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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 23

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “What if you had been a princess girl?” Dylan asked bringing my attention back to the present. I smiled.

  “He would have played dress up with me and had tea parties,” I said honestly. “That’s just the way he was.” I chuckled remembering my eighth birthday. “Dad always asked me what I wanted. Did I want to learn to paint? Did I want dance classes?” I looked down at the snow smiling. “For my eighth birthday, Mom wanted to invite all the girls from school over for a slumber party. Dad looked at me and asked me what I wanted to do that Saturday. I told him paintball, laser tag and go carts.” Dylan chuckled drawing my attention back to him. He was still clicking away.

  “And what happened on your birthday?” He asked smiling. I laughed.

  “Mom and Dad compromised. Mom invited the whole class, even though most of them thought I was weird. And we all played laser tag and go carts.” I looked up at Dylan. “Dad saved the paintball for the next day. He didn’t trust that I wouldn’t shoot a couple of the kids more than once.” Dylan laughed. I smiled at him. “He wasn’t wrong.” Dylan slowly sobered.

  “How did he die, Lexie?” He asked gently. My chest burned immediately.

  “He was at a fire, and he was passing a three-year-old out the second story window to the guys on the ladder. When the floor above caved in.” Why did I answer that? I took a deep breath. “A massive support beam hit him in the head; he died instantly,” I remembered walking through the ruins of that house and looking for his soul, just in case. I didn’t want him stuck here. I still didn’t know if I was happy or sad that I didn’t see him. Okay, I needed a lighter topic, or I was going to cry. “Oh, and the other reasons I like tattooing is because it’s awesome, you’re putting art onto someone that they will carry for the rest of their lives. It’s kind of cool if you think about it.” He lowered the camera and smiled at me. “Got enough?”

  “Yeah, I got enough.” He came over to me and tilted my chin up with his fingers. His sapphire eyes ran over my face. Then he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. He didn’t press down; he didn’t come any closer. He just kissed me softly, gently. I melted like a puddle at his feet. He pulled back and smiled at me. “Sorry, I asked about your dad. It’s just that you have this look you get when you think about something sad. I wanted to get a photo of it.” I raised an eyebrow. He hit buttons on the camera then stepped next to me to show me. I was looking to the left side of the picture, my hair blazing against the trees and jacket. My eyes were soft, sad. My mouth neither smiling or frowning. The whole picture screamed of loss. That this person had lost someone, and it still ached. It was an amazing picture, sad but amazing. I looked up at him and smiled.

  “You are really good,” I told him honestly. He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Nah, it got you what you needed,” I said before looking around; it was getting dark. “Time to head back.”

  “Yeah, you might want to make some snowballs first.” Dylan reminded me. Shit, Zeke was going to kill me.

  In the end, Riley ended up freezing; Zeke wasn’t that bad off, Dylan was covered. I, however, got away with just my sweater getting hit and ice down my back from Zeke. By the time, we reached Dylan’s house Riley, and Dylan were shivering. They ran upstairs to take showers and change into dry clothes. I ordered pizza and salad from the local pizza joint. Riley was quick in the shower and came downstairs in her clothes for Vegabond I left the money with them and headed upstairs. My mind on other things, I went into Dylan's room, shut the door and pulled off my soaked sweater.

  “Uh, Sunshine?” I jumped and turned to see Dylan sitting in his chair in the corner by his desk, wearing only black jeans. My eyes ran over him, my heart pounding in my chest. The guy had muscle. He wasn’t as bulky as Asher. It was more he had muscles from using them than working out. The butterflies went crazy. His eyes were running over me, he was looking at me just as much as I was him. His eyes were warm when they met mine. “You really need to look around before you start taking your clothes off.”

  “I thought you were in the other bathroom,” I admitted going to my stuff on the bed. It wasn’t like I was naked, I still had my jeans on and my cami.

