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The Black Rose Chronicles, Battle and Betrayal: Book 3

Page 2

by A. K. Michaels

  His fingers tangled in her hair, tugging her head back a little to give him better access to her soft pale skin. His cock was rock hard, bulging with need as it knocked against Rose’s belly. Her soft moan as he moved to cover her naked body, driving his arousal higher, taking him to heights he’d never envisioned before.

  Everything about her drove him wild, especially her reaction to his touch. Her body awakened with erotic abandon as his fingers trailed around her already budding nipples. Rose tugged on his hair, urging his mouth to lower, and he gladly succumbed, sucking them into his mouth and laving the hard buds with his tongue.

  Rose’s back arched, pushing her breasts up to meet him, as his knee nudged her thighs apart beneath him. He strained to contain his ardor, and failed, his cock thrumming with need to be encased in her warmth. Moving his hips to position himself and thrusting inside in one quick motion. Rose gasped as he entered her, followed by her hands gripping his shoulders tightly, her nails digging into his skin and drawing blood.

  Cassius tugged on a nipple one last time before moving upwards to stare down at her rapturous face. Her eyelids half closed, her pupils dilated, and her mouth slightly open as she panted. His heart swelled with love as her body matched his, thrust for thrust, her legs wrapping around his ass tightly.

  “You’re my Angel,” he mumbled softly.

  Rose’s resulting giggle surprising him. “Angel?” She shook her head before darting forward to nibble his bottom lip. “I’m anything but.”

  Cassius’ lips tugged up briefly before they covered hers once again as their desire raged furiously toward release. As soon as Rose’s orgasm started, deep inside, he felt it, urging his own to surge forward. Her walls clamping on his cock, as if refusing to allow its departure from her body, each rhythmic contraction forcing his seed to erupt in a cascade of pleasure. An animalistic roar tearing from his throat, reverberating around the bedroom, as Rose screamed his name.

  Collapsing on top of Rose, he sank his face into her hair, inhaling deeply. “You smell exquisite.”

  “I smell of sweat and sex.” Rose laughed.

  Cassius pushed up onto his forearms, cocking his head and grinning. “As I said, you smell exquisite. I love scenting our lovemaking all over you, Rose. It’s intoxicating in the extreme.”

  “Well, buster,” Rose gave him a hard shove. “I’m heading to the shower and then we’ll discuss what you so expertly avoided earlier.”

  “Moi?” Cassius feigned ignorance. “I’ve no idea to what you refer.”

  “Yeah, you do.” Rose squirmed out from beneath him, punching his shoulder as she went. “And I plan on finding out what, as soon as I’m clean and fed. So, before you join me in the shower, call down and get me some food, please.”

  “I’ll be there in just a moment.” Cassius grinned roguishly.

  Orthon squirmed as Basilius prowled around his office, his fury plain to see. “Master, I don’t know what to say. The Council members have all but disappeared and I cannot locate them, no matter how hard I try. I’ve used every threat I can think of, but I am still getting nowhere.”

  Basilius’ head spun toward Orthon, his lips curled back in a snarl. “Useless! You’re useless!”

  Orthon dipped his head, lowering his gaze so he couldn’t see Basilius’ burning orbs of anger. “I’m sorry; I’ll try harder to find them.”

  Basilius strode to his desk, collapsing into his chair. “And who is the message from? Who did you say it was?”

  Orthon chanced a look up. “His name is Kuan, and he has asked that you cease and desist from trying to recapture Rose. If you don’t then he says he is ready to meet you in battle.”

  Basilius’ head reared back as he roared with laughter. “Cease and desist? Who talks like that? And does he have any idea of who I am?”

  “I don’t know, Master.” Orthon shook his head.

  “Do you have a way to reply?” Basilius queried, his finger tapping his chin.

  “Yes,” Orthon said quietly, waiting on the rage he knew was coming.

  Basilius’ face hardened, his eyes boring into Orthon. “Good. Tell this, Kuan, whomever the hell he is, that I’ll find Rose, soon, and when I do I’ll make her suffer for running away from me. Also, tell him if he wishes to meet me in battle, I’ll be only too willing. Though I will need a time and place to accommodate him.”

