Book Read Free

When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 22

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “And if that changes one day?” Riley asked smirking.

  “Just on my side?” She nodded.

  “I’d keep my mouth shut and wait it out,” I told her adamantly. She chuckled.

  “And if it’s not just on your side?” She asked smiling. I thought about it.

  “Oh man, then I’d probably fall so hard and so fast that the thud would be heard for miles,” I admitted. She laughed. “They are great guys. And I do care about them. Just not that way.”

  “Unless something changes the way you look at them.” Riley pointed out. I groaned.

  “My boyfriend is downstairs, and he gets my sense of humor like no one I’ve ever met. He’s sweet, fucking hot, and he doesn’t get upset when I don’t act like other girls. In fact, he loves it.” I told her honestly. “Right now, I’m trying hard not to fall for him too soon.” Riley snorted.

  “Oh honey, Dylan has already taken that fall.” She said in a knowing voice. Huh? What? What is she talking about?

  “Why do you say that?” I asked carefully, my heart racing. She smirked at me.

  “The way he looks at you when you’re not looking,” Riley said bluntly. Oh hell, no. I needed more.

  “Keep talking woman,” I demanded. She snickered.

  “Lexie, he looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world.” She smiled when my mouth dropped open. “When he was coming through the crowd today, his face was drawn and actually kind of sad. Then he saw you, his eyes lit up, and he had that smile.” Warmth filled my chest, and it was starting to make me worried about the cause. “And it didn’t stop, not until Trisha pulled that shit.”

  “Fuck.” She raised an eyebrow at me. “I’m not good with the love stuff.”

  “Better get used to it honey, cause that boy has it bad for you,” Riley said earnestly. I made a slight panic sound as I took my makeup kit and went into the small bathroom. Riley was laughing as I closed the door. I used the hand soap to wash my face and the clean hand towel to dry. I reapplied my make up as I went over what Riley was saying. Did Dylan really fall in love with me already? The butterflies were going crazy. Did I love him? Or was this hormones because he’s a good kisser and…. no. He makes me laugh too much for it to be that. Shit. I took a deep breath as I started my eyeliner. I liked him a whole lot. Seeing him made my day better. Hell, talking with him on the phone did that. But did I love him? Or was I just not there yet? Okay, let’s try this from a different side. I started on my eyeshadow. If Dylan disappeared tomorrow would I be devastated? No. But I would have a hard time. I sighed. That told me everything I needed to know. I wasn’t in love with him yet, but I was fucking getting there. Shit. I finished up my makeup and brushed my hair. That was about all I was willing to do for practice photos. I headed back into the bathroom to see Riley had changed her clothes.

  “Bathroom’s all yours.” I announced.

  “Thanks.” She picked up her makeup and headed into the bathroom. I decided to snoop and looked at Dylan’s book shelves. There were several pee-wee football trophies, a few academic awards, and tons of books on just about every subject I could imagine. I smiled. I was dating a closet nerd. Awesome. I giggled to myself. Okay, I was done snooping. “I’m heading downstairs. I’ll close the door behind me.” I told Riley.

  “Okay.” I headed out into the hall and closed the door behind me. I came downstairs to find the guys in the living room. Dylan was going through a camera bag. Zeke was sitting in the recliner.

  “Riley’s almost ready, I think,” I said walking in and sitting next to Dylan. “Whatcha doing?” He smiled without looking up from the bag.

  “I am going through my camera bag to make sure I have enough memory cards for today.” He said absently. I figured I’d leave him alone, so I didn’t distract him. I grabbed my shoes and socks and started pulling them on. “I’m not ignoring you Sunshine. I’m just thinking.” I looked up at him from tying my shoes. He was watching the screen on the back of the camera.

  “I… didn't think you were,” I told him honestly before going back to tie my boots. “I just figured you were concentrating.” I sat back up and curled up in the corner. Zeke snickered.

  “What?” I asked not getting the joke.

  “Dylan, Lexie is the most reasonable girl I’ve ever met. She’s not going to get mad if you’re busy.” Zeke said smirking. I rolled my eyes at him. Dylan had a half grin on his face.

  “That’s one of the things I like most about her.” He admitted still distracted. “Yeah, I need to get a few fresh memory cards.” He set the camera down on the coffee table and got up.

