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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 50

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “I can sleep on the couch, Ash.” I reminded him. He stopped at the back door to look at me.

  “There are three beds upstairs, Ally. You’re not sleeping on the couch.”

  “Thank you, Ash.”

  “No problem, Ally girl.” He smiled at me before walking out the back door. I took my overnight bag upstairs. I opened the door on the left side of the bathroom, and no, that was Jessica’s. I shut the door and went to the door on the other side of the bathroom. Vanilla and cinnamon tickled my nose. Yep, this was it. I felt around and hit the light switch. Asher’s bedroom walls were white just like the rest of the house. Only in here there were sports posters on the walls. The room was at least double the size of mine, which wasn’t surprising since my room was small. There was a TV on the wall opposite the bed. Asher had a big double bed covered in white sheets. The blue, orange and white comforter was rumpled as if he’d been in bed when he saw the weather report. His nightstand, desk, and dresser were all the same wood, oak I think. I put my bag down on the desk chair and started snooping. I couldn’t help it; I’m nosey. His desk was covered in cookbooks, cooking technique books and printed out recipes. I smiled. He was such a foodie, he really needed to go to culinary school after high school. I looked at the shelves. There were a lot of football trophies, even basketball. But those were from years ago; it looked like he had played both for a while. I wonder what happened there. I saw a couple of MVP award plaques on the walls too. I smiled. I wished they were cooking competition awards, was there such a thing? I heard the back door shut downstairs, and I kept snooping. Asher knew me; he knew I was nosey. I looked at his bookshelf and found nothing but cookbooks. Asian, Italian, Mediterranean. He had everything. The room bugged me. It was like two different people were living here. The football guy and the chef. I liked the chef more.

  “Being nosey huh?” Asher’s voice came from the doorway. I turned to watch him put Hades down on the bed.

  “You know it,” I said in my cute voice. I went over and sat next to Hades then began petting him. “I’m nosey with all of you.” Asher had a half grin on his face when he went to his dresser.

  “You’re actually not that nosey, Ally.” He said as he opened a drawer. “You never go digging, you just see what’s there.” I shrugged as Hades climbed into my lap.

  “That’s my nosey.” I pointed out. “I don’t like to dig into other people’s stuff without a damn good reason.” Asher closed a drawer and opened another one.

  “What would it take for you to go digging?” He asked pulling out some pajama bottoms. I sighed and thought about it.

  “If I thought one of you were doing drugs, gone missing or you asked me to find something.” I thought about it again. “Yeah, that’s about it.” I looked over to see him smirking at me.

  “So, what would you do if you found one of us smoking pot or something?” He asked eyes sparkling with mischief. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Before or after I smack the shit out of them?” I asked sweetly. He chuckled. I smiled.

  “You have something to sleep in?” He asked.

  “I have a shirt.” I hedged. Asher turned back to his dresser, he dug out a pair of pajama bottoms and tossed them to me. They were blue with Sylvester the cat, all over them. I loved them instantly. “Thanks, but you might not get these back,” I warned him seriously. He grinned as he shut the drawer.

  “I’ll be down the hall. Night Ally girl.”

  “Night Ash.” He closed the door behind him. I changed into his drawstring jammy bottoms, I had to roll the waistband over several times, so I wasn’t standing on them. I pulled on my black cami. I know, it’s winter. But I move around a lot, and I like my arms free. I turned off the light and climbed into Asher’s bed, snuggled down with Hades and fell asleep.

  Chapter 18

  Early Saturday Morning

  I felt the blade in my hand as I ran it along her skin. She had been so easy to take, so trusting. I pressed down and watched the skin cut and bleed. She was covered with them now. I smiled as she whimpered. She was going to pay; the stuck-up bitch was going to beg before the end. My hand moved to my trousers...

  I jerked awake screaming, still half asleep I scrambled to get away. My heart slamming against my ribs as my back hit something hard; I changed directions I had to get away. No, no, no! I fell and hit the floor hard; I kept scrambling. I had to get away from her! I had to leave! I didn’t want to touch her! My back hit a wall, and I stayed there, my chest tight, shaking too much to move. I was gasping for air, tears running down my face. I didn't see Asher’s room I was in the basement in Newport where I worked. What the fuck did I do? What did I do? What did I do? I wrapped my arms around myself and rocked. A heavy tight knot was crushing my chest. As if from far away, there was a small bark.

