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Incubus Bundle

Page 8

by Alex Jace

  “I am.” Kit always paid attention, especially when he was pressed nice and warm into his master’s side, his master’s arm around him. Whatever he was doing, his focus would wander back to his master, as if drawn magnetically.

  “No, you’re not.” Sebastian tipped up his chin so that Kit had to look up at him. Sebastian was well worth looking at, with his black hair, his square jaw, his intense blue eyes. In fact, everything about him was sizzlingly sexy, from his deep voice to his clever hands. He was very pleasant to cuddle into as well. “I asked you how you’d feel about it. What you actually think. Not just what you think I want to hear.”

  A little spark of nervousness kindled inside Kit. “I don’t know.” Kit did not usually think that much about what he wanted. Most of the time it was simple; he was an incubus, he craved his master’s touch, when he wasn’t getting fucked he spent all his time thinking about it.

  Kit liked being claimed. It was a simpler world. All he had to worry about was pleasing his master. There was nothing like the warm glow he got when Sebastian had finished with him, the knowledge that his master was happy and all was right with the world.

  He was none too sure about sharing another man’s bed. A stranger might not be as gentle with him as Sebastian was; perhaps it would hurt. Maybe Kit just wouldn’t like it. Or maybe Kit would like it a little too much. Sebastian always teased him that he was insatiable.

  “Does it frighten you?” Sebastian put a warm, strong hand on his knee and squeezed.

  Kit shifted, distracted by that hand on his knee, the weight of it, the promise. Sebastian started rubbing circles on his knee with his thumb and distracted him even more. “A little.” Kit tried to imagine it. Another man’s rough hands on him. Another man’s weight holding him down. Another man pushing into him, demanding entrance. A hot shiver went through him and he started to fidget.

  Sebastian chuckled. “Intrigued, are we?” He tugged Kit into his lap. Kit’s breath caught at the sensation, Sebastian’s strong arms wrapped around him, Sebastian’s hot erection against him. Sebastian palmed his crotch and squeezed, making Kit moan aloud as a surge of desire threatened to sweep him away. “I think you’d like it. You enjoy living dangerously. Another man would be a thrill for you. Think about it. Being pushed to your knees and made to service him.”

  Kit tried unsuccessfully to bite back a whimper; it was difficult to think about anything but his master’s hot, hard body, that stroking hand, the picture Sebastian was painting for him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” Sebastian murmured to him. “I know you incubi need to be fucked hard and often.”

  “I…” Kit squirmed in his lap, unable to think.

  “That would please me, kitten. If you enjoyed it.” Sebastian nipped his earlobe and the sting of pain only got Kit hotter. “I’d like that. Letting other sorcerers borrow my possession. Knowing you only get pleasure from them with my permission.”

  He was right, Kit liked the thought. His master’s expert touch was working him up again, filling him with that hot, feverish ache of need, the craving to be claimed by his master. “Sebastian…” Kit squirmed slightly in his lap. Like all incubi, and much to Sebastian’s entertainment, Kit had a very high sex drive; it was as much about the emotional satisfaction as the physical pleasure. Kit rarely lasted more than a few hours before he started thinking about sneaking back into Sebastian’s arms. “Please fuck me.”

  “No.” Sebastian took his hand away; Kit made a sound of frustration. “You’re going to go down on me. You’re going to please me very thoroughly. And if you’re good, I might let you come.”

  Kit slipped eagerly to his knees. He loved sucking cock. Before Sebastian he’d thought that it must be shameful and forbidden, something that men threatened him with as they tried to force him to his knees. Sebastian had taken great satisfaction from introducing him to the pleasures of giving blowjobs. Kit nuzzled hopefully into his master’s crotch.

  “That’s good.” Sebastian cupped the back of his head in one big hand, keeping Kit’s face pressed into his crotch. That hand on his head never failed to drive Kit crazy. There was so much power in the casual strength of his grip, a threat and a promise both. “Mmm. Impress me, kitten. I’m only letting you get off if you’re nice to me.”

  Kit’s hands were shaking as he fumbled to free Sebastian’s cock. Sebastian chuckled, and Kit reddened, his eagerness betraying him. It didn’t seem fair that Sebastian laughed at Kit for doing exactly what he had been told to.