  “Can I look at your photos?” I asked sweetly. Dylan picked up the camera and handed it to me.

  “Just don’t delete anything.” He said before heading into the rest of the house. I looked at the screen and started snooping happily. I found the portraits, and he was amazing. Some were posed, but the great ones were when the person didn’t know they were being photographed. One girl was sitting on a bench; her blue eyes were sad as she looked off to the left side of the frame. I don’t know why, but I don’t think she knew he was still taking pictures or had started. I flipped to the next one it was a forest landscape. There were a lot of nature photos, and they were kind of cool. I flipped through them. They were all taken in the fall. I found a group photo and smiled. Dylan was standing with Derrick in a headlock under his arm. I smiled as I kept looking. There was another photo with an interesting rock formation. I went to the next one.

  “What do you think?” I jumped clutching the camera in both hands, so I didn’t drop it. I looked up at Dylan who was smirking down at me.

  “Make some noise, man,” I said loudly. He chuckled. “I like some of your nature photographs, but I think you really have a knack for portraits. You don’t get the stiff, posed ones, everyone I’ve seen looked comfortable and natural.” His eyes warmed as they met mine. “But that’s just me, and I don’t know anything about photography so-” He bent down and kissed me gently. My pulse kicked up a notch. Then he was standing back up with his camera in his hands. That smirk still on his face. I just smiled at him as he moved back to his bag. I watched as he put three more memory cards into the bag. “How many photos are you planning on taking there, hon?” He smiled.

  “With you there? As many as I can get away with.” He admitted putting his camera in his bag and zipping it closed. The butterflies just didn’t stop. He looked up and met my eyes; then he winked at me. Shit, I was going to be in trouble soon. Thankfully, Riley came downstairs then to save me from embarrassing myself.

  “I’m ready to go,” Riley announced. Oh, thank God.

  We were at a park next to a river. Everything was covered in snow. So, naturally I threw a snowball at Zeke, I got him on the back of the neck. He glared at me and went to make his own.

  “No snowballs until the photos are done.” Dylan declared. I stuck my tongue out at Zeke. Zeke smirked and started making snowballs. Oh shit, I didn’t think that through. Maybe I could hide behind Riley. I looked over to her. She was smirking as she nodded. I hurried over to her side. I wasn’t going too far from her until the photos were done. Then I’d hide behind her. “Okay, who’s going first?” I pointed at Riley.

  “I already have awesome photos, do hers,” I suggested. Zeke snickered.

  “That means you have to move away from her, Lexie.” Zeke pointed out. I looked up at Riley.

  “Group photos?” Everyone burst out laughing. I sighed, accepting my fate as I walked over to wait with Zeke. We watched and walked a bit back from the others as Dylan found a spot he liked and started talking to Riley as he snapped photos occasionally. Riley looked a little tense. Her posture rigid. He began asking her about what she was passionate about, what she loved to do. Riley apparently was big into snowboarding. I watched as Dylan asked her questions about it and asked her to tell him what she loved about it. Riley started to relax. As she relaxed her eyes grew bright, and she had a beautiful smile as she kept talking about snowboarding

  “Huh.” Zeke made a noise. I looked up at him.

  “What?” Zeke tilted his chin at Dylan.

  “He’s good, did you see what he did?” He asked. I smiled.

  “Yep, got her talking so she’d relax.”

  “And got her talking about her favorite thing in the world. She always lights up like a Christmas tree when she talks about snowboarding.” He said.

  “And speaking of Christmas trees, we’re still decorating Miles’ house on Monday, right?” I asked looking around the deserted park. There wasn’t much to see the whole place was covered in thick snow.

  “Yeah, Miles just wants family only.” Zeke was frowning. He looked down to me. “He’s been acting off the last few days, did you notice anything?” I nodded.

  “He almost cursed in front me today. Twice.” I offered. Both Zeke’s eyebrows went sky high.

  “That’s not good.” He said frowning again.

  “If you guys show up an hour late I might be able to find out.” I offered. I could usually get Miles to talk; I just had to be a little girly.