  “Ally!” Someone yelling. It wasn’t one of the girls. I closed my eyes; I’m a girl. I’m not him. A door burst open, and I barely noticed. I was still in that basement. “Ally....” I’m a girl, I’m not him, I didn’t do those things. I’m a girl. It wasn’t me; he’s the one. I closed my eyes and tried to focus, panic tearing through me. I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie. I didn’t do that. I didn’t hurt them. I kept repeating it over and over. “Ally.” A hand touched my shoulder, I jumped and moved away till I hit something big and hard. I didn’t want him to touch me! He’s the one who did it, not me! I rested my forehead against the cold surface and took deep breaths. I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie, I didn’t hurt them. I’m a girl; I didn’t hurt them that way. I couldn’t have. I didn’t hurt them. A dog was whimpering somewhere, and it made my heart hurt.

  “Ally, you didn’t hurt anyone.” That wasn’t his voice. I knew that rich voice. Lexie knew that voice. I knew it. I turned towards it. I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie. “Ally, open your eyes and look at me, see where you are.” Still gasping for air, I opened my eyes half expecting to see his face. It wasn’t him. It was Asher. I knew Asher. I knew those beautiful eyes, that handsome face. I knew him. I looked up him and felt broken. I was shattered on the floor, and there were only that fucker’s memories left. His face changed; his face looked pained, his eyes soft and warm. Asher reached out, his hands holding my face. “Ally, are you seeing me?” I nodded, still trying to get those images out of my head. Still gasping for breath as I cried. I felt sick, dirty like I had done something horrible. That wasn’t me. I didn’t do that. But his hands on my face helped, helped push those images back. My shaking hands dug into his white undershirt and clung to him. He pulled me against him, his arms tight around me. I buried my face in his chest and tried to breathe. “I’ve got you, Ally.” He whispered gently. I wrapped my hands in his shirt and focused on remembering who I was. I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie, I’m Lexie. I didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. I’m not a monster. I didn’t do that. I didn’t hurt them. “You didn’t do anything Ally. You didn’t hurt anyone.” Asher started talking, and I listened while my body remembered how to breathe. “You aren’t a monster; you're our Ally.” His hand ran down the back of my hair. “You love bad monster movies, and you make smart-ass jokes.” I nodded, yeah, I did that a lot. “You’re an amazing artist, and you’re thoughtful, generous. And a hard ass when it comes to telling me to do what I really want. No matter what anyone else thinks.” One of his hands buried in my hair. “And you’d tear apart anyone who tried to hurt the people you care about.” I nodded. Yeah, I would. I wasn’t that thing in the basement. I was someone else. I’d never... The images finally fell back into their dark little corner, giving me room to breathe again. I took deep breaths as my pulse started to slow back down. It was awhile before I really knew I was in Asher’s room. Lightning flashes lit up the room every few seconds, giving us light to see.

  “Oh, that sucked,” I whispered into Asher’s shirt. I felt Asher let out a deep breath. I turned to rest my cheek against that space between his shoulder and chest. Hades whined from his spot on the bed.

  “No shit.” His voice was relieved and strained all at the s
ame time. “Are you okay?” I didn’t know how to answer. I shrugged. His hand started rubbing up and down my back. It felt so good right now. “What was that Ally?”

  “Nightmare, bad.” I finally had my breath back, but I kept clinging to Asher. I wasn’t ready to let go. “Forgot who I was, did bad things.” His body became tense against me.

  “What do you mean, honey?” He asked, his rich voice soft. “I’ve got her Hades, calm down.” Hades stopped whining.

  “It was one of his fucking memories. But when I dream about the dead, it’s always me.” I took a breath and kept talking. “I’m always the one dying, I’m always the one… hurting other people. He was about to rape one of his victims. I woke up right before he....” My throat closed.

