damn.” She pouted. “I can dream, Kuan, I can dream.”

  “Dreaming is allowed.” Kuan raised an eyebrow. “But no acting on those feelings, Zee.”

  “I know!” She flounced back down onto her chaise. “A girl’s gotta have dreams though. Life would be rather boring without them.”

  “Just focus on defeating Basilius. That’ll keep your mind occupied.”

  “All right.” Zeeandra waved him away. “Shoo, away with you, I’ve got work to do.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” Kuan smiled indulgently at the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. “In the meantime, try and be good.”

  “Pfft, there’s no fun in that, but I’ll try,” she quipped back.

  Kuan concentrated and a moment later, he winked out of existence. Travelling through space to materialize back in the human realm. The small cottage he called “home” and which nobody knew of. Settled at the edge of a large forest, a brook running past the rear of the property, peace and tranquility filled the area.

  This was his place to return to for respite, calm, and to restore himself back to harmony and serenity.

  A soft, tinkling voice broke the silence as he stared out the front window. “You’re back. How did it go with Zeeandra?”

  Kuan turned, his lips tugging up into a smile as his companion, Shawndra, stuck her head out of her office. “It went well. She will help us, and she’s bringing two of her Dragon Warriors.”

  Shawndra clapped her hands. “Wonderful.”

  “Has there been any response to my message to Basilius?” Kuan was certain of the answer, but still prayed he’d be wrong.

  “I received a call earlier.” Shawndra frowned, her ebony skin puckering between her eyes. “Orthon has advised that Basilius will be meeting us in battle, if he doesn’t get his hands on Rose. So I guess we have to accept there will be a rather nasty fracas ahead.”

  “It’s what I expected.” Kuan sighed, sinking down into an overstuffed armchair. “I’m not looking forward to this. Not at all.”

  Shawndra stepped forward, her hands wringing before her. “I can help. I was in the Elf Guard before I came to work for you, Kuan. I’m an expert with a bow and if I use spelled arrows, then I’ll be able to take down some Demons from afar.”

  Kuan’s head spun in her direction, his eyes wide with horror. “Absolutely not. I forbid it, Shawndra. You’ll not put yourself in danger. This will be a battle like no other and your place is not in the thick of it.”

  “But I can help,” she pleaded, standing up straight and crossing her arms defiantly.

  “I have no doubt of that, Shawndra.” Kuan looked up at her, his feelings showing in his eyes. “But I’ll have enough to worry about and I can’t spare the distraction of fearing for your safety too. Please understand that. This is going to be bad enough, the less things I have to divert my attention, the better.”

  “I’m worried too, Kuan.” Shawndra’s eyes fell to the floor. “What if something happens to you?”

  “I’ll be okay.” Kuan tried to reassure her. “It’s Rose I’m worried about.”

  “She’ll be fine,” Shawndra proclaimed firmly. “I feel it, Kuan, Rose will come through this alive. Maybe not unscathed, but I’m sure she’ll be alive.”

  “That’s not entirely comforting,” Kuan admitted. “Because it depends in whose arms she is in when this is over–Cassius’ or Basilius’. That is the deep concern I have, because if it’s the latter, then all realms will be in danger.”

  “Oh.” Shawndra looked worried. “I’ll pray for Basilius’ defeat. Hopefully someone will hear me and aid in his demise.”

  “I hope so too.” Kuan yawned. “For now, I need rest.”

  Shawndra pointed to his bedroom door in the corner. “Don’t you dare sleep there. Go to bed, Kuan, you’ve not slept in days, and you need to be strong and alert. So, go to your room, actually sleep in a bed, and I’ll wake you later with dinner.”

  Kuan yawned again, nodding. “Good idea.”

  As he wandered to his room, he clearly heard her mutter. “Silly man. Looks after everyone but himself.”

  He st
opped, turning to smile at her. “That’s why I have you.”

  “Hmmf.” Shawndra shook her head, waving an arm at him. “Off you go. I’ll wake you later.”

  Kuan nodded his thanks, slowly entering his sanctuary before dropping onto his bed, fully clothed, and falling into a deep sleep.

  Cassius propped his head up, staring at Rose lying next to him in his bed. Her beauty taking his breath away as his fingers ran through strands of her hair. His heart beat with love as he watched her, his lips tugging up as she mumbled in her sleep. “Must be dreaming,” he thought as she turned toward him, her arms and legs entwining with his.

  The thought of Basilius getting hold of her turning his blood to icy rivers running through him. He’d do whatever it took to stop that from happening, and he felt a little relief at the thought of his friend, Calix, arriving shortly.

  Calix would have his elite guards with him, and they were a force to be reckoned with. He was happy they’d be standing by his side when they faced Basilius and his Demons. However, just the mere thought of Rose being there tugged at his guts in a way he’d never encountered before: fear for someone he loved.

  The emotion was alien to him and he knew he was going to have an argument on his hands when Rose woke. He’d never lost an argument before, and he hoped he didn’t this time, but he had a feeling he just might. Cassius exhaled, trying to contain his emotions, and remain calm. Starting the discussion while upset and fearful would most definitely not be in his favor.

  He may not have known Rose for very long, but he did know that she would not respond well to his usual way of doing things. His usual orders would not go down well with The Black Rose. Hell no. But he had to try, had to give it his best shot at trying to keep her safe. A long drawn out sigh escaped him as his emotions ran rampant through him.

  “What’s wrong?” Rose’s soft voice surprised him.

  “What?” He tried to put her off. “Oh, nothing. Just work stuff.”

  “Yeah, right.” Rose snorted, snuggling closer into his side. “And I’m Cinderella. So spill. What’s up?”

  “Nothing that can’t wait.” Cassius grabbed her to him, his lips covering hers in a passion fueled kiss. Her mouth opening to allow his tongue access, which he eagerly took advantage of, plundering it with a raging thirst.


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