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Captured Single Dad: A Steamy Daddy Romance

Page 5

by Kristen Echo

  “Clearly you’re not impressed with our decision,” Brent said, stepping closer to his friend. “Calm down before you have an aneurism. The vein in your neck is throbbing.”

  “I’ll knock you out cold if you step one inch closer.” Max shook his fist in the air. “You’re a real piece of work. Claiming to be my friend and backstabbing me.”

  “It had nothing to do with you. We got carried away,” Brent explained. “You weren’t supposed to find us like this. I’m sorry Max.”

  Why was he apologizing? We had done nothing wrong.

  “That’s just great,” he huffed, pacing the bedroom. “How long has this been going on? No. Don’t fucking answer. You should be ashamed of yourself. What would you do if I fucked one of your daughters? You’d kill me. Right?”

  “It’s not the same thing and you know it,” Brent shot back. “Christy’s almost twenty. I would never hurt her. I… care about her.”

  “You hurt every woman you touch. Lucille’s dead and Jessa cried all night on my shoulder. I barely got any sleep because of you.” He slammed his hand on the desk.

  The laptop rattled. Max gripped the edges and took several deep breaths. No one spoke. I looked at Brent and his eyes were closed tight as if he were in physical pain. I wasn’t sure what to say to defuse the situation or how to make things better.

  He waltzed over to Brent and jabbed his finger at his shoulder. “You’ve been miserable, claiming you loved her so much and life isn’t the same without her. You invited Jessa to Hawaii to rekindle your relationship and then ditched her for a young piece of ass. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Brent buried his face in his hands. I couldn’t breathe. All the air left my lungs at the mention of Brent’s ex-wife. Had he lied to me? Had the flowers and romantic setting been for her?

  My hand covered my heart. “Is… is he telling the truth?”

  Brent looked ashen. As if his actions had single handedly ruined my life or ruined Jessa’s. I couldn’t speak for his ex, but I’d never felt more alive. Being with him made me happy. I wasn’t ready to give that up.

  He refused to meet my eyes. “Jessa is here, but I never invited her. It’s complicated.”

  “Okay,” I breathed. “I trust you’ll fill me in later.”

  Max threw his hands in the air. “Next you’ll tell me something asinine like you’re in love with each other.”

  Brent and I kept our mouths closed but shared a look. That one tiny movement meant everything. He loved me. Our night wasn’t a mistake. It was the beginning.

  The men argued. Max talked over me as if I wasn’t there. I hated when he treated me like a kid. At some point, Brent stopped talking. He kept his head down and accepted the lashing Max provided. These guys never fought. I despised what this situation had done to their friendship.

  “No regard for me at all,” Max shouted. “I asked you to help me watch out for her, not plow your dick into her. You filthy perv—”

  “Enough!” I refused to let this go on for another second. I wrapped the sheets around my body, marched over and planted myself between the two men. “Get out Max.”

  “Grab your clothes and come with me,” he demanded.

  “You’re not listening. Get the hell out of here,” I screamed, and I pointed at the door with a shaking hand. “If you don’t leave us alone in the next ten seconds, you’re fired.”

  His nostrils flared. “It’s like that? After everything I’ve done for you.” He shook his head.

  “You’re overstepping your role.” I clutched the sheet so it wouldn’t fall. “Can’t you see that my love life is none of your concern?”

  “No. Everything you do is my business.” He touched my cheek. The gentle caress stole the wind from my angry sails. “It’s my job to take care of you and give you what you need.”

  I loved that he cared, but he had no right to yell at us for falling in love. “It’s actually my responsibility to take care of myself. Max, I love you. You know this. But you’re my agent, my roommate and my friend. Nothing more. You’re not my dad, or my big brother or my caregiver. I’m a grown-ass woman. I decide who I want to spend time with and who I love.”

  He dropped his hand and shuffled over. “I love you too. So much, that I won’t let you make this mistake. I only want what’s best for you Christy. Promise me you’ll be smart.”