  “Okay, I’ll tell the others to give you an hour.” He agreed. We went back to watching. Dylan was clicking more photos, every once in a while, he’d tell Riley to turn this way or make a certain kind of face. I smiled. I had a feeling they were going to be great photos. I went a snooping.

  “What are you getting Riley for Christmas?” I asked him. Zeke sighed.

  “I have no clue.” He admitted. “What do girls like?”

  “Has she mentioned anything she wanted to try or needed to replace?” Zeke thought about that. Then he nodded.

  “Snowboarding gloves, she’s been tearing hers up.”

  “There you go, sneak measure her hand in yours then go shopping while it’s fresh.” I smiled as Dylan got a good shot of Riley standing in front of a snow bank.

  “Good idea, Lexie.” I eyed him, yeah, I was going to ask again.

  “I’m going shopping with Riley for your presents.” Zeke turned to look at me one eyebrow arched. “Can you give me an idea? Something you’d like from her, at least?” Zeke’s eyes unfocused as he thought about it. Then he was back.

  “Wool socks.” His voice was completely serious.

  “You want socks?” I couldn’t believe that was his answer. He nodded.

  “Wool socks in my size are hard to find, and I’m always in the garage. There isn’t much heat in there.” He said looking back out at the others. Well, when you say it like that it made sense.

  “What size?”

  “14 ½.”

  “Damn Zeke. You got some big feet.” I smiled as I teased him. He snorted.

  “I’m a big guy, Lexie. Big feet are part of the package.” He pointed out. “What are you getting Dylan?”

  “You know his Mom died, right?” I looked up at Zeke, he nodded. “She made these awesome cookies at Christmas. I’m going to try and use her recipes for him and his dad.” My stomach knotted as I really thought about it. What if I fucked them up? It’d be funny, but Dylan still wouldn’t have those cookies back.

  “You don’t know how to bake do you?” Zeke asked smirking at me.

  “Not a bit,” I admitted. Zeke burst out laughing. I couldn’t help but chuckle too. I was so screwed. “Think Asher would help?”

  “I think he’s going to need to.” He snickered. I sighed. He was probably right, but now I had an idea for Zeke’s present. My mind went to my other hard to buy for guy. “Any idea what I can get Miles?” I asked. Zeke gave me a look, so I explained. “I’m seriously drawing a blank. He has tons of shirts with equations on them so I can’t get him one of those, and he can buy anything he wants.”

  “What do you get someone who has everything?” He asked, giving me a half smile. I nodded. He thought about it for a bit. Then he smirked and looked down at me again. “Get him something you can’t buy.” I raised an eyebrow at that. “You’re an artist, Lexie.” He reminded me. “And you’ve never given anything you’ve made to any of us before.” He had a point. I just… I was never happy with the finished piece. I always needed to start over again. Then an idea formed. I smiled.

  “Thanks, Zeke, I think I know exactly what I’m going to make him.” As I thought about it, I liked the idea even more.

  “It’s not cookies, is it?” He asked dryly. I snorted a laugh and playfully glared at him. Did Zeke just make a joke? Wow. That was a first.

  “No.” I watched Dylan making Riley laugh and snapped more pictures. “I don’t know why I offered. I’m just going fuck them up.” I groused. Zeke’s reached over and wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, his fingers massaging. I always loved when he did that, affection from Zeke was rare.

  “You have a big heart, Baby.” He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

  “No, I don’t. I’m a mean, cranky bitch who will rip someone’s head off without a thought.” I countered vehemently. He burst out laughing as he looked down at me.

  “You’re that too.” He admitted still laughing. I just smiled up at him and waited till he was done.

  By then Dylan was done with Riley’s photos and was waving me over. I shook my head, my stomach in knots.

  “Nope, I’m good,” I yelled to him. Dylan wanting to take my picture made me feel... nervous and warm all at the same time. It was a weird feeling.

  “So, we can have a snowball fight now?” Zeke asked mischievously.

  “On second thought, who can’t use more photos?” I said nonchalantly as I moved through the snow towards Dylan. Zeke’s booming laugh taunted me. I passed Riley on her way to Zeke.

  “Your guy is sweet.” She whispered to me.

  “I managed to get a gift idea out of Zeke,” I whispered back. “It’s all yours.” Her eyes lit up.

