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Brutal (A Real Man, 11)

Page 3

by Jenika Snow

  “I want to be deep inside you, so deep there isn’t a place I’m not touching. I want you to feel me everywhere, your pussy stretched around my cock, your mouth open with cries of pleasure.”

  And her face did get red, her pupils dilated, and I could see the glossiness of her arousal between her thighs. I was trying not to be a caveman, but fuck, all I wanted to do was devour her.

  Her focus was on me the whole time, her pulse beating frantically below her ear.

  I was transfixed as I stared at her creamy skin. This anxiety slammed into me.

  I knew there was no way I could make this last, not with how much I wanted her. But she deserved so much more than I knew I could give her. I let my gaze travel over her legs and stopped for a second to stare at her pussy. God, she was so fucking gorgeous. This small thatch of trimmed hair covered her, but I could see the outline of her lips, the little nub of her clit, the curve of her ass.

  I lifted my gaze to her breasts, the mounds perfect, and not more than a handful. And her nipples were tipped pink, the hard nubs standing on point, as if eager for my mouth.

  I couldn’t stop myself. I got on my knees before her and lowered my mouth to hers, kissing her for a second. I ran my tongue over her top lip and did the same to her bottom, her flavor sweet, like spun sugar.

  The sound she made was sweet, erotic, and all for me.

  “I need you,” she said against my mouth. My control was slipping, barely hanging on as it was. I didn’t want to totally lose it with her, wanted to be the man she deserved, but it was hard. I wanted her so fiercely I felt it in my bones, the very marrow.

  “I need you too, baby.” The desperation was clear in my voice, thick like molasses, covering me, coating every inch of my body.

  She arched slowly, erotically. I could tell this wasn’t about her trying to be sexual. She just was, always.

  Christ. So good.

  “I’m so hungry for you, so damn hungry I’ll never get enough.”

  “Axel.” She said my name, her voice laced with pleasure.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I fell in love with a boxer, with a man who can take down anyone who stands in his way.” She reached out and touched my chest. “I won’t break.”

  My throat tightened, my cock jerked, and I prayed I didn’t shoot my load like some damn teenager. But having Roxie here, her body like a goddess, her need for me strong, made this seem so fucking surreal.

  “You deserve sweet and slow, Roxie. You deserve someone to make love to you.” I was alpha all the way, especially with Roxie. She deserved candles and chocolate, music playing in the background as she was made love to, caressed and spoken softly to.

  I worried I couldn’t give her that.

  “I want you, Axel.”


  “Don’t be gentle. Don’t worry about me,” she whispered. “I know who you are, what you’re capable of. I fell in love with that man, and that’s who I want between my thighs.”

  Holy Mother of God. I was going to lose it right now, just lose it before I even had her. But I was glad she’d told me that, because going easy, being gentle when I was over the edge would have been hard as fuck.



  The way Axel looked at me was like a man possessed, a man who knew exactly what he wanted and how he was going to take it.

  Maybe that realization, that reality, should have scared me, but the truth was I found it consuming, intoxicating and wanted it all for myself.

  “Maybe this is a bastard thing for me to do.” Axel stared right at me. “But tell me you saved your virginity for me. Tell me I’m the only one you want to take that cherry.”

  I’d been saving myself because of Axel, because he’s the only one I wanted.

  “It’s only been you I want,” I said honestly, lifting my hands and running them up his arms. “There has never been anyone else for me but you.”

  He smiled, closed his eyes, and let out this deep exhale. He looked at me, and I watched as his pupils dilated. The seconds passed, our breathing increased, and his body seemed to get hard, as if readying itself for me, for us.

  This silent communication passed between us. Axel was on me, his hands on my chest, his mouth on mine. We kissed for long seconds. He plunged his tongue in and out of my mouth, claiming me, making me taste all of him, the masculinity that poured from his body in waves.

  It seemed like ages before he broke the kiss, and I was left breathless and needy, wanting more.

