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Incubus Bundle

Page 9

by Alex Jace

Dane dragged him down, and with a stifled whimper Kit slid down onto his cock. Even though Kit had been thoroughly fingered, the size of it still stretched him and Kit bit his lip and took deep breaths, his eyes fluttering shut.

  “He’s beautiful,” Dane said, his voice tight as he fought for control.

  “That he is.” Sebastian was watching avidly.

  Finally Dane sheathed himself tight inside him, and Kit moaned, feeling so full, so invaded. He had only known his master’s touch before now, and this was so different to what he was used to, Dane touching him in different places, applying different pressure.

  “All right?” Dane checked with him. Sebastian put a finger under his chin to tip up his face. “It doesn’t hurt?”

  Kit reddened under their combined attention. His voice came out a whisper. “Feels good.”

  “Good.” Dane began to slide him easily up and down on his cock.

  Kit picked up his rhythm and rode him with both hands braced against his broad chest. Kit wanted to drive himself down harder, faster, but Dane kept steadying him, slowing him. Kit made a sound of complaint; they had devoted a long time to getting him thoroughly worked up and now they wouldn’t let him come. He tried to bury his face in Dane’s shoulder, curving himself tighter around him, so that he could focus entirely on the sensation, but Sebastian lifted his chin again. “We want to watch your face, kitten.”

  Kit’s heavy eyes opened just enough to take in their hungry expressions. It made him feel so hot, so wanted. Like something special and desirable. He shivered under the weight of their stares, their hunger.

  His stomach tightened, his body starting to clench rhythmically. His fists tightened in Dane’s shirt. He could not think about anything except Dane’s steady thrusts, pushing him ever closer to the edge. “Please,” Kit whispered.

  “Wait.” Sebastian stroked his cheek with a thumb. His touch felt good; Kit pressed into his master, needing the reassurance.

  “I’m close,” Dane growled and Kit whimpered aloud at the feeling of Dane’s cock hardening further inside him.

  “Finish in him.” Sebastian said it so easily, as though it wasn’t deliciously forbidden for another man to come inside him.

  Dane’s grip on him tightened and Dane began to pound into him. The impacts pushed little sounds of need from Kit’s throat. Dane invaded him ruthlessly, lifting him up only to slam him down on his thick cock. Kit’s voice rose into a cry at the sweet sensation. “Good,” Dane growled, “that’s good, you’re so tight, I’ll give you what you need.”

  Dane arched and slammed home as Kit gasped for air. Dane’s fingers bit deep as he came in hot pulses of seed. Dane muffled his growl in Kit’s throat, overheating Kit even more.

  Kit had not been allowed to come, and he squirmed frantically on Dane’s cock, trying to push himself over the edge. “Please, I’ve been good, I’ve been—”

  “That’s enough, kitten.” Sebastian was behind him then, easing him off Dane’s cock. Kit protested at the loss, the sudden ache of emptiness inside him. He was absolutely desperate to come, he couldn’t survive without it.

  Then Sebastian slammed into him. Kit cried out; the invasion was so sudden, so deep, it overwhelmed him. The sense of completion was intense. And the golden glow of Kit’s magic spilled out of him as Sebastian drew on Kit’s power.

  Kit pleaded with them, babbling really, clinging to Dane for balance while Sebastian took him hard from behind. Each powerful thrust slammed Kit against Dane. Kit’s heart beat a million miles an hour, his whole body thrumming. He felt stuffed to bursting, nearly to the point of pain, Sebastian feeling so huge inside him. Kit panted for breath as Sebastian gripped him tighter and fucked him harder.

  Kit’s voice rose into a scream as Kit finally arched into a shattering climax. He clenched violently around his master’s cock as his body tautened, every muscle tightening. Sebastian’s deep growl as he filled Kit with his seed only heightened Kit’s pleasure.

  Afterward Kit collapsed exhausted into his master’s arms, still racked with shudders of pleasure. Sebastian eased him gently off his cock, cleaned him up, then laid him down. “That was very good, kitten. You’ve been very well-behaved.” Sebastian stroked his hair while Kit glowed; he had pleased his master.

  “How long does he stay satisfied?” Dane asked in a tone of professional curiosity.

  “Hours,” Sebastian said. “At most. After that he starts getting edgy and wanting to be fucked again. He wears me out.”

