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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Terra Kelly

  She moaned. “I hope I can get studying in tonight, because I foresee no studying happening.”

  Joshua laughed, then grabbed her text books, notepad, and pens. Then he grabbed her hand. “Need a change of clothes?” He looked serious. “Why don’t you take some of my dresser drawers, so you don’t have to go back-and-forth so much?”

  “I would love that. You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “Never.” Then he spanked her behind, and demanded, “Now get packing lady.”

  “What if I don’t, will you spank me later?”


  After some serious studying, which didn’t include math either- Joshua and Kenzie were sitting on the floor in the living room leaning against the couch. Kenzie sighed. “How do you understand this shit?”

  Joshua laughed. “I wish I could answer that question better.” He flipped the page to look ahead at what she needed to study. “They have you doing basic math. That helps.”

  Kenzie sighed. “Basic?” Then she flipped through some of the practice questions. “This part may end up being the death of me.” She flopped back against the couch and chuckled. “This is crazy.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t have an option. They haven’t made math an optional course just yet.”

  She whined. “They should. Then again, I may need to learn some for the boutique… blurgh!”

  “Hey, so when are you thinking of taking the final test?”

  “Well, they said I could do it anytime, since I did well on the practice test. I would love to have this completed before the wedding craziness begins. I may need to get it completed in the next week or two. Does that sound ridiculous?”

  Joshua reached for her hand. “Not at all, if you feel ready. I would say, let’s keep going over the math part to help you. Otherwise, everything else should be a cakewalk, right?”

  She pushed herself back to sitting position. “Yeah, I aced all the other sections. It was the math section that brought my score down.” Looking at the practice tests on the coffee table, she shook her head. “Well then, what are we waiting for, right?”

  Chapter 9

  “The blue is perfect for this style of bridesmaid dress. What made you decide on ocean blue?” Kenzie was standing in front of the full-length mirror at her boutique. She kept turning from side to side, loving the style and color.

  Izzy flushed. “The color matches Drew’s eyes.”

  Shawna walked out from the dressing room. “Think it still works with my crazy red hair?”

  Isabel and Kenzie both sighed, Izzy walked toward Shawna. “Your hair works with this dress and you can wear it up if you want?”

  Shawna grabbed her hair and pulled it up away from her neck. “I thought maybe a French twist would be pretty, maybe with some flowers.” She continued moving back and forth, “I could wear white shoes, then I’ll look like the American flag!”

  Kenzie tried not to laugh, but failed. “Okay, that was awesome. Sweetie, you look amazing.”

  They were all three enjoying the dresses when they heard a knock on the front window. Kenzie looked confused. “Hold on, I’ll go see who it is.” When she walked up front, she smiled and unlocked the door. “Connie, I didn’t know you were coming. I’m sorry, were we supposed to wait to try on the dresses?”

  Connie leaned in and gave Kenzie a big hug. “No dear, I heard you were trying them on. So, I thought I would sneak a peek. Wow, the color is stunning on you.”

  Shawna and Izzy walked up front, Shawna laughed. “But I look like the American flag, don’t I?”

  Izzy playfully pushed her. “Oh, stop it.” Then she walked over to her future mother-in-law. “Hi Connie, I’m excited you stopped by. What do you think of my girls?”

  Connie put her arm around Izzy and rested her head on hers. “Perfect. Alyssa, Jax, Georgie, and Lexie will look great in them, too.”

  Izzy smiled. “Yes they will. I sent them their dresses and they had a seamstress there to help adjust wherever.” She clapped her hands together. “Only a couple more days until everyone arrives. It will be two weeks of insane fun.”

  Shawna asked, “Only one more hurdle, then we can get down to wedding business.” Kenzie went pale and gave a “what the hell” look to Shawna.

  Connie seemed confused. “What hurdle? Is everyone okay?”

  Izzy didn’t know what to say. “Um… no big deal. Shawna was just thinking out loud, right?”

  Kenzie sighed. “Oh stop, please, you two. Connie, what they are trying to not mention is the test I need to take on Friday.”

