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Captured Single Dad: A Steamy Daddy Romance

Page 6

by Kristen Echo

  I wanted to believe her, but I had a feeling our battles were just beginning. “They won’t but I don’t care. You’re mine and nothing they say or do will change that. Right?” I turned to face her.

  Her big, innocent eyes met mine, and she smiled. “I’m yours.”

  We kissed. We made love again. I needed to fill her mind with memories. Enough to keep her satisfied during our time apart. I cherished her and loved her as much as possible in the limited time we had.

  We parted ways in the late afternoon. I hated saying goodbye. She had a flight to catch, and I had proofs to deliver. The fun times ended. I had work to do.

  Once alone, I booted the laptop, and the pictures were gone. The card was missing. I searched the floor and scoured the entire hotel room. It had vanished. I’d backed up the beach shots, but the boudoir pictures and the scandalous pictures of us were nowhere to be found.

  Those pictures in the wrong hands could be disastrous.

  My hands balled into fists. Either Max or Jessa had it. I grabbed my phone to call them and noticed three missed text messages.

  I read the first from Max: “Stay away from her or I’ll destroy both of your careers.”

  It was possible he’d terminate Christy’s contract. I’d never seen my best friend so angry. Max was cunning and brilliant. Blackmail wasn’t beneath him. If he had them, I’d have to outsmart him.

  The second message was from Jessa: “I’ve got what you need. Leave the girl alone.”

  I sank to the floor. In the past, Jessa often stole my supplies to mess up my shoots. She might have taken the pictures to screw with me, not knowing how important and damaging they might be. In her hands, anything was possible. She wouldn’t blink twice at hurting Christy. If she took the memory card, I had no clue how to get it back. But she wouldn’t have known what she was taking by stealing it. Maybe she wouldn’t look, but that was unlikely.

  Fuck. This was a nightmare. I never should have taken those shots in the first place. One of those two had taken the pictures and I’d be at their mercy, but I’d never give her up. I’d never stop loving Christy.

  I was glad we’d decided to keep our relationship hushed for a while. This would give me time to deal with the missing pictures. I didn’t want her to worry. Christy had enough on her plate. She didn’t need this stress.

  The last message was from Christy: “I love you. When will I see you again?”

  I replied to that one. “Soon, I hope. No matter what happens, trust me. I love you too.”



  The fight with Max weighed heavily on my heart. My luggage wheels clattered against the tiles, as I approached his hotel room. He’d left countless messages throughout the day, but I’d ignored him. Spending time with Brent had consumed me. I’d lost track of time and scrambled to shower and get packed to catch my ride to the airport.

  At this late evening hour, the halls were empty. I rolled my two large suitcases against the wall and checked my watch. Ten minutes. That didn’t leave much time for a heart to heart. Max was more than my roommate. He was like family. Despite the bravado I’d displayed with Brent by my side, I was petrified of losing Max. I pounded my fist against his door. I knew he wouldn’t leave without me.

  “It’s me. Open up,” I yelled. “We need to talk.”

  He opened the door and blocked the entrance. His mouth was set in a thin straight line. I felt the disappointment radiating from his pores. His silence said it all. I’d really messed up.

  I exhaled and peered past him into the dark room. “We have a long flight ahead and I don’t want to be fighting with you the entire time.”

  “We’re not fighting,” he said. His tone was cold. Max was usually stiff, but this was different.

  “You yelled at me,” I countered. “That’s a first.”

  “Many firsts were ruined on this trip.” He stepped out into the hall and the door closed behind him with a loud click.

  My pulse raced as I searched for the right words. Nothing came. I didn’t know how to make things right between us. His reaction was far worse than I ever imagined. I’d stupidly thought he’d be happy for us. This was the opposite.

  “Where are your bags? And why would you say that?” I wanted to understand why he was adamantly against Brent and I being together.

