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When the Dead Come a Knockin'

Page 51

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Ally?” He mumbled.

  “Uh-huh,” I muttered, still enjoying the half sleep.

  “Thought I smelled rosemary.” He rubbed his nose into my hair. I smiled. “You feel good….”

  “You too,” I mumbled back. “Warm and snuggly….” I was floating back down to sleep when he mumbled something I couldn’t hear.


  “You have a boyfriend... shouldn’t cuddle… you.” He muttered not moving an inch.

  “Fuck ‘em. You guys were here first…. you have cuddle dibs.” He snorted and started laughing. I smiled as his laughing started waking me up. I knew when he woke up. His entire body became rigid and still. I just stayed put while he figured it out. He pulled his arm off me and rolled away from me like I was burning him. That made me smile.

  “Ally, I’m sorry.” He groaned. Huh?

  “What?” I asked almost awake now.

  “I didn’t mean to grab you like that. I’m sorry, I… knew it was you I just…”

  “You didn’t grab me, Ash,” I grumbled wanting to go back to sleep.

  “But my hand…” His voice almost sounded panicked.

  “Your arm was between my boobs when I woke up; your fingers were practically on my neck.” I sighed, giving in to the inevitable I rolled over to face him. He was sitting up, his back against his headboard, knees bent. One hand was rubbing his neck. “You were actually keeping me from rolling onto my stomach.” He was shaking his head his face looking pained.

  “Ally, I was practically laying on you, and my leg…” He sighed and rested his head back against the headboard.

  “Yep, your leg got up close and personal, your point?” I was comfy and wanted to go back to sleep. He looked down at me looking bewildered. “You were asleep Ash. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything.” I grumbled. “Freak out later... sleep now.” He snorted. I pulled the blankets up over me, and I snuggled down perfectly happy to stay here.

  “Ally, I’m so-” I pointed at him then opened my eyes and glared.

  “If you apologize one more fucking time, I’m going to start taking it personally,” I warned him. His eyes grew wide as I rolled over to my other side. “Like I’m covered in fucking boils or something,” I grumbled. I could practically hear his jaw drop.

  “That’s not what I-”

  “You really know how to make a girl feel pretty, Ash,” I grumbled, pulling my blanket over my head.

  “Shit…. Ally... I…” He sounded so confused and worried that I started laughing. When he realized I was messing with him, he yanked the blanket down and started going after my ribs. “You are such an evil little shit sometimes!” I snickered and jerked as he tickled me.

  “Takes one to know one!” I shot back as I kept smacking his hands away from my sides. When he kept coming at me, I went after his spot, right side just under his last rib. He smacked my hands back. Then he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. I tried to dive away, but I was still laughing too much to move. He moved them to one hand, brought one hand down to tickle along my ribs again. “No! No! Cheater!” I shouted as I tried to move out from under him.

  “That’s rich coming from you!” He shot back. I just snickered up at him. His eyes ran over my face then focused on my lips. He stopped tickling me, his fingers gently traced my ribs. Then his face changed just a bit. He blinked hard several times and pulled back. His eyes were wide. “Uh, truce?”

  “Truce! Truce!” I was still laughing my ass off when he let me go to sit at the edge of the bed. I had just got my breath back when Hades whined. I looked over at Asher. “You know, if you’re really sorry-” He snorted.

  “Nope. After that, I don’t feel bad at all.” Asher shot back smirking. I playfully glared at him. “But I’ll take him out anyway.” He picked up Hades and headed out the door. Yes! I didn’t have to go out in the snow. But I did have to get up. I groaned deeply, then rubbed my eyes with one hand. I needed to talk to Rory, tell him what was going on. I needed to work on the link and push it more today than usual. I dropped my hand to my side. I didn’t want to tell Rory what happened at the bowling alley, but it looked like I wasn’t going to have a choice. I looked at the ceiling. The next few days were going to suck. And poor Asher was going to through them with me. I got up and started making Asher’s bed when something clicked in my brain. Asher had slept next to me last night. He’d never done that before. Hell, it was probably going to be the only way I wasn’t waking up screaming all night. Poor guy. The boys always seemed to be taking care of me. I didn’t like it.