  Connie still looked confused. “What test, dear?”

  Kenzie walked over and sat down on the couch with her head bent, and whispered, “My test to get my GED.” She wanted to run and hide at that moment. Telling other people about her lack of education would be so embarrassing. Then warm hands rested on her hands.

  “Is that what the whole boycotting school reference was about?” Connie asked.

  Kenzie took in a deep breath. “It’s kind of long story, but yeah.”

  “Sweetie, were you worried about how I would react?”

  “Yes. I feel surrounded by such smart people. Yet, here I sit trying to get the GED completed. Which should be smooth sailing since your son has been a huge help with the math section?”

  Connie laughed. “I can see that, Joshua and math go together like two peas in a pod. Do you want to share the long story or are you not ready yet?”

  Kenzie shared her story, which she now had shared with a lot more people. It was getting easier every time she had to talk about the damn elephant. She finished and just sat there, not knowing where to go from here.

  When arms enveloped her from all sides, the dam she was holding back broke and the tears fell one after another. Connie leaned back. “Is your father doing okay today?”

  Izzy laughed through her tears. “See Kenzie, the kindest people you will ever meet.”

  “He’s amazing. My parents will be here in about a week. They want to see all I did with your wedding, Izzy.”

  Izzy smiled. “Well you better bring them to the wedding, the more the merrier for sure.”

  Kenzie looked puzzled. “You don’t even know them, though!”

  Izzy shrugged. “I know I will love them because you’re pretty awesome.”

  Kenzie sat there in amazement, unable to speak. Here she was in Wilmington with a family that loved to the core. Her father always told her that there were good people out there. Since her father had to fight in the war, sometimes as a child she felt like she received mixed messages. Now, looking at Connie, she knew her father was 100% right, there are good people out there. She was lucky to be sitting next to just a few of them.

  Kenzie was pouring a glass of Sangiovese Italian wine. “Your mom stopped by the shop today.”

  Joshua walked back in from outside where he was grilling a few steaks. “She did, everything okay?”

  “Yup, she heard we were trying on our bridesmaids’ dresses today and wanted to see them.” She put the cork back in the bottle and turned to face him. “Um… she knows about mr. grumpy elephant now.” She took a big gulp of wine, loving the cherry flavors.

  He walked closer to her. “Yeah, how did that come up?”

  “Oh, well, sweet Shawna let something slip, which then confused your mom. I decided it was time to share- it would come out sooner or later.”

  He moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “They would figure it out. How did she take it?”

  Kenzie thunked her head onto Joshua’s chest. “Amazing. Your mom is damn amazing, and you’re lucky.”

  He laughed. “Well, I can’t argue there. I’m glad you let her know, she would want to help. She’s not one to judge. Now, she is blunt and will say what she feels, but still never judges.” He lifted her chin up. “Did you love the bridesmaid dress? I bet you look sexy as hell?”

  In a low sexy tone. “You will just have to wait and see.” She then leaned up and kissed his
soft lips. “Shawna thinks she looks like the American flag. The dress is blue, and she looks amazing.”

  Joshua was laughing. “I can’t believe my brother will be married in just a few weeks. I’m excited for you to meet everyone, even my extended family.” Then somehow, he lit up. “Oh, and you’re in for a treat when Alex gets here. You will fall in love with sweet little Lexie.”

  She smiled. “Just watching your face light up at the mention of her name alone is priceless.” She touched his cheek. “You’re ready to show me off to everyone?”

  He bent to kiss her temple, then stepped back. “I was ready the moment I saw you at The Clam Bake back in January.” Then he headed out to grab the steaks for dinner.

  She was left standing there as she watched him head outside. Was she ready to meet everyone? Did she feel as sure as he did about their relationship? A part of her heart was all in for Joshua, but a small part of her still felt guarded. She knew those feelings were only because of how she was raised, and how she never let anyone in her bubble. Now, here was this great man, and she needed to get the rest of her heart on board. It was time to trust with everything she had.

