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The Pack: Mercy's Choice (Born to be Were series book 2)

Page 19

by Flynn, Donna

  Mercy took a step backwards and placed her hands up in front of her. “Amber don’t do this. You know how mates are, they are destined for each other, Alec has no choice.”

  She growled and swiped the blade at Mercy slicing into the palms of her hands, which she used to defend herself, laughing as the flesh sizzled and burned earning a cry of pain from Mercy. “Silver,” Amber told her, looking smug. “It’s one of those things that can kill our kind so easily if it pierces just the right place.” She looked to Mercy’s heart and smiled. “Fortunately I know just where to place it.”

  “Don’t do this. It’s not worth your life, Amber!” Mercy yelled loudly hoping to warn Alec she was there. She knew the moment he heard her, felt his fear as he ran back through the forest to get back to her, but Amber also sensed his return. She moved swiftly wrapping one arm around Mercy’s neck, pulling her back against her pressing the blade of the knife against her throat.

  Alec had been following the tracks left behind by a wolf when he felt his hair stand up on the back of his neck and heard Mercy screaming at Amber. He turned back immediately, running as quickly as he could to get to her. As he broke the wood line to the clearing where the house sat, he saw Mercy on the porch with Amber’s arm wrapped her waist and one hand holding a knife to her throat. He smelled the tinge of burning flesh in the air and his eyes fell to the knife at Mercy’s throat, and he felt his world tilt out of control.

  “Ah Alec, I figured you would be back as soon as she screamed,” Amber said with a triumphant smile.

  “Let her go Amber, this has nothing to do with her,” Alec said walking slowly towards them, hoping Lucan was inside listening, and ready to help.

  Amber saw him glance to the doorway and knew what he was thinking. “No, he won’t be coming to help I’m afraid, neither will Rich or any of the others. I made sure everyone was detained. I mean, who knew that black wolf that has been pestering Mercy would actually come in handy? By the time, they arrive back here she will be dead, and you, my dear Alec, will be free again.”

  He stared into Amber’s crazed eyes, and panic rose up inside of him. She was not thinking clearly, and she had his mate hostage so he had to act before she hurt Mercy. He looked to his mate who had gone limp in Amber’s arms trying to find the best way to attack but, just as he decided to make his move, Mercy opened her eyes, her wolf shinning bright inside of them and with a growl she kicked her leg out behind her slamming it into Amber’s, knocking them both off balance. Amber screamed as they hit the ground, but she held tight to the deadly blade. He watched in horror as Amber raised her arm slashing the knife at Mercy, but without a moment’s hesitation, Mercy slammed her fist into Ambers face knocking her against the rails then slammed her hand down on the wood repeatedly until the knife clattered into the bushes below. Mercy began to shift, ready to attack her foe and end their fight, but before she was, fully transformed Amber lifted her legs slamming Mercy hard enough that she fell backwards over the porch rail. She finished her shift as she fell, but instead of landing on her feet, she fell to the ground with a loud wail of pain. Amber ran to the rail, preparing to jump on top of Mercy, when a large black wolf jumped over Mercy, slamming into her with enough force to knock her back against the house. She fought hard against her the black wolf, but in her human form, she was definitely at a disadvantage. They were struggling when the wolf howled, rising to its back feet, and slamming his massive paws into her chest, knocking her into the porch railing so hard it splintered, leaving her to fall into the bushes below. The wolf looked to Alec then to where Mercy lay on the ground with low whine, the meaning in his eyes clear and Alec ran to Mercy’s side leaving the wolf to watch over Amber.

  Alec could have screamed when he saw Mercy’s wolf lying on the ground, panting heavily, a piece of jagged wood from the railing embedded into her side. She whimpered softly as he approached, her eyes reflecting the pain she was feeling, and he rushed to soothe her. “I know, baby,” he whispered looking over the wound, knowing he had to get the wood out before she shifted back to her human form so it wouldn’t kill her in the process. Hardening his heart, so he could do what he had to, he reached down and took the wood between his hands pulling it out as quickly as possible. The sound of her ear-piercing cries near killed him and he apologized profusely before pulling off his shirt off, laying it over her wolf form. He sat next to her using his own wolf to force hers down, watching her shift with tear-filled eyes. Agonizing moments passed as she shifted, her wolf’s cries of distress turning to human screams of agony before she blacked out, lying silently on the ground, blood seeping from the wound that was in the process of mending.

