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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

Page 19

by A. M. Willard

  When I close my eyes tracing the outline of Evan’s chest, I wonder how I ever got here. I also wonder what the future will look like for the two of us.

  Sleepily, I ask, “Does Neil know you asked me to marry you?”

  “He knew I was going to ask. I got his permission first, and for the record, he ran around screaming with excitement.”

  “I love you, Evan.”

  “Love you, Francesca.”

  Chapter 22

  It’s been three weeks since Evan and I spent the night at the hotel, and life hasn’t slowed down a bit. Between my work schedule picking up and him showing more houses, it seems like yesterday when he proposed.

  I haven’t fully moved in as I think it’s best for me to wait a little longer, even though Neil begs for me to stay each night. I do have some stuff at their house and sleep over, but I haven’t felt comfortable with moving all my stuff in. Evan’s asked me a few times, but I still want to take things slow and steady. No reason to rush things as we only live six houses away from each other. That also means I see them every morning no matter what. Neil refuses to go to school unless he can get a hug from me, which is also code word that his dad needs to see me, too.

  This has been our life for the last few weeks. Working, spending time together, and sneaking in love time, as we call it, in between the hours of the day. I’ve become accustomed to the text that I’ll get from Evan wondering where I am in the afternoon. Thankfully, those happen on the days that I’m still at home getting ready to go to the studio. Who knew daytime sex was the best ever. Don’t get me wrong, our time in the evenings is just as good, but we have little ears, and that means I have to control myself. In the day, we both let the animal out to play, and oh the play is so good that Zara now makes fun of me.

  See, she and Madison decided to surprise me with a visit a few days ago. Zara didn’t realize that Evan had also surprised me thirty minutes before. The way she explained it to Morgan was she heard monkey-erupting noises from my house and that Madison now needs therapy from them. Me being me followed up with now you know what Morgan feels like from when she caught you and Hatcher in the kitchen that day. Fair is fair…

  I’ve also been feeling a little more tired than usual, which means this morning I stared at the calendar counting days. The doctors explained that my system would be out of sync since I came off the birth control and the surgery. I just didn’t expect it to be this crazy. PMS is front and center, but nothing is going in that area. Evan doesn’t know as I played it off that I had some shoots today, so I’m sneaking out of the house to see what’s going on with my body once again.

  It seems just when things start to go good, they want to crash to the floor and ruin. I knew the side effects would catch up soon enough, I was just hoping they’d wait a little longer. My breasts are sore, I’m bloated, I’ve been back to crying in the corner when no one is looking, and not to mention how tired I am. There’s days I want to just go back on the pill and say screw it… At least then I’d have some happy medium with things. I thought about mentioning the appointment to Zara, but she’s just went back to work, and that’s giving Morgan the much-needed relief to plan her wedding.

  Waiting for the nurse to call me back, I scroll through my Facebook account and realize I never venture onto social media like I used to. Guess life has truly been busy when you can’t find time to catch up with old friends. I stop on the picture that pops up of Brody and Mary Beth in the Bahama’s a few weeks ago. I smile at it and realize how far the two of us have come over the last several months.

  “Frankie, you can come on back,” the nurse says, bringing out of my thoughts. I smile and walk past her as we head down the hallway. “Let’s get your blood pressure and all the fun stuff out of the way. When was you last date of your menstrual cycle?”

  “Before surgery, I’m all out of whack without the pills. I knew I’d need to adjust, but I didn’t think it would take this long,” I say, plopping onto the table.

  “Have you had unprotected sex recently? Any chance you could be pregnant?”

  “Yes, and I doubt it. Dr. Cam said it could take months for the pills to escape my system, and with the surgery things would take awhile to get on track.” I shrug.

  “Let’s do a urine sample just to be safe,” the nurse says, escorting me to the restroom.

  Thinking to myself as I pee in this super small cup, I’m shocked they make them so small. I wonder why this is the case? I mean, it’s not like we can just aim it right for the opening. I clean up and place the small cup in the metal box in the wall and head back to the room. I’m not expecting anything from this test. All I’m expecting is for Dr. Cam or Downey to tell me I need to give my body time to heal and take it easy.

  Work has been long, and with the models and new boudoir that’s taking off, I spend a lot of hours on my feet in the studio. Not to mention helping Evan chase a very active little boy and loving on Madison.

  I lay back on the table and stare up at the ceiling, processing my schedule for the next few days. I need to make my lunch with Brody happen, but then I need to tell Evan about this first. He’s been fine with his name, it’s just different if I say, “Hey, going to see the ex and will see you later.” My eyes slide closed drifting off to tap a nap, but I jump up when the door opens.

  “Good to see you again, Frankie. How are you feeling,” Dr. Cam asks.

  “Tired but good. How are you?”

  “I’m doing great. Are you here alone today?”

  “I am, figured it was just a check-up and to see what we can do about these hormones that have lost their mind,” I say, causing Dr. Cam to laugh which I find odd because I don’t think it’s very funny. I square my shoulders, cocking my head sideways. I wonder why he’s laughing as he looks over my chart.

  Gently he places his hand on my knee, looks up at me, and says, “Congratulations, Frankie, you’re expecting.”