  “Of course.” Orthon started to back away, eager to remove himself from Basilius and his wrath. “I’ll do it now, sir.”

  Basilius chuckled evilly. “I look forward to this, and I have a feeling that this Kuan won’t come alone. So, I guess I need to assemble my own army to take care of him and his misguided cohorts. Nobody can stand against me and my Demons.”

  “Is there anything else?” Orthon whimpered.

  “Yes.” Basilius growled. “Fucking find me Rose!”

  Orthon scampered for the door, desperate to escape before Basilius decided to punish him. His heart hammered in his chest as he closed the door behind him. Relief at escaping unscathed running riot through this body. His hands shook as he opened the email from Kuan’s assistant, typing furiously his reply. He doubted they expected any other answer to the one he was giving, but he hoped that Kuan wasn’t a mere mortal. If so, then the fight would be lost before it even started.

  His abject terror of Basilius was growing each day. So much so, that he could barely function as he thought on when the Demon King would snap and kill him. Or worse, take his time and torture him to death. Orthon knew it would happen. He’d been in Basilius’ employ for longer than any previous assistants had and each and every one of them had died a horrendous death.

  Orthon wasn’t stupid, he knew it would happen to him. His only way out was if someone stronger came along and dealt with Basilius. That was a lofty dream of his but he was well aware that the reality would probably be that Basilius destroyed anyone who stood up to him.

  “I can dream,” Orthon thought to himself as he went back to work, keeping one ear on the office behind him, just in case his master’s fury unleashed in his direction.

  Cassius watched as Rose finished her food. The simple sight causing his stomach to knot in fear at the thought of her facing Basilius. She kept sneaking glances at him, and he knew the time was fast approaching when he’d need to broach the subject. The firm set to her mouth as she looked at him, alerting him that it was not going to be an easy conversation.

  Pushing her plate away, Rose sipped her coffee, staring at him over the top. Raising an eyebrow, her hands lowered the cup. “Are you going to talk to me about whatever it is that’s making you look like you’re chewing a cow pat.”

  Raising his eyebrow and taking a deep breath, he tried to put into words what he was feeling. “Rose, I know you’re strong. The most capable woman I’ve ever met, and I’m proud of you and the way you survived in Hell. Most women would curl up in a corner somewhere and sob. Not you, no, you took your life, and those of others, in your hands and fought to escape.”

  Rose nodded, confusion on her face. “All right, but what about that makes you look as if you’re upset? I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, Cass, I’m used to fighting. It’s second nature to me.”

  “I understand that.” Cassius sighed. “I probably won’t say this properly.” He stopped, working through the words in his head.

  “For goodness sake,” Rose exclaimed. “What’s up? Just spit it out, Cass.”

  “I’m scared,” Cassius finally said aloud what was rampaging through him: fear.

  “About what?” Rose asked, even more confused. “The fight with Basilius? Hell, anyone in their right mind would be a little nervous about that.”

  “No.” Cassius tried again. “I’m not scared about facing him, or his Demons. It’s not something I’m particularly looking forward to, but in a way, I am. I want all this finished with and the only way for that to happen is to take him out.”

  “Okay.” Rose looked baffled now. “Cass, what is it you’re trying to
say? Because right now I have no clue and I think we need to have a meeting with everyone to discuss our battle plan.”

  “That’s just it, Rose.” Cassius reached over, grabbing one of her hands in his and holding it tightly. “I don’t want you there. I’m terrified you’ll get hurt. That would . . .”

  Rose sat up straighter, scowling at him and tugging her hand free, her voice rising as she shook her head vigorously. “Uh uh, nope, no way. I’m not staying away from that. I plan on being there, front and center, to help defeat this fucker. How can you even think to ask me otherwise?”

  Cassius breathed deeply, trying to calm himself. He wasn’t used to having anyone refuse him anything, but he had an idea that Rose would test his limits every single day. “Rose,” he said as he reached over to pull her hand back into his. “I guess I started this all wrong. I’m sorry. Please, let me try to explain.”

