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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 18

by Sierra Sparks

  “To the Ocean!” He screamed with such excitement. At least he didn’t know and understand what was happening.

  “The Ocean, baby why are you going to the Ocean?” I was trying desperately to keep my voice calm.

  “Tio Pedro says I have to go now. Bye mama!” I could hear him pass the phone back to Pedro.

  “Where are you taking my son?” Panic and anger laced my voice.

  Laughter filled the receiver. “Just on a little trip my dear. I want to show him his homeland.”

  “NO!” I screamed. “You can’t take him to Mexico Pedro!”

  “This was a little reminder of our arrangement Alana, speaking of which, be at my office in 2 hours. Antonio will be waiting for you. Wear something pretty. I have a new assignment for you.”

  “Pedro, I have almost paid you in full, I am almost done, please don’t do this.”

  “Listen closely. We had an arrangement. I brought you and your son to America in exchange you work for me! Your payments have been amateur at best. I thought by now a pretty girl like you would have learned how to use your assets better by now. I was expecting more from you Alana and you have decided not to produce. It makes me wonder how badly you want your son back in your arms. Do you miss him that much Alana, or are you enjoying being single and care-free. Perhaps I should formally adopt him and teach him the business.” He reminded me of a snake slithering through long grass.

  “Give me back my son Pedro or I swear to god I will-.” I was screaming into the phone. My hands were trembling, tears were pouring from my eyes and snot dripped from my nose.

  He cut me off before I could finish. “You will what Alana? You will go to the police? And tell them what? That a man named Pedro has your son? And when they ask where he is, what can you tell them? When they ask to see your immigration status, what do you think will happen? They will deport you Alana and you and I both know what is waiting for you back in Mexico.” It was like speaking to the devil reincarnate, maybe even worse because at least if y0u make a deal with the devil the only thing you lose is your soul.

  My hands were wringing my sheets as I collapsed onto the side of my bed.

  “What do you want Pedro?” I asked resigned to do anything to get my son back.

  “Ah, that is much better. Much better. When you arrive at my office, Antonio will be waiting for you with a rolodex. There are five names and numbers of different men. You are to make contact with as many of them as you can. Try to work your assets a little bit better Alana. Make them want you. You will do whatever they want, you will say what they want to hear. Stroke their ego and their dicks, let them wine you and dine you and take you in that pretty ass if you have to. Once you are sure you have one of them eating out of the palm of your hand, I will give you further instructions.” He spoke clearly and methodically, almost losing his accent while he hammered out the details as to what I was to be doing.

  “What about my other jobs for you Pedro?” I asked.

  “Yes, all other jobs stop now with the exception of your phone line. You have already spoke to one of the gentleman on the list. Imagine my surprise when he called asking for my best seductress. Of course I was more than happy to give him your number. Perhaps you know him? Christopher is his name, or Sir to you.” His laughter jolted me back to reality.

  “Oh my god. Do you have my phones monitored.” Embarrassment and anger boiled out of me.

  His laughter didn’t stop. “Don’t be so naïve. When all of this is done Alana, I will be getting a show like the one you gave him. I will admit, my dick was hard from the moment you started screaming in pain from pinching your nipples. You are a filthy thing aren’t you.”

  “Pedro, please. Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Collateral my dear. Every good business man needs collateral. Think of it this way. When I have to kill you, the least I can do is let Alejandro listen to you whore yourself to complete strangers and explain to him how terribly lost and drug addicted his mommy was for abandoning him.” He was more than serious. If I didn’t do this correctly. He would kill me. I never feared for my life. Only Alejandro’s. I shouldn’t have been such a fool.

  “Oops, silly me, I almost forgot the most important part. You have one month Alana.” The line went dead.

  I slid from my bed onto the floor wailing in anguish. He has taken everything from me, and now he wants even more. I only ever wanted a safer life for me and my son. I was so foolish to think that Pedro was going to provide that to us.

  My memories of my childhood started to replay in my mind. Like a home movie on repeat. I remember every sight, every smell and every vivid color.

  Growing up in Mexico, I never really participated in anything sexual. I went to a traditional all Girl’s High School so boys were supposed to be a mystery to us. To this day I can’t believe that we were never caught sneaking out and meeting the boys on the beach. I would tease a boy and see how far I could take it before he simply lost interest in me and moved on to an easier girl. I wasn’t exactly innocent, but I wasn’t damned either. I learned a lot from my hormone crazed friends, both male and female. It was always interesting to observe their tendencies and try to compete with their sexual exploits.

  Throughout my adolescent years my folks and I were never close, likely due to the generation gap between us. I lived with my grandparents and they were both old and getting on in years. My Mama had me, her only child in her late 30’s. She got knocked up by an American who I never met, nor heard my grandparents speak of. If they had it their way, the blemish on their reputation would have never existed, but they were so in love with me that I hope in some way it made up for my mamas mistakes. She suffered post-partum for months after my birth. One day when I was around 14 weeks old, she just quit. She couldn’t take the stress of a newborn anymore. She dumped me on my grandparents’ doorstep and left. To say I came as a shock to the almost retired couple was an understatement. Neither Mama nor Papa expected to have to care for and raise another child at such a late stage in their life, but they embraced me with love and affection.