  The alarm was going off in the distance, so Kenzie pulled her pillow tighter over her head. She was grumbling incoherent words from under the pillow, so Joshua lifted it up. “It’s test day today, baby,” he said, snuggling closer to her body. She accepted his body and melted into him. He brushed her hair back. “Want to plan a fun gathering to celebrate?”

  She laughed. “I need to pass first, silly.”

  Joshua cupped both her breasts with his hands and was teasing her hard nipples, then he kissed the side of her neck. “You will, I already know it.”

  She rolled over to face him. “Yeah, you think so, eh?” She brought her leg up to rest on his side. “Well, if something positive happens, a celebration would be fun.”

  He smiled. “You have a deal, I will plan it this morning.” Then somehow their bodies moved at their own accord, and everything became heated. “I guess I will be late again for work.”

  She laughed. “And I will get to the testing sight later than planned.” She pushed him onto his back and straddled him. “Oh well, this is way more fun anyways.”

  About an hour later Kenzie was pulling into the testing center. She was feeling fantastic, all thanks to Joshua. Taking in a deep breath, she then headed into the building. There was a small cubical with a computer where she would take the test. She almost let herself freak out, but tamped down those feelings. She could do this.

  About 12:00 p.m. Kenzie was walking into the boutique, no one was up front, which was odd. She headed to the back office and found Shawna at the desk looking at something on the computer. Shawna glanced up. “You’re back!” She jumped up and walked around the desk. “So, how’d it go?”

  Kenzie was trying to look sad, to make everyone believe she failed. But looking sad was difficult because she wanted to scream, cry, and celebrate.

  Since Kenzie paused and wasn’t saying anything, Shawna freaked out. “Oh shit, Kenzie, I’m so sorry.” She sat on the edge of the desk, looking concerned. “What now?” Kenzie laughed, and Shawna had a flash of confusion, followed by excitement. “You suck. Holy shit, you passed didn’t you?”

  Kenzie let out an excited scream, and they both grabbed each other’s hands and jumped in place. Kenzie yelled. “I passed, I passed, I passed!” A few minutes later they were both still laughing and out of breath. “The whole trying to fake you out thing, that wasn’t easy.” She reached into her purse for her phone. “I need to call my parents, then Joshua.”

  Shawna headed up front and called Joshua. All she said when he answered, “Clam Bake, 5:30 p.m.” Then she heard him celebrate in the phone, she quickly said, “She’s calling you in a sec, will talk to you later.”

  After Kenzie had called her parents and Joshua, she sat back in her chair. She did it, she actually did it. Not like she doubted herself- okay, yes she did. But now it was time to stop doubting and enjoy this killer day. When she headed up front, Shawna was putting out some new stock. When she got closer, she realized it was the corsets she ordered. “Today just keeps getting better and better. The burlesque apparel came in. What do you think?”

  “Everything is gorgeous. I’m excited to share with the girls tonight. I told them you planned to order some items.” She sat down the corset she was holding. “So, what’s next? College?”

  Kenzie sat on the little chair by the dressing room. “Yup, which doesn’t freak me out now. I think not having a GED is worse because people can judge. College… people are not as judgy.”

  Shawna laughed. “That’s true. You’ll stay here though right and go to college here?”

  “Oh heck yeah, you can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m hoping to get into UNC Wilmington and try for a business degree.”

  Shawna looked so excited. “Sounds like a perfect plan. You know what this all means, right?”

  Kenzie hopped up from the little chair. “Celebration time?”

  They spent the rest of the day getting the new products out on the racks and were counting down until closing time. The moment the clock hit 5:00 Shawna ran to flip the sign to “closed.”

  “You ready to party? You and Josh should come over to Burlesque Me Tonight, I have two solos.”

  “You do? Oh wow, let’s see if Izzy will meet us there later.” She grabbed her purse in one hand and wrapped her other arm around Shawna’s waist. They both had so much to be happy for, especially after today. She looked at Shawna. “Think your man will be there tonight?”

  “Man? What man? Oh wait, Danny?” She laughed and shook her head. “Well, since he is not my man, I have no clue. However, I can tell you he is at the night club a lot.