  “I can see why you need to recruit help.”

  “Maybe doubling up on him will tire him out. I’m not sure.” Sebastian kept playing soothingly with Kit’s hair.

  Dane chuckled. “He does seem exhausted.”

  Kit made a plaintive sound and burrowed deeper into Sebastian. He was so tired now that all he wanted was to sleep. But Sebastian slid one hot hand up the inside of his thigh, making Kit immediately shiver; a million nerves sizzled to life. “I think we could still tire him out a little more,” Sebastian said, his voice full of promise. “What do you think, kitten?” Sebastian ran a finger along his lower lip.

  Kit took that finger in his mouth and sucked. Sebastian’s gaze went hot and Sebastian pressed his finger deeper into his mouth. “I see. This naughty little incubus obviously needs to be fucked again.” Kit nodded against his finger.

  “Alas,” Dane said. “It is a harsh duty.” The two sorcerers looked down at Kit hungrily.

  Kit stretched, arched, and smiled. There was a deep ache inside him from being so thoroughly fucked. Yet the slide of Sebastian’s hand up his inner thigh had woken him back up. Somehow Kit did not think he would be made to wait too long this time. He parted his thighs invitingly, and ran one hand down between his legs.

  Sebastian captured his hand. “None of that. You can ask to be fucked if you want something inside you. Good God, you’re exhausting.”

  Kit was beginning to be extremely and pleasantly curious about the ways these two big men could pleasure him together. “Well,” Kit said, his voice husky, “maybe you should keep me busy…”


  “So, I think we’ve both learned a valuable lesson today.”

  Kit reddened despite himself. His master Sebastian had a particularly knowing smile, as if he could see every naughty thought that went through Kit’s mind. It only made Sebastian more infuriatingly attractive. A lure that only doubled when Sebastian tugged him into his lap.

  Kit’s breath caught as he settled against his master’s hard body, Sebastian holding him firmly by the waist. He could feel his master’s heart beating steady against his own. It wasn’t fair that Sebastian was so calm while Kit was already fidgeting, his pulse skittering. Kit wore not a stitch of clothing; he was rarely allowed to dress some days. His belly was tight and full with the ache of need. He was sure Sebastian was only drawing out this moment to wind him up, to make him more and more edgy with desire that Sebastian wouldn’t satisfy until Sebastian was quite finished making fun of him.

  “And that lesson,” Sebastian continued despite Kit’s increasing embarrassment, “is that you are full of surprises.”

  Kit reddened even more. “It’s not my fault. You suggested it.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “That I did. And you enjoyed it. Your very first threesome. You did very well. You incubi are truly insatiable.”

  Kit hid his face in his master’s shoulder. This was just too embarrassing. The threesome had definitely been Sebastian’s fault, but Kit had to confess it had been an extremely intense experience being shared between two hungry men. Even now every time he shifted his muscles twinged with lingering soreness.

  Sebastian ran his fingers through Kit’s hair. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, kitten. You’re an incubus. Sex is good for you. I only want to be sure you’re getting what you need.”

  Kit shifted again in his lap. Those stroking fingers were only winding him tighter, heightening the tension that thrummed through him. “What if I need it now?” Kit nuzzled hopefully
into his master’s throat, kissing the corner of his jaw. Sebastian drove him crazy without even trying, just by being all big and broad-shouldered and tantalising, perfect for being pressed up tight against. The slight scrape of his rough jaw against Kit’s was maddening.

  It wasn’t fair. Kit couldn’t be expected to resist him. He tried nibbling on his master’s ear in what he hoped was a tempting way.

  “That’s enough of that.” Sebastian’s voice dropped into a deep, sexy growl as he tugged Kit’s head back by the hair. “I’m not finished.”

  “That’s what I was hoping.”

  “I said enough.” Sebastian put a finger to Kit’s lips; Kit resisted the urge to lick it. “Give me two minutes of your attention and I’ll fuck you afterward.”

  Kit sighed. “All right.” Sebastian had been put on this earth purely to test Kit’s patience.

  “Would you like to be shared again?”

  Kit hesitated. He could feel his face getting hot again.

  “Tell me the truth, kitten. You can confess all your naughty secrets to me. I like it when your needs are easy to satisfy.”

