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Triple Pass: An MFMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 19

by Sierra Sparks

  “That’s great man. Happy for you.” I said clapping him on his back.

  I started to wonder if I was ever going to feel what he felt. I wasn’t getting any younger. When I turned 33 I started to feel a little of my own mortality. Not on the physical side of things. Everyone who knows me, know I spend almost every free moment I have at the gym training and not the mental side. I am still damn sharp and am getting sharper with age, but the personal aspect of me. I see men dotting over their women, breathing them in like they are the only source of oxygen. That had me wondering if I will ever feel that way, or if I am destined to soar the clouds alone.

  “Nice of this fucking wetback to show up on time.” Cal said. His patience was still a very precious thing. That hadn’t seemed to improve since Fantasy.

  A had to laugh at him. What are friends for?

  The door to the room swung open and the world went silent.

  There in front of me stood the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her hair was jet black and long. Long enough to fall gently over her breasts. Her eyes were the deepest brown I have ever seen. So big and doe-like. Her skin was the color of spilled coffee. Not quite dark enough to be black, but not quite white enough to be white. She was so petite. No taller than 5’-4”

  She was wearing a form fitting yellow dress. It was so tight you could clearly see she wasn’t wearing panties, or a bra. Her nipples were trying to poke out of her dress.

  I rose to my feet, instantly regretting the half a hard-on that had started forming in my pants. I discreetly adjusted myself and approached her at the door.

  “Miss, I believe you are in the wrong room. The ladies room was the first door on your right.” I spoke while trying not to get lost in her eyes. She was gorgeous.

  She extended her hand and spoke with confidence. “I am not in need of the ladies room.” She stopped mid-sentence and looked up at my inquisitively.

  “Chris” I spoke taking her hand. Her skin was softer than silk.

  “Thank you. Chris, I don’t need the ladies room, I am here on behalf of Pedro.” She withdrew her hand and folded her arms across her chest. That action caused her breasts to become even larger and my half-hard on even harder.

  “Pedro sent you.” Cal asked in disbelief.

  A sultry smile spread across her lips and her eyes dances with amusement. “You seem surprised Mr. Wyatt, I assure you Pedro wanted to be here with you to discuss some of his offers and he does send his regrets.” She had walked over to Cal and extended her hand.

  “What do we call you Miss.” Cal asked accepting her offering.

  A small twinge of jealousy pulled in me.


  “Pleasure to meet you Alana, can we get you a drink.”

  “Water is fine.” She smiled politely while taking a seat across the poker table.

  I took my seat beside Cal and sat back. I couldn’t fathom why Pedro would send this woman in his place. Surely she can’t possibly be privy to all his businesses.

  “I am sorry Alana, I am having a hard time understanding why Pedro sent you in his place.” Cal asked the questions, I had just asked myself. Just like when we were younger, we always knew what the other was thinking.

  A slight blush started to rise across her face, but it was gone in an instant.

  “We understand that ‘The Crocodile’ has very suddenly left town. This presents a unique opportunity for us all.” Her eyes never left Cal’s while she spoke.

  “Yes, that is correct. And what kind of opportunity does Pedro have in mind?” Cal’s eyes had narrowed, I could see he was becoming suspicious.

  “There seems to be a lack of, shall we say options for your hotel guests as of late. We know that The Crocodile supplied you with some of the best gringa’s in Vegas and now we want to offer you an expansion. Call it a change of scenery.” A sexy smile had formed on her lips.

  “A change of scenery, how so Alana?” I had to ask. I couldn’t sit any longer and not have her look at me.

  “Have you ever had a Latin lover gentlemen?” her eyes were boring into my soul. I was speechless under her spell.

  She smiled at me and licked her lips. I was frozen watching her tongue dance sensually across her lips.

  “And what is Pedro proposing?” Cal asked. He was all business. Alana’s appeal seemed to have no effect on him at all. It was painfully obvious how in love he was with Fantasy.