  “Come back to me, baby,” Alec pleaded. All he could think was that he had done this to her. If he had believed her when she told him Amber was up to no good, she wouldn’t be lying on the ground bleeding and in such agony.

  Mercy heard his agonized plea and opened her eyes, looked to Alec then to the porch where the black wolf watched over Amber and struggled to sit up. “I need to get dressed,” she mumbled embarrassed both of them had witnessed her shift. The wolf stared down at Amber, and Alec turned away. Although the pain was excruciating she managed to pull on his shirt, which thankfully fell past her hips. “Alright,” she said to Alec who lifted her in his arms and began to carry her towards the house.

  The black wolf was watching their progress when he saw the glint of silver as Amber jumped to her feet running directly towards Alec and Mercy holding the knife high in the air ready to strike. Without thought of his own safety, he ran slamming Amber’s arm down. Alec turned quickly, and Mercy screamed as she saw the blade sticking out of Amber’s chest, the blood blossoming onto her T-shirt with an eerie quickness she knew was not good. Still on her feet and filled with adrenaline, Amber pulled the knife free and slammed it into the black wolf with a loud snarl before she fell back against the wall of the house, her eyes rolling back in her head. The black wolf fell to the porch with a loud whine, a long jagged gash in his side that was bleeding profusely.

  The area suddenly came alive with pack members who had returned from their hunt, startled to find the disarray that surrounded them. Nina, the first behind Lucan to enter the clearing, went to Amber immediately and worked over her. Alec was busy explaining what had happened to his father and Lucan, who eyed Mercy warily, concerned for her safety. Mercy pulled away from Alec, shuffling painfully to the wolf who was breathing heavily, blood soaking its fur where Amber had slashed it with the knife. He whined softly as she knelt down and laid her hand over the wound it had sustained trying to save her, and she focused her energy on mending the damage Amber had caused.

  “Thank you,” she whispered before rising unsteadily to her feet. The wolf pressed its nose against her leg, and she reached down to smooth her hand over its fur. “Go and shift, then come back so I can thank you properly,” she said tiredly. With a howl, he took off towards the wood line and Alec came to her side lifting her in his arms.

  “We need to get you cleaned up,” he said as she laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Not yet, I need to help Nina,” she told him her voice almost a whisper.

  Alec looked to Nina who stood over Amber’s body shaking her head as she talked to Gregory and knew there was nothing Mercy or anyone else could do. “I don’t think she needs help angel, let’s get you taken care of.” He turned and walked her up the stairs and into the house, depositing her in the bathroom where he lovingly cleaned each wound then turned the shower on for her before walking out of the door, closing it behind him.


  Alec and Mercy joined the rest of the family in the kitchen a short time later. They walked into the kitchen hand in hand, Mercy much slower than usual, and Alec keeping pace beside her watching her every step anxiously. Lucan went to his sister immediately and hugged her close while Alec walked to the table and sat down. The reality of what had happened finally hit and he sat with a cup of coffee in front of him, staring out of the door where his life had
changed forever. He had trusted Amber, believed her when she said she only what was best for him no matter how many times Mercy had tried to tell him the truth. Now Amber was dead, and he couldn’t help but think it could have easily been Mercy instead.

  “Alec?” Mercy said at his side, her hand rubbing his back. “It is not your fault. I won’t have you blame yourself for Amber’s actions.”

  “You saw how she was and tried to tell me, but I refused to see it.” He felt like a fool, a fool who could have gotten his mate killed with his blind trust. It made him question whether he really was the best choice to be heir to his father’s pack or even a worthy mate for Mercy.