  He moved his mouth along my cheek, over my jaw, and started sucking at my pulse point right below my ear. The feeling of his tongue on me had a plethora of sensations moving through my body.

  I felt his hard cock digging right against me, this steel rod that was just for me.

  He pulled away, and I looked at his hard, smooth chest, the ink covering the upper part of him, this splash of color and design.

  “I could drill nails into wood with how hard I am for you.” God, his voice was so husky, so deep. It was all because of me. “Show me where you want me to make you feel good, where you want me to touch you.”

  I was drunk on my emotions, on what I felt.

  “Come on, baby. Show me,” he said with more force, more brutality.

  My heart was thundering in my chest, and my hand shook as I lifted it, smoothed it along my belly, and finally touched right between my legs.

  “Right there, Roxie?” Axel asked, his voice like a serrated weapon.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “You want my hands, my fingers, my cock on that sweet virgin pussy of yours?”

  I nodded.

  We were both breathing so hard, and I felt beads of sweat line the valley between my breasts.

  I heard my heart thundering in my ears, felt it in my throat.

  And before I could react to what he was doing, Axel reached out and ran his finger right through my center. He teased my clit, gently probed my entrance, and made me feel things I’d only dreamed about.

  “Do you want me here?” he asked and gently pushed a finger into me, not very far… not far enough.

  “God, yes.” This felt so right, so good.

  He removed his finger from me, lifted it to his mouth, and sucked off the bit of wetness that coated the tip. He grabbed his huge cock, a monster between his thighs, and stroked himself, jerking off for me.

  “You like watching me, watching how I touch myself?”

  I licked my lips and nodded.

  He rubbed his palm up and down his huge shaft, his focus on me. I wanted to beg him to skip all this erotic torture and be with me already.

  “Axel, I’m dying here.” I felt my heart jackknife in my chest.

  This strength filled me. I reached out and wrapped my hand around his cock. He was huge, thick and long, the head slightly bulbous, the slit at the tip covered in pre-cum.

  “You sure?” he asked, his concern always for me.

  “More than sure.” I started stroking him, up and down, steady and slow, trying to make this feel good for him. He groaned again, the muscles in his neck standing out from how tense he was.

  He grunted from his arousal.

  “You look so fucking incredible in this position.” His voice was thick. His eyes were hooded, the expression seeming almost primal.

  I felt so bold, so brave in my actions.

  “Go on, Roxie. Do it, baby.”

  I started rubbing my palm up and down his length, tightening my grip, making him groan with each stroke.

  “Yeah, Roxie. That is so fucking it.” His big body was bowed over me. He was tense, his muscles contracted. I traced the sharp lines of his tattoos with my gaze, followed them along the dips and hollows of his form.

  But then he gently pushed me away. “Roxie, as much as I want you to keep going, if I don’t stop you, I’ll come in your hand, and I want to be deep in your body when I do that.”

  My heart stilled at those words.


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  I wanted this to last, wanted to make her get off, to feel so fucking good she cried out my name. But if I let myself go, just released that rope I held on to so tightly, I wasn’t going to last five fucking minutes.

  I stared down at her for long seconds. She was so beautiful, and it was hard for me to realize she was really here with me. Her skin was flawless, her flesh unmarred, no ink, no marks. She was the opposite of me, soft and sweet where I was hard and rough.

  “I’m ready for you,” she whispered. “I’ve been ready for you my entire life.”

  My cock jerked at her words, pre-cum seeping from the tip. My balls were drawn up tightly to my body, and I knew once I was in her, I’d explode in a matter of minutes.

  I reached out and ran my finger over her lips, pulling her bottom one slightly down and letting go so her succulent flesh went back into place.

  “Come here,” she said softly and pulled me down close, our mouths inches apart.

  I rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes, just breathing the same air as she did. I was so tense, so hard. My body was ready to take hers.

  “Do you know what you do to me, Roxie?”