  “Shit, Ally.” I nodded against his shirt. That about summed it up. Asher held me tighter. He rested his cheek against my hair. “Can you get rid of the rest of those memories tomorrow? Like you did today?”

  “Yeah,” I said quietly. Even my voice sounded tired. But I really didn't want to go back to sleep.

  “Do that tomorrow, Ally. You can stay here all day and night if you need to. I don’t care. I don’t want you to think you've… done that again.” His voice was hard and panicky. I moved my hand to the back of his neck, my fingers kneading. My mind was on Sophia; I needed to get the link going for when….

  “I have to finish the link. It’s already taking too long.” I told him wearily. He went completely still for a couple of heartbeats. Then his hands were hard on my arms, pulling me away from his chest. I looked up. His face was drawn, hard. His ocean eyes were rough as they ran over my face.

  “The link can wait. This can’t.” His voice was firm and clipped, telling me not to argue. He didn’t understand. I needed to convince him.

  “I... I can’t” I argued. His eyes raged at me. “People are counting on that link. I can’t let them down.”

  “No soul is worth this, Ally.” His voice grew hard. “Can you go through that dream again? Can you stand to think you did that again?” His eyes ran over my face again. “Because I don’t think you can.” My eyes filled. He was right. I didn’t want to do it again. But… he didn’t know...

  “I don’t have a choice.” He opened his mouth to protest again, but I cut him off. “It’s Sophie.” Asher’s face went pale, his eyes wide. He exhaled hard as the news hit him. His grip loosened. I rested my hand on the middle of his chest, reminding him I was here. I waited till he got over the shock.

  “Are you sure it’s her?” He asked quietly, his voice brittle.

  “She called the twins, Eth and Izzy.” He looked horrified, his brow drawn together, his mouth open.

  “She’s at their house? She’s the ghost that’s been....”

  “Yeah, she is.” I ran my eyes over his face; his mouth had closed, but his eyes were full of shadows. “She’s okay right now, no extra energy.” I needed him to understand why those memories didn’t matter right now. Why this didn’t matter right now. “But it doesn’t mean that won’t change. And I need to be ready when she decides she wants to cross. I’m not leaving her to rot like Mary Summers.” Asher ran his hand down his face as he took a deep breath. His eyes went to the wall over my shoulder as he let go of me. I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapped my arms around them and waited. My tired body was begging for me to go to sleep. As I waited for Asher, my head started dropping. I wasn’t going to sleep; my body just wanted to lay down.

  “Okay.” His voice was calm. I looked up and blinked at him. He looked down at me, his eyes determined. “Do the twins know?”

  “Fuck no.” My voice was still tired. “Miles does.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “I had to tell someone, I was freaking the fuck out. I didn’t even know they had a sister.”

  “Yeah, that would be a shock.” The tension on his face eased. “How much longer do you think the link will take?” I thought about it.

  “If I push it a little more, a couple of days. Maybe.” He nodded, he seemed to come to a decision.

  “You’re right, Ally.” He began. “We need that link. We can’t leave Sophie here to...” He took a deep breath then let it out slowly. His eyes ran over my face, his face was drawn again. “Until you finish with that link, until you can get those memories out, you’re going to be having these nightmares.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “She’s just more important to me, Ash.” His eyes were full of understanding as they met mine.

  “You forgot who you are, Ally.” His face became worried. “You thought you were the one…” I looked down at my knees. I didn’t want to remember that part. I don’t think I was going to sleep for a couple of days.

  “I know.” I rubbed my eyes with one hand. I just wanted... I snorted at myself. I wanted to sleep, but I didn’t want to go through that again. I felt him brush my hair from my face. I looked up at him. His worried eyes were on me.

  “You’re going to wake up screaming every night for Sophie.” He said slowly. “You’re going to think you’re the one who hurt those women every night so you can cross her when she’s ready.”

  “It’s their sister, Ash.” My voice was soft in the quiet of the room. “If she needs to go I’m going to be ready. I promised her.” His brow drew together as his eyes ran over my face.

  “Then you’re staying here.” He declared.