  “You cared for her, and no one blames you for that,” she said as she sat gingerly on the chair next to him placing her hand over his. “One of the things I love most about you is that you don’t give up on anyone, not on me, and not on Amber, or anyone else that is important to you.”

  “My blind faith in her could have gotten you killed,” he reminded her.

  “But it didn’t. I’m here, you’re here, and we are together in a way most people will never understand.”

  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes seeing the love she felt for him there then pulled her close careful not to hurt her. “I love you, angel, and I promise from now on I will listen to you.”

  She let out the laugh that bubbled in her throat at his words. “Be serious, you and I both know that is not going to happen, but it’s okay because sometimes I am not going to listen to you either,” she teased.

  “Mercy,” he growled.

  “Hey, I am an independent woman now. I don’t need a man to tell me what to do.” He snarled close to her ear, and she smiled. “Of course that doesn’t mean I don’t need my mate to help me make the right choices every now and then.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, unconcerned that the room was filled with family and friends who all became suddenly busy and turned away.

  “Alec,” Rich called out from the front porch, breaking them apart. “I think you had better get out here.”

  Alec rose placing Mercy’s feet on the floor and walked to the door along with Gregory and Lucan all staring pensively at a young man who stood next to Rich, his long silken black hair shining under the bright porch lights.

  “What’s going on?” Mercy asked, trying to see past the men that stood like a wall before her.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” Alec asked, keeping the door between them closed.

  “I came to see if Mercy is alright,” he said seemingly unconcerned that Gregory’s pack surrounded him, and he was outnumbered ten to one.

  “Mercy is unavailable,” Alec, told him ignoring her gasp of outrage behind him.

  “I know she is in there, I just want to be sure her injuries are healed.”

  The door slammed open, and all three men rushed out ready to tear into the man they now knew was the black wolf that had been following Mercy, but she managed to sneak through them all throwing herself in front of him as Alec grabbed for his throat.

  “Mercy, what in the hell are you doing,” Alec growled his amber eyes bulging from their sockets.

  “He came to see me, I asked him to,” she declared much to everyone’s surprise.

  “It’s alright, I am not afraid of them, you don’t need to protect me,” the guy behind her, said.

  “You should be afraid, you almost killed Mercy out by the river,” Alec snarled. “I could kill you just for that.”

  He had the grace to blush and look ashamed. “I am sorry about that. I had been watching her for so long that I was just curious and wanted to get closer, but I startled her and then it all went to hell.” He pulled his hand through his hair looking miserable, and Mercy turned to face him for the first time as a human near gasping at the picture of male perfection before her. He was dressed all in black, his clothes tight enough to show off the fit lean body underneath, his hair fell below his shoulders and his wrist sported a black leather-studded dog collar that she found somewhat amusing. He smirked as she looked it over with a grin and she felt herself immediately liking him. If she had not been head over heels in love with Alec, he would have made her swoon with all of his dark edginess. He rested his hands against the side of his jean-clad legs waiting for her to speak first, something else she also liked about him.

  “Who are you?” she asked as Alec had moved behind her placing a possessive hand on her waist.

  “My given name is Mason, but you can call me Wolf, those closest to me do.”

  His response earned a growl from Alec, but Mercy gave him a sharp look, and he quieted down. “How come you were following me around?” she asked, placing a staying hand on Alec as he moved to her side protectively.

  He looked to Alec and smiled. “At first it was because you are so cute.”

  Alec snarled and lunged for him, but Mercy once again placed her body between them blocking his path. “Alec, stop, at least let him finish before you go all Alpha on him,” Mercy said.

  “He could try, but I doubt the end result would be to your liking,” Mason said looking amused, earning a series of complaints from all of the other wolves in the area who wanted to kick his butt.

