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Rock Island Page 25

by Bill Etem

perdition. And of course it makes no sense - it is complete satanic madness! - to say the authority of the Roman Catholic hierarchy – the authority of the pope and the other bishops – shines like the sun if the Church of Rome leads people to perdition, if the Church of Rome has fallen away from the True Faith, if the Church of Rome is not the Church which Christ founded on a rock. It is impossible, under the current conditions to implement a system where Christians share the wealth. The system would collapse into chaos. But when the prophecies mentioned in Revelation 18 come to pass, when there is economic collapse, when famine becomes either real or a real possibility, then Christians will be supplied with inspiration, or at least they will be desperate enough to adopt an economic system which emphasizes sharing, which emphasizes the strong helping the weak, because people will be acting in their own self-interest. During times of economic collapse and famine it is in one’s self-interest to adopt an economic system which emphasizes sharing rather than an economic system which emphasizes hoarding up money for you and your family.

  Paul is quite clear that the saints are not speak to heretics. You people are Protestants. Let me review the ABC’s of Protestantism. Protestantism is founded on the premise that neither the Church of Rome nor the Eastern Orthodox Church is the Church which Christ founded on a rock. Protestantism is founded on the premise that both Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy have fallen away from the True Faith, and therefore both Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy lead people to perdition. If Rome led people to heaven, if Rome is the Church which Christ founded on a rock, if Rome has not fallen away from the True Faith, recall the falling away mentioned by Paul in 2 Thess 2, then why are you people Protestants? Are you confused? Why do you rebel against God’s True Church? How do you expect to attain heaven and to escape perdition when you rebel against God’s True Church, assuming the Church of Rome is God’s True Church? And if Rome leads people to perdition, if Rome has fallen away from the True Faith, if Rome is not the Church which Christ founded on a rock, then Roman Catholics are heretics, and Paul told the saints to give the silent treatment to heretics, to excommunicate them, to deny them the Eucharist, and to shun them. And, of course, we know that one will be fired from one’s job, and economic chaos will result for one’s family, if one makes a practice at work of shunning and refusing to speak to Christians who do not share one’s own Christian religious views, if one makes a practice of shunning those who one considers to be heretics. So, there is a strong monetary reason to ignore Paul’s doctrine on the issue of giving the silent treatment to heretics, even though Galatians 1. 8-12 says what it says, you know, you’re damned if you alter Paul’s doctrine, doctrine which he received directly from Christ. So, to recap. The prophecies explained in Revelation 18 transpire. Then people ask themselves: was the economic system which prevailed just before the events in Revelation 18 transpired an economic system consistent with the Gospel / True Faith? Or was it an economic system which stood in opposition to the True Faith? When the events described in Revelation 18 transpire, people will be inspired to adopt an economic system which emphasizes sharing. People always look for their own self-interest! It’s just that, if it is in your self-interest to push for an economic system which emphasizes sharing, and you also get an economic system which has not fallen away from the True Faith, and therefore it does not lead people to perdition, then that is what’s called a win-win economic system! It gives you security in this life, and it does not lead your soul to perdition in the afterlife. So that’s a good deal for you. That’s the economic system you want to adopt.

  So, about this economic system currently used by people under the sign of the cross, does it lead people to heaven because it is consistent with the Gospel / True Faith? Or does it lead people to perdition, because it is an economic system which stands in opposition to the Gospel / True Faith? Do you think your attitude might change after the events described in Revelation 18 transpire? Or do you think you they won’t change? There is no reason for you to change if you are now on a course which will lead you to heaven. But, on the other hand, if you are now on a course which will lead your soul to perdition, then, as you might imagine, there is a good reason for you to change!

  So, these last ideas really irritated the woman who calls herself ‘Old Protestant Lady’. She was going on and on about how I am an ARROGANT COMMIE ASS#$@% for suggesting that thousands of Protestant Doctors of Divinity did not know how to read the New Testament. And she was going on and on about how I am a HALF-WIT CORRUPT BASTARD for saying Protestants under the sign of the cross are going to perdition because they have fallen away from the True Faith on the issue of economic systems and other matters. I was telling her earlier about Revelation 18 and its words about economic collapse and famine, and how Christians will have to learn the hard way about sharing, and about what the New Testament teaches about sharing, but the Old Protestant Lady along with the audience, and the audience was now 100% behind her on this matter regarding economic systems, were screaming words like: ARROGANT HALF-WIT! F@#king CORRUPT BASTARD at me, and then these three fat guys in the front row were taunting me, saying I was a f@#king half-wit for saying every church under the sign of the cross leads people away from heaven and straight to perdition. I let them chant their stupid chants. Then this guy in the audience stands up and tells me he has a ‘personal relationship with his Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ’, and then he informs me that I will go to hell unless‘I get a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.’ Then I respond with a little scenario which ran like this: suppose a porn star insists that she has a personal relationship with Jesus, and suppose this porn star says that she knows that Jesus approves of her lifestyle, because, ‘she has a personal relationship with Christ’ – so that’s how she knows Christ approves of her porn career – because she has a personal relationship with Christ. So the audience agrees with me that the porn star is whacked out and is preaching heresy, because, as everyone knows, Jesus is not in favor of the porn industry, and everyone knows Jesus does not want good Christians working in the porn industry. And I don’t get any arguments from the audience when I announce that a heroin dealer who says that he is a good Christian, who says that he upholds the True Faith, because Jesus supports heroin trafficking, is just an idiot who corrupts the True Faith with his heresy. Then I was saying that Christians who support the economic systems used under the sign of the cross for the last 1,700 years are just as bad as a heroin dealer who insists that getting people addicted to heroin and destroying families are things which are supported by the True Faith. And this really drew the wrath of Rock Island Protestants down on my head. I was saying that, over the last 1,700 years, the economic systems used by kings, nobles, priests and other people under the sign of the cross made life hell for millions of men, women and children, whereas life would not have been hell for these millions of men, women and children if there was no falling away from the True Faith, if there was no falling away from the principles stated in Acts 2. 44-5 and Acts 4. 32. If you are a kid, and if your family is destroyed because your parents are heroin junkies, or if your family is destroyed because you live under an economic system which refuses to comply with the principles expressed in the New Testament, then, either way, your family is destroyed. And in your eyes the people who advocate malevolent economic systems are no better or brighter than people who insist the True Faith supports heroin trafficking. People can say they are good Christians bound for heaven, but if they support evil things which destroy families and which make life hell for millions of people, if they corrupt the True Faith in the process and thereby they lead people away from heaven and straight to perdition, though they insist they don’t corrupt the True Faith and don’t lead people to perdition, then you know they are not good Christians, rather, you know they are devil-dogs bound for hell! That last bit of news got the people in the audience to start shouting nasty things about me, saying I am a f@$king ass*@#$, saying that I am a f@$king shithead who will go to hell. I was saying
that both Luther and Calvin fell away from the True Faith, both were heretics who led people to perdition, because the True Faith is hostile to the idea of executing people on the basis of their religion. You don’t murder or execute somebody because he disagrees with you on religious matters! But, you see, in the Middle Ages, kings and nobles and even priests grew accustomed to executing people, executing them in often very barbaric ways, should these people have religious ideas which didn’t agree with the religious ideas of the kings, nobles and priests. And Calvin and Luther were influenced by these evil examples. It was Atheists and Deists, that is, it was non-Christians, who were the people most instrumental in ending savage punishments in Christendom: death via lingering torture, the rack, the stake, the scavenger’s daughter, the iron maiden, boiling people in oil, pressing them to death etc. Cruel tortures had, for many centuries, the blessing of the Christian establishment, you see, and you were seen as a

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