  I nodded and agreed I would do what was best for me. Brent was mine. I grabbed his hand and threaded our fingers together. Screw the consequences.

  “We didn’t do this to hurt you.” Brent squeezed my hand.

  Max’s eyes narrowed into slits as he focused on his friend. He stepped around me, leaned into Brent and grabbed the back of his neck. Brent braced himself for a hit that never came.

  “As for you, my alleged best friend, we’re through,” he whispered. His voice dropped so low I struggled to hear. “You know what she means to me and… I can’t even look at you.”

  He released Brent and stepped backwards out of the bedroom. Without saying another word, he opened the door, walked out and slammed it shut.

  I dropped the sheet and hugged Brent. The warmth of his body felt like home. He wrapped me in his arms. His hands tangled in my hair as he pressed my head over his heart. It was beating erratically.

  “That was all kinds of messed up, and you shouldn’t have had to deal with that. I’m sorry.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll do better at protecting you next time.”

  “It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault,” I said. Then his words registered. I titled my head up and gazed into his eyes. “Next time?”

  “My best friend made a lot of valid points.” He brushed the stray hairs away from my face and looked deep into my eyes. “His heart is in the right place. Go easy on him because he cares about you. So do I.” His lips brushed against mine. “Giving my heart isn’t something I do lightly. But if you want me, I’m yours.”



  One night of passion had destroyed over two decades of friendship. Max loved Christy. I saw it clear as day. Only it was too late to go back and undo what’d happened. I’d made a royal mess of things.

  I was a horrible friend. In my defense, he should have confided in me. At least given me a hint he was in love with her. I had no idea he was into her. Until I saw the rage in his eyes, I’d been clueless. He was so closed off and stiff. It was impossible to read him. Except, his current message came across loud and clear. He wanted me dead.

  There was no mistaking his reaction as brotherly love. Jealousy radiated off him when Christy touched me. I should have let go of her hand, but I couldn’t. Maybe before we made love, I might have been able to keep away, but not anymore. My heart wasn’t wired that way.

  To make him happy, I’d have to give her up. No way in hell that would ever happen. Not since I met Lucille, had I felt this overcome by desire. I loved Christy with every fiber of my being.

  One taste of her lips and I was desperate for more.

  The second my hands caressed her sweet curves I knew I’d never be able to stop.

  Once I claimed her, she was mine. Forever.

  Max would learn to forgive me. He had to. I needed him to protect her when I couldn’t be around. He may have left, but we had plenty to discuss.

  Christy’s fingers caressed the side of my face as I hugged her closer and carried her to the bed. We sat with her straddling me. The heat from her body warmed me to the core.

  “I don’t want to fire Max, but he’ll have to get used to us,” she said. “We are happening.”

  Her blue eyes searched mine and whatever she found made her grin. When she smiled, nothing else mattered but making damn sure I kept her happy. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her.

  “We are most definitely happening.” I kissed her lips. “But you can’t let him go,” I stated. “He’s my best friend. I trust him more than anyone. He’ll take care of you like he’s always done which will give me peace of mind when
we’re apart.”

  “It’s naïve to think we’ll live like a regular couple, but it would be nice.” Her life was far from ordinary. As a teen idol, she was always in the limelight. She hardly had time to take her college courses between appearances and filming. No one could fault her work ethic. “If we had nine-to-five jobs in the same city, there would be no complications. Our biggest hurdle would be telling your kids,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “I doubt we’d hit too much resistance since they love you. They want me happy. It’s the rest of the world we’ll have to worry about.”

  “I’ll make you happy.” She kissed me again, grinding her hot pussy against me. Her sweltering heat burned through my briefs, rousing my cock.

  “You already do,” I said.

  “What’s this about you moving?” she asked as her lips hovered over my ear.

  I growled as her tongue connected with my skin. “My kids are overseas come fall. I have to go. Plus, I’ve booked every available gig I can. It’s more like traveling than moving,” I replied.