  “Pedro has an expanse of beautiful women, many like what you see here.” Her hands were slowly showcasing herself.

  Was she one of Pedro’s girls? That just can’t be right. She is to beautiful, stunning rather and she carries herself as though she is the one in charge. Behind every man stands a woman. Is this Pedro’s woman?

  “So it would seem.” I muttered.

  Her eyes shot to mine and that is when I noticed something more than confidence and mischief. Was it fear?

  “He is offering an unlimited supply. Any fantasy or special needs that might be required and the possibility for long term ownership.”

  Cal’s eyebrows narrowed in suspicion. “That seems very generous of Pedro, what is in it for him?”

  “Yes, it is. In return he asks that you ensure the safety of his girls while they are within your establishments and that you turn a blind eye for any product being circulated.”

  “And there it is. He wants to push his drugs through my casinos? No. No deal.” Cal said angrily.

  “Mr. Wyatt, please take some time to think about Pedro’s offer. When people are not of their right mind, they have tendency to spend more money, which in turn equals more money for you.”

  It was clear after Cal’s response that Alana had lost some of the confidence that she had entered with. Her beautiful almond eyes looked worried. She looked like a baby doe. There was something much more going on here than we were aware of.

  “Thank you Alana, but the answer is still no. Tell Pedro next time he wants to do business he better damn well meet me himself.” Cal said rising from the table and gesturing her to the door.

  “Yes, sir” she whispered while rising from her chair.

  My cock instantly jumped in my pants. That whisper, her whisper.

  I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t noticed that she had left the room. Cal was pacing feverishly in front of the bar.

  “Can you fucking believe that?” he was saying.

  I ran from the room and into the main casino. Alana was being ushered through the Casino by a Mexican goon. His hand was placed firmly on the small of her back while he shoved her through the crowds of people. Her head was fixed on the floor. That was not the same woman that I had just seen in the other room.

  “ALANA.” I shouted. “WAIT.”

  She looked back over her shoulder and I could see her mascara streaked face. She tried to stop, but the goon drug her forward and out the door into a waiting car. She was down the street before I had even exited the casino.

  “What the fuck man?” Cal asked from behind me.

  “Something isn’t right man. She isn’t who we thought in that meeting.” I said still looking in the direction the car drove off.

  “What do you mean who we thought? She was clearly one of Pedro’s whores sent in to distract us from what the real deal was meant to be. Fuck man, I can see if you were the one in charge he would have gotten the deal.” He was looking at me like I was an insane person.

  “Fuck it, I need a drink.” I said shaking my head at Cal and walking back into the casino.

  I need to find her. Was that even her? Was that the same woman on the phone last night? I will know when I call her tonight.

  I grabbed my phone and dialed James, my right hand man, while I walked to the bar.

  “James, find me everything you can about a woman named Alana. She works for Pedro Suarez and do it quickly.”

  Chapter 5

  The day was long. It felt like one of the longest I have had in ages and I am home earlier than I normally would be.

  I am
still in shock and disbelief that Pedro made me have a meeting with Cal Wyatt and his friend. I was thrown to the wolves and for what? I was told if I couldn’t seal the deal that there would be repercussions.

  Who was Cal’s friend Chris? Was it his business partner?

  When I walked into the room I saw him. He was tall and ruggedly handsome. His hair was a chocolate brown and styled perfectly. His eyes were a color I have never seen before. Looking into them reminded me of looking into the sea. Greens, yellows and blues swirled around curiously. He was much taller than I am. Of course that isn’t really hard to accomplish. I had visions of him holding me close, enveloping me in his arms wrapping me in his leather jacket. He never took of his jacket, but you could see that it wasn’t hiding, but rather accentuating a very perfect male form.

  I had started to touch myself thinking about being in his arms. My nipples were erect through my dress, and I could feel moisture gathering between my legs.

  I haven’t been affected by a man like this since Alex. And Alex was a two compared to Chris’s ten.