  I finished making the bed before taking my bag into the bathroom and doing my usual routine. I didn’t bother getting out of my jammies, but I did pull on a bra and a loose green t-shirt. I dropped my bag off in Asher’s room, grabbed my cell phone and went downstairs. I found Asher in the kitchen already getting ready to make breakfast. Hades was drinking out of a water bowl next to the door.

  “Are you jammy cooking?” I asked hopping up on the counter. He smiled while he worked.

  “Yeah, I’m jammy cooking today, it doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere for a while.” He looked up from the cutting board to look out the window. “Looks like it was a white out last night. So, the roads won’t be clear for hours.” He went back to dicing potatoes. I checked my messages and cringed. I forgot to call Rory last night. But apparently, he got ahold of Zeke and found out where I was. I was in trouble. My gut knotted. I needed to tell Rory what was going on. Now was better than later, right? I looked up at Asher who was still on the potatoes. I had to ask.


  “Hmm?” He sounded distracted.

  “Are you sure you want me to stay?” He stopped cutting. “I could go to Miles’ house, it’ll be weird without him, but I can nut up.” His shoulders grew tense. He put the knife down before turning to me, frowning.

  “And when you wake up screaming and not remembering who you are? What are you going to do then?” He snapped at me. I went still. “You’re not getting a choice, Ally. You are staying here until those memories are gone.” His voice told me not to argue. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I hadn’t felt that a lot in my life, but since meeting the guys, I was starting to get used to this feeling.

  “Thank you, Ash.” His shoulders relaxed as he gave me a half grin and went back to cutting up potatoes. I looked down at my phone; my stomach knotted even worse. I took a deep breath and called Rory.

  “Your ass better be at Asher’s!” Rory shouted as soon as he answered the phone.

  “Yes, my ass is at Asher's, he came out and got me around ten.” I took a breath and groveled. “I’m so sorry Rory, I was out cold when he woke me up. He got me back here fast, and I was up asleep in his sister's room before I even woke up all the way.” I lied my ass off. “I just woke up, and I haven’t even taken Hades out yet.” I just kept lying. Asher was smirking at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. This was about survival damn it. Okay, it was about my freedom.

  “Next time call! I had cops on the lookout for you until I got a hold of Zeke.” Rory growled at me. I winced and kept groveling.

  “I’m so sorry Rory.” He sighed.

  “Just as long as you're okay.” He grumbled. “You’re staying there until the roads are cleared. Then I want your ass home.” I took a deep breath.

  “Rory, I can’t come home.” There was dead silence for several heartbeats. I hopped off the counter and headed for the family room.

  “Why?” He sounded scary calm.

  “You remember the long exposure the night before last at the bowling alley?” I curled up in a wide chair and waited.

  “Yeah, what about it?” Rory’s voice was strained.

  “Did the guys tell you what kind of soul it was?” I asked hoping they already explained this part. I bit the corner of my bottom lip waiting.

  “No. What happened Lexie?” He wasn’t asking; he was demanding. I looked down at my knees, and I told him. I explained who it was, what he did, to who and how many.
I told him about yesterday, how I got rid of those disgusting feelings. I told him about the dream, not the last part of it. I couldn’t tell him that. It didn’t take long.

  “Lexie… that’s...” I heard him take a deep breath. “That’s horrible, and we’ll deal with it, but why do you think this mean you can’t come home?” I swallowed hard.

  “Rory, I woke up screaming. I didn’t remember who I was. I thought I had done those things. That I was…” My voice was thick as I continued. “The only reason I came out if it was Asher. He helped remind me who I was.”


  “I can’t do that with Tara there, Rory.” I swallowed hard. “Asher said I could stay here so that when it happens again, he’ll be there again.”

  “You told me you could dump those memories; you need to do that.” Rory’s voice was very clear.

  “I can, but I can’t do that and build the link. And right now, the link is more important.” I said, my voice sincere.