  She barely nodded, her eyes squinting as she glared at him.

  “I’ve never had this, what we have.” Cassius waved his free hand between them. “This thing, love, is not something I’m familiar with. It makes my heart soar when I look at you, and plummet to depths I never knew existed, when I think of you anywhere near Basilius. I’ve laughed more in the short time we’ve known each other, than I have for a very long time. You’re precious to me, no, that’s not right.”

  Cassius stopped, looking off to the side as he gathered his thoughts. “Yes, you’re precious. But that doesn’t come close to how I’m feeling right now. Rose, I feel as if I’m dying every time I think of you being anywhere near the Demon King. He took you from me once. He could do it again, and I’m not sure what I’d do if that happened. I think I’d lose it completely and, trust me, that would most definitely not be a good thing. My humanity would disappear if I lost you, baby. Damn, I’m not doing this very well. Usually I’m articulate when I want to put a point across. With you, I feel like a tongue-tied schoolboy, and I can’t express what I’m trying to say in a manner that won’t have you boiling with anger. I can’t lose you, Rose. If I did then it would be my end. Plain and simple.”

  Rose’s face softened, no longer tight and angry. He hoped she’d understood. She had to understand.

  “Cassius.” Rose’s fingers tightened in his. “I get that. I do. I feel the same, well, maybe not exactly the same as Basilius didn’t kidnap you. But, I lost you just the same. When I was there, in Hell, you were the thing that I clung to, to keep me going. But, and I know this is hard for you, I’m not an ordinary mate in any way that is the norm. I’m different, I’ve always been different, and I don’t mind blowing my own trumpet, but I’m no shrinking violet that needs a man to protect me. I do a damn fine job of doing that all by myself. It’s part of who I am, Cass. I can’t change that. I’m sorry, I really am, ‘cause I know that’s not what you want to hear right now. But, lover boy, I’m going to be right by your side when we take him and his Demons on. That’s a fact you’re just going to have to come to terms with.”

  Rose’s face clouded with sadness as his own hardened with fear lapping at his insides. “Rose . . .”

  “No.” She pulled her hand out of his, holding it up to stop him. “Don’t. Just don’t. I don’t want to argue, Cass. We may only have a short time together before we have to face Basilius, and I definitely don’t want to spend it fighting with you. In fact,” She licked her lips slowly, “I can think of far better ways to spend our time.”

  Cassius’ tamped down his anger easily as his cock hardened. “Low blow, Miss Rose.”

  “Hey.” she shrugged, grinning cheekily. “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

  “This discussion isn’t over.”

  “Oh, I’d disagree with that.” She winked at him. “I’ve no time for discussions, not when I want to get naked with the man I love.”

  He couldn’t stop the small growl that rumbled up from his chest. “Sounds like an ideal way to while away the . . .”

  A loud rapping on the door had both of their heads spinning towards it, frowning. He heard her curse as Valentine opened the door, popping his head inside. “Sorry to interrupt, boss, but Calix and his men are arriving. Our scouts say he’ll be here shortly.”

  “Fine.” Cassius sighed. “We’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Sure thing.” Valentine noted Rose’s scowl. “You okay, Rose?”

  Cassius couldn’t help smirking when she flounced her hair over her shoulder as she rose and disappeared into the bedroom. “No, not okay, but I’ll survive. Valentine, has anyone told you that you’ve got dreadful timing?”

  Valentine shook his head as Rose slammed the bedroom door. “Boss, sorry, have I done something wrong?”

  Cassius mirrored Valentine’s headshake. “No, it’s all right. I’ll see you in five minutes.”

  “Okay, boss.” Valentine looked to the bedroom door, shook his head, and left.

  “Rose,” Cassius called as he opened the door. “I’m sorry.” His feet stopped as his breath hitched. Rose turned around, dressed from head to toe in black leather: very tight leather. “Where did you get that?”

  “Valeria.” Rose grinned brazenly. “If I can’t have you all to myself, well, I plan on making you think very rude things about me every time you look at me. Think this’ll work?”