  “Expecting what? A new ovary? A new surgery? What?”

  “No, you tested positive. You’re HCG levels are through the roof, which is good.”

  “What? Can you repeat that? I thought… Wait, does that mean,” I stop because the room’s spinning, and I can’t form a coherent thought much less process what was just said. Am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep that long waiting for him to come in? I reach over and pinch myself to make sure I’m awake.

  “Yes, you heard me correctly. Seems this would explain why you’re tired and missed your period. Remember, I told you to be safe.”

  “I can’t believe this… We were most of the time, but I didn’t think it would happen this soon afterward. I mean, I’ve been on the pill for so long and with the way my body is, I just figured we’d be back here in a year talking about the next step.”

  “See, we told you miracles happen. You just have to let your body do what it needs to do with this. Now, I want to get you over to ultrasound to take a look at things. I know you feel good and your levels are great, but you still need to take precaution until the second trimester. I want to see you weekly until I feel comfortable that your body is handling everything okay.”

  “Wow, alright. What do I need to do? Can I still have sex? Can I work? What can’t I do?”

  “As long as you don’t experience any discomfort, yes, you can resume sexual activity. You can still work, but please don’t be on your feet all day and night, and no moving heavy objects or climbing. We don’t want you to fall or harm yourself.”

  “Okay, right… I got it,” I say, following him out and over toward the room where they keep the ultrasound machine. I must still be in shock because I don’t even remember Dr. Downey coming in to congratulate me. The moment the swishing begins, reality hits me hard like a tornado. I silently cry as I watch the screen and notice the tiny nut-sized person that’s inside me. After sizing the embryo, they conclude that I’m about three and a half weeks along—give or take a few days.

  When I leave I the hospital, I don’t know what to do first. Do I race home and tell
Evan? Do I go to the studio and wrap up my shots for the afternoon? I’m lost… A quick glance at my watch I notice the time. Evan’s showing a house, and I have almost two hours before my next client. I get in my car and head to the one place that will comfort me—the bakery.

  When I enter, I wave over to Jaime and notice that neither Morgan or Zara are here.

  “Where’s everyone at?”

  “Morgan’s doing something with Jayden, and Zara’s over at the new place today filling in.”

  “That works. Can I get a tea and two strawberry cupcakes?”

  “Sure, give me just a moment,” Jaime says, eyeing me with precaution. I’m not up for small talk as I’m still in shock from my news. I just need my sweets and my tea for a bit. With the Styrofoam cup in one hand and a bag in my other, I make my way across the street to the park in search of the perfect spot to sit and think. Finding one that’s off to the left and empty, my feet move me toward it. Everything is in slow motion, like the world is moving me and everyone else around is standing still. With my back against the rough bark, I close my eyes and take a sip of my tea. It’s calming as the hot liquid slides down my throat. I’m afraid to be excited; good things like this don’t happen to me. What happens if something goes south? Will I be able to handle it? This is all I can process as I’m also worried about what Evan will think. I drag my phone from purse and open up my text.

  Me: I have news… Not sure if it’s good or bad. When will you be done today?

  I lay the phone in my lap and wait for him to respond.

  Evan: Already finished up. Where are you? Are you okay?

  Me: Park downtown across from the bakery, and I think I am.

  I hear it chirp back at me, but I don’t take a chance on reading it. I know we’ve talked about having a family in the future, but I thought that would mean years from now and lots of fertility treatments, not a bunch of heated sexy time later and within months.

  Time passes, and for a moment I forgot that I told Evan where I was when I hear him. Opening my eyes, I stare up at him with the sun shining brightly behind him. Would it be weird to compare him to an angel in this moment? Because that’s what he looks like.

  “Frankie, you scared me half to death… Do you know how many trees are in this park?”

  “I do, and sorry, I was in my zone,” I say as he sits down next to me. Grabbing the tea from my hands, he places it on the other side of him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing really, or it just depends on how you look at the situation. I went to my doctor today.” I stop and position myself to look at him. I take in his features, how he looks scared to death that something is wrong with me. I reach up and grab his face in between my hands. “I thought my hormones were off, but it seems that they’ll be off for the next eight and half months—give or take a few weeks.”


  Not even those crazy mockingbirds in the tree are speaking… I quickly think that I might have killed them all with my admission until one chirps.

  “What do you mean? Or no, wait, are you? Seriously, Frankie, I need you to say it.”

  “Yes, and it seems that Dr. Cam got me pregnant during surgery.”

  “Not funny… but really,” he says before dropping his hands to my stomach and looking up at me. “Are you sure? I mean, did they do an ultrasound? Test can give a false response.”

  I drag the black and white ultrasound picture out of my purse and show it to him. “It’s as real as anything in this world, Evan. I didn’t think, and I’m sorry.”

  “What are you sorry about? We did this, you and I created this life, and it’s going to be perfect.”

  “Are you sure? I mean… I know we plan to marry, and this is happening like really fast, but I want you to be happy and positive you’re ready for this?”

  “I’m more than positive, and just for the record, my sperm is the shit… Your one ovary has nothing on my guys.”

