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Heated Sweets (A Taste of Love Book 3)

Page 20

by A. M. Willard

  “You’re weird, alright… I don’t know what to say, other than I’m excited as all get out for you, and I’m scared as hell for you. Did they check you? Will you be okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ve got to go weekly for check-ups until they determine that I can carry with no problems. Take it easy and the normal stuff. They don’t suspect any problems. I’m just scared,” I say, and before I can say or think, Zara has her arms wrapped around me. I notice her body shaking a little and pull back to check on her. It’s then that I realize she’s crying. “What’s wrong? Are you not happy?”

  “They’re happy tears as I’ve never been this excited for anyone else in my life before. Hell, I didn’t even cry when I found out about Madison, and now I wouldn’t change a thing. Back then I was so mad at Hatcher that I wanted to kill him. You… You are going to be amazing, and I can’t wait to see this get all round.” She motions to my mid-section, causing us to laugh.

  “Don’t you say a word to anyone, you hear me? Not even Hatcher, not until I break the news to Brody. How do you think he’ll take it? I’m more scared of telling him than I was Evan,” I say, slumping forward and resting my head against the counter.

  “I think you’ll be surprised. He’s doing really well, and you two need this. How’s Evan taking the news?”

  “He was shocked I think, but overall ready to scoop me up and lock me away inside his house.”

  “Any more talk about that and a date?”

  “No, but I’m sure it’ll come soon enough. I think he’s giving me time to tell Brody and for it to sink in.”

  “I get that, but I know either way you’re going to be fine.”

  “Thanks, Zara, and where is my god-daughter?”

  “Finally flipping sleeping, can you believe it? I swear she sleeps for him and not me. They’re out to get me, you know?”

  “Yes, because a two-month-old is trying to kill you.”

  “Stranger things have happened. I’m going to go get ready for work, call me later.”

  “Will do,” I agree as she leaves, and I go get ready for my lunch plans. I’ve got a few errands to run, and then once I’m done with Brody, I plan to swing by my parents’ house and break the news to them. I don’t think they’ll be upset, as they’ve become too close to Evan and Neil. This just means we get to extend our family from three to four sooner than we expected.

  Chapter 24

  I enter the restaurant a little early and look around to see if Brody’s arrived before me. My eyes quickly land on my friend in the back corner where we usually sit. When I slide into the booth, I notice right away he’s ordered us drinks.

  “Hi,” I say and smile up at him. My chest becomes heavy as I take him in and realize just how much I’ve missed him. It’s not the love or the intimacy that I miss, it’s his smile and how he used to be the one person who grounded me the most. So much has happened since that day in the hospital. So much has changed for the both of us that I wonder if too much time has lapsed to make amends and move forward as friends again.

  “Hi, you look great, Frankie.”

  “So do you. I see you got a little tan while away.”

  “Yes, I think I found my happy place down there.” I smile and wonder what that means for him. I quickly glance at my hand that’s resting on the table and quickly cover it with my other as I want to say the words before he notices.

  I shouldn’t be surprised by the next words that come from Brody’s mouth. “I already noticed it as soon as you sat down. Congrats, I’m happy for you, Frankie.”

  Letting a sigh out, I say, “Thanks, but that’s not all I have to tell you. Want to eat first or talk?”

  “Let’s get it all out first. You know how this works, or has it been too long that you’ve forgotten?”

  “No, I haven’t forgotten. Who’s first?”

  “You called the meeting, which means you go.” I take a moment to drink my water before I dig deep to explain everything that’s happened over the last month. “So you see, after the surgery I started to feel great. It wasn’t until the other day when I felt off and went to see the doctor.” I exhale a loud sigh and just throw it out. “I’m pregnant…” I can’t find the rest of my words, they’ve escaped me.

  My eyes watch as Brody stands, and I think he’s going to walk right out of this restaurant and never look back. Instead, he reaches down for my hand and pulls me out of the booth. When I’m upright and before him, he tightly wraps his hands around me and just like that, we stand in the middle of our favorite place and heal one another in a way I never thought would be possible again.