  To them I was a miracle. After hours of labor and more hours of pushing, I finally entered the world. I was born blue, suffering from lack of oxygen from the umbilical cord being wrapped around my neck. I was technically dead before I had even had a chance to live. I was triaged immediately and after 18 minutes I finally took my first breath. The doctors’ didn’t think I was going to make it but I was a fighter, I proved them wrong.

  I was Mama and Papa’s pride and joy, but being devout Catholics they were very strict. I was never disobedient, at least I tried not to be. There were times my lack of judgement got me into a little trouble. I was always courteous and respectful to my elders, saying please and thank you, holding the doors open for others.

  As I got older, my Papa became more protective of me. My curfew was cut shorter and shorter the older I got, while all of my other friends were extended. He told me one night at dinner that he feared the local thugs would ruin my reputation before I was sixteen. Naturally I laughed and told him to stop being ridiculous.

  No one was happier than him when I cultivated a friendship with Pedro Suarez. He always treated my grandparents with respect. Sending Mama flowers on her birthday or inviting Papa to watch international soccer matches when our Country had invitational events. The admiration was mutual. I caught Pedro talking with Papa a few times asking his advice on things from mechanics, to girls.

  He had favored Pedro despite his somewhat unsavory background. Pedro’s father was the local Don for the area. Papa always said that this boy is going to be different and the lord tells us to not judge thy neighbors.

  Pedro’s father portrayed himself as an upstanding and decent member of the community, but everyone knew his fabulous wealth came from drugs. He used his legitimate businesses as a front for his illegal money laundering activities.

  Everyone knew who he was, and what he did, but they all turned a blind eye because of the “good” that he did for t
he community. The Police were even willing to turn a blind eye to their criminal activities as long as they remained in control of their territory, kept the bribes consistent and kept the violence to a minimum.

  I knew Pedro my whole life but never viewed him in a romantic way, he was more like a big brother to me. He was attractive but he never sparked anything in me, though I wish he had. It would have made my life a whole lot easier. I would always feel his eyes watch me as I walked past him, or away from him. The times we would talk, his eyes would linger a little too long on my chest and as the years went by, I felt like he was expecting me to make a move on him. At that time, it just wasn’t going to happen.

  I was on the brink of womanhood, Papa had just relaxed my curfew given how responsible I was and how well my grades were. I remember him telling Pedro how proud he was of me and how he was going to reward me with a little more freedom. Pedro was pissed as hell to say the least, but by this point there was nothing he could do to scare all the men away forever.

  I went on dates with some of the local men, making out with guys that were close to my age never more than two years older, or one year younger. They would pick me up in their battered trucks and we would spend countless long summer nights making out under the wide expanse of the heavens. The twinkling stars providing the only source of light as we groped each other and exchanged saliva with our entwined tongues. I surrendered to pleasure from the rough hands of the few locals I felt attracted to. Young men on the verge of adulthood, but for whatever reason I could never take home and introduce them to my parents. I wanted more than what Mexico had to offer I just didn’t know what I was yearning for.

  By the time I graduated high school those boys had become men. They were expected to take over for their parents. Whether it be run down and withering away young from hard work in the mines, on the farms or in the fields. Worn down, with hungry mouths to feed while in their prime of their lives.

  Working on farms and smelling of horse manure and aftershave was definitely not the life for me. I dreamed of something bigger, something better and something cleaner. My life changed the day I met Alex. He was just a few years older than me, but there was no mistaking him for a boy. He had a serious nature and a man’s outlook on life. He was here on a business trip from America. He had been sent to represent his father’s law firm. I was hoping that he would fall in love with Mexico and not want to go back to America, that we would have endless nights under the stars together confessing our deepest desires to one another. What a fool I was.

  He was so different than the Mexican men. He was a breath of fresh air, a depiction of freedom. When I looked deep into his eyes I could swear I could see the American eagle soaring high into the heavens.

  He schooled me endlessly in the art of love making. He took my virginity, not in a bed, but over a four wheel gear shift. Our lovemaking made the windows of his rental truck foggy from the electrifying heat off of our bodies. Legs spread wide open, entwined with each other. There were times I felt so a part of him, I couldn’t tell where my body ended and his began. With one foot on the seat and the other resting on the dashboard, neither one of us holding back our desires. The sex with Alex was the sweetest moment in my life. It would take me much later to realize how one sided our whole affair was. As far as I was concerned I was in love and nothing anyone said could change the way I felt. I shrugged off any feeling of guilt or doubt, whenever he failed to make eye contact during another passionate bout of lovemaking. I felt my despair growing whenever he failed to utter the words of love that I needed to hear from his lips. I couldn’t contemplate a life without Alex and I felt that he would come to love me eventually.

  I thought he was just having troubles expressing his emotions. Like most men did. I thought I could live with his silence because his nearness brought me completion. Whenever he called I would come running like a trained puppy, just to feel the softness of his hands caress my skin, or feel his tongue run along my body. That’s how deep he had me under his spell.