  “They picked them up fifteen minutes ago. If you hadn’t been ignoring me, yours would have been brought to the limo as well. Are you trying to destroy your career?” His hands balled into fists. “Christy, I thought you were smarter. I… never mind. Wouldn’t want you to fire me,” he said, stepping past me.

  “Stop!” I grabbed his muscular forearm. My eyes drifted down, I shuffled my feet and stared at the chipped nail polish on the corner of my big toe. “I love him. Choosing him is the smartest thing I’ve ever done. I’m sorry for throwing you out, but you were being unreasonable. I would never fire you. Why are you so mad at me?”

  “You deserve better.”

  “He’s your best friend. You two are the best men I know. Brent loves me,” I countered.

  Max lifted my chin and our eyes met. The intensity sent a shiver down my spine. “He was my best friend. The second he touched you our friendship ended.”

  “Don’t say that. He never wanted to hurt you. I pushed for him to act on his feelings. If it hadn’t been last night, it still would have happened. We belong together. I’ve always known this.”

  He scoffed. His breath blew against my face and smelled like whiskey. “You don’t know him like I do. He’ll never make you happy. Not long term. Not the way I—”

  “I’m old enough to decide that for myself. Max, you have to accept I’m not a little girl anymore. My relationship with Brent isn’t going away.”

  “He’s been married twice and already has a family. You’ll never be his number one. You should be someone’s first and only pick.”

  I touched his cheek. “You’re always looking out for me and I appreciate it. Please don’t be mad at me or Brent. Can’t we just go back to the way things were before you caught us in bed.”

  “It’s not that simple.” He removed my hand from his face. “Forget the personal issues for a second and think about your career. We’ve worked so hard to achieve your status. He’s all wrong for your image. If you want an older man then—”

  “I know what you’re both saying makes sense. But I don’t have to like it,” I huffed. “He doesn’t want to go public until the dust settles on his divorce. I’m not sure how long we’ll wait, but we can strategize the best spin. Okay?”

  My mind was made up and nothing he could say would change my feelings. Brent was my future.

  “That’s a start, but it’s still far from okay.”

  “Why though? You’re acting like falling in love is wrong. It’s not.”

  He closed his eyes. “The pictures. What’s your plan there?”

  I coughed and patted my chest. I’d forgotten the sexy pictures were displayed when he had walked in. “Those weren’t for you or anyone else to see. We’re not sharing them.”

  “Damn right you’re not making those public.” He grabbed my arms and shook me. “I’ve drilled into your head how important it is to protect yourself. I’m trying my best, but this is a cutthroat industry. Pictures like that could kill the momentum we’ve created. I didn’t work this hard to see it crumble before you hit the big numbers. You’re so close. But one wrong move and you are yesterday’s trash. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” I answered.

  His fingers dug into my biceps. “You can’t afford to be reckless.”

  “You’re right. The pictures were a mistake.”

  He let me go and exhaled slowly through his mouth. “I’ll have Brent destroy them. Better yet, you can tell him in a second since he’s running over.”

  “He doesn’t have them,” I replied, turning to see Brent sprinting towards us.

  His hair was a mess and lines creased his forehead. A black t-shirt
and gray, board shorts clung to his body. He was stunning. I smiled and waved.

  “Where are they?” Max looked between me and Brent and settled on me. “What are you doing with them?”

  I didn’t answer. It’s not that I didn’t trust Brent, but those pictures were mine. No matter what the future held, we had one perfect night. No one could ever take that from me or use it against me.

  Brent stopped next to me, huffing and puffing. “Hi.” His hand pressed against the small of my back as he kissed my cheek. “Told you we’d see each other soon.”

  “Always nice to see you,” I said, bumping his shoulder with mine. “When I sent that text, I meant in the future, like outside of Hawaii.”

  He chuckled. “Can’t answer that yet, but we’ll see each other. If there’s a will, there’s a way.”