  “I was, I forgot a shirt.” He said his voice was soft. I looked over my shoulder to see his eyes running over me again. “I saw Riley leave, then I thought I’d put the photos onto the computer and got distracted.” I felt that flip low in my belly. The look on his face made my body grow warm, shit. That damn chemistry. I tried to distract myself. But I was looking at his chest again and wondering what all that skin would feel like. Oh fuck, Lexie move. I turned back to find my bathroom stuff fast. Shit, my stuff had gotten mixed up with Riley’s.

  “Sorry, I’ll just…. um... get my stuff and….” I couldn’t seem to form a sentence. I just kept my eyes on what I was doing. I stopped and took a deep breath then let it out slow. Find your bathroom stuff, and move. I needed to stay calm and not think about Dylan shirtless. That’s when I felt him behind me. I went still, my heart was racing as his hands went to my waist. I focused on breathing. After crying with him, and talking about my Dad, I really wanted to be close. To be held. But right now wasn’t the time, I kept reminding myself of that as one of his hands slid across the front of my waist, his palm spreading wide over my stomach. I closed my eyes as my body leaned back against him, feeling his skin on mine. This was too soon. This was not the time... Zeke and Riley were downstairs... I kept going over the reasons to grab a shirt and run into the bathroom. His body heat warmed my skin, making me want to just press myself against him. Okay Lexie, move. Come on, move. No, don’t let him do that... his lips brushed against my ear. My stomach flipped low and hard. Come on body, help me out here. I was about to move when he finally spoke.

  “Sunshine…” His husky voice was soft and low. It sent hot shivers down my spine to my toes. My body tingled. Fuck it. I turned in his arms and kissed him. The room disappeared as he kissed me back, his lips moving with mine. My arms went around his neck, his hands were on my back, his fingers running over my skin. My chest smashed against his. My pulse was in my ears as the kissed changed. He swept in and took everything I had to give. He kissed me hungrily, desperately. His hands ran down my back to my butt, his fingers kneading. I made a soft sound against his mouth. This was Dylan, sweet, sexy, funny Dylan who just seemed to get me. Who made me feel beautiful just by looking at me. I just kept kissing him; I couldn’t seem to stop. And I really didn’t want to. His hands shifted, he lifted me with his hands on my butt. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands slid to my thighs, holding me up as he moved. The world spun, then I felt something soft under me, and all I could think was yeah, that works. His body pressed me into the mattress. His hips pressing against mine, my legs fell to the sides as he took some of his weight onto his elbows. I couldn’t think as his tongue danced with mine. I, I needed to stop this. Right? Yeah, maybe. I, I needed to think. I pulled my mouth back from his. His lips moved to my cheek, leaving sweet light kisses up my jaw. He made a path to my ear. It felt really fucking good. I was still trying to catch my breath when he reached my neck. Oh, shit. His lips brushed over that spot, an inch or so below my ear. My body moved against his, unable to stop myself from grinding against him. He growled against my throat, his hard body pressing flush against me. One of his hands ran up my side to my ribs. I groaned as he grazed that spot with teeth. He was torturing me. I wanted to get even, make him as crazy as he was making me. I turned my head, my lips finding his neck. He growled against my throat, his hips moving against me, moving his hard groin against me. Sparks ran through me; my skin felt hot. Then he bit down on that spot. I made an eager noise as lightning shot through my body, my hips moving against his. I couldn’t help it, the way he made my body feel made me need to move. His mouth was on mine again, pushing everything away, every thought, every worry. They were gone as long as he kept kissing me. He went back to my neck, that same fucking spot. Every nerve I
had was alive and tingling. His mouth left hot kisses over my collar bone. I felt his hand on my shoulder, his fingers pulling my straps out of the way of his lips. Alarm bells went off. I was suddenly aware where I was, what I was doing and that I had only known Dylan for two months, and I’ve been dating Dylan for only four fucking days. My body still wanted to keep going, but I knew we had to stop.

  “Dylan....” I said, but my voice was too quiet. I swallowed hard and tried again. “Dylan... stop…” I managed between heavy breaths. Dylan stopped moving, his breath fanning out over the skin at my shoulder, his body tense. I couldn’t move. If I moved it wouldn’t be to get further away from him. I held myself still as I tried to relearn to breathe.