  “You can’t leave Vancouver. We’ll never see each other,” she protested, grazing my earlobe with her teeth. Her legs tightened around my waist.

  My right hand gripped her bottom, pulling her closer. I used my left to caress the base of her neck. “If everyone reacts as well as Max, it would be best to keep things on the down low. While we figure it out.”

  The more I thought about this the more we needed to proceed with caution. Jessa was a wild card. Her threats continued to burn in the back of my brain. Plus, I didn’t want to mess up Christy’s career.

  “Are you being serious?”

  “Yes. My life is complicated. I’m probably the last man you should choose to date,” I confessed.

  “We went over this already. You are the only man I see in my future.” She licked her lips and leaned back, creating distance between our bodies. “We made love and I can’t imagine ever going back. You promised you felt something real. Was that all lies to screw me? You never answered earlier. Why is your ex here?”

  “No. I’ve never lied to you.” And I never would. “What’s left of my heart is yours. Jessa showed up uninvited. Her plans didn’t match mine. I love Jessa for helping me through some dark days, but I’m not in love with her. Never was.” I buried my face in Christy’s golden locks and breathed her in. “I choose us.”

  We had to be smart and strategic about our relationship. I promised I’d take care of her, and this was the best way. Announcing our love wasn’t a good move. Most public figures tried to keep their private lives out of the public eye. For someone in Christy’s position, this was standard protocol. I explained this, and she reluctantly agreed.

  “I choose us too,” she whispered.

  Our lips sealed in agreement.

  “Then trust me,” I said. “Trust that near or far, I will always have your best interests in mind. Side by side or an ocean apart, I’m loving you and thinking of you.”

  She closed her eyes. “I wanted one normal thing in my life. Just one. But I guess that’s not possible,” she huffed. “How long do we have to keep our relationship a secret?”

  “It’s only temporary.” I pulled her flush against me again. “As far as I’m concerned, we’ll have a lifetime together. A few selfish moments won’t be so bad,” I said and sucked on her pouty lower lip.

  “You’re right.” She ran her fingers through my hair. “I trust you. Daddy knows best.”

  My cock hardened. “You’re a naughty girl. I know exactly what to do with you. I’ll start by—”

  A knocking at the door distracted me. It was probably Max returning to collect Christy or murder me. I did not relish the idea of dealing with him again. I shifted her onto the bed and dug through my bag.

  “You should probably cover up and put some clothing on.” I tossed one of my t-shirts to her and grabbed another for myself.

  She giggled and pulled it over her head. The woman could make a paper bag seem sexy. Her hair was wild, and her lips were too inviting. I stole a quick kiss before marching to the door.

  I pulled the door open, expecting to see my best friend on the other side. Instead it was my ex-wife. Jessa wore a short red dress and charged into my room without an invitation.

  “I gave you last night to come to your senses, but I’m done waiting,” she yapped. Marching past me, she headed for the bedroom. “I set up everything you like. What kind of man doesn’t accept an offer for sex?”

  The bedroom door was open, she crossed the threshold and halted when she spotted Christy. My girl sat on the edge of the bed, dangling her feet off the side. My blue t-shirt hung off her shoulder. It was obvious by the way she tugged on the hemline to cover her long legs that she had nothing underneath.

  “Hello,” Christy said with a coy smile. “What brings you by so early?” She batted her long lashes. Not in the least sorry to be discovered half naked.

  I could tell by the twinkle in her eyes, she was glad Jessa found her in my bedroom. The bedsheets were a rumpled mess, leaving no question the bed had been well used. Flower petals covered the surrounding floor.

  Jessa swiveled to face me and lost it. Hurting her had never been my intention. She yelled and cussed me out as tears streamed down her cheeks. After she berated me, she set her sights on Christy.

  “I’ve known all along you’ve wanted him. You little bitch,” she shrieked. “You are nothing but a home-wrecking whore.” She ran towards the bed.