  I keep replaying the meeting in my head, over and over again like a broken record. Pedro isn’t going to be pleased when he hears that Cal didn’t accept his deal.

  I have a couple hours before I am on call, so I decide that I can rectify today’s shortcomings by starting to call ‘The Five’.

  I grab my new phone and look at the details of who these men are. Pedro wasn’t very generous with details and it leads me to believe he doesn’t know much about them either except maybe their net worth.

  The first name in the phone is Vincenzo Marino. So clearly Italian.

  Italian men are known for being fierce lovers with an even fiercer temper. They often stick to their own kind and very rarely let outsiders in.

  The Marino family in Vegas are known for their very real, very brutal tactics. As one of the first families to bring water to the desert, they have been a fixture in Vegas for over 50 years.

  Sighing heavily I clear my throat and hit dial on the phone. It rings four times before I hear a gruff male voice on the other end.

  “What?” he says, clearly agitated.

  “Hi there. Is this Vincenzo?” I lower my voice and speak slowly and sultry into the line.

  “Who the fuck is this, and how did you get this number?”

  “You can call me Tira, short for Tiramisu.” I whisper breathlessly into the phone.

  “What the fuck, are you fucking for real? I don’t need a fucking whore calling me to get me off.” His voice rose to an almost scream. I heard him speaking something in Italian before the line went dead.

  “Fuck.” I sighed.

  This was going to be harder than I thought. How can I cold call a man and try and get them off. I need to see them, I need to show them.

  I threw the phone on the bed and let out a frustrated scream.

  Getting Alejandro back seemed so far. So difficult.

  The phone on the bed started ringing. I grabbed it and hoped that maybe it was Vincenzo calling back. Maybe he had a change of heart.

  “Hello” I answered as sultry as I could manage.

  “Tsk-Tsk Alana. That was a shit performance now wasn’t it.” Pedro’s voice filled my ear.

  “Pedro I,”

  I was cut off before I could finish.

  “Shut-up and listen. Tira? That was pathetic! You used the name of a fucking dessert. You are going to have to get better than that if you want to see Alejandro again Alana, but to be fair I never expected Marino to be a contender. Italian and Mexican isn’t a great fusion. I would much rather see him and his families heads on my fence posts, but it is such a messy business mailing body parts to Mexico.” He laughed at what he thought was a joke.

  “The clock is ticking Alana.” His voice was dangerous as he hung up on me.

  Tears of anger were pooling in my eyes as I threw the phone onto the bed.

  This assignment is impossible. I needed a miracle.

  It had been years since I prayed. I never felt as though he was listening to me and I stopped praying the day my son was taken from me, but in this moment I prayed as hard as I could. I begged for forgiveness for my sins and I begged for my son back.

  Pedro had kidnapped Alejandro from the daycare on his first day. Imagine my shock when after a long, stressful day at work and the first time being away from Alejandro for more than an hour, I go to the daycare only to be told that my son’s father had already picked him up. I will never forget the panic that overwhelmed me. I was screaming and delirious. How could they not have asked for identification? When the Nurse told me she was going to call the cops I calmed down and asked her to describe the man who picked Alejandro up.

  She described Pedro Suarez right down to the mole on his left cheek. I had to thank her and explain that Alejandro’s father was no longer in the picture, and that his uncle had picked him up. I mentioned I remembered hearing him mention it to me, but it must have slipped my mind, it being my first day back to work and all. I apologized and ran to my car.

  I remember the phone call like it was yesterday. Those four words that forever changed my life. “I have your son.”

  From that day forward, I belonged to Pedro Suarez.

  My phone ringing jolted me from my thoughts. The ring tone told me it was my work phone and I was now on the clock.

  I regained as much of my composure as I could before hitting accept.

  “Hello.” I answered breathlessly.

  “I couldn’t wait any longer to call you.”


  “Mmmm, I like that you Christop- Sir, couldn’t wait to call me” I remembered from last night.