  “Sunshine…. don’t move...” He managed between deep breaths. He must be having the same problem. “Please…”

  “I was going…. to tell you... the same thing.” I was getting my breath back, my mind was coming back, but my body still didn’t want me to stop. Oh, this sucked. I needed a freezing cold shower. Neither one of us moved while we both struggled to get control back. I knew when he was okay. His body relaxed against me again.

  “You good?” He asked, his voice was gentle and soft.

  “Yeah,” I whispered back. He didn’t move off me, in fact, he lowered more of his weight onto me. His face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, one hand playing with the hair at the back of his neck. It felt really good. Not strip-me-naked-now good. But good. His hips were still against mine; I still felt him there. It kept my heart racing.

  “Just let me feel you for a bit Sunshine.” He whispered softly against my throat. “I’m not-”

  “I know...” He just wanted to hold me like this a little longer. I knew how he felt. I felt the same way. He lifted his head and looked down at my face. His sapphire eyes were still shining with heat as they ran over my face. One of his hands came up to my face, his thumb running over my cheek bone. The look on his face took my breath away. He was looking at me like I was precious to him. Heat flooded my chest again, hard and fast.

  “I only meant to kiss you once Lexie, I…” He whispered to me, those beautiful eyes on mine. “I should have fucking left the second you came in.” I gave him a gentle smile.

  “I kissed you, remember?” I whispered back. “I should have put my sweater right back on.”

  “So, we were both stupid.” He smiled down at me. I smiled back.

  “We seem to do that a lot,” I observed. He nodded. But I had another problem right now. “Hon, you're squishing me.” He lifted his weight off me immediately, he shifted off me and laid down on his side next to me. My body missed the press of him instantly. Baaad body. I rolled to my side to face him, my fingers playing across his chest. He didn’t seem to mind. His fingers were stroking my arm. He swallowed hard, his eyes worried.

  “Lexie, are you okay with what just happened?” He whispered softly.

  “I was right there with you. It’s just...”

  “Too fast. I know.” He took a breath and let it out. “When it comes to you all my thinking seems to go out the door.” He whispered back. I smiled at him sure I was glowing.

  “Is that good or bad?” I asked only half joking. He exhaled hard.

  “Both?” He offered. I laughed softly. He didn’t sound so sure about his answer. His eyes ran over my face, and his expression turned serious as he met my eyes again. “Sunshine, I don’t want to go too fast with you.” He whispered softly. “Anytime I’ve gone that fast with someone it never went well. It never lasted long. And I really want you to stick around.” My heart melted and clenched in my chest all at the same time.

  “And I really want to stick around,” I admitted to him. He smiled a big smile again, making me feel light. My fingers found a scar on his chest; my fingers ran over it. Memorizing the funny shape. His warm eyes stayed on mine, he took a deep breath and let it out slow. His hand left my arm and caught mine against his chest, stopping my fingers. I needed to distract myself. “So, maybe we need some rules.”

  “Like, no bedrooms alone?” He offered sincerely.

  “Yeah, or house.” I licked my lips and added. “And no voice in private.” He smiled.

  “Yeah, that’s a good one.” His eyes narrowed on mine. “Phone’s fair game, though.” I smiled and laughed at how serious he sounded about that. Then I narrowed my eyes on his.

  “On the phone.” I agreed. “No running around shirtless for you unless it’s summer.” His eyebrows went up, and he smirked at me. “Oh, don’t give me that look.” I shot at him. “You didn’t put a shirt on for a reason.” He snickered, his cheeks tinting pink.

  “Okay, I’ll admit to that one.” When he didn’t get up to put a shirt on, I gave him a look.

  “Effective immediately,” I said in my serious voice. “You're killing me here.” He gave me a big smile. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. It was the only safe place right now. He got off the bed and walked to his dresser. Dylan grabbed a dark blue Henley and pulled it on. I admit it; I was biting my lip as I watched the muscles in his back move. My boyfriend, I have ogling rights. He turned back around, his face full of mischief.