  Kit hid his hot blush by getting to work. Kit licked his cock all over diligently; it tasted so good that Kit wanted to get his tongue on every inch of his hot skin, savour his saltiness.

  Before long Sebastian took his head in a gentle but inescapable grip and slid slowly into his mouth. Kit moaned aloud, his eyes falling shut, his hands tightening helplessly on Sebastian’s thighs as Sebastian entered his mouth. Kit fought to focus on relaxing so that Sebastian could slide as deep as he wanted.

  “God.” Sebastian half laughed, half groaned, hand flexing on his head. “You are perfect. You are so good at sucking cock. So desperate to taste me. I could come the second you take me in like that.” Sebastian encouraged him to set up a rhythm, applying gentle pressure until Kit was sucking his cock just right. Each hot drive into his mouth threatened to push Kit over the edge; Kit clenched his fists as he tried to hold on.

  “Slow down, kitten.” Sebastian traced his cheek with a fingertip, just one of the many comforting little gestures Sebastian was so good at. “You know the rules. No rushing so you can get off.”

  Kit whimpered. He pushed deeper, trying to take Sebastian’s cock all the way in. He badly wanted Sebastian to come in his mouth. Sometimes Kit thought he could come just from the hot pulse in his mouth, the sensation of swallowing his master’s come, the primal feeling of being owned by his master.

  But his master tugged on his hair, dragging his attention away from his building need. “Wait,” Sebastian ordered. Kit gave a frustrated whine. “You can come when I let you and not before. Now behave while I finish in your mouth.”

  Kit was so dizzy his head was spinning. His heart beat very hard. He was not going to last long while Sebastian slowly, ruthlessly fucked his mouth like this. It was pure torture until finally Sebastian arched up with a groan, pushing deep into his mouth, Sebastian’s grip tightening on his hair.

  The first spurt of salty come on his tongue nearly pushed Kit straight over the edge. Kit swallowed eagerly with each pulse.

  Finally Sebastian fell back into his seat with a satisfied groan. “Ah, that was good.” His hand stayed on Kit’s head, so Kit stayed obediently on his knees while his master stroked his hair. There was something utterly soothing about Sebastian’s fingers in his hair, Sebastian’s thumb against his cheekbone, the slow strokes of affection. Kit made a sound of contentment.

  After some time Sebastian let go of his head. “Come here, kitten.”

  Kit got up from his knees eagerly. He had been dying to be allowed to come; the thought made him breathless. Perhaps Sebastian would fuck him after all.

  Sebastian took him by the chin. “That was delightful. Thank you. You’re very sweet. And very good with your mouth.”

  Kit glowed. He had pleased his master.

  “But I’m not going to let you come.”

  “What?” Kit’s voice went up in protest. “Why?”

  “Because I have something special planned for you later. I want you in the right mood.”

  “But I need it now.”

  Sebastian gave him a hard stare. “Remind me, which of us is in charge?”

  Oops. Kit kind of liked it when he came very near to crossing a line, because Sebastian was incredibly hot when he got stern like that. Kit lowered his eyes, fighting to control his need, his disappointment. “You are, master.”

  “That’s the spirit. You can wait until it’s time.”

  “When will it be time?” It came out a whine. Kit rubbed his cheek into his master’s palm.
  “Patience, kitten. You’ll know when.”


  Predictably, it was complete torment to wait. Although the fierce heat of his desire cooled somewhat over time, Kit could not help fidgeting, flushed and simmering with desire. He could not bear to be cuddled so close to his master when he was not being given what he wanted. “I’m going to swim,” Kit said. There was a pool in the house, the water dappled by sunlight, cool and serene.

  Sebastian eyed him and for a bad moment Kit thought Sebastian was going to make him sit beside him and wait patiently, but Sebastian only ruffled his hair. “I will make this good for you.”

  “I know.” Kit had complete faith in his master. “It’s just hard.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “I’m sure it is. Go on and swim. But no sneaking off and getting yourself off. When I tell you to wait, you wait.”

  Kit did take a long swim in the cool waters. It cooled him down and tired him enough that the ache of unsatisfied desire was merely distracting, not overwhelming. But once he’d dried off and pulled on a robe, that hot feeling only got worse again.

  Kit crept back into the library, needing his master. And froze.