  “I’m happy for you, Frankie. I’ve realized that you were right that day. I wanted to save you from anything else in this world, but in the end, you saved me. You made me realize that my heart wasn’t in this for the right reasons, and that led me to find it with Mary Beth. See, you’re not the only one who’s been holding a secret. Don’t get mad at Hatcher, but he’s been sworn to not even tell Zara. When we were on vacation, Mary Beth and I eloped,” he says, sliding his ring out from his pocket and putting it back on his hand.

  I turn my head to him and smile at how sneaky he was. “You knew that I would see it and was one step ahead of me,” I say, slapping his shoulder as I can’t believe he got me.

  “I did, and I also knew that would detour you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m more than okay. I’m so happy for you guys and can’t believe it.”

  “I know, neither can I.”

  “Well, we will all need to get together and have dinner soon. Does she still hate me?”

  “She doesn’t hate you. She just didn’t like how constricted my heart was when it came to you. I think she’ll come around, especially now when she hears the news.”

  “Yes, that will surely secure her feelings now, huh?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  The rest of our lunch continues with playful banter. Brody showing me pictures from the wedding, and me talking about Evan and Neil. Here I was afraid that he wouldn’t ever want to be a part of my life again. Instead, we’re back to making plans for our future, only this time it includes those that we love more than anything.

  It’s when I leave that the feeling of happiness overcomes me. No matter what happens in the months to come, I’ll be alright. I have a group of friends that’ll move mountains for me, a family that loves and supports me, and a man who I worship and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with. Oh, and a little guy that I can’t wait to make a big brother out of.

  Chapter 25


  Madison is two-months-old, and when they told me motherhood would change me, I should’ve listened. I never wanted to become a mother. I never wanted marriage, but here I am—a new mom and a wife.

  I still remember that day Hatcher dragged me to the courthouse. I wasn’t kicking or screaming as I thought it was just another one of his jokes, so I went along with it. It wasn’t until the judge announced us as husband and wife that it sank in what I’d done. Do I regret it? No. Not a day goes by that I’d go back and change a thing. Sitting here in the nursery that we have at the bakery, I glance over at my daughter who’s fast asleep in her crib. Standing, I walk over and cover her back up, and I know no matter what I will always protect her and never put her in danger. Hatcher has always been my soulmate. It just took me awhile to realize it and give in to him. I put him through hell and back on most days, but that’s our dynamic; it’s what makes us work the way we do.

  When Frankie told me this morning that she’s expecting, a part of me healed in a way that I can’t explain. She’s my best friend, and the one that I depend on more than Hatcher in life. Watching her fight for life all these years, for happiness, it’s been slowly killing me on the inside. All I’ve ever prayed for was her happiness, and that’s finally been answered. Now that I know she’s going to be okay, I can focus on me and my family more than ever before. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still worry about her, but now that Evan’s in her life,
he’ll guide her the rest of the way. See, she doesn’t remember the darker days like I do… It’s those days when I first met her that I remember at times, and now those are nothing but a memory as we all create newer, happier ones to come. Right as I go to lean in and kiss Madison, Morgan calls for me from the doorway.

  “You okay?”

  “Better than I’ve been in a long time. What’s up?”

  “Nothing, I need to go meet Jayden about something with the wedding and wanted to know if you can cover the consultation this afternoon for a wedding cake?”

  “You know I will. Now scoot on out of here so we can get you married.”

  “Thanks. Did you talk to Frankie this morning?”

  “I did; did you get the text from Natasha?”

  “Yep, you know what that’s all about?”

  “No clue, but with this group it’s gotta be good.”

  “I just hope things calm down soon. I’m ready for this wedding to be over. Call me if you need anything, and try to not burn down the place.”