  “Definitely a will.” I winked as my hand drifted over his perfect ass. I loved that he didn’t shy away from my touch.

  Max cleared his throat. “I asked you to stay away from her. Why are you here?”

  Brent’s shoulders caved inward. “Ask me to give you my liver or a kidney and I would. But I can’t stop loving her. I never expected this to happen, but—”

  “We have to go.” Max grabbed my bags and headed towards the lobby. “Love her from afar then. Don’t fuck up her life,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Can I speak with you in private? Max, I’m serious. It’s important.” Brent chased after him and I followed.


  “Don’t do anything rash,” Brent said. “Give them back.”

  Max stopped in the middle of the hallway and I nearly ran into him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The pictures. I know you stole them.”

  “You lose them and instantly blame me.” Max shook his head. “Some friend.”

  “I have them,” I answered. “They are mine. And no, you can’t have them back.”

  “That’s a relief. You should have told me. I’ve been losing my shit for over an hour. I even called Jessa and tore a strip off her for interfering in my love life. We need to work on our communication.” Brent hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

  “Sorry.” I wrapped my arms around him. “Why would you think they took my pictures?”

  “They both left crazy messages, and I jumped to conclusions when I couldn’t find the card. I would never forgive myself if you got hurt from something I did.”

  Max rubbed the back of his neck. “You will hurt her. Might be unintentional, but it will happen. You’re not ready.”

  Brent placed his arm on his friend’s shoulder. “I’ll protect her with my life. I promise. There’s never a right time for love, but I will try my best to make her happy.” His words made my heart swell.

  I smiled. “Does this mean we’re all friends again?”

  “No,” Max answered quickly. “Every second you two are apart will be time I’ll use to convince you he’s not good enough. Brent won’t be in your life for much longer.”

  My arms tightened around Brent’s waist. “I hope he’s around for the rest of my life.” I looked around the empty halls before I captured his lips. The kiss was chaste but powerful.

  Brent’s dark eyes locked with mine as he returned my smile. “I hope so too.”



  One year later.

  “Happy anniversary,” I said into the phone as I looked around my apartment in Vancouver.

  The open concept main floor unit suited me. I’d searched high and low for weeks before this one became available. Max wasn’t thrilled with it because he no longer lived down the hall. To be honest, I missed living with him. He was an awesome roommate, but his distaste for Brent made it impossible to keep living with him.

  Every roommate since Max had been nothing but high maintenance garbage. I’d seen enough relationship drama to last a lifetime. Hearing couples argue sucked; worse was listening to them make love. It hurt my heart. Since I’d walked in on a threesome going down on my couch, I’d set rules. No more men allowed in my apartment. I required my next roommate to be single. I wasn’t a man hater, but I’m positive I came across that way.

  Milina was moving in next week and she seemed like a sweet girl. We had connected online because she also worked in the entertainment industry. She was from out-of-town and looking for a clean break from her ex, which I hoped, would make her the perfect housemate. Besides no men presently in our lives, we had a lot in common. I crossed my fingers, hoping she’d last longer than a month.

  I hated being alone. Unfortunately, moving in with my boyfriend was out of the question. For now.

  Brent chuckled. “A year already. Time sure flies when you’re in love.”

  Despite the obstacles placed by our careers, we were still together. I loved him more every day. And I missed him like crazy. “I wish you were here.”

  “Sweetness, did you get my present? It should have arrived by now,” he said, though I could hardly hear him. It sounded like he was in a wind tunnel.

  I leaned towards the coffee table and inhaled the sweet aroma from the large vase of plumeria. The flowers reminded me of Hawaii. Our first time. Happy memories. The counter had another identical crystal vase filled with yellow hibiscus.

  “The flowers are beautiful.” I gazed out the window and buckets of rain poured from the sky. Tucking my legs under me, I sighed. It was a perfect day to be lazy and cuddle with the one you loved. Too bad he wasn’t here. “Did you open my present? Oh wait, you can’t because I have no idea where in the world you are,” I said with more sass than I intended.