  “Tell me what you are wearing.” He breathed into the phone. His breath was ragged.

  “Well sir, I am wearing a yellow dress that looks like it was painted on me. My nipples are begging to be let free.” It wasn’t a lie. His voice did something carnal to me. I was already feeling aroused just from hearing him.

  “Take off your dress and panties.” He instructed.

  “Sir, I wasn’t able to wear panties or a bra with this dress.” I spoke slowly to let me words take effect.

  I heard his breath hitch in his throat.

  “What is your name?” He asked me.

  “I told you my name last night. Honey.”

  “What is your real name?”

  I let out a sigh. “Sir that is my real name.”

  “You’re lying to me.” His voice was threatening. I had to change the subject.

  “What did you do today Sir? Did you think of me? I was thinking about you. After a meeting I had today I had to come home and touch myself and imagine it was you.” Not a complete lie.

  No response.

  “Sir, are you still there?” I asked

  “Yes.” He whispered. “What was your meeting about Honey?”

  “Business Sir, I can’t disclose those details, but I can disclose to you how wet I am right now hearing your voice. So wet it is dripping down my thighs already.” Truth.

  “Woman you are going to be my undoing.” He was in anguish.

  “No sir, I am just going to make you come, hard, while you imagine me bouncing on your cock.” The vision played in my mind and I felt a jolt of electricity between my legs.

  “Just thinking about riding you sir has me almost coming, and I don’t even know what you look like.” I was becoming breathless imagining his shaft moving slowly in and out of me.

  “Fuck Honey, my dick is so hard. I can’t take it.” He whispered. I could hear rustling like he just undid his pants.

  “Did you just let your dick out of your pants sir? How hard is it? Are you leaking yet?” I caught myself licking my lips like I was about to taste him.

  “Rock hard Honey, I have never been this hard. I thought about you all day. Every woman I saw or spoke too, I wondered if it was you. I need to meet you.” He said.

  “Sir, you know we can’t meet.” I whispered solemnly.

  “I wi
ll pay Pedro whatever he wants. Just let me see you.”

  “I am not a whore sir. You can’t buy me.” I was a little pissed that he would assume he could buy me.

  “No, but I can pay for time on the phone with you?” he was challenging me. I knew Pedro was likely listening to this call salivating at a potential profit.

  “Sir, even if we could meet, I am more than positive that you couldn’t handle a Latina lover.” I was stroking his desires, adding wood to the fire.

  I heard him suck in a deep breath. I assumed he was stroking his cock thinking about having a Latina.

  “Say it again.” He ordered.

  “Which part Sir?”

  “What are you?” he sounded more breathless. He must be close to his release.

  “Ah, Latina lover” I let my accent come out as thick as it was the day I moved to America. “We never talked about that last night did we?” I crooned.

  “Alana” His words were ice in my veins.

  Chapter 6

  My cock jumped excitedly in my hands the moment I whispered her name.

  It was her. The woman who so casually and confidently strode into the room this afternoon. I was envisioning her breasts, so round and full almost popping out of her dress. I was imagining burying my cock between them letting my come spill across her coffee stained skin.

  “Alana” I whispered again.

  “Who are you?” She asked. Her voice was starting to tremble.

  “I knew it was you the moment you said Sir.” I was trying to stir her memory. Trying to get her to see my face while she was touching herself. If she was still touching herself.

  “Are you still touching yourself Alana” I asked breathlessly. The vision of her was seared into my soul. I was going to come.

  “Uh, no, I mean yes. Yes Sir I am.” She was flustered.

  “You are lying to me Alana. Do you know who I am?” I was hopeful she would figure it out.

  “No. I am afraid I am at a disadvantage because you seem to think you know who I am.” She was becoming stand-offish.

  “Close your eyes Alana and think. Grab your nipples and gently roll them between your fingers. Let your mind go, and think Alana.” I was urging her to put the pieces together.


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