  And just like that, Evan breaks the intense feeling that was starting to take over my thoughts.

  We sit for a little longer, me explaining what the doctor said and explaining to him the photo he’s looking at. Before we leave so I can head to work, I stop him to make sure he’s okay with the next thing that I need to do.

  “Evan, I’ve got to tell Brody. He still doesn’t know we’re engaged, and this won’t stay quiet for long. Are you okay with this?”

  “He’s one of your best friends, and you need to make things right with him again. Do what you need to do, and just know that no matter how it ends, I’ll be there for you.”

  “Thank you, and I love you.”

  “Love you, now go get your work done. Call me when you get home,” he says before we walk in separate directions. At the edge of the park, I stop to send one of the most important texts ever.

  Me: Hi Brody, it’s me, Frankie. I wanted to know if we could meet for Sushi soon. I really need to see you and talk to you.

  I slide my phone down inside my purse and head to the studio.

  I’m not sure when he responded as I kept my phone locked away in order to get into the shoot today. It’s the first time in history that I couldn’t wait for a shoot be done. It wasn’t her fault, it was mine. My mind was someplace else, as it should be I guess. After packing away my camera and seeing my client out, I take a chance to view my phone. Four messages show up.

  Evan: Just checking in. See you tonight. XXXOOO

  Morgan: Jaime said you came by today and seemed off. Are you okay? I’m calling Zara if you don’t answer.

  Zara: What’s going on? Where are you? Evan isn’t answering his phone either.

  Brody: Tomorrow works. See you then.

  I shouldn’t be shocked by the short message from him. It’s been months since we’ve talked or seen each other. The fear that this could be as awkward as the last one is front and center in my mind as I head to my car. When I crank it, I lock the doors and send Evan a text that I’m headed home. Next, I let Morgan and Zara both know that I’m okay and will fill them in soon. I want to share the news with them, but I’m afraid to jinx it.

  Reaching my driveway, I notice Neil’s running out the door toward me. I laugh at how comfortable they’ve become at my place as I have theirs. Evan must have sensed that I just need a night in my own house.

  “Frankie, dinner’s ready. Come on, let’s go,” he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door.

  I let out a laugh as I witness the careful little guy showing me to my own table. We sit down and enjoy our homemade chicken fingers that I can slather ranch and honey mustard over while I fill Evan in on the rest of my day. Explaining to him that I’m meeting Brody tomorrow and then we can share the news with our immediate friends and family. I don’t want the world to know about me expecting as you just never know what could happen. The less people that know, the better off I’ll be in the end. Ten weeks isn’t that far away; it also gives us time to prepare for the other questions that’ll follow once the news gets out.

  Shortly after dinner, I kick Evan and Neil out as the little guy needs to get ready for bed. I promise Evan that I’ll rest and not worry with anything, but we all know that means I’ll be in the office working on more editing. I have projects adding up, and they need to get back out to my clients. Just because life spins me in circles doesn’t mean I can drop the ball on work.

  Chapter 23

  I’ve barely got my eyes open before the knock on the door comes. I know it’s not Evan this early as he’s already texted to say he and Neil are running late and he’ll call me later. When I peek out I see a furious Zara standing on the door step.

  “Good Morning,” I say, welcoming her in.

  “I’d like to say good morning, but I’m not sure how good it is yet,” she says, pushing her way through the house like a thunderstorm.

  “What’s crawled up your ass before eight in the morning?”

  “You, that’s what… Now sit down,” she states, pointing a finger at the stool i
n the kitchen.

  “Do you need sleep? Are you hungry, because you’re acting out again, Zara.”

  “No… well yes, but I need answers. I heard from a reliable source that you have lunch today with a certain person, which means you totally forgot to tell me about this, and you never explained what was going on with you yesterday.”

  “You know what, I think I’m moving. Living this close to your best friend has its downfalls.”

  “Oh what, you’ll move six houses down? Like I can’t walk that far. Spill it or I’m not leaving, and I will follow you to your lunch today; you know I will.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh as I know she’s telling the truth; she’d follow me to the shower just to irritate me.

  “You might want to sit down for this one, I mean it,” I say, and she comes to sit next to me. I quickly wonder if I should place her on the sofa where she can’t fall and break her neck. Okay, that escapes me quickly, but I wouldn’t want her to hurt herself.

  “Zara, have you ever been afraid that too many good things are happening, and you’re just waiting for the next shoe to fall?”

  “All the time. Did you not just go through the last nine months with me?”

  “Lord, did we ever… How did you deal with it?”

  “Sex and drove y’all nuts.”

  “Well, it seems sex got me in a little predicament…” I stop and let it set in, and when her eyes grow wide I continue. “Yes, the answer is yes; I’m pregnant,” I say, expanding my hands like a magician doing a trick.

  “Frankie, do not play with my emotions this early. Seriously, I’ve had only a few hours’ sleep and one cup of coffee. Are you for real? How do you know? How far? Does Evan know? Oh, that’s why you’re having lunch—oh shit.”

  “Oh shit is correct… I’m dead serious, and I found out yesterday. I thought it was the lack of hormones, and it seems it’s from having too many and a baby growing inside me that’s been causing me to be weird.”


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