  She smiled up at me. “Do you know what you do to me?”

  I exhaled in pleasure. I’d fall to my knees and worship, give her the world if that’s what she wanted. I’d do anything to make sure she was happy with me, that she stayed by my side.

  My cock was so damn hard.

  I just stared at Roxie, her face flushed, her pupils dilated. Her mouth was red and swollen from my kisses, and I wanted them like that always.

  “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  She moaned after I spoke.

  When it came to Roxie, I was a possessive bastard. Even before she became mine, I was obsessed, going all caveman on her, wanting her for myself.

  I reached down and placed my hand on her pussy, my fingers touching her clit and lips, her gasp filling my ears. I was being a bastard right now, wanting her to tell me she was mine, that her body was mine to touch, to kiss, to love.

  “This is mine, isn’t it?” I spanned my hand over her cunt, her heat and wetness making my cock jerk.

  “Yes, only yours.” She started breathing harder.

  “Say it again,” I demanded.

  “You own it. You own me.” She looked right into my eyes, her focus clear. “But you’re mine the same as I’m yours.”

  I grunted.

  “Yeah I am, baby.” I growled low, like some kind of fucking animal. I was just teasing her clit, letting her feel me. I rubbed that bundle back and forth and watched the pleasure move across her face. “No one will ever know what you feel like.”

  While I rubbed her clit, I moved my thumb down to her pussy hole, teasing the entrance, gently dipping it in, making her feel me there too.

  “How good does that feel, baby?”

  “So good.” Her voice was breathless.

  My chest tightened at hearing her words.

  I leaned down again, taking her mouth in another hard, deep kiss. She opened her mouth wider for me, and I plunged my tongue inside. I needed my cock in her pussy now. I needed to take her virginity, and I needed her to take mine.

  “Spread wider for me,” I moaned against her mouth. This needed to be good for her, slow for her.

  I reached between us once more to grab my cock, rubbing the tip up and down her pussy.

  “You’re so big, so hot.”

  I pressed my hips tighter against hers.

  “All because of you, baby.” I was losing my fucking mind, but God, I wanted oblivion.

  “I am so wet for you,” she moaned.

  I clenched my eyes shut. “Your words alone could make me lose it.” I thrust all my inches into her, then retreated, back and forth over and over again. She was so hot, so primed for me.

  She had her nails on my skin, the flesh giving way. I liked the pain, craved it. I’d inadvertently hurt her, and I wanted her to transfer that pain to me. If I could have taken it all from the very beginning, I would have.

  She looked up at me, her eyes wide, her mouth parted. I slammed into her especially hard, and she gasped.

  I stilled.

  “I’m sorry, baby. Too much? Please tell me you’re okay.” I leaned down, kissed her, and wished I could make this perfect for her. I’d ask her over and over again, never hearing it enough that she was okay.

  “I’m okay, and this is perfect. It feels good.” She smiled at me. “Keep going.”

  I started moving in and out of her slowly, gently, trying to be as easy as I could. My pleasure built to an all-consuming level, to a point I couldn’t even think straight, couldn’t breathe.

  I had my hands on the bed beside her head. My biceps and forearms were clenched tight, my upper body braced, holding myself up over her. I thrust in and out, my balls slapping the soft skin of her ass every time I pushed inside.

  I needed to fill her with my seed, make her take all of it. I needed to lean back and watch it slip from her pussy when I pulled out.

  I wanted her to be marked by me in the most primal, basic of senses.

  “Fuck, Roxie. Oh shit.” The feeling of her cunt squeezing my cock and the look of pure adoration and ecstasy on her face sent me perilously close to the edge.

  I looked at her breasts, the large mounds shaking as I fucked her. Her nipples were red, her chest pink from her arousal.

  “God, yes, Axel.” She breathed out those three words.

  I leaned down and licked her nipple, dragging my tongue along the stiff peak until she arched for me.