  “I won’t. Plus, it takes two to do that, by the way,” I say, laughing, and just then I hear the deep, raspy voice of my husband.

  “We’ll be good, Morgan; now go, and we will see you tonight.”

  “Hi, handsome, did you come to play with us?” I ask, raising my brows up and down.

  “No, I came to steal a kiss from my girl and to kidnap my daughter so mommy can work.”

  “Well, let me go find your girl. I think I saw her last out front,” I say, trying to walk away from Hatcher before he grabs me by the waist and kisses me one hell of kiss that could possibly burn the place down. But I promised to not have sex in the new bakery… That gives me an idea, and I wonder if I can plan it for sooner rather than later. I mean, Jaime wouldn’t mind working here for a day while I cover at the other place… Evil mind, I just have to make sure Morgan doesn’t pop in or she might disown me forever.

  Chapter 26


  Racing across town to meet Jayden at the church, I pray that I never have to plan another wedding in my life. The last one was controlled by the evil mother-in-law and Simon. This time everything has been done by both of us. We’ve had to agree on colors, music, a venue, and let’s not even get started on the food. Most of the people that I’ve talked to complain how the grooms don’t care about anything, just that they want a date and time on when to show up. Not Jayden, he wants to help with EVERYTHING! I love that about him, but it’s also tiring. We should’ve waited to start this after the opening of the new bakery, but no, I went along with his great scheme of things.

  So here I am beyond exhausted and ready to view the church one last time. Yes, we’ve been battling it out on where we wanted to get married. I wanted the country club as they will handle the ceremony and reception, but Jayden was bound and determined to have a church wedding. Something about his grandmother rolling over in her grave if he didn’t. I don’t know how true that is, but I can’t argue with his dead grandmother, now can I? Thinking about it, I think he’s playing with me because he’s used this statement on several things to get his way. I push it deep down, remembering to bring it up later when I want to win something.

  Pulling up in the parking lot of the church, I notice Jayden leaning against his car with that smirk he gives when he’s up to something. I get out and head over to him, eyeing him with suspension as he pulls out a blindfold. “Do you trust me, Morgan?”

  “I do, but what’s going on?”

  “I’m going to put this on you, and then in a little while you’ll know exactly what’s going on, okay?”

  “Okay, but can you give me a hint?”

  “Nope, you’ll see soon enough, but we’re going to take a little trip in my car.”

  I allow him to blindfold me before he leads me into his car. Resting my hands in my lap, I pull at a lose thread from my shirt that I didn’t notice before. I can hear the cars from the city flying by and honking as we drive, but I have no idea where we are.

  We stop, and I hear the door open next to me. “Take my hand,” Jayden says, and I do as he instructed. Placing his hand at the small of my back he guides me, making sure I don’t trip or run into anything.

  We stop, and he leans into my ear. “I know you didn’t want a church wedding, and you wanted the country club, but every time I thought about that place all I could think about was that asshole and how he hurt you. Instead, we’re going to get married here,” he says, sliding off the blindfold. When my eyes adjust, I notice we’re standing before the Venetian Room in downtown Atlanta.

  I spin in his arms, wrapping mine around his neck. “How? This place is booked for years.”

  “Remember, I do have some connections. Just our luck, someone called off their wedding and it was our date. This is meant to be the place that we exchange our vows, well, that is if you’ll still have me?”

  “More than anything in the world, I plan to marry you, Jayden Rivers.”

  “I can’t wait to make you mine and start the rest of our lives together,” he says, kissing me in the middle of the busy streets of Atlanta.

  “Can we tell everyone tonight about this? Natasha is going to freak out, and the pictures that Frankie can take here will be amazing. You’re one sneaky guy, you know that?”

  “Yes, we can tell them, and get the invitations printed now.”

  “Come on, I need to get my car, and we need to head to Natasha’s before we’re late. Oh, do we need to sign anything or do anything to secure this before we go?”

  “Already took care of it, and your car is being picked up by Amy; she’ll take it to your place later.”