  “You are the best.” She whispered before turning and heading to Zeke. I walked up to Dylan and smiled awkwardly. He grinned down at me. “Okay, let’s do this,” I said awkwardly. Dylan’s eyes ran over me.

  “I’ve got a different spot in mind for you. It wouldn’t have worked for Riley, but it will for you.” He took my hand and led me to another path before and further into the park. We walked till we came to a spot next to the river surrounded by thin birch trees. We walked off the path. Dylan positioned me where he wanted me; standing in the trees with the river to the right. “Okay, I want to take a couple with your hood up like last night.” I reached back and flipped my hood up like it was last night. He pulled some of my hair forward so that it was lying against the black coat. This was so strange. I hadn’t really had my picture taken in the last five years, well, except last night. He smiled and stepped back a couple of steps. “Okay Sunshine, give me that same look from last night.” He smiled as he brought up the camera. I did as he asked. And he started clicking away. “Sunshine, tell me about why you want to be a tattoo artist.” I gave him a warm smile I knew what he was doing, and I went with it.

  “People have a lot of big important events in their lives. Some good, some bad, some ugly. I like that you can have something in your skin permanently to show that it happened, to represent it.” I stopped posing, looked at the river, and I ignored the clicking. “It’s like showing everyone this is who I am, this is what shaped me, and I’m not going to hide it. So, fuck off.” He smiled behind his camera. “And when it’s a painful event, you can put something on your body that reminds you that you lived through it, you survived it. You are still here. And that means there is hope.” I smiled as I remembered something Zeke once told me. “Some days just being alive is the best you get, but there’s always tomorrow.” When he didn’t give me any instructions, I just kept talking. “The hope that tomorrow will be a better day.” I shrugged, my hood fell off. I went to put it back.

  “Leave it, Sunshine. I have enough of those. Keep telling me why you like tattooing.” His voice was that soft husky one that made the butterflies go crazy.

  “Then you have memorial tattoos. The fact that someone affected you so much that you put a permane
nt reminder of them on your body is…. beautiful.” I looked down at the snow and leaned against one of the pole like trees. “Pretty much, it’s the idea that everyone has shit inside that they deal with. But someone has the guts to put it out there where everyone can see and judge.” I looked at him. “That’s amazing to me. Someone is showing themselves that way, and not caring what others think about it.”

  “I thought you don’t care what other people think about you?” He asked moving to the right getting another angle, taking more photos. I looked down at the snow.

  “I don’t. But sometimes it crops up. Like with the guy’s girlfriends. I wanted to get along with them, and that made me care what they thought.” I sighed. “Then it turned out they were bitches, and I didn’t give a shit again.” I bit the corner of my bottom lip as I thought about it. “I know I should care, but I only really care about what people I care about think of me,” I admitted. Why was I telling him this? I already knew that answer. Because he was Dylan, and I felt like I could tell him anything. I watched him taking pictures of me.

  “Stop looking at the camera, Sunshine.” He chided me playfully. I smiled.

  “What else am I supposed to do? Just stand here?” I asked seriously wanting to know. This was so weird to me.

  “How about you tell me about your Dad?” My chest tightened a bit. I swallowed hard. Did I want to talk about this? I don’t know. I didn’t mind talking about certain things.

  “He was a firefighter in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He read me The Hobbit at bed time, then The Rings trilogy, Twenty-thousand Leagues Under the Sea. And so many others, I can’t even remember them all. But since he was a firefighter, he couldn’t be home every night.” I smiled looking out at the snow as I remembered him. “So, on the nights he couldn’t be home. He’d call and read to me over the phone. A chapter a night, unless there was a cliffhanger, then he knew I’d never get to sleep without knowing what happened.” Dylan kept clicking away. “He was always making me laugh. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t crack up at something he did.” I smiled, remembering him. “He didn’t care that I wasn’t like normal little girls; that I wasn’t into playing with dolls or playing dress up. Mom hated that about me. She was always trying to force me into a dress or to care about my hair.” I snorted as I remembered Dad’s response. “Mom would say ‘she needs to learn how to be a lady.’ Dad would just look at her and say ‘there is more than one way to be a lady.’ Mom wanted a little princess, and Dad just wanted me the way I was.”


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