  “Lexie... tell me why? Or you're coming home as soon as the road is clear.” Rory’s voice was hard and unyielding.

  “Because the soul of the twins’ little sister is in their house,” I explained, my gut still knotted. “And I’m not leaving her here to rot.” Rory was quiet so long I thought he hung up. Then I heard him moving.


  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “Okay Lexie, stay there as long as you need to.” Rory’s voice was worried. “Get the link done, then get the memories gone. Don’t kill yourself to do it, though.” I swallowed hard. I should have kept Rory more up to date than this. But there were some things he didn’t need to know.

  “Thanks, Rory.”

  “I’ll bring you out a bag of clothes. Do you need anything else?” I thought about it for a second.

  “Hades' dog food, treats and some chew toys.” I hated having to ask.

  “No problem. I’ll see you after the roads are plowed.”

  “Bye.” I hung up the phone a bit of the weight lifting off my shoulders. Rory understanding would make things easier, not by much but it’d help. I got up and walked back into the kitchen. Hades was eating a small plate of eggs, his tail going crazy. It was cute. Asher was leaning against the counter eating breakfast.

  “How’d it go?” He asked as his eyes ran over me.

  “He understood why I couldn't come home,” I said as I grabbed a plate and began filled it with eggs and fried potatoes. “He doesn’t like it, but he understands it.” I walked over to the kitchen island across from him and hopped up on the counter. “He’s bringing over some stuff after the roads are plowed.” Asher nodded and finished his bite.

  “I’m glad he understood.” He said. I nodded as I started to eat breakfast. “The next week or so is going to suck for you. No reason for him to make it worse” I looked up from my plate and eyed him.

  “Us. It’s going to suck for us.” I reminded him. He smirked at me. “You’re the crazy one who volunteered remember?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, I remember.” Asher pointed his fork at me. “But you didn’t wake up again last night, so I think with both Hades and me we can keep those dreams away.” He took a bite of potato.

  “Thanks for taking the hit, Ash.” He shook his head as finished chewing.

  “Ally, helping you sleep isn’t taking a hit.” His eyes met mine. “It’s just…. cuddling.” He gave me a strained smile before looking at Hades, his shoulders tense. He seemed to have something on his mind, so I went back to my breakfast. I was almost done when my phone vibrated. I picked it up to see it was another email from that same email address I didn’t know. This time I opened it.

  Your eyes glow with a fire that’s hard to quench. – S.A

  I sighed. Whoever this was had the wrong email. And they were a romantic. I threw the email away and checked my texts. Nothing from Dylan.

  “Did Dylan text you?” Asher asked before taking a bite of his toast.

  “Nope, no phone call either.” I put my phone down on the counter and looked up at him. “I talked to him yesterday for about two minutes. He said he’d call me last night. No call, no text.”

  Asher frowned.

  “That’s fucked up.” He muttered before taking his plate to the sink. Asher wasn’t defending Dylan? Asher always defended Dylan or at least offered an alternative. Asher’s shoulders had grown tense, his jaw clenching. I decided to ask the question that I had wanted to since I woke up at Miles’ house.

  “What happened that night that has all of you not trusting him?” I asked quietly. I needed to know. Asher put his plate in the sink then turned to look at me. His face was serious.

  “Are you sure you want to know, Ally?” His voice was warning me. My stomach knotted.

  “Yeah.” He nodded then came back down to stand across from me, leaning against the counter.

  “I’ll give him this. He was the only one with a kit on him. Ours were in our cars.” His voice was carefully neutral like he was trying to hide what he was feeling. “He was also the one who asked Riley to see if you were alright. We thought you probably had a bloody nose or something.” I waited silently. “When Riley came out yelling that you were on the floor in the bathroom he was up and off like a shot. We were as step behind.” He crossed his arms over his chest, which looked made him look adorable in his Tweetie bird jammy bottoms. “He got in the door and froze. I had to shove him out of the way.” His shadowed ocean eyes met mine. “Ally, you were in a pool of blood and twitching. It scared the shit out of me.” Guilt hit me hard. All because I forgot my fucking bracelets.