  “You really are something, huh,” I say and receive a wink from the man I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with.

  Chapter 27


  I check and double check that the food is still hot as we wait for our friends to arrive. It’s a big night for our little family, and I can’t wait to share the news with them. Hell, I’m still shocked by my actions, and I know the girls will not believe it when I tell them what we did. A knock filters through the loft, sending Cassidy running for the door. “I got it.”

  Peeking my head around the corner, and I watch as Diesel and her open the door to greet Frankie, Evan, and Neil. “Neil, let’s play,” Cassidy yells, dragging him behind to her room. I laugh at how close they’ve become, and I love it.

  “Hey, guys, give me just a moment,” I say as I dump the rest of the pasta in the bowl and place it on the table. Wiping my hands, I move out to welcome our guest just as Diesel opens the door for Morgan and Jayden. “Perfect timing… I’ve trained you guys well,” I say, causing them to laugh. Offering drinks to everyone, I notice Frankie doesn’t take one, and I eye her with suspension. The guys start to talk about whatever they end up talking about, usually cars and sports, as the girls help me load the table with the rest of dinner. I call out for Neil and Cassidy that dinner’s ready, and just like that we all laugh because Neil is covered in a boa from Cassidy’s princess collection. He doesn’t look thrilled, but like his father, he’s making someone he cares about happy.

  “Let’s eat,” Diesel says, pointing over to the table, and I smile up at the man who’s become more than just a guy I like. It’s true that opposites attract, and when you put the two of us next to each other you’d never guess that we were an item. Here he is, covered in tattoos, with grease stains under his nails from the years of working on cars, but I wouldn’t trade him in for any other man.

  “So, I can’t wait any longer and need to tell everyone why I called this dinner,” I say, and Cassidy’s eyes grow rounder by the second. We made her promise to not say anything until after I did, which has been extremely hard.

  “Please tell us, because I have news myself, and I can’t hold it,” Frankie pipes up at the other end of the table, and I wonder what she has.

  “You guys all know I’ve been working on this hard case, and it’s finally over. Yes, I won if you w
ere wondering, but that’s not what this is about. See, when the verdict came in and everyone left the courtroom, I just sat there. I was trying to figure out why I wasn’t excited, why I didn’t want to rush back to the office and celebrate with the firm. It finally dawned on me when I left and was heading back to work. I don’t want corporate law anymore; I want to help those who need it more than those at the top. So, I put my notice in and called up an old friend. I start in two weeks at a tiny firm on the other side of town.” I stop and take in my friends questions before I explain that’s not all. “It gets better… I also realized that I’m not getting any younger, and that I’ve found two people whom I love more than anything, so I went to the shop and kidnapped Diesel.”

  “Why would you do that, you already did that awhile ago—didn’t you?” Zara questions.

  “She did, but this time she asked me to marry her, and when I agreed she dragged me out of the shop in my work clothes and before I knew what was happening we got married at the courthouse,” Diesel explains, causing Zara to break out in hysterics.

  “Oh my God, she pulled a Hatcher!”

  “Wait, y’all got married?” Morgan questions, and I hold up my hand showing off our fast purchase of two wedding bands.

  Frankie stands, grabbing her water glass, and looks down at me and Diesel. “Congrats, you two, I knew you’d win this one over sooner rather than later. Now, not to outshine you or anything, but Evan and I are having a baby!”

  All eyes turn toward Frankie and her news… It’s words that most of us never expected to hear from her, but from looking at her face she’s never been happier than she is standing at my table right now.

  We all stand and hug them both as they explain the shock to us. Morgan clears her throat to announce the change in the wedding venue. It’s when I lean back in my chair and stare down at my family and friends that I wonder what could possibly happen next? What adventure will we endure? What changes will be made over time, and where are we all going to end up? I’m scared that I might have made a rash decision with not only my career but leaping in and marrying the man next to me.


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