  She placed a hand on one hip, cocking it to the side as she ran her other hand down her side. Cassius shook his head to clear it. The vision before him causing him to rethink his plans to meet his friend. Rose’s finger waved in front of her face. “Uh uh, no you don’t, buddy boy, get dressed.”

  Rose grabbed her sheath and katana, securing it on her back, and then pulling on a pair of biker boots. She looked like a sexy angel of death as she straightened up, smirking over at him.

  “You’re definitely not playing very fair today, Rose.” Cassius finished making himself presentable. “You also realize that mine won’t be the only eyes glued to you dressed like that.”

  “Hmm.” Rose pouted. “Is that right?”

  “Yes, it most definitely is, and you are very naughty for teasing me like this. How am I supposed to focus on business when you’re parading around like that?”

  “Parading?” Rose quirked an eyebrow. “I don’t ‘parade’ anywhere.”

  “Semantics.” Cassius took a steadying breath. “However, I am still going to find it difficult to concentrate on anything. Which I think is exactly your mission, is it not?”

  “Bullseye!” Rose giggled as she walked out of the room, her hips sashaying in a manner he’d never seen her use before.

  “Oh I think that fine ass of yours needs a good spanking later, missy.”

  Her head turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes wide with excitement. “Promises, promises.”

  Cassius hissed as he followed, his hand reaching out to caress her ass. Rose reacted with a swipe of her hand, knocking his away with force. “Nope.” She shook her head. “No touching. Not now.”

  “What?” Cassius frowned. “I can’t touch you?”

  “No, not now.” Rose smirked around at him. “I think I’d like the anticipation to build a little, might make things more interesting later. Don’t you think?”

  “Interesting isn’t the word I’d use.” Cassius punched the button for the elevator with far more force than usual. “Infuriating, exasperating, and downright frustrating is what I’d say.”

  Rose giggled, poking him in the chest. “Down boy, you can have all this,” she ran a hand down her side, over her thigh and back up, “later, when we’re alone, and when you promise we won’t be interrupted.”

  “I’ll put a big sign up on the door, ‘do not disturb, under pain of death.’ Is that promise enough?”

  Again, she laughed as they got in the elevator, her eyes twinkling. The sight and sound causing his heartrate to skyrocket. “Your laughter soothes my soul, Rose. I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”

  “I’m glad.” Her face sobered. “I’m wishing for a happy ending for us Cass. You know, like
the ones I read about in my books, the happy ever after. But we both know what we’ve got to face and until that’s out of the way I’m doing my damnedest to try and not think too far in the future.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” Cassius admitted. “I’m feeling like that too.”

  “Let’s just hope Kuan can come up with some extra firepower to help us.”

  Cassius could only agree. “Yes, if he can’t then nobody can. In the meantime, let’s go meet Calix and his men. His elite personal guard are brutal warriors and I’m relieved they’ll be joining the fight. The leader of the guard, Francois, is Calix’s Second in Command, and he is one of the strongest Vampires I’ve come across.”

  “I look forward to meeting them.” Rose stepped out as the doors pinged open.

  “Then let’s go and do just that.” Cassius strode out purposefully, looking forward to seeing his friend again.

  Valentine was opening the door of a high-end SUV when they joined him outside. Calix stepping out into the sunshine, his hand covering his eyes against the brightness. Although he wasn’t as old as Cassius, he had been able to go out in daylight for almost a century, but preferred not to. Cassius couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his friend up and about during daytime.

  Calix looked around, shaking Valentine’s hand before noticing Rose standing at the top of the stairs. A fleeting emotion ran over his friend’s face and Cassius’ eyes squinted, trying to place what he’d seen. He didn’t have time to ponder on what he thought he’d seen when Francois rushed out the vehicle, rushing towards Calix with a scowl.

  “I told you to stay inside until I’d made sure all was safe,” Francois chastised.

  Valentine chuckled. “Protective as always, Francois.”

  “Of course,” Francois said curtly. “You are the same with Mr. Allarde.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” Valentine conceded. “But I assure you all is safe and secure here.”


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