  During our trysts we never used protection so I wasn’t surprised when I became pregnant. After Alex, I swore that I would be no man’s puppet but Pedro Suarez played me like a marionette. I, Alana was once more a fool, naïve and trusting. I paid for my naivety with my son.

  Chapter 3

  I arrived at Pedro’s office early. I was afraid if I was right on time, or even a little late that he would change our new agreement and I would never see my son again.

  Antonio stood coolly outside the doors. A cigarette in one hand, his phone in the other, barley sparing me a glance as I approached him.

  “Here.” He said thrusting an envelope into my hands.

  “What is this? I thought I was picking up a rolodex.”

  “Inside the envelope is a pre-programmed phone with 5 numbers. Additional details on who they are can be found in the phone.” His eyes were slowly raking over my body as he spoke. “There is also a schedule for three of the men. Arrange to bump into them, but don’t be stupid about it.”

  I opened the envelope and looked at the phones contacts. I was not surprised in the least to see Pedro’s number in there as well.

  “I already have a phone that Pedro gave me. Why do I need this?” I asked rudely.

  “Don’t be a bitch Alana, it doesn’t suit your hot little ass. Pedro wants you to have a new phone. This one apparently has better technology on it.” A twisted smile appeared on his face as he spoke the words almost sweetly.

  I threw the phone back in the envelope and noticed a smaller thicker envelope. When I pulled opened it, my heard skipped a beat. There had to have been at least ten thousand dollars in my hands.

  “What is this for?” I asked in awe.

  “Oh right, yeah, Pedro insists you go buy some new dresses to show off your assets. Consider this an early bonus. Don’t blow it all. You will need to try and come across as moderately sophisticated and not some Mexican whore.” Laughter exploded from his belly and he turned and walked into the office.

  I turned and walked back to my car confused. Clearly Pedro had different plans than I first thought. I should have known, again, how cruel and ruthless he could be. And now as I sit and fight back the tears because he has my son on a plane flying to Mexico, the only thoughts running through my head is how stupid I am.

  “Stupid, Stupid Girl” I sobbed banging my head onto my steering wheel.

  When I finally managed to pull an ounce of composure out of myself, the time said 10:28. I had been sitting in my car for over 2 hours and hadn’t noticed. I should have driven as far away from here immediately after meeting Antonio, not sit and loathe in my car.

  I start my car and head south on the 589. I mine as well go shopping at the outlet mall to stretch the money. I am nervous that this is another one of Pedro’s games. If I spend his money, am I going to owe him even more? The answer to that is of course I will, but I am left without another option.


  It was never hard to find a dress to accentuate my curves, the problem is always the length. No matter what I buy I have to have it hemmed. Standing no more than 5’4” on a good day and in heels, the more vertical aspects of my life have always been the challenges. At least I have been very blessed with a shapely figure. I have a wonderful set of breasts, which thanks to my call with Christopher last night reaffirmed what I always thought and my hips are just the right size to give my ass a little extra roundness. Roundness which apparently American men love.

  Alex once told me how much American men liked bigger bums. I remember laughing at him and saying that is not what they show in the American magazines. I thought he was lying to me to make me feel better about mine.

  At least that is one thing he was truthful on.

  I shook all thoughts of Alex, and now of Christopher out of my mind and focused on shopping. It has been a long time since I was able to buy anything new, let alone multiple things. I was going to at least try and have a little fun given my current situation.

; My phone starting ringing from my handbag.

  “Hello.” I answered.

  “You have three hours. Wear the nicest dress you own. I will be picking you up.” Antonio spoke before hanging up on me.

  Always on a time limit.

  Chapter 4

  It felt like weeks since I heard her voice.

  “Honey” I spoke aloud, letting it roll off of my tongue. What a sweet choice of names. I wonder if she tastes as good as she sounds.

  The night was long and restless even after the best orgasm of my life. I have never come so hard on my own accord before. It was exactly like she was there with me, with her sweet mouth wrapped around my cock.

  Just the thought of her was making my dick twitch in my pants. I had to get control over this and quickly.

  “James did you manage to get ahold of Pedro?” I spoke into my phone.

  “Not yet Chris, looks like he went out of town, he left this morning.”

  “Son-of-a-bitch, that greasy asshole told me he would be meeting Cal at the Sparrow later today.” I should have known that Pedro would back out. His way of doing business was typical Mexican. Half assed and seedy.

  “Does Cal know that he will be a no show.”

  “Yeah, I just told him. Apparently Pedro is sending someone in his place, something about his apologies, but he trusts that his associate will be able to discuss some of the terms. The meeting has been bumped up though. It’s in an hour.”

  “Thanks man, I guess I will go make my appearance.”

  I waited with Cal in the high steaks room. Not the normal place to hold a business meeting, but he didn’t want to show anyone from Pedro’s circle more of the Casino than he had to.

  “How is Fantasy these days?” I asked.

  “Better. Her nightmares have almost stopped.” He seemed lighter the past few months. Like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. It was so hard to believe or even imagine that a single woman could do that to a man. And a man like Cal none the less.


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