  “Okay, no tank top thingies.” He pointed his finger at my cami and moved it up and down. “You normally don’t show a lot of skin. This is like…” He exhaled, his eyes running over my body. “Like fucking Christmas and Hanukkah, all wrapped into one.” I snickered before getting off the bed and found my wet sweater. I quickly pulled it back on.

  “Okay, fair enough,” I admitted as I turned back towards him pulling my hair out of my sweater. “But what are you going to do in summer when I go swimming?” He closed his eyes and groaned.

  “Suffer.” He answered painfully. I chuckled. I was enjoying our little game.

  “No closed-doors when we’re alone.” I shot back. He nodded, grinning at me. I walked over and opened the door wide then walked back. He was smiling now.

  “No skirts.” His voice was deadly serious. “Not for a while Sunshine.” His voice told me not to argue.

  “Really?” I put a contemplating tone in my voice. His smile disappeared.

  “Lexie... I’m serious.” I nodded, smiling. He raised an eyebrow waiting for my turn.

  “No, against the wall kissing.” I offered. He shook his head immediately.

  “Uh-uh. That’s a dating staple you can’t take that away.” He said seriously, stepping closer to me. I caved, I did like against the wall kissing.

  “My heart wasn’t really set on that one anyway,” I admitted. He smiled again. “How about... Oh! I got one.” I looked up at him and stepped a little closer. “We’ll probably be going to parties together. Only one of us drinks at a time.” He nodded.

  “That’s a damn good one.” He admitted stepping closer to me again. “And at parties, we stick to public places.” I nodded.

  “Good one.” I said. He reached out and cupped my neck again, his thumb in front of my ear. I looked into those warm blue eyes; he had a strange grin on his face. “Think that’ll work?”

  “Maybe. Then again…” He whispered before he leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. That warmth spread through me again. With the gentle, sweet way he kissed me, I felt cherished at that moment. He pulled back, a soft smile on his face. “Go take your shower, and I’ll head downstairs.” He didn’t move, one of us had to. I didn’t want it to be me. But I nutted up and stepped away. I was very aware of him watching me as I picked up my stuff and walked into the bathroom. I made a point of locking the door. It seemed the only smart thing to do right now.

  Chapter 9

  Saturday Night

  By the time, I came downstairs the pizza had already been delivered, and everyone else had already eaten. I was wearing bootcut blue jeans, my grommet belt and a V-neck black, short sleeve shirt that Ethan suggested I wear. My hair was dried into my usual curly mass. Ethan had told me to wear darker makeup for under the lights, so my eyes were heavily shadowed and lined with black. Otherwise, it was m
y normal. Except for my neck. I had a bite mark and a couple of hickeys that were visible after my shower. Thankfully I had concealer in my makeup kit. I brought my bag down with me; I didn’t think going back into Dylan’s room was a good idea for now. It was almost time to head out to Vegabond for the sound check, so I ate quickly, and then we headed off. Zeke took Riley. Dylan drove me. It was almost dark when we parked, and I had just slid out when Dylan walked around the truck. Those eyes met mine as he gave me his half grin. The butterflies weren’t there so much anymore as just replaced by warmth flooding me. I smiled back before I locked my door then shut it. Dylan immediately took my hand and pulled me close. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  “You look beautiful tonight.” My pulse picked up. I felt my face grow warm. I tilted my head up, so my lips were at his ear. I went with completely honest.

  “That shirt really shows off your eyes,” I whispered back feeling completely corny as hell. I pulled back to see his cheeks were tinted pink. Good. “Okay, now we’re that couple,” I said slightly disgusted with us. He laughed as the Zeke and Riley joined us. We all started walking toward the bar.

  “Why are we here so early?” Zeke grumbled. I sighed.

  “Sound check.” I sighed. “They have to see how my voice works with the equipment here and make adjustments if needed. Basically, it’s practice before the show.” Dylan wrapped his arm around my shoulders.


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