  “Yes.” Kit had to look away, it made him so shy. “I liked it. I’d like to do it again.” The memory of what they’d done together made Kit hotter still. It had been deliciously challenging trying to please two men at once; they had been very demanding, insisting on taking turns with him one after another until he was pleasantly exhausted. Mmm. Kit savoured the memory.

  “What if I wasn’t there, would you still like it?”

  “Master?” Kit hadn’t considered this. As his master, Sebastian owned him in a very primal way. Kit would have thought that Sebastian wouldn’t let his plaything out of his sight, much less let another sorcerer play with him without Sebastian there.

  “Answer the question.” Sebastian rubbed his finger along Kit’s bottom lip, making Kit shiver with longing. It was so difficult to think with Sebastian teasing him like this. Maybe if Kit slid off his lap and went to his knees, he could persuade Sebastian to let him go down on him…

  Gah. Kit made himself focus.

  Would he enjoy another man’s touch if he wasn’t safe in Sebastian’s protection? He tried to picture it. Another man’s weight on top of him, another man’s invasion, without Sebastian stroking his hair soothingly. He would be at their mercy.

  Kit thought involuntarily of another time he had been at a man’s mercy. Two sorcerers had cornered him in the kitchen one night several weeks ago and tried to seduce him. They had been persistent, even aggressive. It had been simultaneously terrifying and exciting; he had been ashamed of his own uncertainty, his desire to submit. He still thought about it sometimes. The strong hands holding him down, the mingled fear and desire.

  “What if it was allowed?” Sebastian asked him in that deep, soothing voice. He always seemed to know what Kit was thinking. “If it was all right?”

  Maybe if it wasn’t forbidden this time, if it was safe to indulge… “You’d still protect me?”

  “Of course.” Sebastian cupped his face in his big hand. “If anyone ever hurts you, if anyone even upsets you, you only need to tell me and I’ll take care of it. But if someone touches you and you like it…”

  Kit shuddered. His imagination caught fire, getting him hotter still. He had always known that his kind were considered prizes for sorcerers. There would probably be plenty of takers. “You wouldn’t be jealous?”

  “Jealous?” Sebastian laughed. “Why? They’re nothing to you. I only let them please you because I like to make you happy. Should I be worried that you’d prefer them to me? That you’d leave me for them?”

  “No!” Kit said, too loudly. He could not even consider that. Now that he had been claimed, Sebastian was his master, his owner, his whole world. Kit was only a satellite orbiting around him. All that mattered was pleasing Sebastian.

  “Then there’s no problem.” Sebastian made it sound so simple.

  Kit fidgeted in his lap. “Was that two minutes?”

  Sebastian went back to that knowing smile. “Impatient, are we? Counting the seconds?”

  Kit dropped his head onto his master’s shoulder with a frustrated groan. Sebastian enjoyed making him wait far too much.

  Sebastian chuckled; Kit could feel the rumble deep in his chest. “All right, kitten. You’ve been well-behaved for me. I suppose you deserve your reward.” His hands dropped to cup Kit’s ass, pulling Kit tight against his erection until Kit gasped. It felt so good that Kit rubbed himself hopefully against Sebastian’s crotch. “You are very provoking. Squirming around in my lap wanting me to fuck you.” Sebastian nipped his throat, then kissed away the sting, and Kit groaned. “Let’s see what I can do for you.”

  Kit was so keyed up with impatience that he barely managed to hang on as Sebastian breached him with a slick finger. Kit’s whole body tightened so hard that Kit saw stars. Kit quivered in his arms, deliciously suspended between pleasure and pain, filled with the pressure of those exploring fingers. Sebastian teased that sweet spot inside him until Kit couldn’t catch his breath, could only twist helplessly, caught in Sebastian’s arms.

  Sebastian held him firmly in place, the tip of his cock just pressing into him. Kit squirmed, slippery and needy, sliding up and down on his cock, slipping a little further down each time. “Sebastian…” It came out a whine.

  Sebastian tightened his grip and thrust up into him. Kit moaned aloud at the sudden invasion, the intense sense of fullness; he had to bite his lip and take several deep breaths to adjust to the size of Sebastian inside him. “Breathe,” Sebastian murmured against his cheek. Kit made a small sound, pressing into him.