  Alec saw red immediately. “You cocky son of a bitch I am going to beat the …”

  “Alec, knock it off right now, or I swear, I am not going to talk to you for a month!”Mercy yelled, pushing on his chest to get him away from where Mason stood watching with a smirk. “And you.” She turned to Mason, wagging her finger in his face. “I don’t know how your pack works, but in mine he is heir to the Alpha, and that means you respect him. Besides that, he could seriously kick your ass, so back off.”

  “I apologize,” he said, trying not to laugh at her description of her mate, but even Alec looked amused by her words, so it made it difficult. “I am not used to pack law. My mother was killed when I was a child, and my human grandfather raised me until his death a few years ago, so I am unacquainted with the ways of a pack.”

  Mercy immediately regretted her hasty words, and she reached out to take his hand to offer comfort. A foolish move that had Alec instantly yanking her back against him and Mason looking ready to pounce on him for his action.

  Lucan and Gregory moved closer to them, offering their support to Alec, and the situation became hostile.

  “Let me go,” Mercy said softly to Alec as the others snarled and offered their Alpha support.

  “Do not touch him again,” he ordered. “I am being pushed far beyond my limits where you are concerned tonight.”

  She saw the amber of his eyes and knew he was barely holding back his wolf. “Fine, but let me go.”

  Alec did as she asked, but hovered behind her watching Mason closely.

  “Okay you followed me because you thought I was cute, but when you realized I was totally and irreversibly in love with Alec,” she looked back and smiled at her mate who did not find her amusing, “why did you keep following me?”

  “When I realized you were taken I just wanted to see how you adjusted to becoming part of the pack that moved here with you. I couldn’t resist, you’re better than the TV you know.” Alec snarled, but he just smiled. “At first I just wanted to see if you two could make it work, but then as I watched you learning how to shift and how to live amongst the pack I became fascinated. Your lessons were enlightening for me too, and I couldn’t stop myself from listening in. After that trouble maker Amber came to town though I could see trouble brewing and I began to follow her to see what she was up to. That was why you saw me at the school that day, and why I was here tonight. I knew she was going to try and hurt you, and I wanted to stop her.”

  Mercy felt Alec’s growing frustration, and she turned to him placing her hand on his pounding chest. “Alec, please, he saved me tonight, we at least owe him a cup of coffee and some conversation.” She felt sorry for the Were who had grown up without a pack of his own and wondered how difficult his life had been. She had been blessed with family and friends who helpe
d her during her transition, but he had no one who understood him and help him adjust to what he was.

  “That would be great. I have watched your family for so long, and I must say I envy what you have. It is truly a gift,” Mason told her sincerely.

  “Fine, one cup of coffee and then he goes.” Alec pulled her along with him into the house and sat her right next to him as Lucan poured them all coffee. At first, the conversation was stilted, but after a while, everyone began asking Mason questions and soon they were all laughing and enjoying themselves. It was well after midnight when Mason stood and made his goodbyes to them all, but as they walked to the porch, Alec issued him an invitation to come back.

  “I just might take you up on that,” he said shaking his hand before looking to Mercy. “Thank you, your kindness is the reason I am still alive, and I will be forever in your debt.”

  “You saved me. It is I who I owe you,” Mercy said as Alec hugged her to his side.

  “No, I was sliding into a dark place, contemplating ending my existence, but then there was you, a light that drew me from that dark hateful place and forced me to see I have a reason to live. I want what you have, a pack, a place to call home, and most of all someone to share it with.”

  “You will have all that, and more,” Mercy told him, noting Alec’s arms tightened around her when she made a move towards the new wolf. Realizing he had been pushed past his limits, she let it go, and relaxed in his arms.

  “With all of you to help me, I just might.” He smiled and walked off into the forest blending seamlessly into the woods around him.

  “How does he do that?” Lucan asked as he walked back inside.

  “You are amazing, do you know that?” Alec said, hugging Mercy close.

  “I am nothing without my mate,” she told him, lifting her head for a kiss.

  “And I am nothing without you,” he murmured, giving her what she wanted. As they shared an embrace, the sound of a lone wolf filled the night reminding them just how lucky they were to be part of a pack and to have each other.


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