  I deserved her fury, but Christy did not. I grabbed Jessa around the waist and prevented her from attacking. “Calm down and keep your mouth shut. I won’t tolerate you saying anything bad about Christy.”

  Her arms flailed as she tried unsuccessfully to escape. “He’s mine,” she professed, ignoring my warning. “You can’t have him. The two of you make no sense together. You’re a child.”

  Christy stood. Swimming in my shirt, she looked so young. “I’m not a home-wrecker because he’s not yours. Brent is mine,” she declared. “But you’re right. I’ve loved him way longer than you, and I will keep on loving him. We don’t need your permission to be together.”

  Her posture conveyed the confidence of a Gladiator. It was wrong to find this moment sexy. If I wasn’t already in love with Christy, this would have sealed it. Watching her stand her ground and stake her claim was sexy as fuck.

  “How could you be with her Brent?” Jessa relaxed in my arms. “You love me. We were so good together.”

  “Your marriage is over. He doesn’t love you,” Christy said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “He’s in love with me.”

  “Bitch!” Jessa swung her arms, trying to reach my girl.

  “Enough.” I dragged her towards the door. “Because of our history, I’m willing to have a rational conversation with you. But if you can’t control yourself, then I’ll fucking throw you out of this room so fast your head will spin. Are we clear?”

  Her body went limp. “Yes,” she huffed. “I’m sorry. Brent, I came here to talk to you. Not fight with you.”

  “You don’t have to apologize.” I released her and stepped between her and Christy to be safe. “If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the man you needed. But we can’t change the past. We need to move on. I have.”

  Jessa ran her fingers through her red hair as she walked over to the desk and sank into the chair. “You don’t know how to love.” According to her, I wasn’t capable of love. She figured I should to stay miserable forever. “You said you’d never be able to… how could you move on?”

  Before this trip, I had believed she was right. I didn’t think I’d love anyone again. Lust and sex weren’t a substitute for love. I knew the difference now. Falling in love with Christy wasn’t planned, but it happened. I was so grateful for her and this second chance at life.

  I grabbed Christy’s hand and threaded our fingers. Her warmth spread through me. “I don’t know how,” I admitted. “It doesn’t matter because I feel
alive again. My heart is beating without pain for the first time in so long.” I placed her hand over my heart.

  “I love you,” Christy mouthed.

  “So, it’s me. You just couldn’t love me,” Jessa sobbed, dropping her head on top of my laptop.

  “Jessa, it’s me,” I confessed. “My life operated on autopilot until I met you. You helped me grow in so many ways. You’re a remarkable woman. Never for one second doubt yourself or think you weren’t enough. Our failure as a couple is all my fault. I wasn’t ready.”

  “That’s what every woman wants to hear,” she said with a sniffle. “I fixed you so you could fuck your best friend’s kid. Does Max know?”

  “It’s not like that,” I objected.

  “Max knows,” Christy answered. “I’m not his kid. In fact, I’m not a kid at all.”

  Jessa’s hands wrapped around my laptop and she lifted it as if she meant to throw it. She exhaled loudly and set it back down. “Brent, I don’t want to continue this conversation with a child in the room.” She wiped her eyes and stuffed her hands in the pockets of her dress. “We’ll discuss our marriage later.”

  “There is no marriage,” Christy spat. “Move on.”

  Standing, Jessa scoffed. “You’re too simple and inexperienced to understand what it’s like to be an adult. Keep smiling for the cameras, while you can.”

  The end of her statement sounded like a threat. “It’s time for you to leave,” I said through clenched teeth.

  I released Christy’s hand and grabbed Jessa’s arm. She didn’t resist. A small smirk rested on her lips as we walked through the room. It was unnerving. I opened the door and ushered her out. No other words were said. When the door closed, I breathed a sigh of relief.

  Christy rested her head on my back and hugged me from behind. “Life won’t always be filled with this much drama,” she said. “Max and Jessa will come around.”


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