  A strange man was leaning against the bookcase. His predatory gaze dragged slowly up and down Kit’s body. Kit tried not to shrink. “S-Sebastian?” He dared not look away.

  “Come here,” said Sebastian in that deep, comforting voice. Kit slunk closer; Sebastian tugged him down into his lap, where Kit could draw comfort from his warmth. “This is my friend Dane. He thinks you’re quite beautiful. A tasty little treat.”

  “I’d like to find out,” said Dane in a voice of such smouldering promise that Kit quivered.

  “He’d like to watch you.”

  Kit stiffened in Sebastian’s arms. He struggled half-heartedly, but Sebastian kept him imprisoned in an iron grip and Kit subsided back against him, feeling how hard Sebastian was against his ass. “I don’t know,” Kit said tensely; he had not imagined that Sebastian’s friend would be so big, so hungry, so… big.

  “He just wants to watch you. It’s perfectly safe.” Sebastian stroked his hair, running his fingers through it.

  Kit turned his cheek helplessly into his palm. He would do anything for his master’s approval. “Okay.”

  “Open your robe.”

  Fear started to kindle. Kit was wearing only a light robe, belted at the waist. If he opened it he would be entirely naked. He fumbled with the belt, suddenly clumsy. Undid it. He looked away as he took hold of the edges of the robe.

  “No. Look at him.”

  Kit looked back obediently, and his breath caught in his throat and he was transfixed by the naked hunger in Dane’s expression as that robe fell open. It was a look of primal craving. Kit shivered under it, as terrified as he was excited.

  “Spread your legs,” Sebastian murmured in his ear.

  “No. I can’t.” Kit looked away again.

  Sebastian took his chin in his fingers. “Look at him while you’re doing it.”

  Kit screwed up his courage, and spread his legs. He felt intensely exposed in this position, so vulnerable, letting a predatory stranger look at him so intimately. Sebastian slid one hand under his knee and lifted his thigh up and out so that he was even more open; Kit trembled. His heart was beating so fast it was practically fluttering.

  “I’m going to touch you now. Keep your eyes on him.”

  Sebastian began stroking his cock slowly, so slowly. The first sweet touch made Kit moan aloud, his hands fisting helplessly in his open robe. It was maddening; Sebastian wouldn’t tighten his grip enough to give Kit what he needed, so Kit could only twist uselessly in his arms, spread open and teased unbearably. His heavy eyes wanted to fall shut but he needed to obey his master. He had to watch this man watching him.

  Dane’s hungry gaze was as intimate as a touch, lingering on him, invading him. Kit heard himself whimper aloud, caught the sudden blaze of heat in Dane’s expression.

  “He is unbelievable,” Dane said hoarsely.

  “I know.” Sebastian nipped Kit’s throat until Kit squeaked, then kissed away the sting. “Come here and touch him.”

  “N-no.” Kit struggled, trying to close his parted thighs.

  “Yes.” Sebastian gave him a slight shake. “Behave, or I will make you ask him to touch you.”

  Kit subsided, biting his lip. The heat inside him was like a fever; he needed this terrifying thing so badly.

  Dane sat beside him. He stroked Kit’s sensitive inner thigh, making Kit quiver, torn between the urge to hide and the urge to offer himself up. That tantalising touch slid slowly up his thigh until Dane fondled his heavy balls and squeezed; Kit gasped, suddenly arching into his touch. Dane freed his own cock and began to jerk himself off even as those exploring fingertips dipped lower, rubbing in an intensely sensitive place, sliding lower still until Kit was breathless with anticipation, every nerve in his body wound tight with wanting.

  “Would you like his finger in you?” Sebastian asked.

  “Yes.” Kit said it shamelessly. He needed something inside him as intensely as he needed air.

  “Too bad.” He could feel Sebastian’s wicked smile against his cheek. “You can have that later. If you’re good. Would you like to taste him?”

  Kit’s eyes dropped to that thick, hard shaft. His stomach tightened and his throat went dry, half fear, half desire. “I don’t know.” What did it make him if he wanted another man’s cock in his mouth purely for his own pleasure?

  “You don’t have to,” Dane said, his gaze so hot Kit was melting. “But I would like to fuck your mouth.”