  “You have to do this; I get it.” He let out a breath. “But you’re not doing it alone. You’re staying here until you finish the link, until you get the worst of those memories out.” He reached out and cupped my jaw in his hand. “When you can sleep without thinking you’re him. Then you can go home.” That warm and fuzzy feeling filled me until I thought my heart would burst. My eyes filled as it sunk in. Asher wasn’t going to let me go through this alone; he wasn’t going to let me forget who I was. I wrapped my hand around his wrist and squeezed.

  “Ash...” The corner of his mouth raised a bit then he was pulling me against him, his arms wrapping around me. I hugged him tight not wanting to let go. My voice was thick when I whispered to him. “Thank you.” He squeezed me tight.

  “Of course, Ally.” I took a deep breath of vanilla and cinnamon. Something inside me relaxed. Exhaustion poured over me. I rested against him, my body not listening to me anymore. Asher caught me. “Ally, you need to sleep, honey.” I shook my head against him. I didn’t want to sleep... I didn't want to see it again.

  “Coffee, I need coffee.” My voice was quiet, barely above a whisper. But Asher heard me. He always heard me. Asher shifted, his arm slipping under my knees. He got to his feet lifting me against his chest.

  “No Ally, you need sleep, not coffee.” His voice was gentle. I shook my head as another flash of lightning lit up the room.

  “Uh-uh. No, nope, nada. I’m not sleepin’.” I grumbled as he carried me across the bedroom.

  “You’re sleeping, Ally.” I shook my head again.

  “Can’t make me.” He snorted.

  “Did already, Ally girl.” He reminded me softly. I snorted. He set me down in the middle of the unmade bed. Before I could even sit up, Asher had laid down next to me and pulled the blankets up to cover both of us. Hades moved up from the foot of the bed to the pillow next to my head.

  “I don’t wanna...” I grumbled. I heard him chuckling quietly as he shifted on the bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him. My body fitting into the curve of his body. My head ended up on his arm, his other arm holding me snug against him.

  “Tough shit.” He whispered back. He wasn’t hiding his laughing now. I grumbled at him. He buried his face into my hair at the back of my neck.

  “No sleepy...” I mumbled while my eyes were closing. Asher’s body heat was pushing me into sleep. I wanted to sleep… but... dreams... if he got up…. “Ash?”

  “I’m not going anywhere, honey,” Asher whispered against my neck. Really? He wasn’t?

  “Promise?” I felt him smile against my skin.

omise.” I started to slip into under. I felt a small kiss on the back of my neck, or I thought I did. It didn’t matter. I dropped into sleep hard.

  I woke up slowly, my body in a strange position. I was almost on my stomach; Asher was still against my back. I tried to move, but I realized I was pinned by Asher’s leg between mine, his knee on the mattress. His arm around my ribs, his elbow was bent and his forearm running up the space between my breasts. His hand was spread flat on my upper chest, his fingertips touching my collar bone. His arm was keeping me against his chest. It was the only thing keeping me from laying completely on my stomach. As if even in his sleep he was aware of where I was and stopped me from laying on my stomach. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I was still floating in that half sleep when I realized what I was feeling against me. Yeah, it was morning. I ignored it and just floated there. A small part of me remembered I had a boyfriend and he wouldn’t like this. But it was Asher, kind, talented, wonderful, sexy as hell Asher. The rules didn’t feel like they applied to him, or any of them... fuck it. The world was quiet, and I was good exactly where I was. I was almost back to sleep when Asher’s breathing changed. He took a deep breath and let it out. He rubbed his face on my back, his arm tightening around me. I didn’t mind. Then his lower body shifted against me, pressing against my butt harder. Yeah, he was still mostly asleep otherwise he would move. I didn’t care. At least until he started to pull his arm down my chest, he was probably just trying to roll over, but I still stopped his hand just as the heel of his palm reached the top of my breasts.

  “Mmm…” He grumbled. I woke him up a bit.

  “Ash,” I mumbled into my pillow.


  “Wake up before you move your hand,” I muttered back; his arm went limp. I just held his fingers now, reminding him not to move. Vaguely I knew my breasts were on his forearm, but I didn’t care. I was still floating when he woke up a little more, his face moving to my hair.


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