  Kenzie stopped dead in her tracks. “What? Do tell!”

  Shawna laughed, and they both walked again. “Nothing to tell, he leaves after my performances. He never says hi, tells me it was a great show, or whatever. Which is fine, but I see him sitting in the back at every one of my shows?”

  “Okay, that all needs to change. Are you ready for the wedding? You need to make sure to dance with him!”

  Shawna groaned. “Yeah, that part has me getting a stomach ache.”

  They were both arm-in-arm and laughing as they approached The Clam Bake. Kenzie didn’t notice at first when they walked in, but then she noticed it was too quiet in a bar. She looked up and about fell over. Joshua’s whole family was there, her brother Gage, and even Izzy made it. She looked at Joshua. “What?” Then she laughed. “You said gathering, not all-out-party!” She flung herself into his arms. “Thank you.”

  He spun her around. “I am so damn proud of you.”

  He sat her down, then Izzy ran over and enveloped her in the biggest bear hug. Squealing with excitement. “Oh Kenzie, congrats sweetheart.”

  Gage put his arm around her. “No more boycotting school, eh?”

  Connie even hugged her so tight, she thought her insides would squeeze out. They all were sitting at a round table together, drinking and enjoying. Kenzie looked around and smiled, amazed at where her life was today. She asked Joshua, “Should we order shots of bourbon?”

  Grant laughed. “Hell yeah, even one for my mom. We’re all celebrating tonight.” He looked at Izzy. “So is this the first of many celebrations to come in the next few weeks?”

  Izzy clapped her hands together. “I guess so. Let’s call this the kick-off party.” She reached over and squeezed Kenzie’s hand. “I am so freaking proud of you, girl.”

  After Joshua’s parents left a few hours later, it was just Drew, Izzy, Grant, and Kenzie. Shawna had left awhile ago to get ready for her performances tonight. Kenzie had a Chenin My Bourbon cocktail in her hand and was feeling good. She looked over at Izzy, and asked, “Want to go watch Shawna perform?”

  Izzy was feeling good herself, but continued to sip on her old fashioned. “Is this her solo night?”

  Kenzie shook her head. “Yup, and I want to s
ee.” She looked at Joshua. “What do you think? It’s the start of the weekend, and wait, your two-week vacation.”

  “Sure, I have nowhere to be for two-weeks… except a wedding.” He looked at Drew. “Up for a little more fun?”

  “Fine by me, I’m on vacation, too.”

  Grant smiled. “My vacation starts on Monday, so I’m taking a rain-check. I would like to see one of her performances sometime though.”

  After they said their goodbyes to Grant, they all agreed they were too liquored up and called a taxi. Izzy was sitting on Drew’s lap, and Kenzie was sitting in the middle. Kenzie turned to Izzy. “Guess who goes to all of Shawna’s performances?”

  Izzy’s eyes went wide. “Shut up, seriously?”

  Drew and Joshua both looked at each other, in unison. “Who?”

  “Well, our cute little owls, Danny.” She looked back at Izzy. “And the weird part, he never tries to see her after a show.”

  “He just bails?”


  “Well that needs to change soon.”

  When they arrived, they heard a familiar voice singing. Izzy gave her ID to the bouncer. “Shit, we’re missing her first performance.”

  The bouncer reassured them, “She just started, you only missed the first 15 seconds.” Then he waved everyone into the club.

  They sat down at a round table closer to the stage and stayed silent while watching Shawna perform. It was magical to watch, her voice alone drew you in, and her dancing was sexy as hell. When she finished, Izzy and Kenzie stood up to scream, whoop, and holler. They knew she could tell it was them because she had the sweetest smile on her face. She gave a look to Izzy that was familiar and moved her eyes to one side. Izzy looked toward where she pointed and wanted to go smack Danny alongside the head. He was there again and just sitting by himself.

  She sat down at their table, looked at Drew. “He’s your best friend.” Then turned to Joshua, and demanded, “and part of your family. You both need to find out what’s up with him.”


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