  She tasted so sweet, so fucking good. I pulled one hard tip into my mouth and sucked, the little peak stiff.

  She breathed hard, the soft sounds leaving her telling me she liked what I did, that she craved more.

  There was no way I could control myself.

  I sat back on my knees, placed my hands on her inner thighs, spread her legs, and stared at her pussy.




  The pain was real, muscle tightening, breath stealing. But that discomfort wasn’t what kept me engaged. It wasn’t what had me wanting more, needing it.

  “Are you sure you’re okay” He sounded so concerned, his worry marring the lines of his face, a harshness that was something I hated seeing on him.

  “Yes, I’m fine.” I smiled, not wanting him to know that yes, the pain was there, but that I really didn’t want him to stop.

  Axel didn’t move for long seconds, just allowed me time to adjust to his size, to get accustomed to the large, stretching feeling of him. He consumed every part of me, capturing the very essence of what my innocence was.

  “I love you,” he whispered, then started moving, back and forth.

  The fact that I was with Axel made this dreamlike, surreal. He loved me and I loved him. We were each other’s, and nothing else mattered.

  His motions were slow and easy, gentle but consuming. I reached up and grabbed his shoulders, the muscles tight beneath my hands, clenching and relaxing with each thrust and retreat.

  “Hold on harder, baby.”

  I curled my nails into his skin, and although I knew it had to hurt, he only moaned.

  He started pulling out a little faster and pushing in a little harder. Beads of sweat covered his temple, his focus on me, his desire clear.

  With each passing second that discomfort faded and euphoria took its place, washing through me, lighting me up like the sun was covering me, warming me.

  The only sounds were the air leaving me on a rush and his soft yet deep moans. Feeling Axel over me, his strength pushing me down onto the mattress, my legs spread wide to accommodate him, was all I needed to hear.

  His slow thrusts became steadier, more intense. I held on, not wanting him to stop, not wanting this to end. All I could do was absorb what I felt, and let it mix with my emotions.

  I smoothed my hands along his tattooed arms, his skin slick with perspiration, his big body movin
g fluidly over mine.

  “Tell me you like it, that I make you feel good.”

  Pleasure slammed into me.

  “Yes.” I moaned that single word out, not sure I even said it loud enough, clear enough for him to understand me.

  He grunted, closed his eyes, and thrust in deep. My back arched on its own, my breasts brushing his chest, my nipples rock hard.

  “God, this is better than I’ve ever fantasized about, better than I could have dreamed of.” He leaned down to kiss me, never stopping his thrusting motions, never slowing his pace.

  Although with each thrust I was still a bit uncomfortable, I wanted it harder, faster. I wanted this to last, but I also wanted to feel that breath-stealing, body-tightening explosion that only Axel would ever give me.

  The feeling of his hardness to my softness, of his masculinity to my femininity, made me so crazy with lust I couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t understand this, but then again I didn’t want to make sense of any of it.

  “Kiss me again, Axel. Please.” I didn’t care if I begged, if I pleaded with him. I needed his mouth on mine.

  And he didn’t make me wait. He kissed me with all the desire he felt, that I felt. He was possessive, intense. He was claiming me in all the ways that we both wanted.

  And when I felt him hit something deep within me, my inner muscles clenched around his girth, trying to take him in more.

  It felt so good. Axel felt so good.

  He started really moving then. Axel wasn’t slow and easy, gentle and sweet. He was the boxer I grew up with, and the man I fell in love with.

  “So good.”

  He pulled out, only the thick head of his dick at my entrance now. I could see he was fighting with himself, trying to hold back, to make this last.

  “Keep going.” I gasped those two words out, feeling that edge in me rise up. I was so close to going over it.

  He thrust back into me, harder, with intent, arousal.

  “Damn, it’s so fucking good.” He thrust deep in me again, pushing me up on the mattress, my back burning slightly from the friction. I pulled him down so we were kissing now.


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