  When Brent told me he’d focus on his career, he wasn’t joking. The man was all over, taking so many projects he was never in one place long enough to set up a home base. With any free time, he visited either Oxford to see his girls, or Barcelona to catch up with his son. I bounced between LA and Vancouver, mostly. Luckily, we’d managed to sneak in a few quality visits over the past year.

  He laughed. “I’m closer than you think.”

  “Not close enough,” I whined.

  “Are you alone?” he asked. His masculine drawl never failed to make me purr. “Max isn’t with you?”

  “I’m alone.” I tucked my wild and matted hair behind my ears. “It’s eight in the morning here. What time is it where you are?” Dealing with time differences had become a normal occurrence for us.

  “Eight. Come open the door for me and you won’t be alone anymore.”

  I dropped the phone and raced to the door. It wouldn’t open fast enough. I yanked harder than necessary and it flew open. I ran barefoot through the lobby. My outfit would have turned heads since I wore only a black tank top and pink, lace panties. Luckily, no one was around. Not that I cared.

  On the other side of the glass door, I spotted Brent immediately. My man had a hoody pulled low over his brow as the rain drenched him. My hands shook as I turned the knob to let him in. His smile took my breath away and my knees turned to jelly. It was always like this.

  “You’re here!” I jumped into his wet arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. I didn’t care about getting wet.

  His lips found mine as he carried me back to my apartment. I’d missed his kisses and the scruff of his facial hair against my cheeks. His face was smoother than usual and trimmed into a goatee. The door had stayed open. He carried me inside and kicked it shut behind us.

  Our kiss was demanding and rough; and so overdue, I couldn’t break away. Not even to catch my breath. He was my oxygen, and I breathed him in until my lungs burned.

  He unzipped his sweater, and it dropped to the floor with a thud. He was wet and so was I. Brent carried me to the couch and covered my body with his.

  “Happy anniversary,” he panted as his fingers gripped my panties and tore them off.

  I tugged on his t-shirt, yanking it over his head. My eyes feasted on his tattoos. “How much time do we have?” My fingers fiddled with his belt as he kissed across my jaw and
down my neck. The clank of the metal buckle opening was music to my ears. “To be together, I mean.”

  When we’d agreed to date in secret for a while, I had expected a month or two. Not an entire year. But I never pressed the issue because our schedules were so hectic. It never bothered me much until recently. I was spending more time in Vancouver because I’d landed a leading role that was being filmed here. In the near future, I wanted my leading man to walk me down the aisle for the premier.

  The last time I asked if we could go public, he’d dismissed the idea. Our timing wasn’t right. But how could it be wrong if we fit so perfectly together? I moaned as he nipped at my earlobe and slipped two fingers inside me.

  “Our entire lives,” he answered, thrusting deeper.

  Those words nearly made me come. But they were only words. Something held Brent back from telling the world about us and I couldn’t figure it out. Some day soon I’d get to the bottom of his hesitation, but not today.

  “Daddy, I missed you so much. More. Give me more,” I begged. My body quivered as he twisted his fingers and reached my G-spot.

  His deep groan set me off. “I love you, Christy. If you want more, tell me what you need and I’ll do it.”

  My legs shook as my climax rocked me. With herculean effort, I tugged down his wet pants. “I love you too. I want forever,” I proclaimed with a huge smile.

  His smile matched mine. “Deal.”

  Thank you for reading. This book was the intro and prequel into a new series. Brent and Christy’s love story is far from over. If you want to follow their journey, then check out the first novel in my Steamy Daddy series, FORBIDDEN SINGLE DAD. If you’re interested in FREE content, head over to my website and subscribe to my mailing list and access all the BONUS CONTENT.


  Thank you for reading CAPTURED SINGLE DAD. I had a blast writing this steamy daddy romance, and I hope you had fun reading it.


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