  “I’m sorry, Ash. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I said, feeling awful about it.

  “I know honey; it was just a nightmare to walk into.” He sighed. “I got you mostly off the floor, and we started working on you. Isaac ran for your beads, and Zeke had to yell at Dylan to move from the door. He seemed shocked to the core. Miles sent him out to get your bag half for something for him to do. He took a long time getting back.” I frowned at that. He knew exactly where my truck was, so what took so long? “When he got back he did try to get the blood out of your hair. Then it was time to change your shirt. We all know how you love your coat. He suggested that we just cover you with it. Miles suggested a button up. Miles waited thirty seconds for him to volunteer his shirt.” Dylan had been wearing a button up that night; he wore it open over a gray shirt. “He and Ethan got it on you. Then it was time to pick who was carrying you. We all waited for him to step up. I waited twenty seconds before I volunteered.” I blinked at what he was describing. Dylan didn’t try to carry me? Was it the blood? “Then we got the hell out of there and got you to Miles’ house. Same thing again. Ethan looked like he was going to pick you up. Zeke told him no. And we all waited for him to volunteer. Miles’ waited fifteen seconds.”

  “Was I still covered in blood?” I asked my voice quiet. His eyes ran over my face before he shook his head.

  “Just your hair at that point and it was still in a ponytail.” His voice was calm but firm. “Miles was angry with him on the way in, he asked about you calling Miles wintergreen.” I snorted. Yeah, that sounded like me. “Miles was going to put you in bed when Dylan reminded him of the blood covering you. I honestly thought Miles was going to put you down and punch him.” I went still.

  “Seriously?” I asked not quite believing it. Calm, controlled Miles?

  “Yeah, instead we got Dylan out of the room for a bit, made a few decisions and sent Isaac for a book in Miles’ room.” A book? That was new.

  “Why a book?”

  “You heard us upset and kept fighting to stay conscious, so Miles read to you. Then you finally passed out.” His eyes ran over my face; his brow was drawn down. “When he left, the twins wanted to kill him.” I raised an eyebrow. “Okay, when I found out I wanted to kill him.” I gave him a proud smile.

  “There you go sweetie, own the rage,” I said cheerfully. He snorted.

  “That’s everything that happened to make us
not trust him with you.” Asher’s brow was still drawn down. “I want to think that it was just all the blood, but... he was freaked, Ally.” I sighed. I knew the guys must have had good reasons not to trust Dylan, and now I knew what they were.

  “I figured he was freaked.” I shrugged, acting like it didn’t hurt to know he didn’t want to help take care of me. “It is what it is.” He gave me a sad half grin before he pushed away from the counter. He took my plate and went back to the sink. Dylan didn’t try to carry me. He didn’t even stay. Those weren’t good signs.

  “If the roads are cleared by tonight there’ll be a big party out at the Henderson's.” Asher broke my train of thought. I looked over to see him looking out the window.

  “Why?” I asked curious how he would know. He smirked.

  “Their parents love skiing, with this snowfall they’ll be out at their cabin as soon as possible.” He seemed to think about it. “More than likely they already are.” He looked over at me. “It’ll be fun.” I snorted. A party sounded good to me but…

  “I’d love to, but I need to work on that link tonight too.”

  “You can do both, just come home early.” He offered his eyes starting to sparkle. “You need some fun, Ally girl.” I sighed. He did have a point.

  “Okay.” I smiled at him. “You’ve convinced me.” He snickered as he went looking back out the window.

  “It was real hard too.” I snorted. Asher smiled. “Quick, lock the back door.” I hurried and did just that. Someone tried the knob. Then there was pounding.

  “Open up Asher! We know you got Red!” Isaac shouted.

  “Who is it?” I asked in an annoyingly high-pitched voice.

  “Beautiful, open up, it’s freezing,” Ethan begged.

  “Maybe I should dump some water on you. It’ll be fun!” I smiled as I taunted them. Asher started laughing.

  “NO!” They both shouted at the same time. I started laughing. I looked at Asher. He nodded.

  “Say please, bitches!” I called to them.


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