  Sebastian lifted him easily and slammed him down onto his cock. Kit lost his breath in a gasp. He wanted to move, to ride Sebastian’s cock, but Sebastian kept him pinned ruthlessly, captured for his pleasure. Kit could only clutch at him, gripping his powerful shoulders, making pleading sounds. Sebastian took him mercilessly until all Kit could do was shudder and whimper and come.

  Kit’s climax hit him with powerful contractions of his muscles, making his head spin, his pulse skitter. He felt that hot golden glow spill out of him as Sebastian drew hard on Kit’s innate magic. Sebastian growled as he spilled himself deep inside Kit.

  Long after the pleasure subsided to a sweet ache, a delicious throb of memory, Kit stayed snuggled in his master’s arms, basking in the warmth of his affection. Sebastian kissed his hair. “Thank you, kitten.”

  Kit should really be thanking him. Because Sebastian never failed to leave him feeling warm, safe and entirely happy.


  Sebastian invited his local friends around that evening, so that candlelit Summerhall was full of sorcerers, their hungry eyes following Kit wherever he went. In the library, Kit was ordered to serve the drinks again—he thought this was a show of power by Sebastian, that his incubus was so obedient that Sebastian could command him to pour the wine—and the sorcerers did their best to fluster him. They asked how well Kit had been taught to suck cock, and whether Kit could demonstrate.

  Kit could not help the flush that rose in his face. Everybody laughed.

  “Oh, he could demonstrate.” Sebastian raked Kit up and down with a lazy glance.

  Kit nearly spilled the wine he was pouring. His breath caught in his throat, his stomach tightened as heat flashed through him. He put the bottle down before he dropped it.

  “What do you think?” Sebastian asked him with a wicked smile.

  Was he serious? “I—I don’t—” Kit found himself stammering.

  “Come here.” Sebastian pointed to the floor at his feet.

  Kit swallowed hard, and licked his lips. He could see what was coming: Sebastian was going to make him suck his cock in front of everybody. It made Kit’s throat dry, made Kit’s head spin. He had never imagined performing in front of an audience before and suddenly he wanted it badly.

  “Kitten.” Sebastian used his warning voice.

  Kit sank to his knees at Sebastian
’s feet. He could feel everybody staring at him. He hid his face in Sebastian’s strong thigh; Sebastian slipped his fingers into his hair. “Would you like to show everybody how well you can suck cock?” Kit gave a small nod, his face still hidden. Sebastian chuckled above him. “I thought you would. Go on.”

  Kit fumbled eagerly to free Sebastian’s cock. Sebastian’s grip tightened in his hair before Kit could take him in his mouth. “Slowly. There’s no rush.”

  So Kit tasted him slowly, in front of a rapt audience. Kit licked him up and down with delicate swipes of his tongue. Kit loved his flavour, the hot pulse on his tongue. Then Kit moaned aloud in helpless need as Sebastian slid deep into his mouth, those big hands cupping his head. Everyone laughed.

  “Eager, isn’t he?” someone asked.

  “Always.” Sebastian pushed his head down gently, and Kit fought to take him deeper.

  Kit shuddered with need. He had been waiting for Sebastian to give him permission, but now he sneaked a hand down to touch himself through the front of his trousers, palming the hot bulge of his own cock.

  “Stop,” Sebastian said.

  Kit made a frustrated sound, or tried to. It wasn’t fair that he always had to wait.

  Sebastian pressed his knee against Kit’s crotch. “You can get yourself off, but not with your hands.” Kit reddened even more with humiliation; he would be rubbing himself against Sebastian like an eager teenager, coming in his trousers in front of everybody. “And don’t come until I do.”

  Kit wanted to protest, but the cock in his mouth kept him silent. And the ache of need was too intense. He rubbed himself experimentally against Sebastian’s knee, and moaned again at the sweet pressure, the delicious friction. He stopped caring if anyone was watching, if anyone was laughing; he only wanted to please his master.

  Sebastian fucked his mouth slowly, deliberately, ruthlessly. Kit obeyed his wordless commands, backing off only to plunge down the length of his cock until his face was shoved into Sebastian’s crotch. Kit’s heart beat a million miles an hour, his hands tightening on Sebastian’s thighs. Sebastian drew out his pleasure endlessly until finally he started to fuck Kit’s mouth harder, shoving deep, then he came, spilling salty seed down his throat. Kit swallowed eagerly, ground himself against Sebastian’s knee and came in shudders of embarrassed pleasure.


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