  “I know you like sucking cock.” Sebastian rubbed his thumb along Kit’s bottom lip, a wordless promise.

  “Yes,” Kit said against his thumb. Now that the image was in his head he could think of nothing else.

  Sebastian turned him easily over his lap, and Kit sneaked closer, nuzzling into Dane’s thigh. Dane’s hands slid into his hair in that possessive grip that Kit loved. “Taste him,” Sebastian murmured, and Kit dared to stick out his tongue and lick.

  The taste of him burst on Kit’s tongue, salty and good, making Kit moan. At the same time Sebastian found Kit’s pucker with one fingertip, and Kit shuddered all over with longing.

  Dane gave a low hiss. “More.” He pushed Kit’s head down, and Kit licked him again, slow and delicious, running his tongue up and down the hot length. “You are such a little tease,” Dane said hoarsely.

  “Take his cock in your mouth, kitten.” Sebastian pressed that fingertip tantalisingly against Kit’s entrance.

  Kit succumbed to temptation, and let Dane’s hard cock slide onto his tongue. The hot silkiness of his skin, the hardness of his shaft made Kit dizzy with hunger. Dane’s hands tightened on his head and Dane pushed deep into his mouth with a growl.

  Sebastian breached him with a finger and Kit arched, his whimper stifled by Dane’s cock in his mouth. Sebastian swung his leg firmly over the backs of Kit’s thighs, trapping Kit in place, bent over his lap. Kit badly needed more, and he got the message; the more he pleased Dane, the more his master would give him.

  It was pure torment. The more Kit applied himself to sucking Dane’s cock, focusing on the rhythmic flex of Dane’s hands in his hair, the delicious throb in his mouth, the more his master would tease him with his finger. But then Kit would get distracted, unable to think about anything but Sebastian rubbing that sweet spot inside him; his pulse would skitter, his breath coming short, he would try to push back onto that finger. Then Sebastian would tell him off for losing focus and Dane would drag his head back down. Kit fidgeted helplessly, full of need, trying his best to pleasure Dane. He knew already that Sebastian would only let him come once Kit had swallowed Dane’s come.

  “He’s quite something,” Dane said in that rough voice.

  “He’s exhausting, is what he is. Always wanting to be fucked again.” Sebastian stroked a hand up and down his spine, slow and soothing. “I need all the help I c
an get keeping him occupied.”

  “I’m taking one for the team, really,” Dane said, breathless, and Sebastian chuckled.

  Sebastian slid a second finger into Kit. It was an intense sensation, somewhere between pleasure and pain. Kit clutched at Dane’s broad thighs, overcome. “Suck,” Dane ordered; he was getting quite demanding, his muscles tensing, and Kit loved it. Kit ran his tongue up and down the rigid length, sucking harder.

  When Sebastian slipped him a third finger Kit nearly came there and then. His whole body locked tight as he gave a strangled whimper. “Wait,” Sebastian said in his most severe voice, and Kit could not help moaning around his hot mouthful. He would not be able to wait much longer; the impatience, the urgency thrummed in him. He nuzzled deeper, trying to take Dane’s cock deeper into his throat. Dane’s fist clenched in his hair.

  “Why don’t you get on his cock, kitten?” Sebastian kept stroking his back.

  Kit jerked under their restraining hands; he tried to lift his head but Dane wouldn’t let him. It struck him forcibly that his master wanted him to let Dane fuck him, and since it had been his master’s idea, it couldn’t be Kit’s fault: Kit wouldn’t get into trouble. And the thought of this forbidden act was so delicious, so tempting. Sliding down on another man’s thick length. Riding his cock. Letting Dane fuck him senseless.

  Kit tugged again at Dane’s grip on his hair, and this time Dane let him up, cupping his hot face in one big hand. “You don’t have to,” Sebastian said, reaching over to ruffle his hair. “But if you’d like to…”

  Kit swallowed hard. The ache inside him was unbearable. “I would.”

  “That’s my kitten.” Kit could hear the smile in Sebastian’s voice.

  Kit’s heart thumped as he got into Dane’s lap. He was so hot, so feverish, and Dane’s strong hands on his body only made him weaker with need. The knowledge that his master was watching was the finishing touch. He wanted to plaster himself all over this hot, hard man. Yield entirely to his demands.


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